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Should Teach A Subject Called "common Sense" In Thailand.


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This is the third place.


Why not just learn to DIY?

By the time the kid's old enough to judge for themselves you'll probably be pretty good at it, and it's a good fallback career option biggrin.png

I wish I could, but I was once told by a backpacker that its rude to touch children's heads in the Kindgom.

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Many definitions of common sense but a standard one I have seen over and over is;

"the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way".

Now for me I do not find "Thai" people lacking in common sense so much as I find people from western cultures have been overly regulated by their governments. I remember years ago going to a local swimming pool with no lifeguards. For years it was a lot of fun no problems we could come and go as we pleased. Then a child drowns, followed by a lawsuit claiming it is the governments fault their child drowned, followed by a judges ruling that agrees with them and awards a huge payoff. Followed by new laws that the pool can only be open when and if there is a lifeguard on duty. If a life guard is not on duty you assume the risks of swimming in the pool and any accidents or injuries resulting in deaths are not the fault of the government. Is this common sense or governmental regulation. How did the child drown? Were the parents negligent? The Government? Was the pool some how at fault? Who do you blame?

Most of the 12 examples given as "Thai common sense" are coming from someone who I assume (yes I know) was raised in or in some form of a "western regulated" country. So your ideas of common sense have been taught to you by your government. You where not born with them!

Seat belts, helmets (bikes, motorbikes, skiing, snowboarding, walking, sleeping), elbow pads, those yellow signs that say this floor may be slippery when it is pissing rain outside, no parking here, no parking there, solid yellow line means no passing as it is unsafe to do so.

The Thais on the other hand have governmental regulations for all of the points you have made but they prefer you do your own self governance.

No manhole cover - perhaps you should watch where you are walking.....

Driving on the wrong side of the road - saves time and if you know it happens then you expect it....how many times I wish I could have done it in Canada but "Big Brother" was watching.

Dark Tint in windows - was okay in Canada for a long time "until" somebody had an accident and killed somebody and THEN blamed it on the fact they could not see because of the tinted windshield that the Government allowed to let happen. If the Government had not allowed me to install dark Tinted Windows I would not have killed that person. Common sense to blame the government when shit happens instead of taking the blame YOURSELF.

Parking motorbikes in front entrance way - if it is 40 plus outside and you have some shade in the front entrance...what's the problem. Can't get out if there is an emergency? Can't get in because it is blocking your way? MOVE IT...

Closing off an intersection so others can not go through on the green light - SO, you will just have to wait until the next set of lights and do the same thing.

So yes, everything is common sense as long as someone tells you what it is and what it should be. I personally like the Thai way of doing it, have a rule but let you interpret it yourself on how it should be applied. That to me --- makes sense!

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OK here's 20. (sorry, only time for 12)

1. Failure to earth electric wiring.

2. Placing power points where they come into contact with water.

3. Driving on the wrong side of the road.

4. Having a young baby and operating a mobile whilst on a motorcycle.

5. Closing off intersections so other traffic can't come through on the green light.

6. Creating two extra lanes to turn right when there should be only two.

7. Blocking entrances to shops etc with motorbikes.

8. Riding motorbikes at night with no lights.

9. Insisting that the driver have a helmet, but young children are exempt.

10.Putting dark tint on front windscreens.

11.Leaving open manhole covers with no warning for weeks on end.

12.Stopping and parking on the road with no consideration for blocking traffic.

13. Lunch is on, gotta go.

It's a valiant effort but I'd say none of them are particularly 'Thai' though.

If you think the above are bad here, never go to Burma, Cambodia or the Pips....

He promised 20 and only delivered 12...so lets talk about not finishing a job properly shall we ?

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My GF gets a substantial pension every month from overseas as a result of her Husband Death, The first thing she does each month after going to ATM is organize the Lottery tickets, spends about 20000Bt per month, plus gives her mother 10000Bt for lottery, then she gives her kids money, they do not work! then she goes to her local village for distribution of money among some of her "Friends" Then she may play the Slot Machine at her local shop wher she will put in 1000,s of Baht.

Then she will come back to Condo where the card game is going and spend up to 3 Days, non stop, playing spending more then 100000Bt, this routine goes on every month and has been happening the last 3 years, after 2 weeks she has run out of money, and I cover the cost of living expenses, I have been trying to get this situation under control for about 6 Months, set some limits, but without much success.

The money she has won from lottery in 6 Months is 0Baht. But it is all about Good Luck isn't it not Common Sense.

I am aware she is a compulsive gambler

She also tips big money into various Wat,s all over Thailand, for Good Luck!

You've got some serious issues, Mr. Davo. Surely you can see that this has nothing to do with common sense. Unless we're talking about why you're still with such a person.

Probably because I care about the Lady, and I am trying to change her habits, and I am a very patient person. But the whole scenario lacks Common Sense, but i guess so do most gamblers. (Before others get in)

This is called codependency, you need help.

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Sorry that I confused you. Not interfering was meant for things I can't change... i.e. how people work in banks when some don't want to open an account with me and other's will... if they don't, I will not ask for the manager but walk out and find another bank... or service in restaurants: if I don't like it, I will not complain to the manager and not try to tell him what could have been done better, but walk out and find another place for my next meals... I know that my complaints would be useless.

Interfering however is when I have a job to do and then I tell them from the beginning how I want the job to be done. So when he starts to dig 3 inch, I will tell him "I want 3 feet". Of course, he might try to tell me "we always do 3 inch", but then you have to insist and say "that is ok, but me, I want 3 feet". Right now, he will not lose face, because he can tell his co-workers "crazy farang, lets do 3 feet for him", but if you don't control and find 3 inch and then start to teach him how bad he did his job and that he should have done 3 feet, then you cause loss of face and you are (in my opinion) at fault for not controlling from the start.


You do understand how utterly ridiculous that sounds in the cold light of day ?


Actually AFAIC it makes perfect sense, and in fact IMO should be considered common sense here.

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all those calling for common sense to be prevalent in Thailand and taught need to back up a bit....

If this country was full of people with common sense and know how then theres a good chance 99% of the farangs wouldn't be here for starters let alone be married or even get their end away....

be careful what you wish for as the old saying goes thumbsup.gif

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Many definitions of common sense but a standard one I have seen over and over is;

"the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way".

Now for me I do not find "Thai" people lacking in common sense so much as I find people from western cultures have been overly regulated by their governments. I remember years ago going to a local swimming pool with no lifeguards. For years it was a lot of fun no problems we could come and go as we pleased. Then a child drowns, followed by a lawsuit claiming it is the governments fault their child drowned, followed by a judges ruling that agrees with them and awards a huge payoff. Followed by new laws that the pool can only be open when and if there is a lifeguard on duty. If a life guard is not on duty you assume the risks of swimming in the pool and any accidents or injuries resulting in deaths are not the fault of the government. Is this common sense or governmental regulation. How did the child drown? Were the parents negligent? The Government? Was the pool some how at fault? Who do you blame?

Most of the 12 examples given as "Thai common sense" are coming from someone who I assume (yes I know) was raised in or in some form of a "western regulated" country. So your ideas of common sense have been taught to you by your government. You where not born with them!

Seat belts, helmets (bikes, motorbikes, skiing, snowboarding, walking, sleeping), elbow pads, those yellow signs that say this floor may be slippery when it is pissing rain outside, no parking here, no parking there, solid yellow line means no passing as it is unsafe to do so.

The Thais on the other hand have governmental regulations for all of the points you have made but they prefer you do your own self governance.

No manhole cover - perhaps you should watch where you are walking.....

Driving on the wrong side of the road - saves time and if you know it happens then you expect it....how many times I wish I could have done it in Canada but "Big Brother" was watching.

Dark Tint in windows - was okay in Canada for a long time "until" somebody had an accident and killed somebody and THEN blamed it on the fact they could not see because of the tinted windshield that the Government allowed to let happen. If the Government had not allowed me to install dark Tinted Windows I would not have killed that person. Common sense to blame the government when shit happens instead of taking the blame YOURSELF.

Parking motorbikes in front entrance way - if it is 40 plus outside and you have some shade in the front entrance...what's the problem. Can't get out if there is an emergency? Can't get in because it is blocking your way? MOVE IT...

Closing off an intersection so others can not go through on the green light - SO, you will just have to wait until the next set of lights and do the same thing.

So yes, everything is common sense as long as someone tells you what it is and what it should be. I personally like the Thai way of doing it, have a rule but let you interpret it yourself on how it should be applied. That to me --- makes sense!

What a load of unadulterated garbage, perhaps you should refer to my opening post, superciliousness at it's worst.

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The best way to successfully educate any group of people is to do so in a manner whereby they don't realise they are being taught, 'The Archers' on BBC Radio 4 was a prime example of this for a couple of decades in the UK.

Instead of the moronic, slap down, shoot 'em up soaps on TV, perhaps a series called 'The Builders' featuring allegedly real life welders, brickies and tilers learn to work together, produce a quality product, and therefore all end up wealthy as a consequence.

Of course, to have an idea like that requires a degree of common sense.


You could also have one about a driving school where 'pupils' are shown how to drive in the left lane of a dual carriageway, use mirrors to aware of those around you and turn right at the junction, at 90 degrees (not 50 metres before at 45 degrees!).

The programme could also depict incidents of traffic violation and how the BiB handle it.

You could also driving after 18.30 hrs with cars having their dipped headlights on (not just a 5 watt candle bulb side light) and later, encountering an etan, in the pitch dark, with no lights on.

etc, etc

Indeed, Television is a very powerful medium, and can be used for good in the right hands (and bad in the wrong)

Anyone born in the UK around the same time as CH and myself must remember the various Ad campaigns about "Keep Britain Tidy" , "Think Once, Think Twice, Think Bike" , "Clunk Clik Every Trip" , "Oh Look, A sailing Dingy" and many more.

We think of using the seatbelts in the car as just pure common sense, it is for us now, but it wasn't back then, we had to be told.

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Interesting, ‘teach common sense’, Fact is common sense cannot be taught to anyone….Anywhere.

It is a, as the term goes common….’sense’ it is a sense that we as humans learn at an early age, around the years 2 thought to 4 years of age……After that if they don’t have any beans in there can they never are going too.

In general if a small child is allowed to move freely in there environment and interact with objects they encounter, (in a safe environment) they will learn fast that hitting yourself with a rubber toy hammer the wrong way will hurt, do it enough and they will learn not only hitting themselves with that hammer will hurt, but so will hitting themselves with anything hard will…..First common sense lesson. Basic I know, but you get the idea.

Why are Thai’s or more to the point poor Thai’s seem to lack common sense? Well it’s not just Thai’s, poor communities all over the World suffer with their share of boneheads.

Small children are not given the freedom to explore their environment, they are normally shipped of too Grandma, (while Mum and Dad go out to work) or strapped on Mum's or an older sisters back and they get very little in the way of mental stimulation. If a child fails to develop an ‘action and consequence’ mechanism during the development period…Well after the age, of around 4, the door to this sense is now firmly shut. The pathways in the brain to establish this mental tool have a biological clock and they stop developing around 4/5 years of age.

I could go on…But you get the gist of what I’m on about.

Early learning, You have to interact with the sprogs………..Toys are not just toy companies

trying to turn a fast buck….

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My GF gets a substantial pension every month from overseas as a result of her Husband Death, The first thing she does each month after going to ATM is organize the Lottery tickets, spends about 20000Bt per month, plus gives her mother 10000Bt for lottery, then she gives her kids money, they do not work! then she goes to her local village for distribution of money among some of her "Friends" Then she may play the Slot Machine at her local shop wher she will put in 1000,s of Baht.

Then she will come back to Condo where the card game is going and spend up to 3 Days, non stop, playing spending more then 100000Bt, this routine goes on every month and has been happening the last 3 years, after 2 weeks she has run out of money, and I cover the cost of living expenses, I have been trying to get this situation under control for about 6 Months, set some limits, but without much success.

The money she has won from lottery in 6 Months is 0Baht. But it is all about Good Luck isn't it not Common Sense.

I am aware she is a compulsive gambler

She also tips big money into various Wat,s all over Thailand, for Good Luck!

You've got some serious issues, Mr. Davo. Surely you can see that this has nothing to do with common sense. Unless we're talking about why you're still with such a person.

Probably because I care about the Lady, and I am trying to change her habits, and I am a very patient person. But the whole scenario lacks Common Sense, but i guess so do most gamblers. (Before others get in)

gamblers and the people that enable them.

you may love her, but its not a winning battle at all.

hey, at least she's minted!

Edited by candypants
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As for the wife. It has nothing to do with common sense. It is called having fun. It is her money and she can spend it how she wants. Sounds like her first husband was well off and it appears you do okay as well. So holy sh^t batman I would be livin la vida loca if I was her as well. So as long as the money keeps rolling in why in the world would she stop it.

Square peg, round hole. Have you ever considered moving to Utah? Thailand might be a bit ..... liberal for you.

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As for the wife. It has nothing to do with common sense. It is called having fun. It is her money and she can spend it how she wants. Sounds like her first husband was well off and it appears you do okay as well. So holy sh^t batman I would be livin la vida loca if I was her as well. So as long as the money keeps rolling in why in the world would she stop it.

Square peg, round hole. Have you ever considered moving to Utah? Thailand might be a bit ..... liberal for you.

Firstly I hate gambling, I consulted for an organisation called Beyond Blue and saw the damage it caused to many people, I also worked very hard for my money all my working life, and I presume my GF's husband did also.

I do not just go to the ATM every month a get money I did not earn, get it!

I get the picture about you, many like you in Thailand, sit back and booze on, good for you!

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I did read your opening OP and the LAST thing Thailand needs to do is "take a page from the developed countries". The beauty of this country is it allows their citizens and visitors the common decency to live and travel here with the minimal governmental intrusions in their daily life.

This however is difficult for some people to live with as they have been hand raised by the state (western developed country) into believing everything should be absolutely "sanitized" so that the "common sense" you speak of is no longer your own self thinking but your governments.

Tell me why you were amazed by the fact the tiles were laid first? Do you know why they do this here in Thailand?

What provisions for AC run off are needed? And who told you you needed them?

Thailand should hold a mandatory course for anyone wanting to visit or live here entitled;

"You are entering Thailand....You no longer have to be the brainwashed clone your government needs you to be!"

Why the hell would you lay tiles first so that people could walk over them, drop tools etc, Moron

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The best way to successfully educate any group of people is to do so in a manner whereby they don't realise they are being taught, 'The Archers' on BBC Radio 4 was a prime example of this for a couple of decades in the UK.

Instead of the moronic, slap down, shoot 'em up soaps on TV, perhaps a series called 'The Builders' featuring allegedly real life welders, brickies and tilers learn to work together, produce a quality product, and therefore all end up wealthy as a consequence.

Of course, to have an idea like that requires a degree of common sense.


You could also have one about a driving school where 'pupils' are shown how to drive in the left lane of a dual carriageway, use mirrors to aware of those around you and turn right at the junction, at 90 degrees (not 50 metres before at 45 degrees!).

The programme could also depict incidents of traffic violation and how the BiB handle it.

You could also driving after 18.30 hrs with cars having their dipped headlights on (not just a 5 watt candle bulb side light) and later, encountering an etan, in the pitch dark, with no lights on.

etc, etc

Indeed, Television is a very powerful medium, and can be used for good in the right hands (and bad in the wrong)

Anyone born in the UK around the same time as CH and myself must remember the various Ad campaigns about "Keep Britain Tidy" , "Think Once, Think Twice, Think Bike" , "Clunk Clik Every Trip" , "Oh Look, A sailing Dingy" and many more.

We think of using the seatbelts in the car as just pure common sense, it is for us now, but it wasn't back then, we had to be told.

I must admit I don't recall the sailing dingy - I remember Muffin the Mule though.................

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As for the wife. It has nothing to do with common sense. It is called having fun. It is her money and she can spend it how she wants. Sounds like her first husband was well off and it appears you do okay as well. So holy sh^t batman I would be livin la vida loca if I was her as well. So as long as the money keeps rolling in why in the world would she stop it.

Square peg, round hole. Have you ever considered moving to Utah? Thailand might be a bit ..... liberal for you.

Firstly I hate gambling, I consulted for an organisation called Beyond Blue and saw the damage it caused to many people, I also worked very hard for my money all my working life, and I presume my GF's husband did also.

I do not just go to the ATM every month a get money I did not earn, get it!

I get the picture about you, many like you in Thailand, sit back and booze on, good for you!

Actually Davo (and I hate to say this out loud), I do not drink, smoke or gamble (anymore). I work hard for my money and surround myself with responsible, like minded people (my Thai family). None of them are hard drinkers, none gamble (immediate family), 1 brother in law is a smoker. But you mention you worked with Beyond Blue and yet fail to realize that your GF is being enabled by you. As pretty as she might be. As much younger than you as she may be. As skilled as she might be. She will do what she does until she can do it no longer. Sorry about this. But have seen this many times in my short time here in Thailand.

No need to accept any advice from myself but I tell anyone who will listen.....this country is a difficult place to live in....even more difficult if your partner has issues such as drugs, alcohol, gambling or worse.

Good luck, seriously!

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I did read your opening OP and the LAST thing Thailand needs to do is "take a page from the developed countries". The beauty of this country is it allows their citizens and visitors the common decency to live and travel here with the minimal governmental intrusions in their daily life.

This however is difficult for some people to live with as they have been hand raised by the state (western developed country) into believing everything should be absolutely "sanitized" so that the "common sense" you speak of is no longer your own self thinking but your governments.

Tell me why you were amazed by the fact the tiles were laid first? Do you know why they do this here in Thailand?

What provisions for AC run off are needed? And who told you you needed them?

Thailand should hold a mandatory course for anyone wanting to visit or live here entitled;

"You are entering Thailand....You no longer have to be the brainwashed clone your government needs you to be!"

Why the hell would you lay tiles first so that people could walk over them, drop tools etc, Moron

I am not saying it is right, I was just asking if you know why they do it this way. I helped with a local car wash building project and was, as you , amazed as to why they did some things first. But every part of the job was contracted out. Roofer, electrician, plumbers etc. So the order of construction was based on availability of the craftsman.

I am building a new home at the moment and there is no floor plan, no building permits, no house inspections.

Basically the head village person (pu yai bahn) came over for a drink, poked his head around, got a bit of cash and said all good, do what you want. Now common sense would have it that maybe, just maybe, some building plans or a general contractor or inspector or what have you may be in order....


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As for the wife. It has nothing to do with common sense. It is called having fun. It is her money and she can spend it how she wants. Sounds like her first husband was well off and it appears you do okay as well. So holy sh^t batman I would be livin la vida loca if I was her as well. So as long as the money keeps rolling in why in the world would she stop it.

Square peg, round hole. Have you ever considered moving to Utah? Thailand might be a bit ..... liberal for you.

Firstly I hate gambling, I consulted for an organisation called Beyond Blue and saw the damage it caused to many people, I also worked very hard for my money all my working life, and I presume my GF's husband did also.

I do not just go to the ATM every month a get money I did not earn, get it!

I get the picture about you, many like you in Thailand, sit back and booze on, good for you!

Actually Davo (and I hate to say this out loud), I do not drink, smoke or gamble (anymore). I work hard for my money and surround myself with responsible, like minded people (my Thai family). None of them are hard drinkers, none gamble (immediate family), 1 brother in law is a smoker. But you mention you worked with Beyond Blue and yet fail to realize that your GF is being enabled by you. As pretty as she might be. As much younger than you as she may be. As skilled as she might be. She will do what she does until she can do it no longer. Sorry about this. But have seen this many times in my short time here in Thailand.

No need to accept any advice from myself but I tell anyone who will listen.....this country is a difficult place to live in....even more difficult if your partner has issues such as drugs, alcohol, gambling or worse.

Good luck, seriously!

The other point, that you nearly touch on there, is what goes with the gambling. I am aware of gambling schools locally that have developed into extra-curricular sexual activity and (in one case) use of drugs.

It seems to go with the territory in some cases.

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The best way to successfully educate any group of people is to do so in a manner whereby they don't realise they are being taught, 'The Archers' on BBC Radio 4 was a prime example of this for a couple of decades in the UK.

Instead of the moronic, slap down, shoot 'em up soaps on TV, perhaps a series called 'The Builders' featuring allegedly real life welders, brickies and tilers learn to work together, produce a quality product, and therefore all end up wealthy as a consequence.

Of course, to have an idea like that requires a degree of common sense.


You could also have one about a driving school where 'pupils' are shown how to drive in the left lane of a dual carriageway, use mirrors to aware of those around you and turn right at the junction, at 90 degrees (not 50 metres before at 45 degrees!).

The programme could also depict incidents of traffic violation and how the BiB handle it.

You could also driving after 18.30 hrs with cars having their dipped headlights on (not just a 5 watt candle bulb side light) and later, encountering an etan, in the pitch dark, with no lights on.

etc, etc

Indeed, Television is a very powerful medium, and can be used for good in the right hands (and bad in the wrong)

Anyone born in the UK around the same time as CH and myself must remember the various Ad campaigns about "Keep Britain Tidy" , "Think Once, Think Twice, Think Bike" , "Clunk Clik Every Trip" , "Oh Look, A sailing Dingy" and many more.

We think of using the seatbelts in the car as just pure common sense, it is for us now, but it wasn't back then, we had to be told.

I must admit I don't recall the sailing dingy - I remember Muffin the Mule though.................

I'd have kept quiet about muffin' the mule, and let that stay your own little secret.

The sailing dinghy was in a learn to swim cut-out animation, I think. Or perhaps a "learn 999 to call the coastguard" advert. Or perhaps a "leave a set of your navigation plans, itinerary and schedule with the harbourmaster before you go out". I don't think Charlie the Cat was in it, though. I think he was doing time then.,


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HeavyDrinker, on 21 Mar 2013 - 21:58, said:

^ do you remember "Dark and Lonely Water"?

The Government recently scrapped the 'Public Information Films' as they finally realised that they were the biggest danger to the British Public....

I was terrified of that when I was a kid - even now it scares me.
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HeavyDrinker, on 21 Mar 2013 - 21:58, said:

^ do you remember "Dark and Lonely Water"?

The Government recently scrapped the 'Public Information Films' as they finally realised that they were the biggest danger to the British Public....

I was terrified of that when I was a kid - even now it scares me.

What the hell has this got to do with anything!

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The sailing dinghy was in a learn to swim cut-out animation, I think. Or perhaps a "learn 999 to call the coastguard" advert. Or perhaps a "leave a set of your navigation plans, itinerary and schedule with the harbourmaster before you go out". I don't think Charlie the Cat was in it, though. I think he was doing time then.,


The learn to swim campaign was fore-fronted by Dave and Mike and the Fairy Godmother with her 'I'll grant you three wishes routine' (if memory serves) Dave is great, he can do anything, rides a scooter, plays football etc , but Mike can swim like a fish "Hello".

The last lines are Dave saying "I wish, I wish, I wish I didn't keep losing me birds" and the Fairy Godmother replies in a voice not that dissimilar to Joyce Grenfell "then learn you swim young man, learn to swim"

The sailing dingy one was about let friends know where you are going, the coast guard reference was there, but it had a universal appliance.

Charlie the cat had a message, a very simple one, aimed at younger children, but an important message nonetheless, this message was adapted for adolescents much later by Frankie, who went to Hollywood.

Some of the above is very tongue in cheek.

For the UK ex-pats, do you remember the cycling proficiency test?

This test was not compulsory, but it was encouraged.

This exam, for want of a better word, was not designed to test how well you could propel a one person powered two wheel vehicle, it was there to teach you the rules and dangers of the road, and it did a very good job. People of a similar age to me already knew how to behave long before we were left in charge of a powerful motorised vehicle.

Thailand skipped a generation, went straight from water buffalo moving at its max speed of 3kmph, to scary stuff, without even the slightest wiff of training in the middle.

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Ask anyone who has used Thai "tradesmen" to renovate a house how resistant to a new idea or way of doing something they are. I tried to explain to the guy that managed to crack 4 tiles installing a shower rail, that perhaps if he had used a smaller masonry drill (like 5mm) instead of the blunt 10mm that he hammered away with, the tiles wouldn't have broken, or the guy who laid the tiles putting the imperfect tiles right where you walk in, rather than over in a corner where they wouldn't be seen etc, etc. Or the internet guy who wanted to run the cable down an inside wall rather than drill one hole and run it through from the outside. The Thais tend to take the least line of resistance, but I'm sure you will have plenty of examples to dispute this.

That's just bad tradesmanship. I'd say that's a trait found on every country on Earth laddie. I wouldn't say it was purely a Thai thing.

I'd say the real lack of common sense here was shown by you for not giving the blighter's the 'bum's rush' and showing them the door ASAP.

I've never had any bother with tradesmen here but then I'm willing to pay for excellence.

I've never quite understood how people allow themselves to be walked all over. And then blame others when it has happened.

Who is getting "walked all over"? A guy cracks 4 tiles putting up a shower rail, what should I have done, punched him out? The damage has been done, abusing him for his shoddy, careless work is likely to make him an enemy with payback in mind.

So instead,get walked all over?

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Another gun-jumper.Who said that I paid him? Where did I say anything about tiling a bathroom? Try reading the posts rather than trying to score points.

so if your intention was not to pay them ? maybe thats why they cracked your tiles then wink.png

Are you really as stupid as you sound. Of course I had every intention of paying him, but not after he cracked 4 tiles. I really don't know why I bother trying to explain, it's like trying to nail jelly to a wall.

If you're not able to communicate effectively with your countrymen on here how do you expect poor Somchai with his drill to understand what it is you want?sad.png

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Another gun-jumper.Who said that I paid him? Where did I say anything about tiling a bathroom? Try reading the posts rather than trying to score points.

so if your intention was not to pay them ? maybe thats why they cracked your tiles then wink.png

Are you really as stupid as you sound. Of course I had every intention of paying him, but not after he cracked 4 tiles. I really don't know why I bother trying to explain, it's like trying to nail jelly to a wall.
If you're not able to communicate effectively with your countrymen on here how do you expect poor Somchai with his drill to understand what it is you want?sad.png
Some people are just too thick too understand. Why are you sticking your bluenose in where it doesn't concern you?
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