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Calories In Thai Beer


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Just wondering if anyone can tell me how many calories per small bottle of beers available in Thailand

Im on a mission to lose weight, counting calories and want to know which beers are the lightest calorie wise


About 350, I think.

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The stronger the beer the higher the calories, as somebody said.

I drink Tiger @ 5% in Thailand, but Foster's @ 4% in England. I notice the difference in my weight situation.

Also alcohol is much more easily combustable by the human body than anything else. So alcohol is burned off first, leaving any food you have at the same time or thereabouts unburned to be turned into fat.

I always find increased exersise more beneficial to me than calorie counting when I want to lose those extra pounds, but we're all different.

Edited by Beechboy
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When it comes to beer counting calories is a little pointless. Low carb beers are essentially a marketing ploy as the body will metabolise the alcohol content as sugar and the only true "low carb beer" is a low alcohol beer.

Basically, like Dancealot said, the key is drinking less - I try to limit my drinking to a few beers a couple of days a week and it isn't always easy but it makes a huge difference. As long as you drink less, eat smart, and keep active the weight will come off.

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You cant loose weight without either cutting your intake of calories (beer whatever) or increasing your burn of calories (exercise).

People think there are magic shortcuts, there are not it takes a few sacrifices and time.

If it took a long time to put it on it will take a long time to get rid of it.

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Basically, like Dancealot said, the key is drinking less - I try to limit my drinking to a few beers a couple of days a week and it isn't always easy but it makes a huge difference. As long as you drink less, eat smart, and keep active the weight will come off.

Spot on. If you kid yourself that you can lose weight just by upping your exercise, it doesn't work, particularly when you're older. The key to losing weight is to eat and drink less, and reducing your alcohol intake is a huge contribution to that. You need a bit of regular exercise to keep your heart, lungs and other organs functioning properly.

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Another idea is to have a glass of beer or two watered down with plenty of ice.

DIY Light beer cause your not drinking as much. Thats what i do, still sociable but not as pissed

Another way is to mix it with soda water. Hangover is a lot lighter, but you keep pissing

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Basically, like Dancealot said, the key is drinking less - I try to limit my drinking to a few beers a couple of days a week and it isn't always easy but it makes a huge difference. As long as you drink less, eat smart, and keep active the weight will come off.

Spot on. If you kid yourself that you can lose weight just by upping your exercise, it doesn't work, particularly when you're older. The key to losing weight is to eat and drink less, and reducing your alcohol intake is a huge contribution to that. You need a bit of regular exercise to keep your heart, lungs and other organs functioning properly.

it kinda depends on how much you drink and how much you exercise. But to burn of a night of drinking you need more then a few hours of exercise. Controlling intake is much easier.

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You cant loose weight without either cutting your intake of calories (beer whatever) or increasing your burn of calories (exercise).

People think there are magic shortcuts, there are not it takes a few sacrifices and time.

If it took a long time to put it on it will take a long time to get rid of it.

Although the first part of your post is spot on, the second part is complete nonsense. The amount of time it takes to put on weight has absolutely no bearing on how long it will take to lose it.
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You cant loose weight without either cutting your intake of calories (beer whatever) or increasing your burn of calories (exercise).

People think there are magic shortcuts, there are not it takes a few sacrifices and time.

If it took a long time to put it on it will take a long time to get rid of it.

Although the first part of your post is spot on, the second part is complete nonsense. The amount of time it takes to put on weight has absolutely no bearing on how long it will take to lose it.

That depends how you look at it, i was talking about someone gaining 20kg in a year or so its not like your going to loose that in 3 months. But if you just gained 5 kg in a year its easy to loose it. Its more like it took you time to gain it its not going to be gone over night. So yes you are right in what your saying i should have been more clear.

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better up your weight then by 50 to 100lbs of muscle. Its not that much that is burned extra. The exercise will help of course.

I noted this highly interesting sentence from that link

Even by more conservative estimates strength training is still preferable to endurance activities or so-called “cardio” for fat loss for numerous reasons.

That sums it up quite well me thinks :)

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better up your weight then by 50 to 100lbs of muscle. Its not that much that is burned extra. The exercise will help of course.

I noted this highly interesting sentence from that link

Even by more conservative estimates strength training is still preferable to endurance activities or so-called “cardio” for fat loss for numerous reasons.

That sums it up quite well me thinks smile.png

Who says its an if question.. both is better..

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You cant loose weight without either cutting your intake of calories (beer whatever) or increasing your burn of calories (exercise).

People think there are magic shortcuts, there are not it takes a few sacrifices and time.

If it took a long time to put it on it will take a long time to get rid of it.

Sorry to be a little bit off topic Robblok. Is there a lot of calories in non fat milk?
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You cant loose weight without either cutting your intake of calories (beer whatever) or increasing your burn of calories (exercise).

People think there are magic shortcuts, there are not it takes a few sacrifices and time.

If it took a long time to put it on it will take a long time to get rid of it.

Sorry to be a little bit off topic Robblok. Is there a lot of calories in non fat milk?

The problem with non fat milk is that it also contains about 9g of carbs in the form of lactose (a simple sugar). This will cause a rise in insulin levels, and insulin is what shuttles the carbs into fat cells for storage. And since approx. 75% of the world population is lactose intolerant it could also be causing bloating and water retention. The only way to know is to go off all dairy products for 1-2 weeks and see if you become less bloated or smooth looking.

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