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2Nd Trip Question


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Having enjoyed pills (ecstasy) in my youth its common knowledge to anyone who's tried the drug that after the first time its never quite the same again. Since returning from my first trip to pattaya the feelings I'm having is no different from a drug addiction. My whole outlook on life as changed and it now simply based on how i get back to that place

My question is this, will i turn up there next time and think "is this really why have sacrficed so much?" or will it be "this has been the best decision of my life!!"

Does it get better, stay the same or worse?

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In some ways it will get better, in others stay the same and eventually at least to an extent (depending on how long you stay) it will get worse*. All of that presuming 1) you have the same feelings (and everyone I know) had and 2) you stay a long time.

* the trick is to modify your lifestyle and find other sides to the experience of living here - a milder high that is more sustainable.

EDIT TO ADD: I just realized that I misread and you are probably talking about a holiday: there's probably nothing like the first time but in many respects I think it will be as good and better.

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Edited by SteeleJoe
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How long did you stay the first time, if now you want to be here for 3 months? what is your expectation, girls and booze? that is still the same...

How old are you? do you think it is a clever idea to not invest in your future (savings & assets) but spend it? if you're still young enough might be ok, if you have reached a certain age (i.e. 40+) maybe not...

Edited by Swiss1960
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People whose lives get changed by Pattaya.


missed the "my whole outlook on life is changed" bit...but why should you care if that's what he thinks or feels?

Besides, all kinds of things can change your life; doesn't mean they are good, noble, or intrinsically meaningful or anything else...after all, if one wants to be precise, EVERYTHING changes your life on a constant basis. Some, good or bad and for various reasons, more than others...

Anyway, speaking from the perspective that is decades old (and thus perhaps not so relevant), Pattaya can be great fun for a holiday when it's new and great fun when you know it better. I think you're headed for disappointment or ( much) worse if you think it's some sort of paradise and will always make you happy.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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People whose lives get changed by Pattaya.


missed the "my whole outlook on life is changed" bit...but why should you care if that's what he thinks or feels?

Besides, all kinds of things can change your life; doesn't mean they are good, noble, or intrinsically meaningful or anything else...after all, if one wants to be precise, EVERYTHING changes your life on a constant basis. Some, good or bad and for various reasons, more than others...

Anyway, speaking from the perspective that is decades old (and thus perhaps not so relevant), Pattaya can be great fun for a holiday when it's new and great fun when you know it better. I think you're headed for disappointment or ( much) worse if you think it's some sort of paradise and will always make you happy.

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Outlook on life has changed cos id be willing to live in a shit area for the sake of going to pattaya and I've got 2 young kids who aren't going to see there dad for a long spell every year, and when they grow up and realise the reason for it i dint think theyll be best pleased.
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Like i said brother, right now it feels like a drug addiction. 3 weeks wasn't long enough, maybe 3 months will be too long. I don't know yet. All i know is last year i wouldve said there's no chance id be away from my kids that long and now I've been there, I'm willing to try it.

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Lol. You've got the addiction. I was the same years back. I kept making flights back and forth every few months after my first trip. All I could think at my day job was how I could get back to Pattaya. Eventually I just packed my bags and bought a one way ticket out here. That was a while ago.

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as life begins at 40,it will be all over for you before you reach it,buy the nice house not the cheap one.

If i get the nice house it'll be at least 3 years before i could come back to pattaya. I might be dead by then?????

You might be dead in 3 month after a boozing and f*** around trip in Pattaya...

You might be dead in 3y for whatever reason and your kids will hate you because you left them nothing...

you might be living 30y but feel dead because you don't have enough anymore to enjoy a yearly boozing and f** around trip to Pattaya...

If you can: Delay the decision about the house for another year (their are plenty around...), go to Pattaya for 3 month of living and then decide whether it is still worth not seeing your kids and not leaving them anything once you die from boozing around...

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as life begins at 40,it will be all over for you before you reach it,buy the nice house not the cheap one.

If i get the nice house it'll be at least 3 years before i could come back to pattaya. I might be dead by then?????
You might be dead in 3 month after a boozing and f*** around trip in Pattaya...

You might be dead in 3y for whatever reason and your kids will hate you because you left them nothing...

you might be living 30y but feel dead because you don't have enough anymore to enjoy a yearly boozing and f** around trip to Pattaya...

If you can: Delay the decision about the house for another year (their are plenty around...), go to Pattaya for 3 month of living and then decide whether it is still worth not seeing your kids and not leaving them anything once you die from boozing around...

Sound advice mate. Like I've said right now I'm thinking completely irrational, in a way i wouldn't have done just 2 months ago. But i can't get the place out of my head. My kids are more important than anything but that bitch has taken away all my rights as a dad and living in completely fake world every winter seems like the perfect solution.

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as life begins at 40,it will be all over for you before you reach it,buy the nice house not the cheap one.

If i get the nice house it'll be at least 3 years before i could come back to pattaya. I might be dead by then?????
You might be dead in 3 month after a boozing and f*** around trip in Pattaya...

You might be dead in 3y for whatever reason and your kids will hate you because you left them nothing...

you might be living 30y but feel dead because you don't have enough anymore to enjoy a yearly boozing and f** around trip to Pattaya...

If you can: Delay the decision about the house for another year (their are plenty around...), go to Pattaya for 3 month of living and then decide whether it is still worth not seeing your kids and not leaving them anything once you die from boozing around...

Sound advice mate. Like I've said right now I'm thinking completely irrational, in a way i wouldn't have done just 2 months ago. But i can't get the place out of my head. My kids are more important than anything but that bitch has taken away all my rights as a dad and living in completely fake world every winter seems like the perfect solution.

I know the situation with the kids, took years to get back into a normal situation...

HOWEVER... 3 weeks Pattaya is COMPLETELY different from 3 months... try it first without making the house decision and you might find out that after one or two month you will be fed up... then you might decide to buy the nice house, reduce your other spendings and enjoy a yearly one-month trip to Pattaya

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Like i said brother, right now it feels like a drug addiction. 3 weeks wasn't long enough, maybe 3 months will be too long. I don't know yet. All i know is last year i wouldve said there's no chance id be away from my kids that long and now I've been there, I'm willing to try it.

Where are you headed long-term? Give it some serious thought and make some serious decisions with you head not with your dxxx.

Sorry but your sounding like your kids are disposable. Please don't go this route. Kids need their dad, and you need their love more than your realize, which is more precious than quick thrills.

Longer and longer in Pattaya based on cheap thrills and booze will (unless you've got independant financial means - your businesss of course) will take you to bankruptcy and you will ignore the looming bankruptcy until it hits. Where do go then? Where's the financial support for your kids for education, food, etc?

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Like i said brother, right now it feels like a drug addiction. 3 weeks wasn't long enough, maybe 3 months will be too long. I don't know yet. All i know is last year i wouldve said there's no chance id be away from my kids that long and now I've been there, I'm willing to try it.

Go for it. You can always have more kids later, and buy another house somewhere where they're cheap; you're lucky that you can take 3 months off your job without affecting your career, and it'll give your kids a chance to find someone more responsible.

Go for it in a big way.


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Hey SC ... worthy of a Critics Corner mention?


Critics' Corner is aimed at assessing troll topics, not blokes genuinely seeking advice.

I thought one of my favourite bits was when he introduced the kids in the keep-it-boiling stir-post. That really is one of the most important parts of any trawl... to pay out the net gently as more and more fish are caught. I reckon, based on that, he's from Hull or Grimsby; which explains how he can take three months off, once they've landed their quota for the year.

Very few of us take the time to understand our fellow posters; we are too quick to write them off from our own narrow perspective.


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Hey SC ... worthy of a Critics Corner mention?


Critics' Corner is aimed at ...

That really is one of the most important parts of any trawl... to pay out the net gently as more and more fish are caught. I reckon, based on that, he's from Hull or Grimsby;

Very few of us take the time to understand our fellow posters; we are too quick to write them off from our own narrow perspective.


Are you saying I jacked to quickly?

Don't call me Charles Darwin but does this give any clue to the Origin of the Species (where he is from)?


... returning to teesside (the land of smog) was one of the

hardest days of my life. I'm not a very emotional person but on my last

day i could feel tears behind my eyes!!! Them 9 months every year will

be hard, especially since i'll be stuck on oil rigs for half the time.

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Hey SC ... worthy of a Critics Corner mention?


Critics' Corner is aimed at ...

That really is one of the most important parts of any trawl... to pay out the net gently as more and more fish are caught. I reckon, based on that, he's from Hull or Grimsby;

Very few of us take the time to understand our fellow posters; we are too quick to write them off from our own narrow perspective.


Are you saying I jacked to quickly?

Don't call me Charles Darwin but does this give any clue to the Origin of the Species (where he is from)?


... returning to teesside (the land of smog) was one of the

hardest days of my life. I'm not a very emotional person but on my last

day i could feel tears behind my eyes!!! Them 9 months every year will

be hard, especially since i'll be stuck on oil rigs for half the time.

Presumably he worked on the trawlers before he went on the rigs.

I feel suitably admonished for not reading the post properly and carefully.

He's a lucky bloke, living on Teesside, whether it's the bright lights of Middlesbrough and the exciting night life; I often reminisce fondly of the Bongo Club and the Empire just down from there, or the quaint historic charm of Whitby, or the excitement of Redcar races and the seaside entertainments.


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People whose lives get changed by Pattaya.


missed the "my whole outlook on life is changed" bit...but why should you care if that's what he thinks or feels?

Besides, all kinds of things can change your life; doesn't mean they are good, noble, or intrinsically meaningful or anything else...after all, if one wants to be precise, EVERYTHING changes your life on a constant basis. Some, good or bad and for various reasons, more than others...

Anyway, speaking from the perspective that is decades old (and thus perhaps not so relevant), Pattaya can be great fun for a holiday when it's new and great fun when you know it better. I think you're headed for disappointment or ( much) worse if you think it's some sort of paradise and will always make you happy.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Outlook on life has changed cos id be willing to live in a shit area for the sake of going to pattaya and I've got 2 young kids who aren't going to see there dad for a long spell every year, and when they grow up and realise the reason for it i dint think theyll be best pleased.
Oh dont worry you will end up living in a shit area alright, back end of beyond up Buriram/Surin way.

Dont worry about getting to Pattaya, little Lek will have your balls for garters.

Have you seen the cost of land upcountry, dont forget the mia farang car of choice the Toyota Clitoris and the 75k per month salary for her to stay with you.

Great stuff go for it.

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Its a troll post, and yep smoggyDMC gave it away that he is from Middlesborough.

Works on the rigs? Should be able to afford a nice house mortgage seeing as smoggyland has the lowest house prices in the UK, there is no reason why he can't have both the 3 monther and the nice crib.

Brought his kids into play a bit too late to hide his hand well enough. Claiming one minute that he is scared that his kids will hate him for not seeing them for long periods, then claims later that he can't see them anyway because of 'that bitch'.

Sorry but trolls have to be a bit more consistent.

Plus this is his third attempt with 2 identical threads in about a week in the Pattaya board.

Edited by klubex99
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http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/reader/reader835.html Is a series of stories about a British chap called, "Broken Man is Repaired." You need to read all of the Broken man stories. They are all real and document a man's struggles with Thailand.

A case of "You read it here folks....100% reliable Stickman???" Yeah, rrrrrrrrrright.

.....but then again, didn't he do a spread on you? coffee1.gif

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