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Women Arrested For Pimping 11-Year-Old Girl On Bangkok's Soi Cowboy


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NGOs often seem to exaggerate the human trafficking in Thailand, where every bar girl is a sex slave

A lot of NGO's exaggerate everything, that's how they keep their big salaries going.

While the problem certainly exists around the globe, clearly you have a valid point. http://en.wikipedia....children#Extent

Maybe then this topic should be moved to the world news.
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Sad when greed, the lack of basic moral standards and a sick mind get together. As for the guy, they should lock him up and give photos of his own siblings and all youngsters in his family to his fellow paedophile inmates...

Dude, the Swedish guy was part of the sting operation. He was one of the good guys.

Did you even bother to read the article ??

The<removed link>reports that an arrest warrant has been issued for the Swede, but he has since fled Thailand.

The OP is a bit confusing and one needs to click the link to see the last line you inserted above and then follow the link to the Bangkok Post to better understand what transpired. I assume because TV didn't want to include a link to The Post that is why the OP has the guy coming across as a good guy instead of the guy suspected of raping a child once and trying to do it a second time. What is confusing too is how the group found out about the meeting at Soi Cowboy. I can understand if somebody at the hotel or guest house reported what was happening but how did they find out about the meeting and if the Swede was registered as renting two rooms then why do they not have his last name or are they just not releasing it?.

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This kind of thing happens everywhere.

I'm sorry but I don't share your unfounded optimism.

Thailand is the only place I have been offered child pornography in a well known shopping mall. I have seen young girls 'working' in Thailand and Cambodia but at least Cambodia, albeit with its limited resources and funding, is very visible about attempting to tackle the problem. There are adverts for child protection agencies all over the place and phone numbers to call.

I've never heard a Thai admit there's a problem, let alone seen any literature or recommendations of what to do when confronted with such a situation; what should I have done when I was offered child pornography in Panthip for example?

Aside from one or two arrests of foreigners under the coercion of Western NGO's what is Thailand actually doing to tackle the problem? Thailand remains a hub for human trafficking, and sexual abuse of women and minors is still widespread and apparently culturally acceptable.

Also in Cambodia , Vietnam , Philippine

Yes, that's true. The only posters of this nature I have seen in Thailand are located at border crossings - especially those near Myanmar and are either entirely in Burmese or mostly in Burmese thus your average westerner or Thai wouldn't be able to read them. I even took a picture of one of these posters at the Three Pagodas Pass crossing - it was taken down the following time I travelled there.

I disagree about Vietnam - at least in terms of the visibility of child prostitution or even prostitution in general compared to Thailand. I am aware that there are a lot of child prostitutes, many of whom are Cambodians working especially in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam, but unlike in Thailand or even Cambodia, there are no go-go bars in Vietnam and the police fully crack down on any visible sort of prostitution except if the place offering these services has an agreement with the police AND is hidden away from public view. Prostitution in Vietnam is largely invisible to the casual observer.

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Instead of a 12hr day @bhat 300 or less in an electronics factory the women would rather sell sex at bhat 1500 or more , its easier work and can make bhat 1000s in a day.

She is not a woman but an 11 yr old little girl who has hardly reached pubity. She should be in school and not forced into prostitution. Don't try and justify it by saying she can make good money being a prostitute to some pedophile instead of getting an education.
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Good they got the pimps, but where did the pimps get the girl ? Offer a deal. You go away forever, or you go away forever less a few yerars in exchange for details of the supply chain. Otherwise there will be more pimps with other 11 year olds there next week.

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It really shocking, but I remember from Cambodia 10 years ago getting off a bus in PP, the waiting tuk tuk driver (or equ) asked if I like young girls , I said of course, what do I look gay or something? , he then said he could take me to a place with 13 year old girls.. I was rather shocked coz for me a young girl I imagined to be 18 -20 or something.. a few days later after recovering from a bout of food poisening I was bored and wanted to find the equivelant of Sukumvit rd; bars, girls, lights, action, etc. so I asked a driver to take me somewhere I could get a drink with some girls ... he drove about 45 minutes down dusty roads to a run down street lined with tin sheds a real shanty town looking place, and said we're her. I looked around and there were no bars. just a bunch of really dirty smelly girls.. I told the driver that he had it all wrong this is not what I wanted . Anyway after the dusty drive i asked for a beer for me and him before heading back. the Mamasun asked if I liked anything I saw , . I mean these girls really stank... i said no... she said wait a minute I get something special drove off and came back with 3 or 4 young girls ,, I don't know how old they were,, i mean way, way pre- pubescent maybe 10, maybe younger.... I was totally shocked and all I could say was 'what ?are these girls virgins? She no ,, if you want vigins I can get for you.. any way I got out of there as fast as I could.....

So I dont know what the moral of this story is.. it seemed to me that the kids were being offered by their own families who were extremly poor , to the mamasuns to help put food on the table.... I dont know for sure. Is it a inevitable concequence of povety , bad social upbringing or exploitation from pimps?. or a bit of everything probably ... either way I have never noticed any such stuff going on in Thailand , obviously it goes on everywhere to some extent deep under ground.....and hidden from the normal population. . but tackling poverty might be as an important a place to start to get rid of this industry...

I had a similar experience to you but in Nong Khai about 5-6 years ago where I had asked a Tuk Tuk driver where all the girls were and he took me to a shophouse in the middle of town where there must have been a dozen girls I would guess they were all underage, some significantly so. When he realised that wasn't what I meant he was very apologetic and said he thought I was looking for a Lao lady house. From seeing the place there was no way it was operating without full knowledge of the police.

Same thing happened to me about 10 years ago in Ranong. Asked for a bar with girls and got taken down some little soi where, there must of been 10 or so girls paraded in front of me. All of them under age. I was sick to the stomach that I put myself in a situation like that. Stopped me asking tuk tuks for girly bars again.

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Stop thinking pedophile, don't waste time on them. You have now incarcerated an 11 year old girl and destroyed her chances because you don't understand her desperation. Yeah she should have signed up at the job center eh?

I was married at 19--she was 18 and I went to work the day I was 15. That will be illegal one day.

If I wrote to the Government and said hey Ille take that girl and school her and teach her English ---I would be a pedophile right!!!

You never seen stupid laws before.

Who said the Swede wanted her for sex? Who said the girl was forced? Who said the Swede was told how old she was on the phone?

Assumptions,--- when the only thing is the incarcerated crying girl.

You guys that cant think anything but Pedophiles are the ones that are frightening me. You cant even look at a young girl these days because of you guys.

. Bouncing a girl on your knee these days is porn, leave off.

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I have had 11-some-year-olds calling out all sorts of flirtatious shit, trying to flag me down on my bike. Very disturbing... I can only imagine the neglect they face at home.

If they're anything like my niece (on the Thai side) ... they're glued to these stupid soaps all day. That's where they get their daily dose of 'parenting'. It's sick. But despite our efforts (both mine and my in-laws') it is ultimately up to her parents to allow her what to do and what NOT to do (so before someone here gets all righteous and shit on my arse -- I've done my part). There's a line you don't want to cross when dealing with other parents' kids.

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So sad and it happens far too often all over the world. I have to say all the comments about 'foreign' pedophiles makes me laugh... there are plenty of Asian men looking for underage girls, it is also a commonly held belief in the region that screwing a virgin is a cure for HIVAids.

Cut their balls off and execute the pimps.

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India arranges marraige at this age. Europeans were married at this age 200 years ago. Your judging the east with a Western mind and education.

Pimping however is not good,we assume it was against her will.

If she were to be partnered off with a drunken slob of a Thai farmer in the sticks you would never know. She very nearly met up with a foriegner and who knows could have changed her life for the better. Certainly better than the slob of a drunken farmer.

It might have been the one and only chance in her life. Gone now!!

Yes, I am sure the farang was looking to marry the 11 year old and take her back to Sweden and give her a good life!

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Yeah. Throw the book at them. Regarding those who are using this article to take a cheap shot at Thailand you are pathetically ignorant.

Did you really expect posters here to bash Farangs because the child rapists was a Swede or to bash Cambodians being the child and pimp are Cambodians and it was Thai police that rescued the girl, arrested the Cambodian pimp and the Thai women acting as an interpreter? It seems no crime can be reported here without it being a reflection of all Thais, Thailand or its culture by some posters. It is like they have never read a news story in their own country of crime or the disgusting nature of some people.

Horrible story but it doesn't reflect any people as a whole but there certainly can be a relation drawn between such cruelty that exists in less developed and educated countries and those people with means from more developed countries who choose to exploit the easier prey in these poorer countries.

But all in all this is just another sad news story of a child rapist and an adult(s) willing to profit off the abuse of a child who were caught by authorities ... at least two of them so far and my guess is they have the full name of the Swede since they know his name, he rented hotel rooms and they know he already went back to Sweden. So, just a matter of time before he is caught.

Edited by Nisa
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Stop thinking pedophile, don't waste time on them. You have now incarcerated an 11 year old girl and destroyed her chances because you don't understand her desperation. Yeah she should have signed up at the job center eh?

I was married at 19--she was 18 and I went to work the day I was 15. That will be illegal one day.

If I wrote to the Government and said hey Ille take that girl and school her and teach her English ---I would be a pedophile right!!!

You never seen stupid laws before.

Who said the Swede wanted her for sex? Who said the girl was forced? Who said the Swede was told how old she was on the phone?

Assumptions,--- when the only thing is the incarcerated crying girl.

You guys that cant think anything but Pedophiles are the ones that are frightening me. You cant even look at a young girl these days because of you guys.

. Bouncing a girl on your knee these days is porn, leave off.

Changed my mind. you need really, really, really serious help and fast.

Stop thinking pedophile, don't waste time on them. You have now incarcerated an 11 year old girl and destroyed her chances because you don't understand her desperation. Yeah she should have signed up at the job center eh?

I was married at 19--she was 18 and I went to work the day I was 15. That will be illegal one day.

If I wrote to the Government and said hey Ille take that girl and school her and teach her English ---I would be a pedophile right!!!

You never seen stupid laws before.

Who said the Swede wanted her for sex? Who said the girl was forced? Who said the Swede was told how old she was on the phone?

Assumptions,--- when the only thing is the incarcerated crying girl.

You guys that cant think anything but Pedophiles are the ones that are frightening me. You cant even look at a young girl these days because of you guys.

. Bouncing a girl on your knee these days is porn, leave off.

Changed my mind. you need really, really, really serious help and fast.

Sorry you don't understand the true situation, fortunately that's only your opinion. Might have been more enlightening if you had said something about a reason than just your opinion.

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You're a little slow, aren't you?

I might be slow...but you'll always be a catholic.

Reminds me of the Churchill line.

And you, Bessie, are ugly. But I shall be sober in the morning, and you will still be ugly.

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So 1 guy in here is supporting an 11yo girl in the sex industry cos she might get her legs blown off otherwise in Cambo.

They'll use any ol excuse in the book won't they...

Interesting interpretation but even more interesting dilemma Sex or legs blown off ----errrrm.

What would you prefer?

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So 1 guy in here is supporting an 11yo girl in the sex industry cos she might get her legs blown off otherwise in Cambo.

They'll use any ol excuse in the book won't they...

I guess that would then make the 65 year old Swede Child Rapists a hero on a mission to save children in under developed nation.

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Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!

Why? I think that it is time prostitution was debated in the highest levels of law and politics in the country. The world is changing and prostitution provides the only avenue for some men to get what they need (if you are a woman, I will explain to you that as a young man; sex is a need for my mental well being).

It is also a good way for someone without any hope in life to get money and get a good education - my best friend did this, she was born into a family without a floor or power in Sakhon Nakhon and now has a university degree. She wasn't going to be able to pay for that with a low end job paying a few thousand baht a month. She is a normal person, and I would trust her with my life.

Prostitution is legal in my country, which is great, because some women use sex here to use men and gain far more than they give. Prostitution means both parties know what they are giving for what they need - which says a lot more than some relationships with western women IMO.

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Sad when greed, the lack of basic moral standards and a sick mind get together. As for the guy, they should lock him up and give photos of his own siblings and all youngsters in his family to his fellow paedophile inmates...

Dude, the Swedish guy was part of the sting operation. He was one of the good guys.

Not according to the article. He fled Thailand.

Could be the sting went very wrong and the Sweede decided to actually <snip!> the girl and then run away!

To be honest with everyone (and please be honest with yourselves)

The sex trade promotes the wrong image by simply saying Girls and Boys, They should say Woman bar and Man bar if they have prostiutes over the legal age of 18.

I am not suprized when tourists travel here for sex with Girls or Boys and only find Men and Women, there is going to be a lot of disapointed sex tourists.

Edited by metisdead
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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..

If they did this, they would have to shut down the innocent "fat east" as well ;) Pattaya and Soi Cowboy are two totally different places, and Soi Cowboy was only the setting, it could have been MBK, Pratunam or the Khlong Tom night market. Thanks for making me laugh though mate, hope you're having an awesome day!

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