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Whats Up With The Locals Admiration For Hitler?!


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There has been many comments in this thread about younger Thais not being educated about WW11. I can tell you that in the Australian government schools it's hardly mentioned - you ask an Australian child who had government school education basic questions about the history of WW11, they wouldn't have a clue. Don't know about Europe & the US school system

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It is indeed a shame that the genocide of the Nazi's, or even that committed just across the border by the Khmer Rouge isn't taught here.I suspect it would have helped prevent the current political schisms we see here in Thailand today.

And given that it isn't it makes it about as relevant to the average Thai as the Eureka Stockade or the Ciompi uprising is to the average European or American.

All that is left is a retro uniform, a debatable but retro logo, and a bloke with mo who built autobahns and ran the trains on time for a short period in the 30's and 40's.

Edited by samran
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Being an Australian, on my second visit to Thailand in 1995 I went to look at the supposed "Bridge over the River Kwai" In those days there was a small Museum with odds and sods nothing of any real significance, but there was a fairly prominent Plaque which listed all the Nationalities that had been "INVITED" to help construct the Railway. That was the first inkling I had that the Thai's have a very limited and tenuos grasp on the reality of their National history.

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There has been many comments in this thread about younger Thais not being educated about WW11. I can tell you that in the Australian government schools it's hardly mentioned - you ask an Australian child who had government school education basic questions about the history of WW11, they wouldn't have a clue. Don't know about Europe & the US school system

I am pretty certain the topic is decently covered in most U.S. schools. However, like any country, there is a nationalistic slant propaganda element. I haven't seen current textbooks but I reckon they don't give the enough credit to the Russians for winning WW2 or cover the various ways millions of people were killed in eastern Europe as well as the Nazi run holocaust is covered. I think students can handle the truth. For example ethical questions about whether the allies should have totally blasted the civilians in German cities like Dresden. Edited by Jingthing
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Objectively speaking, Hitler WAS a great leader and inspirer. If you don't know the full story, I can see how you can find him facinating. Like how dumbass westerners think Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Mao etc. is great.

Being a great leader doesn't necessary mean a good one. How many "Great Leaders" have led their people to massive deaths and ruination of their Country? just because they manage to convince the people they were worth following?

And I agree with you,about Castro,Che Guevara, and most certainly Mao (who was in a class of his own) IMHO he was probably hard to beat, as the most Evil Mass Murderer the world has ever produced! But human Nature is very gullible,even today he is worshipped in parts of China.

It says very little for the ordinary people that they (us) are willing to follow the Insane Leaders to their deaths,and Destruction!

i guess you had misinterpreted his post. there is always this saying and mrhammer probably meant that, had hitler died in 1938, he probably gone down in the history as one of the world's greatest statesmen.

I think you are confusing "Might with Right" Had he died in 1938 he would have done the World a "Great" Service.But now he has gone down in History not as a great Statesman,but as another Evil Despot.

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A couple of points. When Japanese Paratroopers landed in Don Muang the Thais chose to join the Axis rather than be invaded. Sensible? Cowardice? Depends on your point of view.

I believe it was the British who bombed Bangkok as a punishment for the Thai's complicity in the horrors that were perpertrated in Kanchanaburi. Yes some Thai's tried to help but most ignored and 16,000 Allied soldiers died along with 100,000 "guest workers".

It is no wonder that the Thai's pretend it never happened.

Since living here I have seen countless tee shirts, flags, earrings etc with the Nazi flag. Louis Tussauds even had a huge billboard of Hitler suggesting he was alive and living in Pattaya. That was only taken down when the German and Isreali ambassadors jointly complained. The owner said that he was considering giving a discount to anyone offended!! Considering?

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That part in history has been erased from Thai history and is not taught at any level.

I could be wrong, but from memory, i read that during WW2, Thailand was going to join with Hitler, but was warned by USA if they do, USA would drop a nuke.

Utter Nonsense !!!

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methinks, since Thais cannot name but one famous German (never heard of Beethoven, Schiller, Karl Marx, Charlemagne, Luther) etc) the choice always ends up with odd bloody Adolf being the mostly recognizable "german VIP leader".

It has to do with the simplicity of thai thinking and maybe the glamour of the uniforms and some dim remembrance of having heard about him while attending school . .

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methinks, since Thais cannot name but one famous German (never heard of Beethoven, Schiller, Karl Marx, Charlemagne, Luther) etc) the choice always ends up with odd bloody Adolf being the mostly recognizable "german VIP leader".

It has to do with the simplicity of thai thinking and maybe the glamour of the uniforms and some dim remembrance of having heard about him while attending school . .

Paul the Octopus being an exception, I guess. :(

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methinks, since Thais cannot name but one famous German (never heard of Beethoven, Schiller, Karl Marx, Charlemagne, Luther) etc) the choice always ends up with odd bloody Adolf being the mostly recognizable "german VIP leader".

It has to do with the simplicity of thai thinking and maybe the glamour of the uniforms and some dim remembrance of having heard about him while attending school . .

I think many of them are familiar with "Mel-Sadies" Ben. Also "Bee" Em-Dobun-yu Edited by Jingthing
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That part in history has been erased from Thai history and is not taught at any level.

I could be wrong, but from memory, i read that during WW2, Thailand was going to join with Hitler, but was warned by USA if they do, USA would drop a nuke.

Utter Nonsense !!!

got to love the expert with no counter view or any information at all but the "utter nonsense"rolleyes.gif

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That part in history has been erased from Thai history and is not taught at any level.

I could be wrong, but from memory, i read that during WW2, Thailand was going to join with Hitler, but was warned by USA if they do, USA would drop a nuke.

Utter Nonsense !!!

got to love the expert with no counter view or any information at all but the "utter nonsense"rolleyes.gif

it is so simple : by the time Thailand sided with the Axis, the US were far from having any nukes, so they would never had uttered such nonsense ! Dig?

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That part in history has been erased from Thai history and is not taught at any level.

I could be wrong, but from memory, i read that during WW2, Thailand was going to join with Hitler, but was warned by USA if they do, USA would drop a nuke.

Utter Nonsense !!!

got to love the expert with no counter view or any information at all but the "utter nonsense"rolleyes.gif

it is so simple : by the time Thailand sided with the Axis, the US were far from having any nukes, so they would never had uttered such nonsense ! Dig?

yep and as i said i could be wrong on the actual facts of what took place, but BKK was bombed

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I still don't understand why this could be an issue.. Anyone care to extrapolate?

Well...when you look at what (official) Thais are offended by...doesn't it make you wonder, how sensible they are and how little sensible on THIS account?

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I still don't understand why this could be an issue.. Anyone care to extrapolate?

Well...when you look at what (official) Thais are offended by...doesn't it make you wonder, how sensible they are and how little sensible on THIS account?

Thanks for restating the OP's question in other words.

So in a nutshell: The Hitler shirt propaganda shop should be shut down by officials?

After having read all POV's here i wonder not. Instead i observe freedom of speech is being (pacifistic ally) enforced just right there on that account.

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yep and as i said i could be wrong on the actual facts of what took place, but BKK was bombed

Yes, Bangkok was bombed - as you now know from reading this thread. Not sure why you'd mention it as if it related to your post as it was primarily strategic bombing against the Japanese (not punitive against the Thais) with conventional ordinance after Thailand was already allied with Japan. ("Thailand was going to join Hitler but..."? They DID join the Axis.)

That's an entirely different thing than what you posited. You should have left off the "but" after your last post, don't you think? :)

Oh, and for more "counter view" and information - the US was not at all certain that they could produce an atomic bomb, were developing them for possible use against Germany (who it was feared would produce such weapons), eventually had only two, and as previously mentioned they were highly classified and not even many in the US government or military knew of them - the idea that the US (then or ever) used them as an explicit threat is preposterous let alone for fear of a country as relatively insignificant as Thailand becoming allied with Hitler.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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I still don't understand why this could be an issue.. Anyone care to extrapolate?

Well...when you look at what (official) Thais are offended by...doesn't it make you wonder, how sensible they are and how little sensible on THIS account?

Thanks for restating the OP's question in other words.

So in a nutshell: The Hitler shirt propaganda shop should be shut down by officials?

After having read all POV's here i wonder not. Instead i observe freedom of speech is being (pacifistic ally) enforced just right there on that account.

Well...I guess IF the subject would be adressed and filled with some background information, I guess many Thais wouldn't (maybe) act like that and the problem would vanish by itself.

I personally have no problem, with anyone thinking and stating that Hitler was "great"...as long as they listen to what people have to say, who know a little more on the subject.

The parades in Nazi- uniforms are just tasteless and I don't know, what is their actual purpose and I wonder, if people knew about his policies (inkl. the fact, that he would have probably killed all Thais in his search for the perfect "arian" human), if they would go on with this bullshit.

I find it strange though, how easy they could be offended by ...whatever...but think, that they offend no one.

But I guess, here is where it comes full circle: the view of ones own "superiority" towards others.

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I still don't understand why this could be an issue.. Anyone care to extrapolate?

Well...when you look at what (official) Thais are offended by...doesn't it make you wonder, how sensible they are and how little sensible on THIS account?

Thanks for restating the OP's question in other words.

So in a nutshell: The Hitler shirt propaganda shop should be shut down by officials?

After having read all POV's here i wonder not. Instead i observe freedom of speech is being (pacifistic ally) enforced just right there on that account.

I agree that people here need to get a grip. Surely everyone can tell the difference between true anti-Semitism and silly fashion statements. Thais don't have an anti-Semitic bone in their bodies. Some just dig the uniform. If you want to see genuine hatred of the Jews, you'd have to go to America, Europe, or the Middle East.

Fact is, Asians know as much about western history as westerners know about Asian history. If anyone's going to indict the Thais for ignorance of German history, they're going to have to indict the entire continent of Asia. But if anyone thinks they can educate 3 billion people so that they all have the same western perspective as you, have at it. Hint: It's going to take a lot more than a viewing of Schindler's List.

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