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On A Van When It Hit A Girl On A Bike


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Same here, no vans anymore. The trip back was pure horror.

No, it really wasn't the drivers fault. We were on the highway and a smaller road was crossing it like a little junction but no traffic lights. The girl just came straight from the side road, crossed the lane next to us and kept going. The driver was honking and breaking but the girl kept on going an drove straight into our lane in front of the van.

It is a mindset, ''Do what l like, you avoid me''. Keep asking the mrs why ALL these folk do this stuff, she says it's there life and can do what they want, your problem, they are in front. Which after years of driving here l think she is right cos every single day l put up with the road nonsense of avoiding people of all ages pulling out from side roads, their f...... you attitude. sad.png

I know. Turning into the petrol station yesterday indicating left 3 idiots on motorbikes went down the inside. Had enough by the fourth just blasted the horn and made it obvious I was going to turn in. Only had the car back a week from being repaired from another idiot going in the side of the car doing exactly the same thing about 4 weeks back. Never saw him. He must have rounded the u turn after I past it and floored it while I was slowing down. The back of the car hopped with the impact from his speed.

That idiot started telling me I had to pay for the hospital all he had was a cut on his foot. Told him he was going to be paying as he was undertaking a car and a car that was already turning left. Still carried on saying pay hospital until my wife came out the office and he realised it was my wifes station and who the family was. Admitted he caused it by speeding and not looking where he was going. Not sure whether he after numerous times telling him that it was caused by undertaking.

Yep it was a Sunday evening.

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To drive a motocy 100cc age is 15yrs , to drive a 125cc its 18 yrs , so she was illegal and driving with no licence and insurance no sympathy.

You obviously don't have children or a heart to make such a disgraceful statement as that about a 14-year old girl,<deleted>!It really is better you keep your big mouth shut,rather than come out with statements like the above!

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Kids in 2nd grade ride bikes here. Many of the bikes have modified exhaust and engines.

On the downtown stretch, in front of 7-11, I regularly see 8 year-olds, three to a bike, hit 70, swerving between cars and dogs, laughing. No helmet, shorts but no shirt.

Despite the fact that their own parents can't stop this (so says the GF), the police watch it without batting an eye.

Last time they confiscated a bike, the cop was shot dead a day or two later.

It will never, never change.

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To drive a motocy 100cc age is 15yrs , to drive a 125cc its 18 yrs , so she was illegal and driving with no licence and insurance no sympathy.

for some, the only way they can get out and about. Parents aren't always available to run them around.

In the U.S., kids on farms can drive cars/trucks/farm equipment at age 14. Kids at younger ages can ride dirt bikes in ORV parks.

Stop with the crap about the laws. This isn't your freaking home country. Things are different here.

Edited by qdinthailand
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To drive a motocy 100cc age is 15yrs , to drive a 125cc its 18 yrs , so she was illegal and driving with no licence and insurance no sympathy.

for some, the only way they can get out and about. Parents aren't always available to run them around.

In the U.S., kids on farms can drive cars/trucks/farm equipment at age 14. Kids at younger ages can ride dirt bikes in ORV parks.

Stop with the crap about the laws. This isn't your freaking home country. Things are different here.

No, but it is our forum, your Thainess.

If you don't like our comments, well, don't let the door hit ya', where the good Lord split ya'

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An ambulance took her to hospital and yes, I was under shock and will need some time to deal with it.

Glad to hear that. Just because the incident is over doesn't mean the trauma is, secondary shock is a big killer, especially where head injuries are concerned.

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Many have what i call 'Alone in the world syndrome'.

And before i get stupid remarks, the word many does mean many and not something else!

Walking on the street, getting out of an elevator, walking to a counter skipping waiting people, driving away from a parking spot, driving from a small soi onto the big road, overtaking, etc, etc.

Driving is like you are on an obstacle course, so many situations to avoid and prepare for. Anticipating is a required skill.

Edited by Khun Jean
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To drive a motocy 100cc age is 15yrs , to drive a 125cc its 18 yrs , so she was illegal and driving with no licence and insurance no sympathy.

Should make the parents smash the bike until they can post each pice through a small letterbox. Then ban them from owning / using a vehicle for a year. Too many Thai parents won't take responsibility, even the schools do little to enforce the law allowing kids to drive into school without hats and drive underage.

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To drive a motocy 100cc age is 15yrs , to drive a 125cc its 18 yrs , so she was illegal and driving with no licence and insurance no sympathy.

You obviously don't have children or a heart to make such a disgraceful statement as that about a 14-year old girl,<deleted>!It really is better you keep your big mouth shut,rather than come out with statements like the above!

I agree with nevets. This was Life giving the girl a reality check, or metaphorically speaking, a "spanking", whereas the parents never did.


Look what it gets her and all the other idiots like her, who steal you heart and sympathy away when they are going through a windshield or we see the aftermath of a blood bath at a school shooting. No sympathy because I don't feel sorry for idiots who think Life is kind and forgiving and makes allowances for their stupidity the same way that their sterile parents do.

In short, the girl is an idiot, but I hope now she is a wiser idiot for surviving a simple lesson that could have been avoided had her parents taught her not to do this and enforced their lesson.

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To drive a motocy 100cc age is 15yrs , to drive a 125cc its 18 yrs , so she was illegal and driving with no licence and insurance no sympathy.

You obviously don't have children or a heart to make such a disgraceful statement as that about a 14-year old girl,<deleted>!It really is better you keep your big mouth shut,rather than come out with statements like the above!

I agree with nevets. This was Life giving the girl a reality check, or metaphorically speaking, a "spanking", whereas the parents never did.


Look what it gets her and all the other idiots like her, who steal you heart and sympathy away when they are going through a windshield or we see the aftermath of a blood bath at a school shooting. No sympathy because I don't feel sorry for idiots who think Life is kind and forgiving and makes allowances for their stupidity the same way that their sterile parents do.

In short, the girl is an idiot, but I hope now she is a wiser idiot for surviving a simple lesson that could have been avoided had her parents taught her not to do this and enforced their lesson.

Im in love pls keep posting!!!

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Many have what i call 'Alone in the world syndrome'.

And before i get stupid remarks, the word many does mean many and not something else!

Walking on the street, getting out of an elevator, walking to a counter skipping waiting people, driving away from a parking spot, driving from a small soi onto the big road, overtaking, etc, etc.

Driving is like you are on an obstacle course, so many situations to avoid and prepare for. Anticipating is a required skill.

And which the vast majority of Thai drivers simply do not possess, witness any day the wheel of the car in front on your left twitch over to your lane until the last fraction of a second when he realises there is actually someone there, as opposed to the times when he doesnt and one of you ends up dead.

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To drive a motocy 100cc age is 15yrs , to drive a 125cc its 18 yrs , so she was illegal and driving with no licence and insurance no sympathy.

You obviously don't have children or a heart to make such a disgraceful statement as that about a 14-year old girl,<deleted>!It really is better you keep your big mouth shut,rather than come out with statements like the above!

Well, I have 2 kids and 1 heart.... and I completely concur with nevets comments..

Illegally driving a motocy,.. Interesting question is who gave her the keys? Parents? They obviously don't have the braincells required to raise a child to adulthood.. Took it without asking? Hopefully she learns from it...

But... doubt it...

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An ambulance took her to hospital and yes, I was under shock and will need some time to deal with it.

Glad to hear that. Just because the incident is over doesn't mean the trauma is, secondary shock is a big killer, especially where head injuries are concerned.

That is where I am concerned. I have an elderly friend who has had 2 former girl friends die of head trauma accidents. They died in hospital a day AFTER their accident because the doctors didn't know they had internal bleeding. Those are not recorded as vehicle deaths in Thailand even though the death was the result of a vehicle accident.

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Sounds awful.

I bet she is counting her blessings! The roads in Thailand always have me on the edge of my seat. They're horrendous and the lack of awareness and helmets really amaze me!

She won't be counting her blessings, it will be seen as good luck and things will carry on as before. Buddha is looking over her so everything will be ok. Sad but true.

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The girl has to spend some days in hospital to make sure her brain is alright but apart from that she seems to be okay.

Thankyou for the update, Ragamuffin. It is good to hear she is improving. I hope there is no lasting damage.

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An ambulance took her to hospital and yes, I was under shock and will need some time to deal with it.

Glad to hear that. Just because the incident is over doesn't mean the trauma is, secondary shock is a big killer, especially where head injuries are concerned.

That is where I am concerned. I have an elderly friend who has had 2 former girl friends die of head trauma accidents. They died in hospital a day AFTER their accident because the doctors didn't know they had internal bleeding. Those are not recorded as vehicle deaths in Thailand even though the death was the result of a vehicle accident.

More likely because the cheapo hospital wouldn't give them at least a CT scan which is obviously standard for this kind of thing. Doctors of course know the risk of internal bleeding with head trauma, I bet it's drilled into them many times during their education. The issue is cost, whether saving the taxpayers money in a socialized system or thinking the patient can't afford it in a private system. In any case, always have money or insurance for this sort of thing. It may not be fair that some get better treatment than others, but would you rather be the one to get the CT scan or not?

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Also, I urge people to stop supporting these horrible minivans and pirate-taxis. The drivers are reckless, probably high on yaabaa and cram as many people as they can into a small van to maximize profits. Don't be so stingy as to risk this shit. Take the train if you can't afford Air Asia. Runs all the time to everywhere and the cost is only slightly more than the bus. Never get into those Kao San Road <deleted>'s minivans.

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It was awful when it happened, especially the slow-mo moment immediately before the van hit the bike and the sound of the crash. Feels very surreal now.

Id be interested in what the girl actually thinks about the incident including why she thinks it happened.

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When will they learn that the helmet law is for their own good?

Experience is a bad teacher, because it gives the test first, and the lesson later.

Maybe this girl now understands the importance of helmet laws.......and giving way to traffic.....and driving without a licence......and.......and......

and---and----riding underage. The Motorbike should be confiscated and the girls parents prosecuted.

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