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Cheap Charlie Stories


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Ask theblether, he's a Scot

We Scots are a warm and generous bunch....even to those less fortunate folks who try to cast us otherwise........ Perhaps a some consideration of the part played by Scots in establishing your country would prevent rather silly posts like that, Rene. wai.gif

Edited by Rob8891
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Ask theblether, he's a Scot

We scots are a warm and generous bunch....even to those less fortunate folks who try to cast us otherwise.

I worked with a Pom years ago who claimed that the 'frugal Scot' thing was actually a Welsh plot, and that it was the Welsh who were tighter than a fishes proverbial. I just try not to tread on Celtic toes where possible - they tend to be attached to large Celtic feet ;)

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Ask theblether, he's a Scot

We scots are a warm and generous bunch....even to those less fortunate folks who try to cast us otherwise.

I worked with a Pom years ago who claimed that the 'frugal Scot' thing was actually a Welsh plot, and that it was the Welsh who were tighter than a fishes proverbial. I just try not to tread on Celtic toes where possible - they tend to be attached to large Celtic feet wink.png

The true story is, the legend of Scots being tight was a self inflicted wound.......back in the days of the Music Hall a Scotsman called Harry Lauder was a mega star, probably the biggest star in the UK at that time. One of his running gags was a punchline which went this " nearly as deserted as a Flag Day in Aberdeen ".

A Flag Day was a charitable collection day, so the gag was that people from Aberdeen were misers.......unfortunately in the minds of the English audience it came to pass that all Scots are misers.

So thanks for that Harry!! annoyed.gif

To be honest it doesn't bother me.....there's far worse things can be said about a country than being careful with money......just ask those Welsh sheep shaggers. coffee1.gif

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Ask theblether, he's a Scot

We scots are a warm and generous bunch....even to those less fortunate folks who try to cast us otherwise.

I worked with a Pom years ago who claimed that the 'frugal Scot' thing was actually a Welsh plot, and that it was the Welsh who were tighter than a fishes proverbial. I just try not to tread on Celtic toes where possible - they tend to be attached to large Celtic feet wink.png

The true story is, the legend of Scots being tight was a self inflicted wound.......back in the days of the Music Hall a Scotsman called Harry Lauder was a mega star, probably the biggest star in the UK at that time. One of his running gags was a punchline which went this " nearly as deserted as a Flag Day in Aberdeen ".

A Flag Day was a charitable collection day, so the gag was that people from Aberdeen were misers.......unfortunately in the minds of the English audience it came to pass that all Scots are misers.

So thanks for that Harry!! annoyed.gif

To be honest it doesn't bother me.....there's far worse things can be said about a country than being careful with money......just ask those Welsh sheep shaggers. coffee1.gif

Are the Welsh muslim ?

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Just search the forums, loads of stuff. smile.png

Actually, there has been a few tightwad threads. I can recall one where the guy complained about having to pay a couple of baht to use the toilet. And another guy who threw a fit because some McDonald's clerk put ice in his Coke. Or the guy who wanted a full refund for his meal even after he'd consume half of it. More recently some guy who had reserved his room for a full month, got the special rate, then expected a refund after staying 3 weeks. That's just off the top of my head.

What's even funnier (albeit in a sad way) is that the guys who started these threads felt that they had legitimate gripes. What a bunch of cheapskate ignoramus'!

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Good stuff I saw a reverse cheap charlie the other month before I went back to work. I was having lunch with my friends when one being western asked if he could have his drink with no ice. When the drink came to the table it was 1/2 full he asked why and the lady said if it had ice it would be full so thats all they will give.

He was about to argue the point when I mentioned it was 25 baht and the effort you will but into the argument will be well more then that is worth. He ordered a second the same way and we moved on

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Every so often i wash my own bike. But sorry, its not a cheap charlie story, its a quality control story. The wash guys just use a jet washer and the only way i can get certain parts of the base clean is to physically scrub it.

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Every so often i wash my own bike. But sorry, its not a cheap charlie story, its a quality control story. The wash guys just use a jet washer and the only way i can get certain parts of the base clean is to physically scrub it.

Please keep in mind the average age of readers. You are going to overly excite some of the gents and perhaps cause some to faint as they consider the image of a sultry vixen covered in bubbles in tight hot pants cleaning her motorbike?

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Nothing wrong with watching the pennies.

It's the folk that will sit with a bunch of friends all night and not buy a round of drinks but will quite willingly take free drinks, that's not watching the pennies that's just a cheap Charlie tight arse, nobody likes a ponce.

I've even seen at a party some numpty turn up with a tupperware box and fill it with food then walk off, that's not watching the pennies that's just a low life with no self respect, plenty of these here and all have the same excuses.

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Every so often i wash my own bike. But sorry, its not a cheap charlie story, its a quality control story. The wash guys just use a jet washer and the only way i can get certain parts of the base clean is to physically scrub it.

Please keep in mind the average age of readers. You are going to overly excite some of the gents and perhaps cause some to faint as they consider the image of a sultry vixen covered in bubbles in tight hot pants cleaning her motorbike?

Oops! Good thing i didnt mention that sometimes my friend helps too then! Shes very good at polishing off the job.

PMSL.......Someone call an ambulance. :D

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I'm so cheap I sometimes if mood takes me - wash my own car. Scandal.

Umm, not really cheap.. I'd say prudent. One of my colelagues had his car "hand washed". The filthy rags used left multiple scratches and the yokels managed to break one of the wipers.

Prudent indeed. I got a nice scratch along the passenger side from the divvy at the car wash then tried to pass it off as my fault and it was already there. Plus window screen water tank cap was broken off and put back at an angle but only noticed a week after when i lifted the bonnet.

You then have the privilidge of smiling and paying said divvy for his skills or lack of.

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