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Iphone Stolen... Please Guide!


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Nice shiny things around Soap Dodgers is just asking for trouble.

I would try the Tourist Police as a last resort, but if the Soap Dodger has already checked out, he, and your phone, could be a long way away or possibly on the shelves of a second hand phone shop already.

Buy a 500baht phone and consider you just got your MBA is the social ethics of Soap Dodgers.

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Has anybody who uses this forum NOT had a mobile phone stolen at one time or another.

OK! Thousands will now chip in, but you get my point?

I do understand the OP's desire to nail the barsteward though. I emphasise with his need for revenge.

Official channels will not be the slightest bit bothered by such a "minor" crime.

Bribe a BiB and you may, just may get a result.

I was man handled by a gypsy girl in Prague back in 2005, and I wasn't so blitzed that I didn't realize that this was a pickpocket, and yes, my phone was gone. She didn't get more than 5 feet away from me when I hopped on her and held her. She wriggled free and 2 Czech guys knocked her over while she started to run away.

She landed on the pavement chin first and had a the most terrible bleeding wound as a result. They took the phone out of her pocket and apologized to me, and I thanked them both.

Watching her stagger away on buckled legs, was probably one of the single most satisfying images I have of my travels.

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Well guyz its not about a phone, I could throw 10 of them away. It could have been something more valuable. You guyz dont care about a freaking iPhone neither do I but I do care about many other valuable articles being stollen everyday and it certainly upsets the owners. It could of been your money out of pocket. Why does it all happen, because there is no fear in the heart of these kinda thieves. They think they can get away doing bad. The more we ignore the more they get brave and do it to more ppl. Would you like your kid kidnapped next day? Hell no! And these similar instinct guyz become bigger thieves of tomorrow. I dont want him to go steal a gold chain from someone's old mother's neck and run away.

The only reason why I want to catch him is to give him a good lesson. And when I will successfully trace/get him arrested I'll post it here so that you guyz dont allow a thief to go out with confidence and steal someone else's stuff. Or even if I dont catch him, I'll atleast get an arrest warrant out in his name from Thai, my country's police and French police.

Anyways, I went to police station again today. Met a higher rank officer. He took interest in the case and helped me find out more about this thief. He contacted his friend in immigration police department and got his full name, arrival and departure information and everything he could.

After the primary report, they will now tomorrow write a second report with all the evidences and get an arrest warrant from the court. This will be sent to Thailand border security and immigration police. They will then catch him whenever he tries to get out of country.

I'll keep you guyz updated. Thanks a bunch for guiding through! I honestly dont like bribing. The case reached upto here without bribe. Though I may reward the officer if he catches him.

Call me negative if you like but I can't see the police doing all what you mention, going to court to get an arrest warrant from just your word that this guy stole your phone surely ypu meed some hard evidence first to prove it was him.

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I went to police station again today. They called and tried to get the photo of the guy but embassy denied police from giving them photo without a written request. So, they are sending today a written request with the case report to embassy. Expecting a picture of the thief in 3 days. Then they will send it to court and get the warrant next day.

Hope it all works out. If not, I am going to go ask for french police help.

The guy here who mentioned going to France, I may seek his help.


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I went to police station again today. They called and tried to get the photo of the guy but embassy denied police from giving them photo without a written request. So, they are sending today a written request with the case report to embassy. Expecting a picture of the thief in 3 days. Then they will send it to court and get the warrant next day.

Hope it all works out. If not, I am going to go ask for french police help.

The guy here who mentioned going to France, I may seek his help.


I admire your determination to get your phone back I hope you succeed

I would post the picture if I could on Facebook etc

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I went to police station again today. They called and tried to get the photo of the guy but embassy denied police from giving them photo without a written request. So, they are sending today a written request with the case report to embassy. Expecting a picture of the thief in 3 days. Then they will send it to court and get the warrant next day.

Hope it all works out. If not, I am going to go ask for french police help.

The guy here who mentioned going to France, I may seek his help.


Why do the police need a photo from the embassy. Immigration has 1

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I applaud your efforts. If I were in the same situation, and knew the identity of the theif (as you stated) I too would want him apprehended. It seems an obvious solution would be to get his passport information to the proper authority. It seems asking for help on this forum gets you more bashing than assistance. Cheers to those that showed concern. You seem to be on the right track now.

Good luck, and please post any updates.

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Why do the police need a photo from the embassy. Immigration has 1

His port of entry was from Combodia and their immigration didnt have camera working that time.

Though I am sitting in the police station as I type this. They are getting his photo in an hour or so. Will keep posted.

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What the h#*ll is a communal charging point? A few electric sockets and a table maybe? blink.png Why wouldn't you charge it where you can see it, like in your room? Wasn't really stolen, just found left laying around in a public area...bah.gif Sorry for the flame but this is just rediculous.

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Ok guyz. Today they again contacted immigration police and found where he stayed before my hotel. They found his pictures from cctv camera. I attested it cuz this guy was living just the next room & infact I had a word with him. I said hello to him and he talked with me for a few mins.

Now they have created a SOLID case against this guy with all the evidences. And they are going to send everything to court tomorrow to get his arrest warrant.

There saying once they get his arrest warrant they'll try to catch him asap. THey will also circulate it to border control so that the guy cant leave the country.

Now whenever he'll go through immigration with his passport, he will be caught. And the police will send him to back to Krabi court for hearings.

The minimum sentence for this crime is 3 years according to the thai police/law. He will have to spend now 3 years in jail.

In case he successfully make it to France, they will forward to the case to French police after his visa expiry.

I think my job is done here. I lost the phone but spent about 6 days to have this taken care of properly. He will be caught ultimately by either french or thai police. I'll buy a new ph from bangkok but he's going to remember and teach his children not to be a thief in anyway.

THanks for all your support guyz! I appreciate each positive or negative comment. :)


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Ok guyz. Today they again contacted immigration police and found where he stayed before my hotel. They found his pictures from cctv camera. I attested it cuz this guy was living just the next room & infact I had a word with him. I said hello to him and he talked with me for a few mins.

Now they have created a SOLID case against this guy with all the evidences. And they are going to send everything to court tomorrow to get his arrest warrant.

There saying once they get his arrest warrant they'll try to catch him asap. THey will also circulate it to border control so that the guy cant leave the country.

Now whenever he'll go through immigration with his passport, he will be caught. And the police will send him to back to Krabi court for hearings.

The minimum sentence for this crime is 3 years according to the thai police/law. He will have to spend now 3 years in jail.

In case he successfully make it to France, they will forward to the case to French police after his visa expiry.

I think my job is done here. I lost the phone but spent about 6 days to have this taken care of properly. He will be caught ultimately by either french or thai police. I'll buy a new ph from bangkok but he's going to remember and teach his children not to be a thief in anyway.

THanks for all your support guyz! I appreciate each positive or negative comment. smile.png


ummm just being a bit pedantic I guess but do you have any actual evidence that can be used in court that he stole the phone ? say witnesses or cctv footage of the crime? Or is it just your word? I haven't seen anything in your posts so far that would secure a conviction in a court, especially if he is not in possession of the phone when apprehended.

And we all know what happens when Somchai Plod gets his time wasted dont we?

Edited by hagler
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Well done OP, I admire your resolve.

I was one of those who mildly ridiculed you at the start, but you have had the last laugh.

Even if the slimeball is not eventually convicted, for one reason or another, it looks likely that he will get a massive scare and be put to considerable inconvenience as a result of your tenaciousness..

This should deter him from his thieving tendancies for a while to the benefit of all those potential victims that might have been within the scope of his dishonesty .

Well done fella!

Edited by Beechboy
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I understand how angry you must be about lOsing your phone but I really think the police are playing along with you just to keep you happy until you have to leave krabi,did you actually see this guy pick up your phone if not it's purely your word against his and they are not gonna issue an arrest warrant on that basis

How or why do you think it was this guy that took your phone and what proof/evidence do you have that it was him,sorry to say I think you have just wasted 6 days of your holiday.

Edited by taninthai
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Can any techies offer a 'catch all' answer explaining easy/self-help ways to recover lost/stolen phones/computers?

(NO I haven't lost one!)

Watch this video from a Defcon conference. It's very funny and well worth the 20 minutes.

Defcon 18 Pwned By the owner What happens when you steal a hackers computer

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Life is way too short for this shit. If your argument here is "I want him to get what's coming to him" you are going to have a long road to hoe for the rest of your life, counteracting all the shitbags around you. The thieves and all the bad guys out there just win another victory every day you worry about this imo.

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I understand how angry you must be about lOsing your phone but I really think the police are playing along with you just to keep you happy until you have to leave krabi,did you actually see this guy pick up your phone if not it's purely your word against his and they are not gonna issue an arrest warrant on that basis

How or why do you think it was this guy that took your phone and what proof/evidence do you have that it was him,sorry to say I think you have just wasted 6 days of your holiday.

Amen - spending 6 days on this is such a waste of your holiday. That, plus being dumb enough to charge your phone in public and walk away - show that your priorities are in need of a shake up. Hopefully there were no wife or children having their holiday time diminished by your actions.

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Ok guyz. Today they again contacted immigration police and found where he stayed before my hotel. They found his pictures from cctv camera. I attested it cuz this guy was living just the next room & infact I had a word with him. I said hello to him and he talked with me for a few mins.

Now they have created a SOLID case against this guy with all the evidences. And they are going to send everything to court tomorrow to get his arrest warrant.

There saying once they get his arrest warrant they'll try to catch him asap. THey will also circulate it to border control so that the guy cant leave the country.

Now whenever he'll go through immigration with his passport, he will be caught. And the police will send him to back to Krabi court for hearings.

The minimum sentence for this crime is 3 years according to the thai police/law. He will have to spend now 3 years in jail.

In case he successfully make it to France, they will forward to the case to French police after his visa expiry.

I think my job is done here. I lost the phone but spent about 6 days to have this taken care of properly. He will be caught ultimately by either french or thai police. I'll buy a new ph from bangkok but he's going to remember and teach his children not to be a thief in anyway.

THanks for all your support guyz! I appreciate each positive or negative comment. smile.png


Well done, very admirable to have the resolve you have had in a country where the rule of law for most foreigners is usually a confusing maze of dysfunction and incompetence.

Even if he is not caught nor convicted, you have progressed this to the point where your intended aim to make a statement is seemingly able to be implemented at some point in time.

Surprisingly - or perhaps not -, there were many who wasted their time to ridicule you, criticise your intent or just patently expressed scorn. I assume that most of them will never seek legal redress, ask for assistance nor the guidance of others should they ever be a victim of a theft of something that they consider to be important to them. Clearly none of them ever made mistakes in life either!

Reminds me of that old saying that if one has nothing useful to add to the conversation then it is perhaps it is better to be quiet.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you guyz for all your support! I have a great update for you all!

I received an email from Krabi Police, the thief has been caught. And now they are investigating with him to get the phone back. :)


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