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Thai Govt Wants Youtube Sex Spoof Removed


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Google "fake watches" and Bangkok and Patong top the list

Google "bar girls" and Udon Thani, Krabi, Hua Hin and Pattaya top the list

Google "prostitutes" and Pattaya and Chiang Mai top the list.

Google "murder godfather" and the minister's father tops the list.

Mr. Sonthaya Khunploem - when you talk with Eric Schmidt you might like to bring this up with him also.......

Seems you use another Google than the one I use. All wrong (of the above). Solution: Screenshots or 'shut-ups' please.

Google results are personalised, and have been for a few years.

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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.


Edited by Beetlejuice
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I was the owner of a Black Man mop at one stage. Used to get a kick out of having my own personal black man to clean my floors. Imagined myself being a slave owner at one stage....until I realised the black man didn't work unless I was pushing him. And when the black man was mopping my bathroom floor, I'd look up and there would be Darkie toothpaste smiling at me. Those were the days....

In 1985, after Colgate-Palmolive acquired Hawley & Hazel, the English name of the toothpaste was changed to "Darlie", and the image on the packaging was altered to show a racially ambiguous face in a top hat. The Chinese name of the brand, "黑人牙膏" (in English, "Black Person Toothpaste"), remains the same, and a Chinese-language advertising campaign reassured customers that "Black Person Toothpaste is still Black Person Toothpaste".


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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

I think you're missing the point.

This video pokes fun at the type of people who visit Thailand and the view that Thailand is mainly a place for buying sex. It works because Thailand has this image a good place to buy sex. SNL didn't give it that image it just uses it for the sketch. Most people realise that just because tourists come to Thailand for sex or to go to the beach it doesn,t mean that all of Thailand is like that anymore than all residents of Florida live in Disney World dressed as Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck. Amsterdam has a reputation for prostitutes and smoking dope which is often used as the basis of humour by westerners even though there is more to Amsterdam than that. The difference is that in the west the point is often made that there is more to see than the main image.

Those of us foreigners who live here or spend a long time here know that Phuket and Pattaya aren't typical. Some like myself have never even been to either of these places. I will go sometime just to see what they're like.

The fact remains that the prostitution is there as a prominent aspect of the main tourist areas because it attracts the type of tourist parodied in the sketch and it makes money for a lot of people of very dubious morals. Many of these are in positions of power and influence which are the ones that many posters are having a go at.

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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

I quite agree with most of the points you make in this post. But how does it relate to the photo of Mr. Obama. Are you implying that he is involved in the prostitution industry?

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You can stick up for Thailand all you want. Just remember they will never stick up for you when the time comes.

Some foreigners in Thailand seem to be just as offended as the Culture Minister. Someone should tell them that licensiousness has been part of the regional culture since the very first civilisations here, over 1,000 years ago.

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The Cultural Minister seems to think that things like this YouTube video offend the image of Thailand, yet can't see that his getting his father moved to the Chonburi jail and then into a private room at the hospital does more to tarnish the image of Thailand than any video can do

The real laugh is that the justification was that the convicted murderer could be nearer to his family, as if living undisturbed in Chonburi for the last seven years on the lam wasn't close enough

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As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

Excuse me, but that's rather off base, that quote and a picture of President Obama.

President Obama didn't make a funny skit referencing Thailand.

The American government has nothing to do with such things.

In fact Obama took the trouble to come to Thailand, something most American presidents never both with.

Saturday Night Live t.v. show made the video. The humor target was actually mostly American sex tourists rather than Thailand.

SNL skewers all kinds of targets. Mostly INTERNAL American targets including of course President Obama.

Edited by Jingthing
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"You can stick up for Thailand all you want. Just remember they will never stick up for you when the time comes."

Does this make any sense whatsoever? If I defend someone against unwarranted criticism, should I then expect some kind of reciprocation????

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You can stick up for Thailand all you want. Just remember they will never stick up for you when the time comes.

Some foreigners in Thailand seem to be just as offended as the Culture Minister. Someone should tell them that licensiousness has been part of the regional culture since the very first civilisations here, over 1,000 years ago.

What hogwash. No race or nationality has a monopoly on licentiousness.

One axiom of life: Humans are all human.

If we succumb to nonsensical xenophobic temptations to view other ethnic

groups as less human, in reality, we derogate our own humanity.

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You can stick up for Thailand all you want. Just remember they will never stick up for you when the time comes.

Some foreigners in Thailand seem to be just as offended as the Culture Minister. Someone should tell them that licensiousness has been part of the regional culture since the very first civilisations here, over 1,000 years ago.

"You can stick up for Thailand all you want. Just remember they will never stick up for you when the time comes."

Does this make any sense whatsoever? If I defend someone against unwarranted criticism, should I then expect some kind of reciprocation????

You're right; it makes no sense at all. Just more "all Thais are out to get us" nonsense that's ubiquitous here!

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You can stick up for Thailand all you want. Just remember they will never stick up for you when the time comes.

Some foreigners in Thailand seem to be just as offended as the Culture Minister. Someone should tell them that licensiousness has been part of the regional culture since the very first civilisations here, over 1,000 years ago.

Just to set the record straight, licentiousness has been a part of many cultures all over the world for thousands of years. Anyone who studies history would know that.

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Seems my comment hit a nerve and some want to portray it as bigotry/racism rather than what it is; a correct observation.

The first Westerners to visit these shores noted the locals for their licentiousness, and people are still visiting for that very same reason.

Rather than try to deny it exists, better that we embrace it, come to terms with it and accept it.

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Time to expose the Culture Minister's brainchild to a broader audience with international media picking up his absurdity and his wish to expand involvement with the ICT Minister ... cue ever-growing view numbers for the video

Anger at 'Saturday Night Live' skit on Thai sex industry

A US comedy skit that makes fun of Thailand’s booming sex industry has angered the government, which is trying to block videos of the sketch on the internet.

The skit on the Saturday Night Live programme shows men learning phrases for use in Thailand’s notorious night-life.

Culture Minister Sonthaya Kunploem said. “We’re working with the foreign ministry to let the US know it is offensive and we have asked our information ministry to remove the clip.”




Yes with the international media picking up this story it is highlighting the image of Thailand as the prostitute capital of the world to an even greater hieght. I think if the culture minister wanted to protect the image of purity and innocence he believes Thailand has, then he would of been better off engaging his brain and keeping his mouth shut. Personally I believe the department of culture has done far more damage than this little skit.
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Thailand needs to learn how to have better insensitivity to Shi* and criticism. Many TV members could probably help. Anytime a country gets rilled up about a video it smacks of the idiots in the middle east and I'd rather not be considered one of them.

I'd say get a grip and take a chill pill, Thailand.

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Seems my comment hit a nerve and some want to portray it as bigotry/racism rather than what it is; a correct observation.

The first Westerners to visit these shores noted the locals for their licentiousness, and people are still visiting for that very same reason.

Rather than try to deny it exists, better that we embrace it, come to terms with it and accept it.

Illogical much?

No one on this forum has denied that prostitution exists. But to paint Asians as somehow more licentious than your own people reeks of narrow-minded, 19th century xenophobia.

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Seems my comment hit a nerve and some want to portray it as bigotry/racism rather than what it is; a correct observation.

The first Westerners to visit these shores noted the locals for their licentiousness, and people are still visiting for that very same reason.

Rather than try to deny it exists, better that we embrace it, come to terms with it and accept it.

Illogical much?

No one on this forum has denied that prostitution exists. But to paint Asians as somehow more licentious than your own people reeks of narrow-minded, 19th century xenophobia.

The next time you happen to be in a foreign country try this. Ask someone what country comes to mind when they think of people all over the world traveling there to have cheap sex.
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Just watching City Homicide on the Australian network (A crime Drama) and a story about Thai prostitutes. A murder suspect is shown the picture of a woman and his response is

Susp; "This girl is Thai"

Cop; "Yes she is."

Susp; "She is prostitute"

Cop "Why do you say that?

Susp; "All Thai women are prostitute".

Still on at the moment.

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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

And if you have a glass house, and your neighbor has a glass house someone is throwing stones at, be careful about helping defend his house, as some stones may be directed at your house....cheesy.gif

I will say this one more time. 90% of the sex trade that occurs in Thailand is by and for Thai men.

If you do not know that, you know NOTHING about Thailand. So I am always irritated when Thailand or its TV supporters upcountry try to put on the illusion that the face of prostitution in Thailand is the fat guy waddling down the street with his arm wrapped around a gogo girl... Regarding the reputation of Thailand regarding prostitution it is all about scale. There are over a million girls involved in the sex trade here. Your arguments about sex trade in other countries and specifically America is specious and weak. I doubt there is 1000 girls working in houses of prostitution on the outskirts of Vegas and Reno.

A speck of sand on the beach compared to Thailand... Thailand has earned this reputation, so just live with it.

Side note: A friend of mine told me one time that Thailand should erect a statue of a bar girl in Isan somewhere, as a tribute to the sacrifices they have made in the name of their families..

90%? You are in fact probably underestimating a bit.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Finally watched the video. Sort of funny but distasteful (things can be both). But I wonder if the The Culture Ministry is really getting the subtlety of what is implied in some of it and how bad it can be interpreted: to me there is more than just the suggestion of prostitution - I think underage prostitution is sort of implied.

If I were Thai, I'd hate it. In fact, just living here and having Thai family I don't like it that that sort of simplistic representation of one aspect of Thailand is perpetuated for people who know nothing else of the country.

But too bad. The reputation has been earned and they/ we have to live with it. And besides, freedom of expression (including or especially in comedy) is of paramount importance in some countries (eg US) and Thailand will have to live with that too.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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I thought the video made fun of Thai culture and the Thailand langugage. Totally agreed to have it removed.

1) Why should one not be allowed to make fun of those things?

2) It was making fun of sex tourists (and premised on a not undeserved reputation).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

And if you have a glass house, and your neighbor has a glass house someone is throwing stones at, be careful about helping defend his house, as some stones may be directed at your house....cheesy.gif

I will say this one more time. 90% of the sex trade that occurs in Thailand is by and for Thai men.

If you do not know that, you know NOTHING about Thailand. So I am always irritated when Thailand or its TV supporters upcountry try to put on the illusion that the face of prostitution in Thailand is the fat guy waddling down the street with his arm wrapped around a gogo girl... Regarding the reputation of Thailand regarding prostitution it is all about scale. There are over a million girls involved in the sex trade here. Your arguments about sex trade in other countries and specifically America is specious and weak. I doubt there is 1000 girls working in houses of prostitution on the outskirts of Vegas and Reno.

A speck of sand on the beach compared to Thailand... Thailand has earned this reputation, so just live with it.

Side note: A friend of mine told me one time that Thailand should erect a statue of a bar girl in Isan somewhere, as a tribute to the sacrifices they have made in the name of their families..

90%? You are in fact probably underestimating a bit.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Based on what I have seen here over the years, I would say that for every 1 x "foreign" sex place (go-go, bar, massage etc) there are at least 20 x "Thai" locations. These tend to be outside the normal tourist areas of course, and are a little more discreet with only a little neon and a small sign generally.

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Based on what I have seen here over the years, I would say that for every 1 x "foreign" sex place (go-go, bar, massage etc) there are at least 20 x "Thai" locations. These tend to be outside the normal tourist areas of course, and are a little more discreet with only a little neon and a small sign generally.

Research done over decades would roughly support your general observation. However, by no means is there always neon or a small sign. Restaurants, tea shops, barber shops and other places that show ZERO indication of offering commercial sex do in fact have it available.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

And if you have a glass house, and your neighbor has a glass house someone is throwing stones at, be careful about helping defend his house, as some stones may be directed at your house....cheesy.gif

I will say this one more time. 90% of the sex trade that occurs in Thailand is by and for Thai men.

If you do not know that, you know NOTHING about Thailand. So I am always irritated when Thailand or its TV supporters upcountry try to put on the illusion that the face of prostitution in Thailand is the fat guy waddling down the street with his arm wrapped around a gogo girl... Regarding the reputation of Thailand regarding prostitution it is all about scale. There are over a million girls involved in the sex trade here. Your arguments about sex trade in other countries and specifically America is specious and weak. I doubt there is 1000 girls working in houses of prostitution on the outskirts of Vegas and Reno.

A speck of sand on the beach compared to Thailand... Thailand has earned this reputation, so just live with it.

Side note: A friend of mine told me one time that Thailand should erect a statue of a bar girl in Isan somewhere, as a tribute to the sacrifices they have made in the name of their families..

Don`t know where you obtain your statistics from?

Depends on which website you look at:


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Based on what I have seen here over the years, I would say that for every 1 x "foreign" sex place (go-go, bar, massage etc) there are at least 20 x "Thai" locations. These tend to be outside the normal tourist areas of course, and are a little more discreet with only a little neon and a small sign generally.

Not counting female golf caddies on the make, some apartment-cleaning maids, and various shop clerks moonlighting. It is pervasive, without a doubt, more so than most countries I would say.

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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

However true your citations maybe, it there are also other documented facts about Thai prostitution. For example, 90% of customers of Thai prostitutes are Thai men. Equally, only 5% of tourists in Thailand are Americans whereas Asians, in general, comprise 75% of Thailand's tourists.

Edited by Jawnie
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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

One could reasonably ask why the Thai government isn't offended by the 100s of Youtube videos of bar ladies in Pattaya and elsewhere and why they haven't asked to have those removed as well. In any case, all forms of criticism and satire are allowed in the US....you can see it every day. The US and Thailand aren't even on the same planet when it comes to press freedoms.

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