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Englishman Found Dead At East Pattaya House


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Englishman found dead at East Pattaya House
PATTAYA:--A 61 year old English Resident of Pattaya was found dead at his family home in East Pattaya late on Tuesday Night by his wife and stepson.

The pair had just returned home from work to find the body of Mr. Ian Blackburn from York lying on the bed. It is estimated he had been dead for at least 6 to 7 hours prior to the discovery of the body.

Police and rescue services were called to the scene and an initial inspection of the scene suggested to Police that the death was not suspicious in any way.
Full story:http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/77713/englishman-dead-east-pattaya-house/

-- Pattaya One 2013-03-06

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The alarming rate of foreigners finding their untimely end in pattaya seems

to escalating recently, is the and statistics as to how many foreigners

dies in Thailand according to areas and nationalities i wonder?

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.....so....no question of poisoning.........

........stepson.....wife with baggage........

........any death should be investigated..........

....especially when someone else will end up with a 'big payday'.....

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The alarming rate of foreigners finding their untimely end in pattaya seems

to escalating recently, is the and statistics as to how many foreigners

dies in Thailand according to areas and nationalities i wonder?

The 'nationmaster' afficonados will be along shortly to give you the much needed statistics.

Meanwhile, RIP Ian.

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.....so....no question of poisoning.........

........stepson.....wife with baggage........

........any death should be investigated..........

....especially when someone else will end up with a 'big payday'.....

Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar. BTW, they did this: "The body has been sent to the Police Forensic Institute in Bangkok for a postmortem examination and the British Embassy in Bangkok have been informed."

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The alarming rate of foreigners finding their untimely end in pattaya seems

to escalating recently, is the and statistics as to how many foreigners

dies in Thailand according to areas and nationalities i wonder?

Alarming? Oh please. Normally the death of an older man at home of natural causes is not NEWS. It's for the obituary section.

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You take a risk when you decide to get a wife in a poor country, way younger and mostly attracted by the uplift of living standards... Nobody knows how it may end :( RIP Ian

I will happily stay on my own and rent as needed, I leave the life gamble to others less frivoulous than me.

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The alarming rate of foreigners finding their untimely end in pattaya seems

to escalating recently, is the and statistics as to how many foreigners

dies in Thailand according to areas and nationalities i wonder?

Alarming? Oh please. Normally the death of an older man at home of natural causes is not NEWS. It's for the obituary section.


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You take a risk when you decide to get a wife in a poor country, way younger and mostly attracted by the uplift of living standards... Nobody knows how it may end sad.png RIP Ian

I will happily stay on my own and rent as needed, I leave the life gamble to others less frivoulous than me.

Wrong .... we ALL die ...eventually.

Nothing as certain as death and taxes.


Edited by cardholder
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The alarming rate of foreigners finding their untimely end in pattaya seems

to escalating recently, is the and statistics as to how many foreigners

dies in Thailand according to areas and nationalities i wonder?

LOL. Do you think moving to Thailand makes you immortal? Old people die all over the world; no-one lives forever, not even in Thailand. Probably died of some health condition, so don't know what you find so alarming about that.

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A newsworthy event?

Probably newsworthy because another Brit or foreigner may know him, so may be interested. And though it doesn't seem like news, these sorts of stories get plenty of views and comments.

Edited by davejones
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The alarming rate of foreigners finding their untimely end in pattaya seems

to escalating recently, is the and statistics as to how many foreigners

dies in Thailand according to areas and nationalities i wonder?

indeed, who would have ever suspected someone on a retirement visa might die?

Every death that if not witnessed deserves a post mortem to determine cause of death. Only then can the truth be known. That is if you believe the Thai forensic pathologist's.

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A newsworthy event?

Probably newsworthy because another Brit or foreigner may know him, so may be interested. And though it doesn't seem like news, these sorts of stories get plenty of views and comments.

and, as stated previously, that is the exact purpose of an obituary

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You take a risk when you decide to get a wife in a poor country, way younger and mostly attracted by the uplift of living standards... Nobody knows how it may end sad.png RIP Ian

I will happily stay on my own and rent as needed, I leave the life gamble to others less frivoulous than me.

wow, your internet must be WAAYYY better than mine, the story i read didn't say anything about any of that.

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Something to do with age I fear, catches up on all of us. Have been to 4 burnings already this year and it's only just March!

In this day and age, 61 is a bit young to be popping your clogs of natural causes.

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