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Hugo Chavez Dies From Cancer At 58


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Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez Dies From Cancer at 58

MEXICO CITY, March 6 (RIA Novosti) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has died after a prolonged battle with cancer, Vice President Nicolas Maduro announced on national television.

The announcement came hours after an emergency government meeting following reports that the health of Venezuela’s charismatic socialist leader was failing.

“We have received the toughest and tragic information that... Comandante President Hugo Chavez died today [Tuesday] at 4:25 pm," Maduro said in an emotional address to Venezuelans.

Meanwhile, Venezuela's Defense Minister, Admiral Diego Molero, appealed on national television for "unity, tranquility and understanding" among Venezuelans and vowed that the military will remain loyal to the constitution in the wake of Chavez's death.

Chavez, 58, who has ruled Venezuela for 14 years, has had four operations for cancer and four courses of chemotherapy in Cuba and Venezuela within a year. His fourth operation, to remove cancerous tissue, took place in Cuba on December 11.

Full story: http://en.rian.ru/world/20130306/179839682.html

-- RIA NOVOSTI 2013-03-06

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“I was overwhelmed by the feeling that I had just been traveling and
chatting pleasantly with two opposing men,” Garcia Marquez later wrote
in a profile of Mr. Chavez. “One to whom the caprices of fate had given
an opportunity to save his country. The other, an illusionist, who could
pass into the history books as just another despot.”

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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One thing when it comes to dictators of any kind is that people only see the bad, which is natural. HOWEVER to be a dictator of a country and rule it for as long as he has, one has to be a very very very smart man.

Are you so sure?

>I have always said, heard, that it would not be strange that there had

been civilization on Mars. But maybe capitalism

arrived there, imperialism arrived, and finished off the planet.

Hugo Chavez

I'd say he was a very CHARISMATIC man.

Well have you heard of any retards coming to power and controlling the entire country for 16 years?

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In this case and with many others like Saddam Hussein, Chez Guevara et al, respect for the dead does not equate.

That depends who is looking at it.

Many in Iraq believe they were much better off when Saddam was in power, and look at Egypt now.

Chavez, was not liked by the West and made friends with the worst, but he did look after his people

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In this case and with many others like Saddam Hussein, Chez Guevara et al, respect for the dead does not equate.

That depends who is looking at it.

Many in Iraq believe they were much better off when Saddam was in power, and look at Egypt now.

Chavez, was not liked by the West and made friends with the worst, but he did look after his people

yep he built such a great country that's why you choose thailand to live and not venezuela :cheesy:

look at the facts, high inflation, country such a pile of crap that the president goes to mexico for his healthcare.. give us a break in praising another crazy left wing nut feeding on his own people blood

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In this case and with many others like Saddam Hussein, Chez Guevara et al, respect for the dead does not equate.

That depends who is looking at it.

Many in Iraq believe they were much better off when Saddam was in power, and look at Egypt now.

Chavez, was not liked by the West and made friends with the worst, but he did look after his people

As long as you were on his side.

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Agree or not with him, try to be more respectful for the deceased

So does this mean that since Hitler, Osama Bin Ladin, Pol Pot, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Jimmy Saville are deceased I have to be respectful of them too? I feel the same way about Hugo Chavez as I feel about the aforementioned individuals.

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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dead at 58

< br />

2013-03-06 08:40:56 GMT+7 (ICT)

CARACAS, VENEZUELA (BNO NEWS) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the firebrand socialist who dominated his country for fourteen years with sweeping political change and flamboyant speeches, died Tuesday in the capital Caracas, the government said. He was 58 years old.

Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro, with a broken voice and tears streaming down his face, said Chavez was pronounced dead at 4:25 p.m. local time at the Military Hospital in Caracas, the country's capital. He described the death as a "historic tragedy" with "immense pain."

"Thank you, president, wherever you are, and to our people we ask you to channel this pain in peace," Maduro stated as he addressed the country on national television and radio. He called on all Venezuelans to maintain peace, respect, and calm of the nation.

Chavez, the polarizing presidential figure who first assumed office in 1999, ruled the country for fourteen years through his "21st century socialism." Due to his health condition, he was never formally inaugurated after his fourth reelection in October, creating political controversy and tension.

Rumors surrounding Chavez's health condition had been circulating since June 2011 when the Venezuelan president first stated that he was recovering from an operation that removed an abscessed tumor with cancerous cells. He later declared in July 2012 that he had fully recovered from cancer, only three months before the presidential vote.

But the cancer returned and Chavez again underwent surgery on December 11, 2012. He never made a public appearance ever since, triggering further doubts regarding his health condition. A photo of Chavez, posing with his daughters, was released on February 14, four days before he was moved to the Military Hospital in Caracas.

Last week, Maduro said Chavez was receiving "complementary chemotherapy treatments" at the Military Hospital, and on Monday evening, Communication and Information Minister Ernesto Villegas stated that Chavez's health condition was worsening with the discovery of a new and severe respiratory infection.

-- thaivisa.com © BNO News All rights reserved 2013-03-06

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One thing when it comes to dictators of any kind is that people only see the bad, which is natural. HOWEVER to be a dictator of a country and rule it for as long as he has, one has to be a very very very smart man.

Are you so sure?

I have always said, heard, that it would not be strange that there had

been civilization on Mars. But maybe capitalism

arrived there, imperialism arrived, and finished off the planet.

Hugo Chavez

I'd say he was a very CHARISMATIC man.

Analyst estimates Chávez’s family fortune at around $2Billion

Criminal Justice International Associates (CJIA), a risk assessment and

global analysis firm in Miami, estimated in a recent report that the

Chávez Frías family in Venezuela has “amassed a fortune” similar to that

of the Castro brothers in Cuba. According to Jerry Brewer, president of CJIA, “the personal fortune of

the Castro brothers has been estimated at a combined value of around $2 billion.”


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Fortunes of dictators are always created on the backs of the poor. Hard to drum up sympathy for a man like this who also thrived on trying to unsettle international relationships (except for his "poor" Cuban friends--his only friends). It was just a matter of time before he would have ended up as much of a loose-cannon threat as Iran or North Korea.

The world is better without him. neus.gif

Edited by Fookhaht
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I'm curious about the diplomatic protocol at his funeral.

Of course his South American buddies will be prominent.

Raul Castro will be a star. Assuming Fidel too frail to attend.

What about Ahmadinejad of Iran? Will the USA send a representative? Perhaps the Vice President's intern? Of course, there is no way Obama is going.

Statement from the White House:

At this challenging time of President Hugo Chávez's passing, the United States reaffirms its support for the Venezuelan people,” President
Obama says in remarks at the White House.

Note the lack of praise for Chavez.

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Statement from the White House:

At this challenging time of President Hugo Chávez's passing, the United States reaffirms its support for the Venezuelan people,” President

Obama says in remarks at the White House.

Note the lack of praise for Chavez.

That's the nicest way of saying "good riddance" I've ever heard. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Fookhaht
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Statement from the White House:

At this challenging time of President Hugo Chávez's passing, the United States reaffirms its support for the Venezuelan people,” President

Obama says in remarks at the White House.

Note the lack of praise for Chavez.
That's the nicest way of saying "good riddance" I've ever heard. thumbsup.gif
I tend to agree with President Obama.
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One thing when it comes to dictators of any kind is that people only see the bad, which is natural. HOWEVER to be a dictator of a country and rule it for as long as he has, one has to be a very very very smart man.

Are you so sure?

>I have always said, heard, that it would not be strange that there had

been civilization on Mars. But maybe capitalism

arrived there, imperialism arrived, and finished off the


Hugo Chavez

I'd say he was a very CHARISMATIC man.

Well have you heard of any retards coming to power and controlling the entire country for 16 years?

How about eight years? One immediately comes to mind...

I never bought his people's revolution bs. He wanted to be boss, that was the priority. A new Mussolini, not a Bolivar. I enjoy the irony that a few years ago he was hovering over Fidel, waiting for him to die so he could don Castro's cloak as leader of the Latin American People's Revolution. I'm sure Fidel and his bro are having a snicker over it.

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