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Small Sums Will Be Given To Killed Insurgents' Families: Thai South


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How about we just address the issue of pandering to irrational beliefs, and using them against believers?

How many years? Takes education, investment in time and money.

In the Thai context a glimmer of hope in that the Thai Royal Family has invested money and patronage for some schools in the Deep South for local Muslims; from memory 14 schools.

It doesn't take years or schools to implement military tactics. I am not suggesting changing beliefs, but using them as weapons to destroy morale of terrorists.

Why hand back bodies of terrorists for ritual burial with honours for bravery and claims for martyrdom? Do you think that will make these people like you?

Depends on your POV. I believe not handing the bodies back to the families for burial will cause yet more distrust of Thai government agencies and further inflame the conflict. As Arkady has indicated unless their are some significant change in policy the killings will just go on and on.

In the English language media their is yet more conflicting reporting. One report said the bodies had not yet been given to the families as they had to undergo forensic examination. Another report quoting Thai officials said the video of the coffins and locals was misinformation and an investigation is to be carried out. Yet another report now says there was 30 attackers, not 100 and so it goes...

Make up your mind, please. You advocate changes in policy, and then insist they continue to appease the wishes of terrorists' families. If the current policy of appeasement is not working, why not try something different - treat them as common criminals that they are and cremate them behind prison walls. Then send the family a letter they can frame "Your son is dead and has been cremated." Glorification of jihadist martyrs is part of the recruitment effort, and there is no need to assist it.

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"The families of three insurgents - Masakree Sasa, Saudi Ali and Hasem Bueraheng - yesterday called for assistance from the authorities in press interviews. Hasem's wife said she only earned Bt100 per day as a contract worker and without her husband's support it would be difficult for her to raise their three daughters." These males were killed because they CHOSE to attack a military base. THEIR choices led to their deaths. Why should the Thai people have to pay because criminals attacked, with the intent to kill, and died as a result. This is lunacy. So now, every time a terrorist is killed, will the Thai government pay the families of the terrorists? This will incentivice the terrorists, not punish or discourage their activities.

And perhaps these folk should pay for the innocent people their beloved had killed. coffee1.gif
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Make up your mind, please. You advocate changes in policy, and then insist they continue to appease the wishes of terrorists' families. If the current policy of appeasement is not working, why not try something different - treat them as common criminals that they are and cremate them behind prison walls. Then send the family a letter they can frame "Your son is dead and has been cremated." Glorification of jihadist martyrs is part of the recruitment effort, and there is no need to assist it.

Spot on. Glorification and paying the families of the terrorists is absolutely insane. I will never believe the families do not know who is involved in this. Kinda like Kamnan Poh's family saying we had no idea where he was for seven years.

Sure they know members of the family are terrorists. Enough of this PC bullshit.

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Depends on your POV. I believe not handing the bodies back to the families for burial will cause yet more distrust of Thai government agencies and further inflame the conflict. As Arkady has indicated unless their are some significant change in policy the killings will just go on and on.

In the English language media their is yet more conflicting reporting. One report said the bodies had not yet been given to the families as they had to undergo forensic examination. Another report quoting Thai officials said the video of the coffins and locals was misinformation and an investigation is to be carried out. Yet another report now says there was 30 attackers, not 100 and so it goes...

Make up your mind, please. You advocate changes in policy, and then insist they continue to appease the wishes of terrorists' families. If the current policy of appeasement is not working, why not try something different - treat them as common criminals that they are and cremate them behind prison walls. Then send the family a letter they can frame "Your son is dead and has been cremated." Glorification of jihadist martyrs is part of the recruitment effort, and there is no need to assist it.

It is not appeasement to allow burial according to Islamic tradition. As to the rest of your comments I was wondering how long it would take you to revert to your usual hate filled posts from the past

Edited by simple1
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Depends on your POV. I believe not handing the bodies back to the families for burial will cause yet more distrust of Thai government agencies and further inflame the conflict. As Arkady has indicated unless their are some significant change in policy the killings will just go on and on.

In the English language media their is yet more conflicting reporting. One report said the bodies had not yet been given to the families as they had to undergo forensic examination. Another report quoting Thai officials said the video of the coffins and locals was misinformation and an investigation is to be carried out. Yet another report now says there was 30 attackers, not 100 and so it goes...

Make up your mind, please. You advocate changes in policy, and then insist they continue to appease the wishes of terrorists' families. If the current policy of appeasement is not working, why not try something different - treat them as common criminals that they are and cremate them behind prison walls. Then send the family a letter they can frame "Your son is dead and has been cremated." Glorification of jihadist martyrs is part of the recruitment effort, and there is no need to assist it.

It is not appeasement to allow burial according to Islamic tradition. As to the rest of your comments I was wondering how long it would take you to revert to your usual hate filled posts from the past

If you can get over the insults, do you reject that martyr glorification is part of the recruitment process? Why do terrorists deserve the same rights as their victims?

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Depends on your POV. I believe not handing the bodies back to the families for burial will cause yet more distrust of Thai government agencies and further inflame the conflict. As Arkady has indicated unless their are some significant change in policy the killings will just go on and on.

In the English language media their is yet more conflicting reporting. One report said the bodies had not yet been given to the families as they had to undergo forensic examination. Another report quoting Thai officials said the video of the coffins and locals was misinformation and an investigation is to be carried out. Yet another report now says there was 30 attackers, not 100 and so it goes...

Make up your mind, please. You advocate changes in policy, and then insist they continue to appease the wishes of terrorists' families. If the current policy of appeasement is not working, why not try something different - treat them as common criminals that they are and cremate them behind prison walls. Then send the family a letter they can frame "Your son is dead and has been cremated." Glorification of jihadist martyrs is part of the recruitment effort, and there is no need to assist it.

It is not appeasement to allow burial according to Islamic tradition. As to the rest of your comments I was wondering how long it would take you to revert to your usual hate filled posts from the past

If you can get over the insults, do you reject that martyr glorification is part of the recruitment process? Why do terrorists deserve the same rights as their victims?

AND, if a killer of the innocent wants that path then he should take care of HIS arrangements in the event of his demise, NOT the families of the innocent via their taxes etc.
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Make up your mind, please. You advocate changes in policy, and then insist they continue to appease the wishes of terrorists' families. If the current policy of appeasement is not working, why not try something different - treat them as common criminals that they are and cremate them behind prison walls. Then send the family a letter they can frame "Your son is dead and has been cremated." Glorification of jihadist martyrs is part of the recruitment effort, and there is no need to assist it.

Spot on. Glorification and paying the families of the terrorists is absolutely insane. I will never believe the families do not know who is involved in this. Kinda like Kamnan Poh's family saying we had no idea where he was for seven years.

Sure they know members of the family are terrorists. Enough of this PC bullshit.

Er..... but these are not jihadist martyrs and according to the Thai government and establishment, they are not terrorists either.

As usual we have the normal TV over simplification of what is a huge, serious, complex and difficult problem that the country is facing and will, no doubt, deal with in it's own Thai way.

Probably the eventual solution will be arrived at by a process of negotiation, discussion and political, economic and social restructuring.

Probably many more will die before some sort of sanity is reached, but probably fewer than if the TV diehards were in authority

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Make up your mind, please. You advocate changes in policy, and then insist they continue to appease the wishes of terrorists' families. If the current policy of appeasement is not working, why not try something different - treat them as common criminals that they are and cremate them behind prison walls. Then send the family a letter they can frame "Your son is dead and has been cremated." Glorification of jihadist martyrs is part of the recruitment effort, and there is no need to assist it.

Spot on. Glorification and paying the families of the terrorists is absolutely insane. I will never believe the families do not know who is involved in this. Kinda like Kamnan Poh's family saying we had no idea where he was for seven years.

Sure they know members of the family are terrorists. Enough of this PC bullshit.

Er..... but these are not jihadist martyrs and according to the Thai government and establishment, they are not terrorists either.

As usual we have the normal TV over simplification of what is a huge, serious, complex and difficult problem that the country is facing and will, no doubt, deal with in it's own Thai way.

Probably the eventual solution will be arrived at by a process of negotiation, discussion and political, economic and social restructuring.

Probably many more will die before some sort of sanity is reached, but probably fewer than if the TV diehards were in authority

Not jihadists martyrs? Accorcing to their families they are.
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Depends on your POV. I believe not handing the bodies back to the families for burial will cause yet more distrust of Thai government agencies and further inflame the conflict. As Arkady has indicated unless their are some significant change in policy the killings will just go on and on.

In the English language media their is yet more conflicting reporting. One report said the bodies had not yet been given to the families as they had to undergo forensic examination. Another report quoting Thai officials said the video of the coffins and locals was misinformation and an investigation is to be carried out. Yet another report now says there was 30 attackers, not 100 and so it goes...

Make up your mind, please. You advocate changes in policy, and then insist they continue to appease the wishes of terrorists' families. If the current policy of appeasement is not working, why not try something different - treat them as common criminals that they are and cremate them behind prison walls. Then send the family a letter they can frame "Your son is dead and has been cremated." Glorification of jihadist martyrs is part of the recruitment effort, and there is no need to assist it.

It is not appeasement to allow burial according to Islamic tradition. As to the rest of your comments I was wondering how long it would take you to revert to your usual hate filled posts from the past

If you can get over the insults, do you reject that martyr glorification is part of the recruitment process? Why do terrorists deserve the same rights as their victims?

Unfortunately the mods do not allow detail comment on post history, but I am sure you recall when mods removed some commentary by you. Moving along...

Regards your question re martyrdom I guess so it they subscribe to this aspect of Islam.,Another way to look at as heroes in their community for attacking the Thai Marines, just as happens in western countries for those killed in action.. So far though, Islamic extremist martyrdom operations have thankfully not occurred i.e.. suicide attacks.

I have no idea why you continue to question the right for burial according to religious beliefs. I repeat, if government forces abuse the bodies of those killed it will serve no purpose other than to increase hatred and destroy trust building initiatives for co-operation by Muslim locals. Media claim a network of 8,000, but again a lot of bullshit baffles brains, so who knows the truth of this claim.

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If you can get over the insults, do you reject that martyr glorification is part of the recruitment process? Why do terrorists deserve the same rights as their victims?

Unfortunately the mods do not allow detail comment on post history, but I am sure you recall when mods removed some commentary by you. Moving along...

Regards your question re martyrdom I guess so it they subscribe to this aspect of Islam.,Another way to look at as heroes in their community for attacking the Thai Marines, just as happens in western countries for those killed in action.. So far though, Islamic extremist martyrdom operations have thankfully not occurred i.e.. suicide attacks.

I have no idea why you continue to question the right for burial according to religious beliefs. I repeat, if government forces abuse the bodies of those killed it will serve no purpose other than to increase hatred and destroy trust building initiatives for co-operation by Muslim locals. Media claim a network of 8,000, but again a lot of bullshit baffles brains, so who knows the truth of this claim.

Heroes for attacking marines? What are they when they are murdering teachers, school children and unarmed field workers? Or planting bombs that kill and maim indiscriminately?

How do you "increase hatred" in those willing to perform and condone these acts? In western countries we do not laud and glorify terrorists, we prosecute and jail them.

I understand that the actions I am advocating would not be popular. Penalties never are. But they have to be targeted to be effective, and in a religion based conflict targeting ritual could work as a deterrent..

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Never heard or seen in print more utter b.s. than this. Compensation in what ever manner is simply ridiculous . Live by the gun , Die by the gun, accept the consequences. Compensation for collateral damage to surrounding homes is a very different mater but to provide any form of compensation to a the family of a terrorist (sorry ) insurgent is bordering insanity , unless of course this bloody imbicile believes that by doing so he will win a hearts and minds battle or that it allows him to continue with his insurgent rhetoric rather than deem them with what they truly are and that is terrorists. However 'insurgents " is less detrimental to this Governments precious tourist industry and international oversight.

An insurgent is one who rebels against the administration . A terrorist is one who uses terror to obtain his objective. Ergo , these bloody insurgent are TERRORISTS. and should be dealt with accordingly but this idiot proposses handouts.

Get rid of him.

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