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Thai Parliament Will Not Cooperate If Yingluck Refuses To Attend: Wisut


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It's worse than a kindergarten. Having to tell a PM and her Ministers to do their job, the job they were elected to do. These people really take the biscuit, their arrogance and impunity are so blatant it is an outrage, and Yingluck is about to pick up an Honorary Degree in NZ for services on the international stage....what a joke.

Only goes to show how educational standards have fallen in the west - Honorary Degrees given to anyone and everyone whilst, everyone else has to attend and do very little to get one! Western Universities should take a look at attendance and see if we can reduce the hours

Has the NZ uni shared any details / examples of these outstanding contributions to the international stage which deserve an honorary degree?

Anybody seen anything on this?

i doubt the academic experts at this board could answer you that question, so i would not ask here.
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It's worse than a kindergarten. Having to tell a PM and her Ministers to do their job, the job they were elected to do. These people really take the biscuit, their arrogance and impunity are so blatant it is an outrage, and Yingluck is about to pick up an Honorary Degree in NZ for services on the international stage....what a joke.

Only goes to show how educational standards have fallen in the west - Honorary Degrees given to anyone and everyone whilst, everyone else has to attend and do very little to get one! Western Universities should take a look at attendance and see if we can reduce the hours

Has the NZ uni shared any details / examples of these outstanding contributions to the international stage which deserve an honorary degree?

Anybody seen anything on this?

i doubt the academic experts at this board could answer you that question, so i would not ask here.

So, come on then wise old sage, give us the benefit of your wisdom, which of course is beyond doubt?

Tell us devoted disciples why she deserves this accolade?

Which she doesn't anyway, honorary used to mean something (I think it still does in TV) the word has been gradually eroded over time, and is now pretty much meaning less..... bit like the Real PM.

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cut the lady some slack, shes obviously got other shit to do.

Absolutely agree, Not to mention no one has informed her that PM stands for Prime Minister, she may well be under the impression that it stands for Pretty Minister

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cut the lady some slack, shes obviously got other shit to do.

Absolutely agree, Not to mention no one has informed her that PM stands for Prime Minister, she may well be under the impression that it stands for Pretty Minister

PM also stands for posterior massage. She obviously needs one - with a size 12 boot.

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I wasn't aware that PM's were required to attend ALL parliament meetings. As head of state, she's supposed to have other duties isn't she? Meeting with foreign leaders and such...

And your point is that she need not show any sense of responsibility to the people who elected her.

Maybe you can get one of the tablets that are coming in for educational purposes some time in the sweet by and by. It would be a big help to you in understanding her duties as Prime Minister. You are clearly confusing her with her clone the wanna be dictator Thaksin.

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I wasn't aware that PM's were required to attend ALL parliament meetings. As head of state, she's supposed to have other duties isn't she? Meeting with foreign leaders and such...

The PM, she is not Head of State. Head of State is HM The King of Thailand.

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Yingluck in the international limelight, the country ticking along nicely.....the Democrats hanging around parliament with nothing to do but look on.....drifting further into the political shadows....must be frustrating for the Dems.....bound to be a bit sulky these days....low profile opposition is no fun

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Though I can understand why the PM should be in parliament occasionally to answer questions her reluctance might be down to the poor quality of the questions being asked if the examples given are anything to go by.


Statements have already been made about support for expo 2020 and. as

to support for the monarchy because of a TV show, what answer would you

expect to be given to such a question. Also, given that the the

government/cabinet have already made pledges in front of His Majesty of

loyalty and supporting the monarchy, why does a BJT MP think that a

declaration to parliament is needed in the first place.

There are many important questions which need to be asked of this government

and they should be made to answer in parliament but asking questions

over their loyalty to the monarchy is just political grandstanding and

seeking to stir up of the worst sort of trouble.

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Yingluck in the international limelight, the country ticking along nicely.....the Democrats hanging around parliament with nothing to do but look on.....drifting further into the political shadows....must be frustrating for the Dems.....bound to be a bit sulky these days....low profile opposition is no fun

You really should keep up with the news the PT is drifting into the shadows now. If Yingluck continues to divorce her self from them parliament will become a separate entity with nothing to do with her and the cabinet her brother has built.

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Yingluck in the international limelight, the country ticking along nicely.....the Democrats hanging around parliament with nothing to do but look on.....drifting further into the political shadows....must be frustrating for the Dems.....bound to be a bit sulky these days....low profile opposition is no fun

International limelight - yeah, right. Really seen as world class statesperson.

Let's see - fugitive convicted criminal brother, sister just retruning from 5 year ban on politics, neice still serving ban on politics, and now facing serious investigations herself.

Yep - fits right in there with Marcos, Mugabe, and all those others in the "limelight" for all the wrong reasons.

Country ticking along nicely - yep, so many great scamming opportunities!

She is seen for exactly what she is - make no mistake. But, countries these days will deal with anybody to get there own agenda advanced.

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Though I can understand why the PM should be in parliament occasionally to answer questions her reluctance might be down to the poor quality of the questions being asked if the examples given are anything to go by.


Statements have already been made about support for expo 2020 and. as

to support for the monarchy because of a TV show, what answer would you

expect to be given to such a question. Also, given that the the

government/cabinet have already made pledges in front of His Majesty of

loyalty and supporting the monarchy, why does a BJT MP think that a

declaration to parliament is needed in the first place.

There are many important questions which need to be asked of this government

and they should be made to answer in parliament but asking questions

over their loyalty to the monarchy is just political grandstanding and

seeking to stir up of the worst sort of trouble.

Now that's better. There are indeed many serious questions which need to be asked of this government, and pursued. But, magnifying the irrelevant or stirring up trouble seems to be de rigeur in politics these days, and not just in Thailand.

To suggest Yingluck doesn't attend parliament because of the quality of the questions is nonsense. She doesn't attend because she can't be bothered, has know respect for parliament, has no real understanding or idea of what's going on, and isn't really running things. Asking provocative or seemingly frivolrous questions is an attempt to provoke attendance.

PTPs style is to avoid answering questions and sling mud, intimidate or require a government department to "investigate" those that dare ask them. They are not the first political party to adopt this style, and its not unique to Thailand. It usually masks activitites that are not quite right.

That's why its an important part of the democratic process that the PM regularly attends parliament to face scruitinization and questionning from a robust opposition. But, he's probably too busy so occasionally sends his sister!

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Why don't they set up a few computers with Skype in parliament then they can ask the real primeminister these questions instead of asking the middle man woman.

they will not do it. you should know that. they are not that smart as you are.

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Yingluck in the international limelight, the country ticking along nicely.....the Democrats hanging around parliament with nothing to do but look on.....drifting further into the political shadows....must be frustrating for the Dems.....bound to be a bit sulky these days....low profile opposition is no fun

You really should keep up with the news the PT is drifting into the shadows now. If Yingluck continues to divorce her self from them parliament will become a separate entity with nothing to do with her and the cabinet her brother has built.

Dreaming again Dolly......ain't gonna happen....just a little sabre rattling by the democrats....a bit of 'hey we are still here' publicity provided by the nation.......I guess nobody likes to be ignored......but hey Thaksin must be sharp, he recently ordered attendance or loss of benefits did he not?........and now following the lead by Thaksin the Democrats are requesting the same!!

Edited by 473geo
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Yingluck in the international limelight, the country ticking along nicely.....the Democrats hanging around parliament with nothing to do but look on.....drifting further into the political shadows....must be frustrating for the Dems.....bound to be a bit sulky these days....low profile opposition is no fun

You really should keep up with the news the PT is drifting into the shadows now. If Yingluck continues to divorce her self from them parliament will become a separate entity with nothing to do with her and the cabinet her brother has built.

Dreaming again Dolly......ain't gonna happen....just a little sabre rattling by the democrats....a bit of 'hey we are still here' publicity provided by the nation.......I guess nobody likes to be ignored......but hey Thaksin must be sharp, he recently ordered attendance or loss of benefits did he not?........and now following the lead by Thaksin the Democrats are requesting the same!!

Simple question

Should the Prime Minister of Thailand attend parliament to answer all questions asked of her as Prime Minister?

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Though I can understand why the PM should be in parliament occasionally to answer questions her reluctance might be down to the poor quality of the questions being asked if the examples given are anything to go by.


Statements have already been made about support for expo 2020 and. as

to support for the monarchy because of a TV show, what answer would you

expect to be given to such a question. Also, given that the the

government/cabinet have already made pledges in front of His Majesty of

loyalty and supporting the monarchy, why does a BJT MP think that a

declaration to parliament is needed in the first place.

There are many important questions which need to be asked of this government

and they should be made to answer in parliament but asking questions

over their loyalty to the monarchy is just political grandstanding and

seeking to stir up of the worst sort of trouble.

Care to enlarge on the statements made about the 2020 expo.

Are you some how under the impression that parliament would have no say so in hosting it?

Me thinks the Lady s looks confuse you.

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Yingluck in the international limelight, the country ticking along nicely.....the Democrats hanging around parliament with nothing to do but look on.....drifting further into the political shadows....must be frustrating for the Dems.....bound to be a bit sulky these days....low profile opposition is no fun

You really should keep up with the news the PT is drifting into the shadows now. If Yingluck continues to divorce her self from them parliament will become a separate entity with nothing to do with her and the cabinet her brother has built.

Dreaming again Dolly......ain't gonna happen....just a little sabre rattling by the democrats....a bit of 'hey we are still here' publicity provided by the nation.......I guess nobody likes to be ignored......but hey Thaksin must be sharp, he recently ordered attendance or loss of benefits did he not?........and now following the lead by Thaksin the Democrats are requesting the same!!

I believe you are still confused the PT are asking her to come to Parliament.

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Yingluck in the international limelight, the country ticking along nicely.....the Democrats hanging around parliament with nothing to do but look on.....drifting further into the political shadows....must be frustrating for the Dems.....bound to be a bit sulky these days....low profile opposition is no fun

You really should keep up with the news the PT is drifting into the shadows now. If Yingluck continues to divorce her self from them parliament will become a separate entity with nothing to do with her and the cabinet her brother has built.

Dreaming again Dolly......ain't gonna happen....just a little sabre rattling by the democrats....a bit of 'hey we are still here' publicity provided by the nation.......I guess nobody likes to be ignored......but hey Thaksin must be sharp, he recently ordered attendance or loss of benefits did he not?........and now following the lead by Thaksin the Democrats are requesting the same!!

I believe you are still confused the PT are asking her to come to Parliament.

If you say so Dolly....I fixed your quote so others would not be confused also smile.png

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Please remember that Thaksin a convicted bail jumping felon is paying his P.T.P. ( Parasites and Ticks Party) minion puppets their allowances thus they are not truly representative of the electorate but are they are representing a selve serving spiteful malevolent megalomaniac who actually opposes democracy, nothing more nothing less.

If you have a crooked picture of Thaksin in a frame which is hanging crookedly on the wall you can get the frame to hang in a regular way, however the Thaksin image is still crooked no matter what you do or how you view that image.

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I wasn't aware that PM's were required to attend ALL parliament meetings. As head of state, she's supposed to have other duties isn't she? Meeting with foreign leaders and such...

The PM, she is not Head of State. Head of State is HM The King of Thailand.

Just what I thought but I decided to see if anyone else had already mentioned it,

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I wasn't aware that PM's were required to attend ALL parliament meetings. As head of state, she's supposed to have other duties isn't she? Meeting with foreign leaders and such...

The PM, she is not Head of State. Head of State is HM The King of Thailand.

Just what I thought but I decided to see if anyone else had already mentioned it,

She isn't even the head of snake .... cut that one off, and an enormous release of pressure would be felt throughout the entire country.

Apart from those whose only reason to exist is to spread the venom.

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