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Employed In Thailand - But Would Like To Pursue A Part-Time Master's, Possible?

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I was wondering how realistic it is to be employed full-time in Thailand on a valid work visa and then study part-time for a Master's degree (since full-time is not desirable as there would be no time left for work and the idea is that the prospective student's Company would pay for the study program). According to the AIT website, international students "can't be employed outside of campus as this would be a violation of Thai government labour regulations". Although I think they are referring to your average 25 year old student with little to no work experience that is studying full-time and might want to supplement their income by working a non-professional job on the side.

Consequently, this wouldn't apply to a professional working full-time but studying part-time towards say, a Master's program at say AIT, ABAC or Thammasart University, provided their main purpose in Thailand is for work and they thus possess a work visa. Many people (actually, nearly everyone) back home works full-time and studies part-time once they get to the Master's level (only perhaps if they are pursuing a PhD would they only study but at that level they are looking to become employed at a university upon graduation and they may also be a TA teaching in addition to doing research but that's a different story), so I'm wondering if anyone knows anyone studying and working at the same time here in Thailand. Of course I realize it's very much possible to do this if your university is based overseas and/or you are mainly studying online or only require minimal classroom attendance for which you could even be allowed to take some time off work (for example, for 6-monthly 1-week seminars in the USA or Australia or something) but what I was really wondering if many expats working in Thailand are also perhaps studying part-time on the side at a local university, most likely an international program (this applies particularly to younger expats in their 20s and 30s as they would be most likely to still continue pursuing further education).

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Disregard that information on the school's website; it does not apply to you. There is no law, regulation or other official rule to stop you from studying part time while you are working for a Thai company with a work permit. Your permission to stay in Thailand will continue to be your one-year extensions of stay for the reason of employment.

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As said that is in reference to the need for a work permit to work and a work permit not being issued to a person here on a student entry - but anyone can study while here on any type of entry so if here for work you could study.

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OK thanks for that info that's what I thought. I suspect the info on the websites I saw was written on the assumption that international students will all be entering on student visas, which do not allow work. Of course this train of thought probably comes from the fact that few Thai students work while they are studying, but personally once you have a Bachelor's Degree and you are studying at any higher level, it would be quite dumb to quit your job to pursue a Master's as afterwards there is no guarantee of more easily being able to get a job.

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All of my students in the ABAC MBA part time program work full time and attend night and weekend classes. Most are in the 25-35 age group, but some have been older. Some do very well and some not so well, depending on thier personal situations. Part time Masters programs here in Thailand seem to be much like the part time program in the USA.

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