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Whats Up With The Locals Admiration For Hitler?!


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Beats me why the admiration, but this is a school in Chiang Mai a couple of years ago.




Oh, and the school administration was "unaware" of this during the school festivities. My question is, in picture 1, why is Lennon seen as Hitler? Mr. Bean? sigh

Words fail me..... !

Is that Osama Bin Laden bottom left? And a -tanned- Tony Blair in the middle? LOL....unbelievable

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As a Kraut, this response never ceases to totally surprise and dismay me. Don't they teach the reality and horrors of Nazism in the classroom? Of the effects of WWII ? Is the subject ignored in general history lessons in Thai schools? Any other Germans have the same experiences as me?

take a wild guess what a German like me experienced during a decade in the Middle East whistling.gif

I cant answer that, but I can take an educated guess.

Got to love the ME, none of the PC western BS or apologists.

Many would do well to take a look at ME history from the Arab side to gain a better understanding, the puppet Shah of Iran will do for starters.

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Beats me why the admiration, but this is a school in Chiang Mai a couple of years ago.




Oh, and the school administration was "unaware" of this during the school festivities. My question is, in picture 1, why is Lennon seen as Hitler? Mr. Bean? sigh

I remember reading about this at the time. It really is quite astonishing that this happened and is very demeaning to the Thai educational system.

To me the most serious omission in the Thai education system is the lack of asking students, 'What do you think?' This simple question, that was asked in classes all the time through my education, is what teaches students to think and create opinion. This question can lead to intrigue and interest which develops into research, which is so obviously lacking here.

The above Nazi march just shows how some students don't have an enquiring mind to find things out once they have seen a pretty uniform.........sad really.

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Unfortunately for Germany, Hitler and the Nazis is a legacy that the German people are going to find difficult to detach themselves from and this pertains the world over, not only in Thailand.

It happened, and is not ancient history, so for many WW2 is still clearly in mind, especially with the older generations, as many still hold a strong hatred towards the German people. Also considering all the WW2 movies, plays, books and constant media reminders about Hitler, the Nazis and Germany, that keeps this theme firmly in the public eye, plus because of the two World Wars, today Germans are still perceived with suspicion and as to what are their true feelings and beliefs regarding Nazis and the far right.

This is just something that is not going to fade away until WW2 is decades passed that of living memory, perhaps longer and is something that modern day Germans are going to have to deal with, as and when the subject arises.

As for me, I was luckily born just after the war and never went through the sufferings of the generation before me, so I regard a German the same as any other nationality and hold no ill feelings. But of course others have their own opinions, which I can fully understand.

Sad but true.

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Beats me why the admiration, but this is a school in Chiang Mai a couple of years ago.




Oh, and the school administration was "unaware" of this during the school festivities. My question is, in picture 1, why is Lennon seen as Hitler? Mr. Bean? sigh

I remember reading about this at the time. It really is quite astonishing that this happened and is very demeaning to the Thai educational system.

To me the most serious omission in the Thai education system is the lack of asking students, 'What do you think?' This simple question, that was asked in classes all the time through my education, is what teaches students to think and create opinion. This question can lead to intrigue and interest which develops into research, which is so obviously lacking here.

The above Nazi march just shows how some students don't have an enquiring mind to find things out once they have seen a pretty uniform.........sad really.

Un effin believable.

Do you really think Thais go to school to be educated?

Most go to school to be put in their place and taught their place on the totem pole of Thai society.

Dont question the nature of your orders.

They arent taught to think, they are taught to be subservient.

Think Catholic Europe 500 years ago, the Flat Earth Society, if you ask too many questions we will just burn you at the stake for being a heretic.

I see that as usual this is turning into another Thai bashing thread, with responses that have no association with the OPs original question. In the biblical sense, I say to you; go and tell it up a mountain.

Going back to the theme of this thread, I disagree with the OP that Thais have an admiration for Hitler and the Nazis. Hardly any of the locals in my area have even heard of Hitler and if asked about any of the world wars, they usually reply; that all happened before I was born and know nothing about it.

Ask any young generation Thai person what knowledge they have about WW2 and you will find that`s it`s extremely limited, hardly ever taught in schools or universities here and this you will discover pertains all over Thailand, except for those who have experiences from living abroad or have been subjected to strong Western influences.

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Not that it comes up in conversation often, but I believe that a lot of Thais have no idea who Hitler was.

However, they love Charlie Chaplin. Is it possible that many Thais get confused and think that Hitler is a madcap comedian in the film "The Great Dictator"?


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its the trend, fashion and the blindly followers. there are no doubts you could find a good handful of people or books which dedicate and recognize hitler as a great leader despite his immoral actions, but the most amazing people are the clueless youngsters who seem to worship hitler without knowing anything.

very simple and need no to go much in depth about the history and facts, just ask them about weimar republic, bet they never even heard that before

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Lack of Education! The same as those that think Chairman Mao.....Pol Pot.....Pinechet.....Idi Amin.....Stalin.....Marcos....and a host of others, were the good guys,which no doubt they probably haven't heard of either.

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Objectively speaking, Hitler WAS a great leader and inspirer. If you don't know the full story, I can see how you can find him facinating. Like how dumbass westerners think Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Mao etc. is great.

Being a great leader doesn't necessary mean a good one. How many "Great Leaders" have led their people to massive deaths and ruination of their Country? just because they manage to convince the people they were worth following?

And I agree with you,about Castro,Che Guevara, and most certainly Mao (who was in a class of his own) IMHO he was probably hard to beat, as the most Evil Mass Murderer the world has ever produced! But human Nature is very gullible,even today he is worshipped in parts of China.

It says very little for the ordinary people that they (us) are willing to follow the Insane Leaders to their deaths,and Destruction!

Edited by MAJIC
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Lack of Education! The same as those that think Chairman Mao.....Pol Pot.....Pinechet.....Idi Amin.....Stalin.....Marcos....and a host of others, were the good guys,which no doubt they probably haven't heard of either.

Good you mentioned Mr. Marcos as well.wai.gif

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Objectively speaking, Hitler WAS a great leader and inspirer. If you don't know the full story, I can see how you can find him facinating. Like how dumbass westerners think Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Mao etc. is great.

Being a great leader doesn't necessary mean a good one. How many "Great Leaders" have led their people to massive deaths and ruination of their Country? just because they manage to convince the people they were worth following?

And I agree with you,about Castro,Che Guevara, and most certainly Mao (who was in a class of his own) IMHO he was probably hard to beat, as the most Evil Mass Murderer the world has ever produced! But human Nature is very gullible,even today he is worshipped in parts of China.

It says very little for the ordinary people that they (us) are willing to follow the Insane Leaders to their deaths,and Destruction!

i guess you had misinterpreted his post. there is always this saying and mrhammer probably meant that, had hitler died in 1938, he probably gone down in the history as one of the world's greatest statesmen.

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Objectively speaking, Hitler WAS a great leader and inspirer. If you don't know the full story, I can see how you can find him facinating. Like how dumbass westerners think Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Mao etc. is great.

Being a great leader doesn't necessary mean a good one. How many "Great Leaders" have led their people to massive deaths and ruination of their Country? just because they manage to convince the people they were worth following?

And I agree with you,about Castro,Che Guevara, and most certainly Mao (who was in a class of his own) IMHO he was probably hard to beat, as the most Evil Mass Murderer the world has ever produced! But human Nature is very gullible,even today he is worshipped in parts of China.

It says very little for the ordinary people that they (us) are willing to follow the Insane Leaders to their deaths,and Destruction!

i guess you had misinterpreted his post. there is always this saying and mrhammer probably meant that, had hitler died in 1938, he probably gone down in the history as one of the world's greatest statesmen.

After 5 years of a brutally oppressive one party tyranny? Despite the Gestapo, the Nuremberg Laws, and concentration camps (just to name a few among many less than great things)?

Hitler accomplished a truly astonishing thing in Germany and had remarkable successes - but "one of the world's greatest statesmen"? I'm curious about your definition.

Of course some Nazis and Neo-Nazis held/hold the same view - they were/are convinced that Hitler was/is only to be blamed for WWII and that if it weren't for the war, no one would be bothered by what he did in Nazi controlled territory. I'd like to think thats not so.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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This past few weeks I have seen not one but three different Thai guys wearing a T-Shirt clearly displaying the Swastika on the front of the shirt, with the words "White Power" printed under it. The logo and design is 80% of the front of the shirt, I'm sure they think its fashion.

The first time I had to look twice, and dismissed it as ignorance, then 2 and 3 I don't know. No more in the closet, it on the streets, open worship of Hitler, and white supremacy...


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My daughter went to a Thai school, not international or even English program. They covered the Holocaust in quite a lot of detail around M3, and I think again in M4. The thing I found a bit strange was that it was taken on its own, not given any context with the rest of Europe or WW2. Though, as others have mentioned, that may not seem relevant to Thais.

Anyway, they definitely covered the Holocaust. It's not so easy though because while the teachers can ask the kids to look for information online and they talked about pictures of the concentration camps, most of them haven't got the English skills to really make use of this. I remember my daughter asking me quite a lot of question about it.

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I noticed that people have gone on and on about Hitler and Germany but Hitler was Austrian. ...Ok he was initially a corporal but was a orator that could get peoples attention. at a time when Germans were suffering economically he gave them hope..... then it all went to rat shit....

sounds a bit like 21st Cent politics doesnt it

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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That's mad..like completely??

Bit off topic, but to all teachers out there....how is Thailand's role in WW2 portrayed in the general curriculum in Thailand?

it is skipped

They officially supported the wrong side. So would just rather pretend it did not happen.

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The swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol of good luck and longevity...saw it a lot on temples in Bali. The Nazis reversed the direction of the hooks and adopted the symbol.


The direction of the symbols is completely arbitrary, probably depending on if the artist was left or right handed.

You can find many examples of the left or right direction historical religious symbols just by using google search.

Not just Hindu either.

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I could be wrong, but from memory, i read that during WW2, Thailand was going to join with Hitler, but was warned by USA if they do, USA would drop a nuke.

Off topic, but probably not true since the war in Europe ended on 7th May 1945, first nuke dropped on 6th August 1945.

Jan 25, 1942 Thailand declares war on the United States and England

They were already on the same side.

Yep it's ringing more bells, they declared war but has not yet sent any troops and USA warned them or something along the lines (may be someone can dig up some facts)

From memory of what I read, Thailand did consider that part of its involvement as an embarrassment and hence it's been erased from Thai history and education

and the US did bomb the crap out of Bangkok for this embarrassment.

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I noticed that people have gone on and on about Hitler and Germany but Hitler was Austrian. ...Ok he was initially a corporal but was a orator that could get peoples attention. at a time when Germans were suffering economically he gave them hope..... then it all went to rat shit....

sounds a bit like 21st Cent politics doesnt it

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The fact that he was BORN Austrian is in this context an irrelevant technicality.

He hardly went from being a corporal to a great orator (nor was that the extent of his gifts).

No, it doesn't sound like 21st century politics to me.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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That's mad..like completely??

Bit off topic, but to all teachers out there....how is Thailand's role in WW2 portrayed in the general curriculum in Thailand?

it is skipped

They officially supported the wrong side. So would just rather pretend it did not happen.

Yep. Another example of Thailand trying to save face.

When Japan invaded Thailand during WWII, the Thai army surrended within a week. Only after that, did Thailand declare war on England and the USA.

The Thai military suddenly grew a heart, and with France's attention focused on affairs closer to home, decided it was an opportune moment to attack French Indochina in Cambodia and Laos to regain a small slice of territory it had lost meekly to the French the previous century.

Within a few months following this 'emphatic' victory, the Victory Monument in BKK was erected. Immediately following the war, those territories were ceded straight back to the French.

The Thais I know who are aware of the history of the Victory Monument do so with shame, and those who don't know, or don't want to know, are much the better for being blissfully ignorant.

Edited by Radar501
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Objectively speaking, Hitler WAS a great leader and inspirer. If you don't know the full story, I can see how you can find him facinating. Like how dumbass westerners think Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Mao etc. is great.

Being a great leader doesn't necessary mean a good one. How many "Great Leaders" have led their people to massive deaths and ruination of their Country? just because they manage to convince the people they were worth following?

And I agree with you,about Castro,Che Guevara, and most certainly Mao (who was in a class of his own) IMHO he was probably hard to beat, as the most Evil Mass Murderer the world has ever produced! But human Nature is very gullible,even today he is worshipped in parts of China.

It says very little for the ordinary people that they (us) are willing to follow the Insane Leaders to their deaths,and Destruction!

i guess you had misinterpreted his post. there is always this saying and mrhammer probably meant that, had hitler died in 1938, he probably gone down in the history as one of the world's greatest statesmen.

Yeah...ahm...only if you cut out all the killings of Communists and Social Democrats, in order to gain power!

Guys, really...Hitler didn't start at 33 when he took power and he (or things in his spirit) when the WW2 ended in 45.

Hitler is "bigger" than the person and that is, what makes "not knowing about him" very, very dangerous.

And no...he was not a great leader or statesman and no, Che Guevara is not likle Hitler. Not even close!

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