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Westerners Behaviour Towards Thai Women In Public.


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Im far from attractive but I found that women in SE asia hit on me quite a lot. For instance in Singapore where I was working it was a daily occurance for attractive women to come up to me and strike up a conversation. In the Philippines I would be beating them off with a stick. Even when I was walking around with my (then) GF. Local women would come up to me say stuff like, what you do with her?? When I was back packing through Japan it was the same deal, like shooting fish in a barrel, Maybe asian women are a bit more randy and upfront

Hmm...Some people are born with cherry blossom luck; wherever they go, regardless of their looks they are magnets of romance:)

Many guys will envy you ya;)

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my father was around when jesus played soccer for israel.

he shuffles along on his walker in his newly purchased nappy that he wears as he often will not make it to the toilet.

he has been mobbed by thai ladies, they say he is a handsome man, nappy or no nappy.

The man you are talking about is your father? Really?

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I find it particularly offensive on Beach Road, in Pattaya where unfortunately the vast majority of the area appears to have been taken over by individuals who are indeed 'up for sale/rent'. This, however, should not mean that respectable women who are there innocently should be subjected to requests such as 'how much for short time?' This from personal experience when carelessly leaving my wife unattended for about 10 minutes whilst going to buy some ice creams, during this time she was propositioned in this kind of manner no less than 4 times!

I think the area was taken over about 10 years ago if memory serves me correctly. While you were there looking at all of the working ladies who make Beach road home didn't you think another place may have been more appropriate for a family outing?

Ahem,.....where he decides to take or not take his family is irrelevant... I can see nothing wrong with taking the missus and kids to the beach for an ice cream. Its been many years since I've been to Southend or Blackpool...is this behaviour towards a married woman acceptable there these days? I will qualify this this with a visit during daylight hours... after dark I guess things change somewhat

Pattaya Beach Rd. is a well known hang out for prostitutes any time of the day so completely different from Southend or Blackpool. So if he left his wife standing there he was very stupid to think that anyone would recognise that she is the only female of the 100 stood there that is not a prostitute,

i find it very hard to believe that your wife did get hit up four times for short time when you yourself only went for one short timecheesy.gif

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my father was around when jesus played soccer for israel.

he shuffles along on his walker in his newly purchased nappy that he wears as he often will not make it to the toilet.

he has been mobbed by thai ladies, they say he is a handsome man, nappy or no nappy.

The man you are talking about is your father? Really?

my father was around when jesus played soccer for israel.

he shuffles along on his walker in his newly purchased nappy that he wears as he often will not make it to the toilet.

he has been mobbed by thai ladies, they say he is a handsome man, nappy or no nappy.

what position did he play?

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I find it particularly offensive on Beach Road, in Pattaya where unfortunately the vast majority of the area appears to have been taken over by individuals who are indeed 'up for sale/rent'. This, however, should not mean that respectable women who are there innocently should be subjected to requests such as 'how much for short time?' This from personal experience when carelessly leaving my wife unattended for about 10 minutes whilst going to buy some ice creams, during this time she was propositioned in this kind of manner no less than 4 times!

I think the area was taken over about 10 years ago if memory serves me correctly. While you were there looking at all of the working ladies who make Beach road home didn't you think another place may have been more appropriate for a family outing?

Ahem,.....where he decides to take or not take his family is irrelevant... I can see nothing wrong with taking the missus and kids to the beach for an ice cream. Its been many years since I've been to Southend or Blackpool...is this behaviour towards a married woman acceptable there these days? I will qualify this this with a visit during daylight hours... after dark I guess things change somewhat

Pattaya Beach Rd. is a well known hang out for prostitutes any time of the day so completely different from Southend or Blackpool. So if he left his wife standing there he was very stupid to think that anyone would recognise that she is the only female of the 100 stood there that is not a prostitute,

Oh dear!

This might be the key - a man who thinks the majority of women he sees in a particular town are prostitutes??

Edited by wilcopops
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my father was around when jesus played soccer for israel.

he shuffles along on his walker in his newly purchased nappy that he wears as he often will not make it to the toilet.

he has been mobbed by thai ladies, they say he is a handsome man, nappy or no nappy.

The man you are talking about is your father? Really?

what position did he play?

Goalkeeper. Jesus saves.

Sometimes I am appalled at the level of ignorance on this forum.


And Walcott scores on the rebound.

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my father was around when jesus played soccer for israel.

he shuffles along on his walker in his newly purchased nappy that he wears as he often will not make it to the toilet.

he has been mobbed by thai ladies, they say he is a handsome man, nappy or no nappy.

The man you are talking about is your father? Really?

he will tell you the same, as i said before we are not in the habit of bullsh@ting, even each other.

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Stupid, horny tourists who have seen no more of Thailand than Pattaya - perhaps.

Any expat living outside Pattaya (low IQ designator) should be able to tell good girl from bad in a glance.

Having said that, I think it pretty poor form as a foreigner to approach a hooker outside her "place of business". Thai women do not want to be seen with us! Again, Pattaya excepted, anything goes - just dont mistake good for bad or you are gonna have a really bad time!

Anyone recall that British moron who approached a Thai woman in the street for a slice? He was arrested and deported.

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my wife swims in shorts, female board shorts, cool roxy brand but long like a man.

she wears a rash top that covers her entire top half.

she does not believe in showing her body, she is old fashioned and very modest, depite having a great body.

but she has still been approached by men on the beach whilst she is playing with our children, not regularly but it has happened twice.

and in place when she is carrying our baby, again dressed very modestly.

what can you say, its a strange world we live in.

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Do Westerners consider every Thai woman they pass is such an easy girls they could pick her up in minutes?

Yes, very often

What do the honourable members think of some/many foreigners outrageously flirty attitude towards complete stranger Thai women in public places

Embarrassing to watch. Even the most shy and non attractive westerner will begin to act as he was a superstar within a few weeks.

Recently in a daily conversation on Skype, she told me with a laugh that some foreigners sometimes try to strike up a conversation, having in common the same question coming jokingly after a short time " Do you have a boy friend?"

In a Western country one could hardly ask bluntly such a question to a woman utter stranger, I mean in a super market or in the street.

Yes, I agree

I know many Western men consider Thailand kind of a hunting ground for their favourite sport :-)

But believing each Thai woman they pass can be approach in the streets or shopping centers, IMHO is a bit too much .

I totally agree

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Some guys, it seems, just cannot help themselves, maybe through immaturity and inexperience, and maybe through some form of social maladjustment.

I opened a thread yesterday on almost the same topic in the CM thread, (but unfortunately the trolls came to play and it was closed down). There is a guy in CM who keeps hitting on my gf and can't seem to take 'no' for an answer. I think there are some guys who really cannot understand why women don't immediately swoon at their feet. I am so irritated now (especially about the creep in CM) that I am leaning towards the opinion that they are social inadequates, who believe that they are God's gift and that their inept attempts to make contact with females is somehow doing them a favour.

You ask how do I react? So far, I have not reacted at all, but I guess I'll have to do something soon.


Patience would not be my forte mate,by now i would be in hospital or he would.

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i cant blame them for hitting on my wife, the numerous easy girls in thailand make look like everygirl is available.

A hell of a lot are on the prowl.

So the blame is on the " numerous easy girls in Thailand"?

The sick perverted tourists are ok?

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"A hell of a lot are on the prowl."

Yes, in the sick perverted tourist areas, which represent a very small fraction of all Thai ladies.

Before we make sweeping generalizations about Thai women, maybe we should look at the

numbers of prossies per 10,000 population. Some Western countries have an even higher

ratio than Thailand.

Google: "estimated prostitutes per 10,000"

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I don't know what the problem is.

If the guy asks if she has a boyfriend then he is interested and asking if she is, in a nice way.

If he thought she was a hooker he would just ask 'how much'.

If I left my gf standing on beach road for a few minutes and she was propostioned I'd just consider it normal, it is Pattaya Beach Road after all. I would never worry about it, unless she accepted of course. :)

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If you think Thailand is bad then you should visit some Middle eastern countries where the local men are total louts when it comes to western women. There have been some good replies here and if I was the OP I wouldn't worry too much. His wife obviously knows how to douse the guy's flame. There is nothing really wrong with a man approaching a woman in a friendly way, or even asking if she has a husband or boy friend. All she needs to do is smile and say "yes, I have a husband.". If the guy persists then that is when she needs to make herself a little more clear. Some of the boorish Russian louts in Pattaya can't seem to understand a firm "NO!"

That's true. A female friend of mine was in a car with her husband in Riyadh when a Saudi tried to physically drag her out of the car! Sadly, I wasn't surprised when she told me.

As for the OP, he never took Trini Lopez's advice- never make a pretty woman your wife etc.

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Some western men mistaken my smile that I want to go out with them.

Who do they think they are? Ben Barnes?

Have no idea who Ben Barnes is, anyway, yes thai ladies smile and giggke alot, many western men are not used to that.

So if you thai ladies smile and giggle, many western males will think that you are attracted to them. And as a result, they desperately tries to hit on every girl that smiles to them

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Some western men mistaken my smile that I want to go out with them.

Who do they think they are? Ben Barnes?

After searching for this Ben Barnes character, I must say, now I better understand why Thai women flirt me with all the time, the likeness is uncanny although I do think I am a tad better looking.


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Some western men mistaken my smile that I want to go out with them.

Who do they think they are? Ben Barnes?

Have no idea who Ben Barnes is, anyway, yes thai ladies smile and giggke alot, many western men are not used to that.

So if you thai ladies smile and giggle, many western males will think that you are attracted to them. And as a result, they desperately tries to hit on every girl that smiles to them

Yes, this is the main problem. Old retired geezers (my age) who have the social skills of a inept 13-year-old boy -- desperately trying to hit on every girl that smiles at them.

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Some western men mistaken my smile that I want to go out with them.

Who do they think they are? Ben Barnes?

After searching for this Ben Barnes character, I must say, now I better understand why Thai women flirt me with all the time, the likeness is uncanny although I do think I am a tad better looking.


He's such a "cute" guy. I've never understood why some women like "cute" guys.

Especially the guys with greasy long hair and ear rings. Hmm... maybe it's just my

jealousy... and I'm in denial... biggrin.png

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Some western men mistaken my smile that I want to go out with them.

Who do they think they are? Ben Barnes?

Have no idea who Ben Barnes is, anyway, yes thai ladies smile and giggke alot, many western men are not used to that.

So if you thai ladies smile and giggle, many western males will think that you are attracted to them. And as a result, they desperately tries to hit on every girl that smiles to them

Yes, this is the main problem. Old retired geezers (my age) who have the social skills of a inept 13-year-old boy -- desperately trying to hit on every girl that smiles at them.

Well, your post hints to sarcasm, but you have to admit it is true.

In western countries you don't usually see older guys in their 50's, or socially awkward guys in general flirt with random female strangers, but here, you see them do it all the time.

The main reason for this is :

In the west, they know they are not attractive, and if they tried to flirt, it would result in a slap in the face, or an angry stare saying "what are you doing you creep".

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In western countries you don't usually see older guys in their 50's, or socially awkward guys in general flirt with random female strangers, but here, you see them do it all the time.

The main reason for this is :

In the west, they know they are not attractive, and if they tried to flirt, it would result in a slap in the face, or an angry stare saying "what are you doing you creep".

It's to do with success rates ...... in Thailand success rate 50% ...... in west success rate 1%

Most humans learn social behaviour by a mixture of positive and negative reinforcement.

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In western countries you don't usually see older guys in their 50's, or socially awkward guys in general flirt with random female strangers, but here, you see them do it all the time.

The main reason for this is :

In the west, they know they are not attractive, and if they tried to flirt, it would result in a slap in the face, or an angry stare saying "what are you doing you creep".

It's to do with success rates ...... in Thailand success rate 50% ...... in west success rate 1%

Most humans learn social behaviour by a mixture of positive and negative reinforcement.

I suppose people in Thailand don't judge by appearances so much, and the ladies here can appreciate the beauty in our soles souls.


Ah! Souls... that'll be right, Cowboy


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