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What exactly is the OP's problem.?

Didn't read all the posts but fairly sure he's from the states

That must be why the Austrian Embassy visited him.

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>What do you think would be a suitable title for it?

How about "A Guy In Denial"?

lol, good one...or maybe "The Ghostrider"

The land of grimaces behind smiles

(sorry I 'm not a native English speaker)

Me no native English too, no problem. I think I know what you mean. There is a book called "The face behind the smile".


What exactly is the OP's problem.?

Didn't read all the posts but fairly sure he's from the states

That must be why the Austrian Embassy visited him.

Hey ! I was fairly sure flattered when I wrote that commend. I had a good laugh. Infact all of the negative posts made me LOL. But it wouldn't had surprised me if I had a visit from the Australian Embassy at all.


Can't believe that some people, after reading more stories then only the one Stardust has written down still have the guts to act all tough on people who have been trough this hell...


IDC is not hell. That's the point.

It's also not considered as a relaxing experience is it?
Did I say it was?

Did I say that you said it was? No? Did I say that some people might try and think a little longer then before they come out and act like big guys.. Yes, I did. First of all maybe your perception of hell isn't the same as mine, but I wouldn't want to be in IDC nor some Thai jail. But since it's a cup of tea for some people in this thread maybe they could cope easily wich such an situation.


Are you jealous, that you never had the balls to whack a Thai Officer of the law.

Jealous? Balls? Maybe he just isn't stupid.

I never said him being stupid. I'm just tired of the "I know it all" guys who make thoughtless statements about things they have no experience about.

I think that describes Karen Bravo to a 'T'!

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Are you jealous, that you never had the balls to whack a Thai Officer of the law.

Jealous? Balls? Maybe he just isn't stupid.
I never said him being stupid. I'm just tired of the "I know it all" guys who make thoughtless statements about things they have no experience about.
I think that describes Karen Bravo to a 'T'!
Errrrm........firstly I do have experience in IDC.

Secondly, you don't think hitting a policeman is kinda stupid?

Thirdly, there have now been three posters that have been in IDC that don't agree that the conditions are as described by the OP.

I have to conclude that the OP is a bit of a "drama queen" and has a penchant for self-martyrdom.


I understand the OP is now again residing in Thailand and has posted his story on this & other internet sites. It is known that Thai government agencies monitor email and internet postings, as do many other countries. If the timelines and OP's story is accurate I would have thought he would be a lot more circumspect if living in Thailand. It would not be difficult for Thai law enforcement to identify him, take objection and track him down to take action against him for "impairing the reputation of Thailand".

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And you are proud of hitting an officer of the law?

Penal colonies were designed specifically for people like you.

officer of the law is a very polite word for a thai cop

I'm not allowed to use foul language in this Forum.


It's stupid to hit any guy who has a gun. Cop, or not.

Headline on TV: Expat was shot dead in International Hospital for resisting arrest for drunk driving" cheesy.gif


And you are proud of hitting an officer of the law?

Penal colonies were designed specifically for people like you.

Proud?hmmm. No. But I have to admit that it doesn't happen everyday, that I get to whack one, and get away with it. It was just a fluke. There was no offence taken by cop. None at all. At that point I looked like I have just fell off a 10 stories building anyway.

Well, I guess I'm no gentleman after all.


You seem like a standup guy to me.

As you say, you have to be stupid to get there, but even Thaivisa members can be stupid sometimes.

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Errrrm........firstly I do have experience in IDC.

Secondly, you don't think hitting a policeman is kinda stupid?

Thirdly, there have now been three posters that have been in IDC that don't agree that the conditions are as described by the OP.

I have to conclude that the OP is a bit of a "drama queen" and has a penchant for self-martyrdom.

I think you have clearly crossed a line here. You are making personal insults to the OP, where all he has done is write down his experiences for us to read and comment on. When is it right that you then insult him calling him "drama queen".

I know your not going to, but be a man and apologise and move on.

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Are you jealous, that you never had the balls to whack a Thai Officer of the law.

Jealous? Balls? Maybe he just isn't stupid.

When was you in IDC and how long? what was your room number?

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Are you jealous, that you never had the balls to whack a Thai Officer of the law.

Jealous? Balls? Maybe he just isn't stupid.

When was you in IDC and how long? what was your room number?

sorry that was directed at ms bravo but i doubt he will answer with the facts as so far what i have read he is just trying to be a spoiler.no idea.


Keep up the posting Stardust. Don't worry about the <vulgarity removed>, every thread has them.

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He has been tried, convicted and punished for this crime. .

Homeownership. Until now I have not talked about my conviction. Yeah, I was tried. Usually a case like mine would have taken 48 days for the court to conclude my final sentence. Well, it took them a little longer. I was at court 11 times. On my last day at court I thought I would get sentenced for at least 6 month to 3 years, but I wasn't. I was released on the very same day. I was in OAR when the judge said "tat sin itsara", which means the sentence is freedom. Yeah, that's right. Due to the lack of evidence from the police my case was dismissed, they took the leg irons off, let me shower and shave and out the prison gate I went. I didn't even have to pay a fine for drunk driving any more, because one day in prison was worth 200 Baht.

But that's another story yet to come.

And to answer your question about the money I had in my underwear? My wife smuggeled it in for me along with a mobile phone in her Bra on a visit when I was in the Kho Samui Police station awaiting deportation. That was the easy part.Making a call was a bit trickier. A nice motorbike taxi driver was involved too. He loved to make some extra money to get things past the police, which we prisoners were absolutely prohibited to possess. And as on protecting my money. Easy. Just making a COFFEETIME and invite the right guys. Plain and Simple.

Book? No, not yet.

Moved on? Sure did.

Stired things up? Definitely

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