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Skype Address Shows Thaksin Orders, Pheu Thai Follows


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Obviously for all to see Thailand is actually controlled by a criminal fugitive who rather stays outside Thailand to enjoy the high life elsewhere and have his minions and clones do the day-to-day running and hard work.

Tell me again, who said she's the real PM?

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Sorry Kelly, I see you didn't understand the difference between the BKK election I mentioned and the national election you'd obviously rather remember instead and it was Yingluck they voted for, not your man.

How many times has that same sad story been hashed out on Thai Visa?

Well according to opinion polls over the past year or so Yingluck has proved considerably more popular than Thaksin with PT voters. They see her as a positive shining light whereas her brother is a negative shadowy figure in the background.

Of course those who aren't taken in know who really runs the country but increasingly more and more Thais (75 per cent is a ballpark figure) would like to see him stay away and let the country move on.

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Obviously for all to see Thailand is actually controlled by a criminal fugitive who rather stays outside Thailand to enjoy the high life elsewhere and have his minions and clones do the day-to-day running and hard work.

Tell me again, who said she's the real PM?


Thaksin (ver. 4.0) said the same as Thaksin (ver. 3.0), who said the same as Thaksin (ver. 2.0).

Meanwhile, whether it's Thaksin (ver. 2.0) openly admitting to being Thaksin's nominee or even Thaksin (ver. 1.0) openly declaring Thaksin (ver. 4.0) is his clone... the answer as to who is the real PM is clear for all 4 versions.


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Obviously for all to see Thailand is actually controlled by a criminal fugitive who rather stays outside Thailand to enjoy the high life elsewhere and have his minions and clones do the day-to-day running and hard work.

Tell me again, who said she's the real PM?

Tell me again, who said she's the real PM?

Are you asking, who said she is the real MP, from the members here on TVF?(witch is obvious) Or just a general question?biggrin.png

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I wonder, has anyone done a comarative reasearch on Rome and the Roman Senators, on the similarities of the problems they had then and the problems Thailand has now, in regards to how they got rid of Ceaser? Just wondering.. surely there's some historian who can fill us in..

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Do you really think people don't know how a government if formed in Thailand? Give it a rest. Abhisit lost Yingluck won. Face it fellas the only way the Thaksin loses is by tank.

He also loses when he has to answer for his crimes in a court of law, which is the reason why he is a fugitive.

Nonsense the man lives in luxury and is running Thailand. At some point in time don't you fellas deal with the reality of the topic and information presented? You want to get rid of him? Give him amnesty bring him back and defeat him in an election. Otherwise get used to him running things by Skype. smile.png

Recent history say he is not fit on his record to do anything , only fill his pockets, who are you trying to fool -your coments are crazy at time -just rambling along like a train, saying anything that helps to support a dictatorial regime, --if the reds were not in the picture it would only be half as bad

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Thaksin also ordered ministers to clarify against allegations that he
owns a massive number of PTT shares, saying the allegation is not true
because PTT is a truly public company.

I love this bit - ordered no less. This is an example of ordering them to tell lies. There is no reason why he couldn't own a large number of PTT shares. In fact when PTT was floated the banks were a part of a massive 'jump the queue' exercise to allow TRT ministers to buy the shares.

Additionally, in the other paper, Noppadon was quoted as saying that Thaksin didn't order anything.

Can anyone remember Noppadon ever telling the truth?

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Obviously for all to see Thailand is actually controlled by a criminal fugitive who rather stays outside Thailand to enjoy the high life elsewhere and have his minions and clones do the day-to-day running and hard work.

Tell me again, who said she's the real PM?

It must really grate ( another word for irritate ) that the "clone" is doing ok, gaining in popularity, credibility, international recognition and performance.

Just to remind you, she is the real, current and successfully serving PM of Thailand and so say most of the electorate.

Pity you missed that bit.

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Obviously for all to see Thailand is actually controlled by a criminal fugitive who rather stays outside Thailand to enjoy the high life elsewhere and have his minions and clones do the day-to-day running and hard work.

Tell me again, who said she's the real PM?

It must really grate ( another word for irritate ) that the "clone" is doing ok, gaining in popularity, credibility, international recognition and performance.

Just to remind you, she is the real, current and successfully serving PM of Thailand and so say most of the electorate.

Pity you missed that bit.

My dear phil, as you quote my post I assume you reply to me. Therefor, if you don't mind, I'd like to comment on your reply. wai.gif

Nowhere in my post is there an indication I'm irritated. It should be clear I'm merely puzzled. The topic has k. Thaksin as skyping to order his cabinet how to run his country. Now as Brit you may be used to such a situation, although if memory serves me, it was in the 18th century last a British ruler spent more time abroad. Certainly the Thai situation would not be tolerated or even be possible in Europe today, I think.

Furthermore a certain part of the Thai electorate voted for Pheu Thai and the MPs voted for Ms. Yingluck as PM. She's real, legally PM, admired by all, most succesful in saying 'later', 'not now', 'give me time', etc., etc. I'm sure some of our members will agree that the Thai PM is just as good as the British one.rolleyes.gif

Edited by rubl
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I wonder, has anyone done a comarative reasearch on Rome and the Roman Senators, on the similarities of the problems they had then and the problems Thailand has now, in regards to how they got rid of Ceaser? Just wondering.. surely there's some historian who can fill us in..

Somehow I cannot see k. Abhisit in the role of Marcus Junius Brutus. Maybe more like Cato the elder with 'Thaksin delenda est' wink.png

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Surely this is grounds for party disbanding? There has to be a law against such things. A convicted criminal running the party...

My thoughts exactly, Abhisit needs to take this and run!

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Face it fellas the only way the Thaksin loses is by tank.


No, it's not.

He loses by facing justice.

He loses with incarceration on his current conviction and adjudicating his multiple pending cases.

If he's locked away for 30 years, his influence will wain.


He will just use Skype inside.

Good PR for Skype.

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He's living high on the hog in places where rationality rules to a much greater extent, clean well-ordered cities, stuff just works, intelligent people everywhere you look -

Ok its off topic but...........................

He lives in Dubai right? Try looking it up, all those lovely big skyscrapers don't even have a sewage system all the crap has to be carted away in trucks.

Once you have looked at that come back and tell us how wonderful it is.

As for Thaksin; do you really think its so great that a proven criminal convicted in a court of law with a whole heap of other criminal charges waiting for him if he ever returns is running the country?

Not only was he convicted he was so sure of his own guilt he didn't even bother to appeal and instead of facing up to what he had done like a man he ran away instead.

That action must in the minds of right minded people make him not only a criminal but a coward as well.

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The amazing part of the reactions to this topic is that where some are hardly able to call k. Abhisit a legitimite PM in his time, they see no problem whatsoever with a non-elected elite criminal fugitive skyping in to order a PM and her cabinet around telling them how he wants to have his country run.

We are talking here about foreigners from mostly democratic countries. Imagine!

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I can't see anybody getting upset over this "shocking revelation" of course Thaksin's calling the shots, in fact micro-managing day-to-day, everybody knows that what's the big deal?

In fact I've recently come up with a new theory - he's a pretty smart fellow, maybe he got as sick of this place as most of the expats here on TV, difference is he can do something about it.

He's living high on the hog in places where rationality rules to a much greater extent, clean well-ordered cities, stuff just works, intelligent people everywhere you look - he doesn't want to come back! And with the new tech there's no need to, you can run your own little tinpot banana republic, just "call it in" via tele-commuting, Skype, SMS, emails, chat, probably much more efficient than having to actually hang around and chat with people in person, we all know what a hassle Bangkok traffic's like.

So he just pretends he wants to come back to Thailand, so he can use that as a big bargaining chip, status quo being "OK we'll let you run the place pretty much as you like, as long as you don't try to take over the Army or diss the sacred-cows-not-part-of-Thai-politics, and don't try to come back".

He spends a few years pretending to push on that last one, enough for them to believe that's really important to him, the first two aren't really an option anyway, so he let's the Yellows think at least they've won one thing, let's them save some face when in fact he really gets everything he wants!

Briliant, really, and in a very Thai way. . .

By Jove, I think you got it.. clap2.gif

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Skype address proves Thaksin still the boss

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Former premier Thaksin Shinawatra's address to Pheu Thai Party via Skype on Monday once again proved that he is the leader, something Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has been consistently denying, at least in public.

Thaksin spoke on a number of topics, from personal to political issues, in a manner that shows he is in full command. His orders to the Pheu Thai Party were testimony to the fact that it is he who calls the shots.

During his address, he instructed the party to push for charter amendment, especially provisions related to party dissolution, and also on the amnesty bills.

Thaksin said MPs and senators should not waste time but amend Articles such as Article 68 on party dissolution and Article 190, which requires parliamentary approval for agreement with a foreign country. "When an amendment of these laws is being deliberated, MPs must ensure they attend House meetings. Whoever is responsible for a lack of quorum in Parliament will face an allowance cut,'' he warned.

Both articles authorise Constitution Court to rule on problematic cases.

Thaksin also ordered ministers to clarify against allegations that he owns a massive number of PTT shares, saying it is not true because PTT is a public company.

Thaksin also touched on the current controversial issue of the government seeking to raise Bt2.2 trillion for infrastructure. He told the government to clearly explain to the public that they would benefit from the infrastructure development, for which the government needs loans. He asked them to point out benefits of mass-transit systems linking neighbouring countries like China and having high-speed trains linking remote Northeast provinces such as Nong Khai.

"The Democrats will definitely stage an all-out war against the move to get the loan. They are attacking us with judo-like strategies while we do not know how to defend ourselves. We must have knowledge as our weapon,'' he said.

Regarding the recent gubernatorial defeat, Thaksin complimented some Bangkok constituencies that worked hard, resulting in the party gaining more votes and popularity. He also threatened not to field candidates in constituencies that showed poor results such as those that support Sudarat Keyuraphan.

His speech also showed that his desire to return home is as strong as ever. "As for the amnesty, MPs can do whatever they decide but be united and well-rounded … I am as if floating in the ocean. I ask myself I push for this person to be in this post and that person for that post but what about me? How can I come back home?'' he said.

During the Skype meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung's face dropped when Thaksin criticised his anti-drug measures saying they were not good enough. "During my time, I had the police run a tight ring; there was checking and rehabilitation so they do not use or sell drugs again,'' he said.

-- The Nation 2013-03-13

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Thaksin the Martyr, flying around the world in his private jet, living the high live and skyping in to tell what he wants to have done while remaining is 'self-exile'. Obviously no problem to some democracy minded people here.

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but what about me? How can I come back home?'' he said.

1. Pilot files a flight plan with the local Civil Aviation Authority in Dubai.

2. You board the plane at the appointed time.

3. Pilot flies to Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

4. You deplane and are processed through immigration.

5. You are home.

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I don't agree with the word martyr. It has to be said that the democrats and their supporters have played their hand very poorly by concentrating on Taksin, when they would have been better served in delivering policies aimed at bettering the lives of the core support for taksin, thereby marginalising his influence and nullifying his political clout. The democrats missed the opportunity when in power, they did little to appease the rural poor, who, whether misguided or not, obviously see taksin as someone intent on changing the Thai way. The democrats, though, were naively preoccupied with taksin and maintaining the old status quo for the elite.

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I don't agree with the word martyr. It has to be said that the democrats and their supporters have played their hand very poorly by concentrating on Taksin, when they would have been better served in delivering policies aimed at bettering the lives of the core support for taksin, thereby marginalising his influence and nullifying his political clout. The democrats missed the opportunity when in power, they did little to appease the rural poor, who, whether misguided or not, obviously see taksin as someone intent on changing the Thai way. The democrats, though, were naively preoccupied with taksin and maintaining the old status quo for the elite.

with constant obstruction for obstruction's sake by the Pheu Thai in opposition, with nice coalition partners (one of which moved seamlesly to the new government including keeping ministers on the same position), with bands of terrorists roaming around, it's a miracle that the Abhisit government found time to do anything at all.

Anyway, the topic of a fugitive criminal skyping in to tell the PM and her cabinet how to run his country doesn't seem to offend posters here too much. Obviously Thailand is once more a prime example to all others about how things should be done in this modern world and time ermm.gif

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