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Poll: Long Term Expats, Are You Fatter (Or Not) After Living In Thailand?


In search of the truth about "fatpats"  

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The title and question are self explanatory.

The expat life, long term, how is it impacting on your level of fatness?

Feel welcome to comment.

The poll is for longer term expats only for obvious reasons. You can define "long term" as you like, but something longer than two weeks for sure. whistling.gif

BTW, I just made up the word: FATPAT

Then googled it to see whether it's new. Seems new. But maybe best left undiscovered.coffee1.gif


Edited by Jingthing
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Good thread, OP. It will be interesting and good information.

My living in LOS is limited to 3 month stays so far, but I can report that my weight didn't change. My exercise was limited to walking and what I could do in my room. haha.

I think I might have gained weight if I didn't find the greasy street food unpalatable. A few times I had dishes with way too much chicken skin and fat, and liquid fat floating on top and I didn't eat them. For the most part the food is wonderful and there are better choices.

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Good thread, OP. It will be interesting and good information.

My living in LOS is limited to 3 month stays so far, but I can report that my weight didn't change. My exercise was limited to walking and what I could do in my room. haha.

I think I might have gained weight if I didn't find the greasy street food unpalatable. A few times I had dishes with way too much chicken skin and fat, and liquid fat floating on top and I didn't eat them. For the most part the food is wonderful and there are better choices.

Wow you must have been eating at the wrong stalls... even easier - try the food courts at the shopping centres - usually cheap enough, good, and served in a comfortable environment.. in my 20+ years thus far I too have had my share of street food, but it was always good! I agree that the food in our lovely land is the best I have ever had - nothing else comes close!

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normally weight goes down when in LoS (high level of physical activity)

and up when in farang land (low level of activity)

eat the local fare in LoS (rarely farang food)

enjoy the local food, but I am somewhat doubtful as to how healthy the local fare is

I find it difficult to be health cons. and it mainly healthy stuff in LoS

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I reckon the majority of modern people put on at least some weight as they get older. So living in Thailand might not necessarily have anything do with it.

Don't think so girlfriend, I'm the same weight now as when I first arrived here, it did dip a bit once through an illness, went down to 40 kilo, not something I want to go through again, now cruising at 55.

I'm little, and happy.

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I reckon the majority of modern people put on at least some weight as they get older. So living in Thailand might not necessarily have anything do with it.

Don't think so girlfriend, I'm the same weight now as when I first arrived here, it did dip a bit once through an illness, went down to 40 kilo, not something I want to go through again, now cruising at 55.

I'm little, and happy.

I wasn't referring to you or anyone else as an individual. BTW, why do you call me girlfriend? Are you an extremely camp homosexual man of the 1950's era? Edited by Jingthing
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Wow, going from a Western country to Thailand and gaining weight takes some effort. That's impressive.


Apparently not according the poll results so far. I find your comment odd. Do you live here? Don't you observe that many expats get fatter as they age? It's not another planet, you know. Unless you're talking Isaan. w00t.gif Edited by Jingthing
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normally weight goes down when in LoS (high level of physical activity)

and up when in farang land (low level of activity)

eat the local fare in LoS (rarely farang food)

enjoy the local food, but I am somewhat doubtful as to how healthy the local fare is

I find it difficult to be health cons. and it mainly healthy stuff in LoS

If a person has only been here on holiday mode, they wouldn't know what living here would mean to weight level.
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normally weight goes down when in LoS (high level of physical activity)

and up when in farang land (low level of activity)

eat the local fare in LoS (rarely farang food)

enjoy the local food, but I am somewhat doubtful as to how healthy the local fare is

I find it difficult to be health cons. and it mainly healthy stuff in LoS

If a person has only been here on holiday mode, they wouldn't know what living here would mean to weight level.

maybe so, dunno, not sure I understand your comment

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I was getting fatter; pants did not fit. I was drinking beer and eating rice. I got tired of the fat, cut out the beer and rice and went to a low carb diet with lots of green vegetables and salad every day. I eat as much as I want. I can sit down and eat a whole roast chicken if I want -- but no rice or potatoes with that. I now rarely eat in restaurants. The fat just melted off and now I am at the correct weight level. I feel a world better and am never hungry. I drink whiskey and soda nearly every day instead of beer.

Basically, my diet has NO sweets, NO food high on the glycemic index, NO simple carbohydrates, NO food from factories. I eat all I want. Such a diet is impossible for somebody who eats primarily in restaurants, as Thais dump sugar into everything. I eat meat, low carb green vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, low glycemic index fruits, ads much as I want, and never gain a pound.

I suspect many of the expats that balloon up do so because beer drinking is so prevalent here. What goes down better on a hot day or with spicy food? And what is better to chase a cold bottle of beer than a second? And a third? Also, it is standard fare to get a big plate of rice with every dish. And then there is the sugar! I love rice and noodles. But make a diet of rice, noodles and beer and you'll be ready to audition for Santa Claus.

Edited by Ticketmaster
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I reckon the majority of modern people put on at least some weight as they get older. So living in Thailand might not necessarily have anything do with it.

Don't think so girlfriend, I'm the same weight now as when I first arrived here, it did dip a bit once through an illness, went down to 40 kilo, not something I want to go through again, now cruising at 55.

I'm little, and happy.

BTW, why do you call me girlfriend?


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Initially here, I had use of a gym every day with pool work and squash. Then a move to the burbs and I put on around 10kgs. White rice is a killer in carbs. Farang do not metabolise it the way Asian's do. Since October last year with no exercise, eating simply, more protein than carbs and leafy veges, all in smaller servings I have dropped 7kgs. Beer also does not help but an ice cold beer in a warm climate is heaven sent!

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Massively lost weight leaner as ever even when a lot younger. How.. dedication and training. Just takes time and effort most don't want to put effort into it. Its not rocket science its just changing your lifestyle and eating habits.

Takes time effort and dedication, guess 90% of people don't have that anymore or set their priorities different.

Up to each and every individual but don't bitch about your weight when you can control it. Nobody should force someone to loose weight (dr maybe the exception) plus if your fine with it and its not doing health damage why change.

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I was getting fatter; pants did not fit. I was drinking beer and eating rice. I got tired of the fat, cut out the beer and rice and went to a low carb diet with lots of green vegetables and salad every day. I eat as much as I want. I can sit down and eat a whole roast chicken if I want -- but no rice or potatoes with that. I now rarely eat in restaurants. The fat just melted off and now I am at the correct weight level. I feel a world better and am never hungry. I drink whiskey and soda nearly every day instead of beer.

Basically, my diet has NO sweets, NO food high on the glycemic index, NO simple carbohydrates, NO food from factories. I eat all I want. Such a diet is impossible for somebody who eats primarily in restaurants, as Thais dump sugar into everything. I eat meat, low carb green vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, low glycemic index fruits, ads much as I want, and never gain a pound.

I suspect many of the expats that balloon up do so because beer drinking is so prevalent here. What goes down better on a hot day or with spicy food? And what is better to chase a cold bottle of beer than a second? And a third? Also, it is standard fare to get a big plate of rice with every dish. And then there is the sugar! I love rice and noodles. But make a diet of rice, noodles and beer and you'll be ready to audition for Santa Claus.

Interesting and inspiring...I have put on weight, but back in the day I did a food combining diet similar to this, (and I am aware of the GI index), that worked a treat.

I have found it hard to adjust my diet here, but it seems obvious to go this way as a lifestyle choice rather than a weight loss, short term regime. I will

start to get disciplined again and cheers for the inspiration.

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I was getting fatter; pants did not fit. I was drinking beer and eating rice. I got tired of the fat, cut out the beer and rice and went to a low carb diet with lots of green vegetables and salad every day. I eat as much as I want. I can sit down and eat a whole roast chicken if I want -- but no rice or potatoes with that. I now rarely eat in restaurants. The fat just melted off and now I am at the correct weight level. I feel a world better and am never hungry. I drink whiskey and soda nearly every day instead of beer.

Basically, my diet has NO sweets, NO food high on the glycemic index, NO simple carbohydrates, NO food from factories. I eat all I want. Such a diet is impossible for somebody who eats primarily in restaurants, as Thais dump sugar into everything. I eat meat, low carb green vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, low glycemic index fruits, ads much as I want, and never gain a pound.

I suspect many of the expats that balloon up do so because beer drinking is so prevalent here. What goes down better on a hot day or with spicy food? And what is better to chase a cold bottle of beer than a second? And a third? Also, it is standard fare to get a big plate of rice with every dish. And then there is the sugar! I love rice and noodles. But make a diet of rice, noodles and beer and you'll be ready to audition for Santa Claus.

Interesting and inspiring...I have put on weight, but back in the day I did a food combining diet similar to this, (and I am aware of the GI index), that worked a treat.

I have found it hard to adjust my diet here, but it seems obvious to go this way as a lifestyle choice rather than a weight loss, short term regime. I will

start to get disciplined again and cheers for the inspiration.

Its always a lifestyle choice, diets don't work because the moment you revert back to your old bad habits (the source of the problem) you gain it all back. So the diet does work often though changes need to be made in day to day lifestyle.

Most people are not willing to change that hence overweight. I got a thyroid problem but i still managed to loose so much weight im now a lean athlete. But I admit i put more effort into it as most people want too. It just a personal choice and each and everyone has to find out what is important for them.

The low carb thing works for many because they are insulin resistant and then cutting down on carbs can help a lot. Personally am i go moderate carbs but workout a lot. I just need my carbs from oats and musli. No rice as people have said that really is a killer. But the worst is alcohol and guess what most guys love to drink.

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I can honestly say I have put on weight. But I would be unsure if it was from living in LOS or working offshore for the last 5 years. I find I don't do as much physical acitvity as I used to but coupled with being stuck on a rig where movement is limited, I can truthfuly say I have gone from 98 killos to 111 killos in 5 years

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