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Tough Guy's In Thailand


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Don't worry about it, we have all heard the Ex SAS / CIA / FBI / MI5 / MI6 jerks here in the bars.

Bet you he was an FBI = FAT,BALD AND IMPOTENT.

The bars are full of them.

Well done for walking away from the <deleted>.

That would be right, last time I, wife, kids spent a few days in Pattaya on our way back to OZ for Xmas. Sat at a table with a bunch of farangs, 8 or so and all were ex special forces or millionaires. Strangers on a train, so to speak, one guy Brit, lived in the states, ex SAS didn't know Hereford. Some yanks working security in Afghanistan, most not pay much, staying in 500 Baht rooms.

You just got the smile and let them buy the next beer. Jim

Funny those characters, i just make sure i dont get into fights. Even if you win it could be costly to your health or wallet. I,imagine you hit someone and he falls hits his head and dies.

Or they pull a knife, i know I'm a big wuss just don't like fights. Too much can go wrong.

No you're not a big wuss! You're intelligent and sane. No one in their right mind likes fights, and you are so correct that so much can go quickly wrong. Walk away - everytime when you can.

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This idiot was lucky to pick on somone thoughtful and intelligent enough to walk away. There does seem a preponderence of ageing expats who indulge in some kind of fantasy behaviour like this. All seem to imagine they were special forces. commandos. martial arts experts etc etc. I've overheard a few mouthing in bars and kept well away.

A few years ago I was swimming in a hotel pool with my 3 year old daughter and a Thai lady, mid 20's started talking to her. I joined the conversation at which point a fat bald agressive Aussie, in his mid 50's came over and told her to get the f*** back to their loungers and stop chatting up the scum. I could have taken issue with his language in front of my daughter, calling me scum, general rudeness etc. But, better to walk away. Felt sorry for the poor girl saddled with this moron.

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This is not an anti-alcohol screed - I drink on occasion (though these last 10 years only 2 or 3 times a year) and I've had plenty of good or great times drinking in clubs and bars - but as someone who has worked in bars etc for years it has long amazed me how alcohol is so often viewed as somehow a less malign drug than others and how'd use of it is not only condoned but often even approved of.

I often think of this when I hear people proudly announcing how drunk they were or will be on a given occasion, and I imagine if they were to similarly announce being wasted on some other drug how different the reaction would be (even a drug that was arguably less likely to have potential repercussions).

Anyway, there's a few reasons people start fights but there's no question that drink is a common one and almost certainly the most common. As someone who went through a period where I (stupidly) often used to welcome fights (trying to prove something to myself among other issues), I genuinely respect the OP and those like him who just walk away.

Very much in agreement with your sentiments.

Excessive use of alcohol is, indeed, condoned and approved of but I've found that, in the bars and clubs of Bangkok, it's positively encouraged by owners, promoters and management. Several places that I frequent use Facebook to post pictures of their events featuring foreign men and Thai women in various - usually advanced - states of inebriation and often holding aloft bottles of the whiskey or vodka makers who just happen to be sponsors of the event.

I realise that these clubs and bars have to find the money to pay the BiB for the privilege of opening until the early hours of the morning and the only way to do that is to sell shedloads of alcohol but I do think bartenders and managers should be trained to not only recognise when someone's had enough but also to have the gumption to refuse to serve any more alcohol to those who are clearly off their faces.

I've seen countless fights break out over nothing more than a girl turning round to dance with another guy for 30 seconds or so.

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Fair enough.

But as for the SEAL who was shot to death at a gun range that doesn't really relate to people getting into bar fights, does it? Never mind. Monday morning mood maybe - I should have kept my opinion to myself.

Actually, the point was well taken. The point was that If you get involved in a fight you do not know the consequences of what might happen later.

I can absolutely guarantee that if anyone should hurt anyone in my family I would hunt them down and deliver revenge when they least expected it. Nobody can be on guard for 24 hours a day. And, you don't have to be a karate or fighting expert to "take care" of someone when they aren't expecting it. That is precisely what happened to the Navy Seal marksman.

The best plan is the OP's decision to just walk away.

I was also impressed by bonobo's incredible story. You never know where a confrontation might occur. I just think men have too much testosterone.

Of course, us women have our periods to blame it on.

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Fair enough.

But as for the SEAL who was shot to death at a gun range that doesn't really relate to people getting into bar fights, does it? Never mind. Monday morning mood maybe - I should have kept my opinion to myself.

Actually, the point was well taken. The point was that If you get involved in a fight you do not know the consequences of what might happen later.

I can absolutely guarantee that if anyone should hurt anyone in my family I would hunt them down and deliver revenge when they least expected it. Nobody can be on guard for 24 hours a day. And, you don't have to be a karate or fighting expert to "take care" of someone when they aren't expecting it. That is precisely what happened to the Navy Seal.

It is? I didn't know that. I'm surprised that the poster I was talking to didn't make the point himself.

By the way, where did you get that information?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Fair enough.

But as for the SEAL who was shot to death at a gun range that doesn't really relate to people getting into bar fights, does it? Never mind. Monday morning mood maybe - I should have kept my opinion to myself.

Actually, the point was well taken. The point was that If you get involved in a fight you do not know the consequences of what might happen later.

I can absolutely guarantee that if anyone should hurt anyone in my family I would hunt them down and deliver revenge when they least expected it. Nobody can be on guard for 24 hours a day. And, you don't have to be a karate or fighting expert to "take care" of someone when they aren't expecting it. That is precisely what happened to the Navy Seal marksman.

The best plan is the OP's decision to just walk away.

I was also impressed by bonobo's incredible story. You never know where a confrontation might occur. I just think men have too much testosterone.

Of course, us women have our periods to blame it on.

Sadly, here in Oz the women are often in the thick of it - instigating fights and hindering Police when they try to break them up. I just wish they could capture some of the screeching banshees' antics and play it back to them (and their families and friends ..) the next day. It doesnt stop at curbside antics though - we have had some very nasty female-on-female violence here, particularly glassings. Permanently disfiguring another human being because they pissed you off is on a whole other level to a testosterone-fuelled punch-up, IMO : both can ruin lives, but glassing someone is seriously cowardly and malicious. Australian women in their teens and early twenties seem to have an attitude that they can do anything their male peers can - combine that with a binge-drinking culture and it's a recipe for some very nasty outcomes.

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Fair enough.

But as for the SEAL who was shot to death at a gun range that doesn't really relate to people getting into bar fights, does it? Never mind. Monday morning mood maybe - I should have kept my opinion to myself.

Actually, the point was well taken. The point was that If you get involved in a fight you do not know the consequences of what might happen later.

I can absolutely guarantee that if anyone should hurt anyone in my family I would hunt them down and deliver revenge when they least expected it. Nobody can be on guard for 24 hours a day. And, you don't have to be a karate or fighting expert to "take care" of someone when they aren't expecting it. That is precisely what happened to the Navy Seal marksman.

The best plan is the OP's decision to just walk away.

I was also impressed by bonobo's incredible story. You never know where a confrontation might occur. I just think men have too much testosterone.

@Mr. Rene; i do not hear this a lot these days.. Enfin, you read my book! Your words are hearth warming.


Edited by Dancealot
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dam_n! I've dreamed of the OP's very situation occurring in my lifetime. I've planed on pulling the old, "I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling. So why don't we just ignore each other till we go away?" quote tongue.png

It seems likely that the situation would degrade from that point; however, I'd at least get to have bragging rights with those that know of the origins of the quote.

Edited by Maph
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I'm a happy, quiet drunk, not a fighter and never look for trouble. However, one night in 91 I'd done the rounds of Bangla, run out of money and decided to make one of the bars in Soi Dragon my final resting place for the night. I became a little rowdy and began demanding free drinks (apparently upsetting the girls). Their minder swung from the beam above the bar, kicked me square in the face and sent me flying off my stool, causing me to land about ten feet away on my arse. That was my one and only barfight. My face hurt in the morning.

Was not really a fight. tongue.png

But I like your funny story and open words.

91, nice to remember, that had been the good old days in Phuket, Patong and Bangla!

Now "nearly" whole Phuket full of crime and a traffic jam! sick.gif

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Don't worry about it, we have all heard the Ex SAS / CIA / FBI / MI5 / MI6 jerks here in the bars.

Bet you he was an FBI = FAT,BALD AND IMPOTENT.

The bars are full of them.

Well done for walking away from the <deleted>.

Yep, agreed. Some of the FBI's don't seem like it when someone younger, and better looking, comes into a bar. The younger blokes will get more female attention and they don't like it. Simple as that.

That the FBIs in =ThaiBrats= definition,blink.png

do not like to see "younger blokes" get females more easy, more cheap, "nearly" for free-sometimes,

is understandable, even when they cannot "do" it anymore as a "IMPOTENT"! rolleyes.gif

That these guys, =really= "IMPOTENT" run around in LADY-Bars, HOOKER Discos, I doubt a lot!

So, let the -IMPOTENT- go away. Stays FAT and BALD, now, fat I am and bold to.

But I and all the "FAT" guys I saw in my more than half of a century are very uninterested in body activity of the exercise-moving a lot kind,

that would include -fighting- (Sexual activities, are a different chapter!)wink.png

So, let the -FAT- go away also. Stays BOLD and I doubt that either! tongue.png

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Sadly, there are a large number of persons who are in / come to Thailand to avoid dealing with a host of very unfortunate social problems that have no doubt limited their lives or damaged their careers elsewhere. Frequently, the manifestations of these problems are aggressive and obviously based in mental/emotional illness for which the perpetrators have unfortunately not chosen to take responsibility.

Avoidance of foreigners here in general is best.

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Almost forgot this - doesn't matter how big and tough you are, or how many people you have actually killed in combat, there is always a 'bigger dog' - in this case, someone seemingly out to make a name for themselves:


A famous American marksman and author was shot dead yesterday on a Texas rifle range.

Chris Kyle, the former Navy SEAL who claimed to have been the most prolific sniper in American history, had a bounty put on his head by insurgents in Iraq, who dubbed him "The Devil of Ramadi."

He was at Rough Creek Lodge's shooting range near Forth Worth, Texas, with another man. Both were fatally shot.


BUT he was not killed from a better or faster or more intelligent marksman in the battle field ect.

He, helped people with PTSD Post traumatic disorder after combat experiences

Suddenly, as it seems, the "Patient" turned a handgun at Mr.Kyle and his friend and shot them dead!


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Almost forgot this - doesn't matter how big and tough you are, or how many people you have actually killed in combat, there is always a 'bigger dog' - in this case, someone seemingly out to make a name for themselves:


A famous American marksman and author was shot dead yesterday on a Texas rifle range.

Chris Kyle, the former Navy SEAL who claimed to have been the most prolific sniper in American history, had a bounty put on his head by insurgents in Iraq, who dubbed him "The Devil of Ramadi."

He was at Rough Creek Lodge's shooting range near Forth Worth, Texas, with another man. Both were fatally shot.


BUT he was not killed from a better or faster or more intelligent marksman in the battle field ect.

He, helped people with PTSD Post traumatic disorder after combat experiences

Suddenly, as it seems, the "Patient" turned a handgun at Mr.Kyle and his friend and shot them dead!


Yes, his life was a gamble to survival as soon as he put on a uniform, but using his skill and fearlessness he tried to help his own folk, this perhaps was a bigger gamble but he had the balls.

I take my hat off to Kyle, better man than me. thumbsup.gif

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I have, in over 5 years, only had one moron want to fight me. However he was sorely provoked. There he was sitting, minding his own business when I had the temerity to walk over and ask, politely, if I anyone was sitting in the empty bar stool next to him. He turned on me and said, "what do want to do, <deleted> me?". A fair point. I explained that I actually only wanted to sit down. Disapointed he offered me a variety of ways that he could re-arrange my face/body. Sadly I had to decline them all. Eventually it got to a point when I gave in to his desires and suggested that we repair to the back of the bar where he could, " <deleted> do my face in". I removed my glasses and he lost interest! Maybe I am better looking with them on.

I did see a Scot get his cummupance last year. I was sitting in an outside bar one evening around 11pm when a barechested Scot around 40 rode up on a 750 and sat down, uninvited with a couple of Indians and the girls they were with. He promptly started calling the girls whores etc loudly. The mamasan who was about 150cm in her stilettoes came over and, very reasonably, asked him to stop being rude. he then turned on her and called her a variety of names. Without missing a beat she bent over, picked up a wooden checkbin holder and hit him over the head with it. His head split open and blood poured. He got up and started shouting that he was going to kill her etc. She didn't flinch but attacked him with her stilettoes before being held back (3 times she got away). Eventually a couple of taxi drivers led the bloke away.

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Sadly, there are a large number of persons who are in / come to Thailand to avoid dealing with a host of very unfortunate social problems that have no doubt limited their lives or damaged their careers elsewhere. Frequently, the manifestations of these problems are aggressive and obviously based in mental/emotional illness for which the perpetrators have unfortunately not chosen to take responsibility.

Avoidance of foreigners here in general is best.

Probably sound advice. After reading some of these rather bizarre stories and weirdo behaviors on this thread alone, I'd say there are some seriously damaged foreigners in Thailand. Wish they would go elsewhere.

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I like Sharky


I know him from short Internet-Facebook PM connection, contact.

He does not accept any opinion from others, as plausible as they are and does not want to waste time in any discussions, CUT and OFF!

His knife stabbing of an unarmed guy smaller than him, on Pattayas beach road shows,

how he reacts, when the guy, (Canadian English Teacher) said

as it was mentioned, to Sharky passing by.

"I think, you have enough Tattoos now!"

The result - a stabbing, Sharky a day, or some in prison and he paid off the charges, damages to the Canadian,

can be read here in a Thaivisa thread. wink.png

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A few years ago I was swimming in a hotel pool with my 3 year old daughter and a Thai lady, mid 20's started talking to her. I joined the conversation at which point a fat bald agressive Aussie, in his mid 50's came over and told her to get the f*** back to their loungers and stop chatting up the scum. I could have taken issue with his language in front of my daughter, calling me scum, general rudeness etc. But, better to walk away. Felt sorry for the poor girl saddled with this moron.

I do not know what the fuss is here with "fat bald" guys. I never see or hear them be special rude.

I am, fat and bold by the way.wink.png

But, in your mentioned incident, I do not pick fist fights, but I not shy to fight back verbally.

Have to assess the situation and the opponent and decide than if doing so is a good or a bad idea.

Until now I did not ran into problem with that solution. I seldom have to be quiet in my life.tongue.png

"The word can be sharper than the sword."

But not go in a sword, fistfight with "words". rolleyes.gif

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dam_n! I've dreamed of the OP's very situation occurring in my lifetime. I've planed on pulling the old, "I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling. So why don't we just ignore each other till we go away?" quote tongue.png

It seems likely that the situation would degrade from that point; however, I'd at least get to have bragging rights with those that know of the origins of the quote.

I think, most of the guys and drunks, need some time to realize what you have said, blink.png

"brains work slowly, if at all" in most of "that kind of people" and you have enough time to walk off. thumbsup.gif

By the way,

Quote out of =Firefly= The Train Job


Lund: [drunk] Hey, you gonna drink t'the Alliance with me? Six years today, the Alliance sent the Browcoats runnin', pissin' their pants. You know, your coat is kind of a brownish color.

Mal: It was on sale.


Lund: You didn't toast. Y'know, I'm thinkin' you're one o' them In'apendants.

Mal: And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling. So why don't we just ignore each other till we go away?

Lund: The Independents were a bunch o' cowardly inbred piss pots. Should'a been killed off o' every world spinnin'.

Mal: [puts down drink] Say that to my face.

Lund: [threateningly] I said... you're a coward and a pisspot. Now what're you gonna do about it?

Mal: [smiles suddenly] Nothing. I just wanted you to face me so she could get behind ya.

[Lund turns, and Zoë hits him in the face with the butt of her gun]

Mal: Drunks are so cute.

Edited by ALFREDO
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i don't get myself into Confrontations, Usually i can talk my way around idiots, or just move before i see them put in there place, I only ever got involved Once, A stupid drunk man was having a disagreement with a Girl in a bar, they where next to me, i did not want to get involved but you do not hit a lady that's half your size, he drew back to hit her, i just walked in between them and just said excuse me I am looking for the toilet, It stopped the commotion and they parted, as i sat down two heave Thai men came over and said thanks, they where just about to make an appointment at the Hospital for him. So You never know how lucky you are. you just think you are hard. To many people can Do it but don't.

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What has the abundance of girls got to do with a drunk aggressive <deleted>?

Find them everywhere. A lot more in Leith, where I used to live.

I assume you mean the abundance of bar-girls. Again in Leith if you hang out in bars with gogo girls/hookets you are going to be fighting off <deleted> a hell of a lot more than here.

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I got the same routine from a very pissed Arab in a bar in Soi Cowboy who there with a couple of other Arabs while my friends had already gone ahead of me out into the street. He said, "You have a problem?" as I tried to pass him to get out of the bar. I said, "No, I don't. Excuse please." but he wouldn't accept that and tried to block my passage, repeating his ridiculous question, adding, "I will give you big problem". Luckily I managed to push past him and get out into the street. This is the type of behaviour you expect from drunken British yobbos on package tours in Pattaya or Patong and I was surprised to get it from an Arab. I suppose some of them are not used to strong drink and turn aggressive very easily.

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I got the same routine from a very pissed Arab in a bar in Soi Cowboy who there with a couple of other Arabs while my friends had already gone ahead of me out into the street. He said, "You have a problem?" as I tried to pass him to get out of the bar. I said, "No, I don't. Excuse please." but he wouldn't accept that and tried to block my passage, repeating his ridiculous question, adding, "I will give you big problem". Luckily I managed to push past him and get out into the street. This is the type of behaviour you expect from drunken British yobbos on package tours in Pattaya or Patong and I was surprised to get it from an Arab. I suppose some of them are not used to strong drink and turn aggressive very easily.

Think your situation was someone of a different race wanting to prove he was better than you, after his ''drink'' courage of course. smile.png

PS. And that is not a racist comment. Dealt with it before.

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I got the same routine from a very pissed Arab in a bar in Soi Cowboy who there with a couple of other Arabs while my friends had already gone ahead of me out into the street. He said, "You have a problem?" as I tried to pass him to get out of the bar. I said, "No, I don't. Excuse please." but he wouldn't accept that and tried to block my passage, repeating his ridiculous question, adding, "I will give you big problem". Luckily I managed to push past him and get out into the street. This is the type of behaviour you expect from drunken British yobbos on package tours in Pattaya or Patong and I was surprised to get it from an Arab. I suppose some of them are not used to strong drink and turn aggressive very easily.

Think your situation was someone of a different race wanting to prove he was better than you, after his ''drink'' courage of course. smile.png

PS. And that is not a racist comment. Dealt with it before.

While perhaps it did, I don't see any reason to assume that it had anything to do with race or nationality. Common sense and logic (if not experience) tells us that stupid and ugly tw*ts are present in any country on the planet.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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I got the same routine from a very pissed Arab in a bar in Soi Cowboy who there with a couple of other Arabs while my friends had already gone ahead of me out into the street. He said, "You have a problem?" as I tried to pass him to get out of the bar. I said, "No, I don't. Excuse please." but he wouldn't accept that and tried to block my passage, repeating his ridiculous question, adding, "I will give you big problem". Luckily I managed to push past him and get out into the street. This is the type of behaviour you expect from drunken British yobbos on package tours in Pattaya or Patong and I was surprised to get it from an Arab. I suppose some of them are not used to strong drink and turn aggressive very easily.

Think your situation was someone of a different race wanting to prove he was better than you, after his ''drink'' courage of course. smile.png

PS. And that is not a racist comment. Dealt with it before.

While perhaps it did, I don't see any reason to assume that it had anything to do with race or nationality. Common sense and logic (if not experience) tells us that stupid and ugly tw*ts are present in any country on the planet.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

But l am ugly too. giggle.gif ................................laugh.png
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I got the same routine from a very pissed Arab in a bar in Soi Cowboy who there with a couple of other Arabs while my friends had already gone ahead of me out into the street. He said, "You have a problem?" as I tried to pass him to get out of the bar. I said, "No, I don't. Excuse please." but he wouldn't accept that and tried to block my passage, repeating his ridiculous question, adding, "I will give you big problem". Luckily I managed to push past him and get out into the street. This is the type of behaviour you expect from drunken British yobbos on package tours in Pattaya or Patong and I was surprised to get it from an Arab. I suppose some of them are not used to strong drink and turn aggressive very easily.

Think your situation was someone of a different race wanting to prove he was better than you, after his ''drink'' courage of course. smile.png

PS. And that is not a racist comment. Dealt with it before.

While perhaps it did, I don't see any reason to assume that it had anything to do with race or nationality. Common sense and logic (if not experience) tells us that stupid and ugly tw*ts are present in any country on the planet.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

But l am ugly too. giggle.gif ................................laugh.png

Which only proves my point!

Actually I meant to say, "people who BEHAVE in a way that is stupid and ugly".

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't worry about it, we have all heard the Ex SAS / CIA / FBI / MI5 / MI6 jerks here in the bars.

Bet you he was an FBI = FAT,BALD AND IMPOTENT.

The bars are full of them.

Well done for walking away from the <deleted>.

I assumed it was a Thai, no, if it was a Farang, I would have decked him there and then, I know most of you will say I'm wrong, I am a very easy going mild mannered guy, but if any Farang who I do not know, even as much as threatens me with violence of any kind, I will hit him, and when he hits the ground I will hit him again to make sure he doesn't get back up. he may have a knife. I'm sorry if I sound angry here, but violence or threats of violence is something I will not tolerate.

You sound awfully sure of yourself. It may not go exactly as you plan, depending on who you run across.
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Don't worry about it, we have all heard the Ex SAS / CIA / FBI / MI5 / MI6 jerks here in the bars.

Bet you he was an FBI = FAT,BALD AND IMPOTENT.

The bars are full of them.

Well done for walking away from the <deleted>.

I assumed it was a Thai, no, if it was a Farang, I would have decked him there and then, I know most of you will say I'm wrong, I am a very easy going mild mannered guy, but if any Farang who I do not know, even as much as threatens me with violence of any kind, I will hit him, and when he hits the ground I will hit him again to make sure he doesn't get back up. he may have a knife. I'm sorry if I sound angry here, but violence or threats of violence is something I will not tolerate.

You sound awfully sure of yourself. It may not go exactly as you plan, depending on who you run across.

BUT, it's what we do. smile.png
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