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' We Were Cheated' Say Dutch-Thai Family In Phuket


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Why would a family use a tour / travel company for tickets and hotels this day in age?? You can do it all by yourself directly with an internet connection, credit card and a couple of mouse clicks!

Getting ripped off in Thailand, just another story to add to the list. The Thai's better be careful, the Philippines and Myanmar are nipping at their heels in the ways of tourism, and without tourism, Thailand aint got much going for it!

Careful now.....caaareful! Hey! What did I say? Beeee careful Thailand!

Over 60% of Thailand's GDP comes from exports. In comparison tourism covers about 6%.

Right but those numbers don't include ripping tourists off. Factor those in and the 6% becomes 18%.

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It's sad how since this happened in Thailand, Thailand gets a bad name for itself and tourists. But if this had happened in the US or anywhere else this wouldn't have even been news.

I'm from the US and this would most certainly make local news. For a $6,000 crime. If the amount of the theft went up, it could make national news.

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Why would a family use a tour / travel company for tickets and hotels this day in age?? You can do it all by yourself directly with an internet connection, credit card and a couple of mouse clicks!

Getting ripped off in Thailand, just another story to add to the list. The Thai's better be careful, the Philippines and Myanmar are nipping at their heels in the ways of tourism, and without tourism, Thailand aint got much going for it!

Careful now.....caaareful! Hey! What did I say? Beeee careful Thailand!

Over 60% of Thailand's GDP comes from exports. In comparison tourism covers about 6%.

Right but those numbers don't include ripping tourists off. Factor those in and the 6% becomes 18%.

But that would mean on average that every tourist gets ripped off by twice the amount they pay for their entire holiday.

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Why would a family use a tour / travel company for tickets and hotels this day in age?? You can do it all by yourself directly with an internet connection, credit card and a couple of mouse clicks!

Getting ripped off in Thailand, just another story to add to the list. The Thai's better be careful, the Philippines and Myanmar are nipping at their heels in the ways of tourism, and without tourism, Thailand aint got much going for it!

Careful now.....caaareful! Hey! What did I say? Beeee careful Thailand!

Over 60% of Thailand's GDP comes from exports. In comparison tourism covers about 6%.

Right but those numbers don't include ripping tourists off. Factor those in and the 6% becomes 18%.

But that would mean on average that every tourist gets ripped off by twice the amount they pay for their entire holiday.

Or a smaller number of tourists get jacked for way more than twice their holiday. For example, I used to travel from Hat Yai to Sadao. The "tourist trap" was a taxi car for 700 baht. After a few of these (and a motorcycle taxi who wanted to charge me 1000 baht - for an HOUR on the back of a motorcycle each way) I poked around and found a local mini-bus at the bus station makes the same trip for 110 baht.

Also, the bus station in Hat Yai is directly across from a strip of travel agencies. If you walk into one of these travel agencies and buy bus tickets, you can hear the phone ring across the way at the bus station. They are just jacking up the price at no extra convenience (you could walk 30 meters and buy the tickets yourself).

I'm sure the 18% is high, I just made it up to make a point, but I wouldn't trust any published numbers for Thai tourism GNP...I'm sure it's higher than what is published.

Edited by scottydel
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@Firestar...Importantly, people who do not agree with a one-eyed view of Thailand are not trolls - princess.

Awww that's cute but I think you'll find the "last nail in the coffin" brigade might be the one with the one-eyed view love.

It's been going on for twenty years and they've been proven wrong for the past twenty years, and while they've taken their rants from the bar to TV those of us who invested with a certain amount of caution and discernment are raking in the rewards. Anyway like with most whingers and moaners I detect a lot of butthurt here, so have your moan love it might be cathartic and help a little.

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Why would a family use a tour / travel company for tickets and hotels this day in age?? You can do it all by yourself directly with an internet connection, credit card and a couple of mouse clicks!

Getting ripped off in Thailand, just another story to add to the list. The Thai's better be careful, the Philippines and Myanmar are nipping at their heels in the ways of tourism, and without tourism, Thailand aint got much going for it!

Careful now.....caaareful! Hey! What did I say? Beeee careful Thailand!

Over 60% of Thailand's GDP comes from exports. In comparison tourism covers about 6%.

Right but those numbers don't include ripping tourists off. Factor those in and the 6% becomes 18%.

But that would mean on average that every tourist gets ripped off by twice the amount they pay for their entire holiday.

Yes, for Phuket, that's right, and they are called tuk-tuks. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Edited by NamKangMan
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Why would a family use a tour / travel company for tickets and hotels this day in age?? You can do it all by yourself directly with an internet connection, credit card and a couple of mouse clicks!

Getting ripped off in Thailand, just another story to add to the list. The Thai's better be careful, the Philippines and Myanmar are nipping at their heels in the ways of tourism, and without tourism, Thailand aint got much going for it!

Careful now.....caaareful! Hey! What did I say? Beeee careful Thailand!

Over 60% of Thailand's GDP comes from exports. In comparison tourism covers about 6%.

Right but those numbers don't include ripping tourists off. Factor those in and the 6% becomes 18%.

Those figures also do not take into account all the "boom boom" money and all the subsequent "monthly donations" to Issan, as well as associated extra donations for sick buffalos etc. It's all the proceed of crime (yes - prostitution is illegal here) and is in the black economy (no tax paid) so, it would be a lot higher than 6%.

I would love to get a hold of Western Union's figures for the incoming foreign money to recipients here in Thailand. It would be staggering, and than you have direct cash payments and direct bank deposits. It all adds up to billions of baht a year - none of it "on the books."

Outside of Patong, Pattaya and a few small sois in Bangkok and Chaweng exactly how much boom boom money flows back to Issan? The boom boom areas and the number of people that benefit are a minute drop in the Thai population ocean.

Anyway, if the tourism industry dried up they'd just go sniffing for it overseas like the Filipinas do. Or even worse, take jobs as domestic maids in Singapore. The money will still flow regardless.

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My mate purchased a ticket in Phuket to fly to BKK , when he turned up at the airport there was no booking. He paid the travel agency cash in Phuket, it was not alot but they got him. Booking online is more safe and cheaper. Sooner or later they will get the message when they have no customers.

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Why would a family use a tour / travel company for tickets and hotels this day in age?? You can do it all by yourself directly with an internet connection, credit card and a couple of mouse clicks!

Getting ripped off in Thailand, just another story to add to the list. The Thai's better be careful, the Philippines and Myanmar are nipping at their heels in the ways of tourism, and without tourism, Thailand aint got much going for it!

Careful now.....caaareful! Hey! What did I say? Beeee careful Thailand!

Over 60% of Thailand's GDP comes from exports. In comparison tourism covers about 6%.

Maybe, just maybe, that number is the official number?

Maybe, just maybe, the real number might be slightly higher?

Or more?

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I had the same thing happen with a Thai tour agency in Chiang Mai. I decided to use a travel agency because of the complicated itinerary I had (7 flights in 10 days), AND, sad to say, the agency was recommended by TV posters in Chiang Mai; so I thought it was safe.

They took my money (58,000 baht) but never booked or issued the tickets for two airlines. I only found out the scam when I called the airlines a few months later to re-confirm my flights. Neither air carrier had never heard of me. I called the travel agency and they said they'd fix it right away. No action. When I continued to press them, they stopped taking my calls or answering my emails.

Barely weeks before the flight, I finally used a friend's phone to call them and spoke to new customer service clerk who didn't know me. Rather than ask to speak to the manager (who wouldn't take my calls) I gave the following message for her to pass on: "I am taking a bus next weekend to Chiang Mai, and I plan to show up on your doorstep with my receipts and the Tourist Police. You can avert this by issuing my tickets immediately."

The agency waited a full four days right up until the night before I was to leave for Chiang Mai, and issued the E-tickets by email. I immediately called the airlines to confirm. I also asked them if my travel agency could cancel my tickets and booking directly with the airlines at any time before the trip, without my involvement or notice to me. The answer was affirmative, causing me to live in fear and trembling right up to flight time, expecting that the rug might be pulled out from under me at the last minute. The last week before my trip, I called both airlines every day, and the last day, every couple of hours.

A real traveler's nightmare that took months, untold hours, and about 100 phone calls to sort out.

Sadly, this travel agency continues to operate.

It's a pity you cannot name them, and I do see TVs point in not naming rogue travel agencies or any other rogue businesses, but if you are telling the truth, and I have no doubt you are, then you or TV cannot be sued for slander.
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Probably every resident farang in Thailand has several similar stories - in the sense of making a biz deal, putting money up front, and then magically, the Thai operative disappears. If the scoundrel had ripped off a Thai big shot, he'd be found in a Bkk minute.

Probably 90% of such cases go unreported.

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China, Malaysia, Japan, and Russia are its biggest markets,so nobody is worried about the always complaining farangs.

You think Asians dont complain? LOL!

In my experience, Thai people (the biggest majority of them) are very non confrontational, they hardly ever complain, that is why restaurants, buses, trains, stores etc sometimes give such bad service.
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what the heck , these people are dutch , why did they even think of going to thailand when they could go to Bali, did not their dutch freinds tell them about the fantastic dutch connections in Beautiful bali or dont they even read there own history books.

Why would they even think of going to a dump like thailand , something fishy in this story

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what the heck , these people are dutch , why did they even think of going to thailand when they could go to Bali, did not their dutch freinds tell them about the fantastic dutch connections in Beautiful bali or dont they even read there own history books.

Why would they even think of going to a dump like thailand , something fishy in this story

Did you even read the story?

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Those figures also do not take into account all the "boom boom" money and all the subsequent "monthly donations" to Issan, as well as associated extra donations for sick buffalos etc. It's all the proceed of crime (yes - prostitution is illegal here) and is in the black economy (no tax paid) so, it would be a lot higher than 6%.

I would love to get a hold of Western Union's figures for the incoming foreign money to recipients here in Thailand. It would be staggering, and than you have direct cash payments and direct bank deposits. It all adds up to billions of baht a year - none of it "on the books."

Correct, plus no mention of the condos, houses, and land bought by western visitors. The Samui newspaper had a headline that claimed 75% of the island was owned by farangs (Thai companies financed/controlled by farangs). Thailand has lost their position as #1 rice exporter and Europe and the US are ordering less due to the economies so I would very much doubt that it was only 6%. Like all figures in Thailand and other Asian countries the figures are blue sky estimates.

Edited by parallaxtech
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Why would a family use a tour / travel company for tickets and hotels this day in age?? You can do it all by yourself directly with an internet connection, credit card and a couple of mouse clicks!

Getting ripped off in Thailand, just another story to add to the list. The Thai's better be careful, the Philippines and Myanmar are nipping at their heels in the ways of tourism, and without tourism, Thailand aint got much going for it!

Careful now.....caaareful! Hey! What did I say? Beeee careful Thailand!

Over 60% of Thailand's GDP comes from exports. In comparison tourism covers about 6%.

The tourism industry employs around 4,300,000 people in Thailand, either directly, or indirectly, and legitimately, or otherwise. That's about 11% of the population. The employment that the tourism industry provides to Thai's is vital to Thailand.

Another crucial statistic is the overseas money the tourism industry brings into Thailand. That "6%" you are talking about is about 570 billion baht - not small money for Thailand. That puts a lot food on the tables here.

Tourism/hospitality is an extremely important sector for Thailand and it amazes me that they are doing very little to combat their rapidly growing competition in the region.

They are losing a lot of their market share and, currently, all they are doing about it is marketing to emerging economies, which is fine for propping up tourism arrival statistics, but as a long term stategy is not sustainable.

Also, this demographic of tourists are not big spenders like westerners, that 570 billion baht will be decreasing, rather than increasing. That leaves a shortfall in past GDP figures.

Thailand continues to nothing to compete by improving their tourism products and services at their own peril.

You sound like you think it is actually possible to plan.

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I had the same thing happen with a Thai tour agency in Chiang Mai. I decided to use a travel agency because of the complicated itinerary I had (7 flights in 10 days), AND, sad to say, the agency was recommended by TV posters in Chiang Mai; so I thought it was safe.

They took my money (58,000 baht) but never booked or issued the tickets for two airlines. I only found out the scam when I called the airlines a few months later to re-confirm my flights. Neither air carrier had never heard of me. I called the travel agency and they said they'd fix it right away. No action. When I continued to press them, they stopped taking my calls or answering my emails.

Barely weeks before the flight, I finally used a friend's phone to call them and spoke to new customer service clerk who didn't know me. Rather than ask to speak to the manager (who wouldn't take my calls) I gave the following message for her to pass on: "I am taking a bus next weekend to Chiang Mai, and I plan to show up on your doorstep with my receipts and the Tourist Police. You can avert this by issuing my tickets immediately."

The agency waited a full four days right up until the night before I was to leave for Chiang Mai, and issued the E-tickets by email. I immediately called the airlines to confirm. I also asked them if my travel agency could cancel my tickets and booking directly with the airlines at any time before the trip, without my involvement or notice to me. The answer was affirmative, causing me to live in fear and trembling right up to flight time, expecting that the rug might be pulled out from under me at the last minute. The last week before my trip, I called both airlines every day, and the last day, every couple of hours.

A real traveler's nightmare that took months, untold hours, and about 100 phone calls to sort out.

Sadly, this travel agency continues to operate.

I'll bet I know the exact agency. My friend was ripped off for 32,000B. I helped him to recover his money but he did it slowly asking only 500B per week and eventually got all his money back. This company is protected by the local police, not tourist police. Would not have had any effect taking the police along with you. This outfit has been doing this successfully now for about 7 or 8 years. Without getting into details I will advise you to never trust tourist police in Chiang Mai. Never

Can you guys name and shame??

I use a couple of travel agents in CM and would like to know if they are the one of the ones you are referring to??

If you can't on here please send me a message.


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I don't know how the process is in the Netherlands, but in the US when buying a ticket to anywhere and paying cash gets you red flagged by Homeland Security. Additionally with credit cards you have some measures of guarantees on services being provided. There is a window of time it must take place in. Although I have bought online my Travel agent beats those fares on the airlines I want to travel on

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Naming and shaming is not allowed on the forum.

Okay...Thanks for that!

Hints....clues....charades?? wink.png jj

We don't (and can't) check PM's.

But on the forum it is public and libel laws in Thailand are very strict. Telling the thruth is not a defense against libel on itself in Thailand.

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It's sad how since this happened in Thailand, Thailand gets a bad name for itself and tourists. But if this had happened in the US or anywhere else this wouldn't have even been news.

It would have if it was posted on a Thai language website devoted to the Thai expat community in the US.
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Why would a family use a tour / travel company for tickets and hotels this day in age?? You can do it all by yourself directly with an internet connection, credit card and a couple of mouse clicks!

Some people are set in their ways and have always used an agent for their holiday bookings.
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Why would a family use a tour / travel company for tickets and hotels this day in age?? You can do it all by yourself directly with an internet connection, credit card and a couple of mouse clicks!

Getting ripped off in Thailand, just another story to add to the list. The Thai's better be careful, the Philippines and Myanmar are nipping at their heels in the ways of tourism, and without tourism, Thailand aint got much going for it!

Careful now.....caaareful! Hey! What did I say? Beeee careful Thailand!

Strongly suggest you do a bit more reading on Myanmar before you make unfounded comments of how they are a threat to Thai Tourism and as for corruption, they make Thailand look like Joseph from the bible. They have only just brought in an official exchange rate for their currency and the few hotels cannot cope with the bookings, as for Air Bagan, would you like to fly in a 35 year old prop crate that lands at (near) airfields that do not have radar, good luck to you. Myanmar has about 20 years of development before they are any where near in the league of Thailand, not to mention the lack of roads, rail, internet mobile phone networks, legislation to protect investors. Do let me know when you wake up from you daydream!cheesy.gifwai2.gif

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<snip>After buying new tickets, the family have arrived in Phuket with only B50,000 left between them.<snip>

Seems to me they were not using a great deal of common sense AT ALL! If I knew that the cost of new tickets was going to be XXX and after that I only had 50K Baht, I would be reexaming the prudence of even coming. Even with the relatively inexpensive costs here in Thailand that is not enough money to do much more than sit by the pool and eat khao pad every day. Those funds should have been used to save for the next holiday and write this one off.

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