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Comodo Firewall Or Utorrent.... Which Is Correct?

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Comodo firewall shows I have inbound of 900 kbs / Utorrent version 1.8.2 shows d/l speed of 322 kbps

Comodo output is 65 kbps / Utorrent showing 32 kbps

These figures are while Utorrent is running. If I pause Utorrent downloads Comodo shows about 10kbps inbound.

Nothing else running on the computer that would account for a heavy input. So is Comodo more likely to be correct or Utorrent? It does seem a big difference.

Any ideas / comments on such a big difference in d/l speeds?


I'm running Comodo. Where does it say what your download (inbound, as you put it) speed is?

My Comodo is the free version. It says 100% Azureus (not 100 kbp).


I'm running Comodo. Where does it say what your download (inbound, as you put it) speed is?

My Comodo is the free version. It says 100% Azureus (not 100 kbp).

I right click on the Comodo icon on the taskbar and there is a 'widget'. Click show and it stays on screen to show inbound / outbound speeds.



My guess comodo is correct, what about updating of your virusscanner / Comodo itself / Windows Update / Browser / Apps that Phone Home / Copying to local LAN, that all generates traffic and is monitored by Comodo

Ps: You can try to monitor via this program http://www.softperfect.com/products/networx/ and see if it corresponds with Comodo findings

Edit : */ Added Ps


I'm running Comodo. Where does it say what your download (inbound, as you put it) speed is?

My Comodo is the free version. It says 100% Azureus (not 100 kbp).

I right click on the Comodo icon on the taskbar and there is a 'widget'. Click show and it stays on screen to show inbound / outbound speeds.

I'm using Windows XP. I don't see that window/widget on my version. sad.png


This picture maybe explains it better

All traffic from the internet (or Local Lan( to your pc and from your pc to the internet (or Local Lan) has to pass through the Firewall (in your case Comodo). Thus comodo will know how much traffic is being generated

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I'm running Comodo. Where does it say what your download (inbound, as you put it) speed is?

My Comodo is the free version. It says 100% Azureus (not 100 kbp).

I right click on the Comodo icon on the taskbar and there is a 'widget'. Click show and it stays on screen to show inbound / outbound speeds.

I'm using Windows XP. I don't see that window/widget on my version. sad.png

I got this 2 days ago from Comodo's own site. Free version smile.png Firewall only.

Maybe worth a look if you want to update.

I'm using XP also.

edit added info


My guess comodo is correct, what about updating of your virusscanner / Comodo itself / Windows Update / Browser / Apps that Phone Home / Copying to local LAN, that all generates traffic and is monitored by Comodo

Ps: You can try to monitor via this program http://www.softperfe...oducts/networx/ and see if it corresponds with Comodo findings

Edit : */ Added Ps

Thanks for the input :)

Defender anti-virus runs on command.

Comodo Firewall 2 days old - latest version.

So all that is running is Firefox (when used), Comodo and Utorrent.

I look and see the Comodo inbound is way more than Utorrent states. In fact that (my d/l speed being higher, or showing higher) may well explain why my general internet connection speed is slower when browsing.

I did set Utorrent to run at less kbps d/l u/l.

But I am a happy person with what I am getting.


I have the same phenomena.

Using bitmeter I can see the actual DL/UL speeds going through my lan connection (to my cable router).

Invariably bitmeter reports much higher speeds compared to what my torrent client reports.

Exactly the same using utorrent or Azureus (vuze).

No other applications active and shutting down the torrent client sees indicated speeds go down to zero.

Only thing I can imagine is the torrents having massive overhead, i.e. for every 10 kb coming in, only 6kb is part of the actual file, the rest being error correction and comunication protocols...


Looking further at mine today, Monty, as I d/l a file suggested by MJCM, the d/l speeds by Comodo and the download screen were almost the same - in the 700's.

There was me thinking that my d/l speeds were okay when looking at Utorrent. Now I can see much higher speeds are coming in. In my case it can be - today - 900 inbound says Comodo and 320 inbound says Utorrent. Maybe there is a massive overhead, as you say.

I'm going to run that programme MJCM recommended later and see what the results are and compare them all.

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