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Caught Drink Driving In Thailand And Put In Prison

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Why i He_l do you want to come back, i wonder. If this had happen to me, i would have been gone forever! blink.png

They had his passport which I know is easily replaced but then he is leaving himself open to an Interpol mug shot as well as never being allowed to come to Thailand.

Given its such a small problem I think he is right coming back and accepting the courts decision.

Interpol arrest for drunk driving? This must be April 1 !

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Slightly off topic maybe but which is worse - drinking and driving or taking heroin?

It amazes me that so many people think for some reason taking heroin is a worse crime.

Would love to watch a fiend try coordinate and get into a car let alone put the keys in the ignition!

I dont know who Lindsay Lohan is but am too scared to say.....

Then why say it??

To give someone like you the chance to reply with what you did. Guess dry British humor is wasted on you?


If ur concerned about 'jail' and 'Thai courts' once you've left on your overseas trip why not just stay away from T/land? Not like they extradite drunks for DUI. Am not sure why people get all worried about being black-listed for entry to T/land. This may be a candy store for grandpas but its not enough to fret over. As a Thai I cannot understand farang who repeatedly post their fears of being black-listed esp. when there are no family ties here. So many other countries to visit / live-in / enjoy.......about 195 others, I think. Get over it.


I got done last year in BKK . I knew I was pissed when they breathalysed me . It was on a Friday night and I was told to that I had to go to such and such police station where I would be detained until Monday morning when I would then go to court and pay an 8000 baht fine . But Thailand being Thailand we managed to negotiate an on the spot settlement of 4000 and THEY LET ME DRIVE HOME AND GAVE ME MY LICENSE BACK

It's all about the money for the BIB .

I applaud you for admitting your crime.

Slightly off topic maybe but which is worse - drinking and driving or taking heroin?

It amazes me that so many people think for some reason taking heroin is a worse crime.

Drinking and driving in a built up area is worse than rape.

Oh dear.

You may as well just jail all men because they have a dick and therefore capable of raping.

Drink driving and killing someone would be worse than rape. Simply drink driving is not.


If they let you out of Thailand great, try another country. Try the Philippines or Vietnam.


..and an honourable joust comes to an end!!!

Why I can pretty much guarantee its lost on everyone else so I declare let the game continue! Said in my best Terry Wogan voice......


I wonder how the responders would take it if the shoe was on the other foot, you bunch of self righteous gits. Yeah yeah we all know DUI is bad. Give the guy a break and help answer his question instead of reading him the riot act. If ya all want blood goto Saudi Arabia where you can get a front row seat for a multitude of punishments.

True indeed! The usual armchair lawyers and the usual black cap judges passing sentence - Half this country is going around on Alcohol, drugs and medication, a lot of the remainder are below the IQ that would render them mentally retarded. Yes getting in and driving a car pissed is not a good idea, and yes, if you then have a bump, crash and damage property or worse still injure someone or kill them then personally I believe you should be dealt no mercy whatsoever. However, from the OP's story, he just got caught pissed driving he didn't hurt anyone - It is a bit like saying that if you walk around the kitchen at home drunk carrying a knife when you are cooking a fry up you are almost attempting murder. (Some people have high alcohol tolerance - some people are functioning alcoholics - it all depends on the situation) - I would find it pretty OTT to deport someone on a drink drive charge if this is his residence - I mean look at the UK, they cannot even imprison people that are sworn enemies and trying to set bombs off - They take 10 years to deport, cost tax payers millions and their families are given larger government paid for housing! Perspective! - Pay the fine and let it go - injure someone, damage property or whatever, then you should pay and pay and pay.

Erm... No its not.. But to adapt your flawed analogy... Its like a drunk running through a busy shopping mall with a knife in his hand... still a tricky analogy - The point is, there is sufficient proof out there that Alcohol impairs judgement and ability.

I agree that some responses are OTT especially if the Op just had one beer.. (was it just the one ?).... And deportation is not a right response.

But, because someone hasn't harmed another person while DUI is not enough reason to go lightly on them. Charging them according to the law will prevent them and make 'us all' think twice about driving under the influence.

Without wishing to sound holier than thou because I'm not.. in fact I'm very selfish, I don't want someone else's pain to pray on my conscience, I'm insensitive like that, I want to continue not caring or thinking about anyone else. So, I won't drink and drive, I don't like driving when sick and choose to avoid it where possible.

I'm not worried about the police or fines, they are not the reason I don't DUI... The reason I don't DUI is simply because its too much effort, too much worry about whether or not I might get into an accident... Its just not worth the hassle, I'd rather drink and enjoy it without having to worry about driving afterwards.

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I wonder how the responders would take it if the shoe was on the other foot, you bunch of self righteous gits. Yeah yeah we all know DUI is bad. Give the guy a break and help answer his question instead of reading him the riot act. If ya all want blood goto Saudi Arabia where you can get a front row seat for a multitude of punishments.

True indeed! The usual armchair lawyers and the usual black cap judges passing sentence - Half this country is going around on Alcohol, drugs and medication, a lot of the remainder are below the IQ that would render them mentally retarded. Yes getting in and driving a car pissed is not a good idea, and yes, if you then have a bump, crash and damage property or worse still injure someone or kill them then personally I believe you should be dealt no mercy whatsoever. However, from the OP's story, he just got caught pissed driving he didn't hurt anyone - It is a bit like saying that if you walk around the kitchen at home drunk carrying a knife when you are cooking a fry up you are almost attempting murder. (Some people have high alcohol tolerance - some people are functioning alcoholics - it all depends on the situation) - I would find it pretty OTT to deport someone on a drink drive charge if this is his residence - I mean look at the UK, they cannot even imprison people that are sworn enemies and trying to set bombs off - They take 10 years to deport, cost tax payers millions and their families are given larger government paid for housing! Perspective! - Pay the fine and let it go - injure someone, damage property or whatever, then you should pay and pay and pay.

Erm... No its not.. But to adapt your flawed analogy... Its like a drunk running through a busy shopping mall with a knife in his hand... still a tricky analogy - The point is, there is sufficient proof out there that Alcohol impairs judgement and ability.

I agree that some responses are OTT especially if the Op just had one beer.. (was it just the one ?).... And deportation is not a right response.

But, because someone hasn't harmed another person while DUI is not enough reason to go lightly on them. Charging them according to the law will prevent them and make 'us all' think twice about driving under the influence.

Without wishing to sound holier than thou because I'm not.. in fact I'm very selfish, I don't want someone else pain to pray on my conscious, I'm insensitive like that, I want to continue not caring or thinking about anyone else. So, I won't drink and drive, I don't like driving when sick and choose to avoid it where possible.

I'm not worried about the police or fines, they are not the reason I don't DUI... The reason I don't DUI is simply because its too much effort, too much worry about whether or not I might get into an accident... Its just not worth the hassle, I'd rather drink and enjoy it without having to worry about driving afterwards.

Too sensible for this thread!!!

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DUI on a push bike? You trying to kill me here!

So what got you nicked being gullible, naive, un-connected, or un-educated. Or did you forget your reflective bib and to engage dynamo for correct lighting to ensure safe riding!

I am truly crying with laughter here than you so much Neeranam

Accepted it all depends on how poor, gullible and uneducated you are, right?

Nope. Not in my experience.

It wasn't Thailand I was arrested for being drunk in charge of a bicycle. Why so funny? It was a pink girls bike(my little sisters) which maybe got the police's attention. They did warn me saying leave the bike at the side of the road and they wouldn't arrest me. I didn't have a padlock so said 'throw the bracelets on'.

A friend got caught in Lardprao driving under the influnce on a Saturday. He hit 260 whatever that means. It was his second offence, bail cost 20,000 Baht, and on Monday in Court he was fined 5,000 and ordered to do 30 or 35 hours community service. Told if he gets caught again it will mean time in jail.

Me thinks the system in Pattaya is geared towards getting excessive money from foreigners in such cases.

I had purchased a alcohol breath meter to help a dear alcoholic friend and it is true you need to wait at least 20 minutes from the last drink cause there is a high concentration of etoh in the mouth. It can even damage the sensors.


DUI on a push bike? You trying to kill me here!

So what got you nicked being gullible, naive, un-connected, or un-educated. Or did you forget your reflective bib and to engage dynamo for correct lighting to ensure safe riding!

I am truly crying with laughter here than you so much Neeranam

Accepted it all depends on how poor, gullible and uneducated you are, right?

Nope. Not in my experience.

It wasn't Thailand I was arrested for being drunk in charge of a bicycle. Why so funny? It was a pink girls bike(my little sisters) which maybe got the police's attention. They did warn me saying leave the bike at the side of the road and they wouldn't arrest me. I didn't have a padlock so said 'throw the bracelets on'.

You are killing me here stop it!

DUI on your little sisters pink bike yep I reckon that could of caught there attention!!!!!!!!!

What something like this???


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Do you judgmental dimwits not comprehend that the OP might not have been drunk? He was made to submit to a BA immediately after ingesting an alcoholic beverage.

This, which will get a case thrown out of court in any civilized country (though it would never happen there in the first place) severely skews the results. It can also damage the equipment, not that a Thai cop would care.

My gosh, you people line up to castigate someone, simply to attempt (emphasis on attempt) to make yourselves feel look superior.

EDIT: crossed out inaccurate verb

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To the OP: What is your Nationality???

I have a little bit experience with drunk driving here in Thailand. You are welcome to read my thread"Prison Stories" in General Topics.

I'm not surprised with your story, but I think there must be more to your story, than just DUI.

1.)The Thai law clearly states that the maximum penalty for DUI is 20.000 Baht fine to be paid at and to the court, or 100 days (each day 200 THB) in prison if you can't pay.You were sentenced to 32 days which would have been a fine of 6.200 Baht, since one day in prison is worth 200 Baht for the court.

Did you pay the fine, and if, how much? That would be my first question.

2.) 50.000 Baht bail is normal for DUI, since it is the minimum bail for any offence in Thailand.

Was the bail money returned to whoever bailed you out? That would be my second question.

3.) You said that "your police friend" bailed you out for 30.000 from a police station. The Thai police is prohibited, to let any arrested suspect leave on bail paid to the police directly, by law. Only a judge can set bail, and only at a criminal court, since DUI is a crime. But maybe because it was at new year, and thanks to your police friend you were allowed to go home.

Was the 30.000 returned to whoever bailed you out? That would be my third question.

4.) What happened when you were arrested? Did you argue with the police? Normaly you just pay a fine, and go home. Are you sure that you didn't piss someone off? And let me guess? You signed the arrest report at the police station, right. You signed something you couldn't read.

Did you plead guilty in the police station and in court, or not guilty? Fourth question.

If you want to answer this 4 questions, I can probably tell you why, and how you ended up in your situation.

I've been in prison 223 days for DUI (2.9) with accident and 3 month in deportation detention,not blacklisted and back in Thailand. As long I was in prison, I never saw, or heard of anyone who was in prison for only DUI. Prisons are overcrowded already as you could see for yourself, and no judge would put DUI's with no accident in jail. Imagine they would. Half of the population would end up in jail, not to mention half the expats.

You were cauhgt drunk driving. So what? No big deal. Don't listen to this "hang-em high brigades", I'll bet you 75 % of them drove at least once DUI in Thailand. You went to court and were sentenced. CASE CLOSED. Actually there was no case, because a CASE would involve investigation. And you say you have to go back to court? For What? An AA Meeting? That's <deleted>, UNLESS someone is pressing charges against you. But for what, and why?

By the way. You are not Blacklisted. Don't let them tell you otherwise. You may enter and exit Thailand as you wish. The letter you have is saying that you have a 6 month probation perion for DUI. 6 month for first offenders, 1 year for 2nd offenders or DUI+accident, and 5 years for 3rd offenders and DUI resulting in the death of a third party. Your welcome to look that up in a Thai Law Book, or you could get free advice on that matter from any Thai lawyer.

And last. Are you sure that in Thailand your friends are really your friends? As specially that police man.

Think about it.

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People who drive around drunk are potential killers, they take into account causing a deadly accident, because their reactions are slower and they are not anymore in full control of their vehicle.

I highly support any law that puts such people in jail for some time - accident or no accident - so that they might get a learning experience not to do it another time.

I really dislike when people with money and "connections" can be bailed out and thus will do it over and over again, because they start to feel untouchable.

What a sanctimonious post, from no doubt a perfect example of a righteous law abiding do gooder. Boy I can see all of the medals for good behaviour on your wall.

This "bust" was a disgrace as is usual in the filthy corrupt land of snarls.

How do you know he was drunk?. Were you actually there? It is patenly clear that the test was NOT done in accordence with proper procedure. I though this is what you would have posted about .....the rules...the rule book, etc.

You MUST wait 20 minutes at the minimum before a breath test, followed by a calibrated (what a laugh in dirty Thailand) machine test.

I feel sorry for the OP as he was not treated fairly and in accordance with normal practice. You can kill and maim in Thailand and be a s drunk as a skunk.....so long as you are Thai.

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I can't figure out whether he's still in jail or not, nor can figure out if he's still in Thailand or not. If he's not in Thailand now, who gives a <deleted>? Stay out. Go to Bali or KL or somewhere else for your holiday's. 2 days in jail for a DUI ain't much. Try blowing that much in the US and see what happens. It's a major felony to blow that high here and be driving. Also try handing the arresting officer here some cash to turn the other way, oh yeah, that'll work. All in all, I would say he got off light and if he's not in Thailand now, stay out. This is not the only country in Southeast Asia with wild women and booze. Time to broaden your horizens.. coffee1.gif


Not so fast dude!!!

>Besides, I'm not the one going to bed, am I !!!! clap2.gif

I'm up for the fight.

The crowd are on their feet screaming the challenger has narrowly missed the 10 count but took a standing 8.

And they are back at it toe to mental toe.

This has potential of making the Thriller in Manilla look like a girls guide food fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like I'm going to have to stand in front of a mirror and throw food at myself as we appear to have an absentee.

Another thing, I don't understand why they call it a standing count when the bloke is normally flat on his back at the time stumbling to his feet!!


give the guy a break, i live up country and most of the people including police drink and drive,TIT the sentence sounds very harsh to me,,,thank you for sharing,, next time i go to pattaya i will let the drunk motorcycle taxi driver take me home.

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Som num na, do the crime do the time. And being oil and gas does not give you the right to boast of your corrupt connection and when out say 'sweet'. I hope you get used to being bum fodder at the hands of the 50 people you will share a cell with. Then you will understand the word 'abuse'. Drinking and getting off now is only a prelude to you getting caught again. Better to serve the time now and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn.


Looks like I'm going to have to stand in front of a mirror and throw food at myself as we appear to have an absentee.

Another thing, I don't understand why they call it a standing count when the bloke is normally flat on his back at the time stumbling to his feet!!

I think has popped down LK Metro for a celebratory ST I hope he doesn't waste too much energy little does he know the battle is far from over....

Looks like I'm going to have to stand in front of a mirror and throw food at myself as we appear to have an absentee.

Another thing, I don't understand why they call it a standing count when the bloke is normally flat on his back at the time stumbling to his feet!!

LOL post a picture will you?

A standing eight count, also known as a protection count, is a boxing judgment call made by a referee during a bout. When invoked, the referee stops the action and counts to eight. Typically, a boxer can take 3 standing eight counts in a round. During that time the referee will determine if the boxer can continue.

It was designed to protect boxers by allowing the referee to step in and give an overwhelmed fighter an eight-second respite. Standing eight counts by the referee are scored the same as a knockdown, whether the boxer was knocked down or not. The United States Association of Boxing Commissions eliminated the standing eight count in 1998.


I think he should have waited for at least 5 minutes before getting into his car (or on his bike, if that was what it was).


I got done for DD a few months ago, in Phuket. The occifer involved invited me to the copshop to blow the thingy. I suggested it would be better if we didn't do that, as I have had 6 beers and I will fail it. He agreed I would fail the blower, so I suggested I could help him out if he would rather not go up the shop. I emptied my wallet, I had 8 grand and 20 Baht. He gave me a sheet of paper to put the money in, and as I was counting it again he said, "NO". I thought 'oh here we ffffking go, he wants to clean out my passenger too'. BUT then he told me to keep a grand for myself !!!! I was flabbergasted, he then gave me a lecture about DDing and sent me home. Gotta love it!

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I got done for DD a few months ago, in Phuket. The occifer involved invited me to the copshop to blow the thingy. I suggested it would be better if we didn't do that, as I have had 6 beers and I will fail it. He agreed I would fail the blower, so I suggested I could help him out if he would rather not go up the shop. I emptied my wallet, I had 8 grand and 20 Baht. He gave me a sheet of paper to put the money in, and as I was counting it again he said, "NO". I thought 'oh here we ffffking go, he wants to clean out my passenger too'. BUT then he told me to keep a grand for myself !!!! I was flabbergasted, he then gave me a lecture about DDing and sent me home. Gotta love it!

What a kind hearted fellow - I'm surprised that he didn't give you the 20 baht as a tip.

He has restored my faith in the Thai coppers through his generosity!!


Do not drink and drive!!!

Do you do it at home???? Most likely not...if you do it, you are an idiot..Accident or not...Same in this country!!!

Dear phomtaih just quoting you..no personal offence meant!!!

"If ya all want blood goto Saudi Arabia where you can get a front row seat for a multitude of punishments."

You have them here in Phuket already....Saudis etc...


I dont understand

You were given (sentenced) 32 days jail.

You were let out of jail after 2 day by paying "bail"?? - bail is what you pay before going to court???

Then you were told you cant go home for 6 months?

Can you clarify?

Also - ive recently return to Thailand after 5 years overseas. 5 years ago, id never heared of people getting breathalised, now ive seen several police checkpoints with breathalisers. What is the law relating to drinking and driving, how much can you have. What are the punishments officially? Someone told me he got a 7,000 baht fine.


I got done for DD a few months ago, in Phuket. The occifer involved invited me to the copshop to blow the thingy. I suggested it would be better if we didn't do that, as I have had 6 beers and I will fail it. He agreed I would fail the blower, so I suggested I could help him out if he would rather not go up the shop. I emptied my wallet, I had 8 grand and 20 Baht. He gave me a sheet of paper to put the money in, and as I was counting it again he said, "NO". I thought 'oh here we ffffking go, he wants to clean out my passenger too'. BUT then he told me to keep a grand for myself !!!! I was flabbergasted, he then gave me a lecture about DDing and sent me home. Gotta love it!

Reminds me when i was mugged in Amserdam. A guy pulled a knife on me. I gave him my wallet. He took 50 euros and gave the wallet back to me. He appolgised. Said he "really needed a hit"


You should then pull over half the Thai males after a golf outing...their drunk as skunks...My brother inlaws play golf for 4 hours in the morning then sit and eat and drink drink drink until about 11 pm then get in their BMW's and SUV's and drive home...probably about 3 times a week....but we all know Farlangs pick up the tabs for everything

I use to enjoy Thailand about 20 years ago...but now...its a sh@thole and if I could sell my house I don't think I would ever go back...Also the illusion of Thai women being kind and gentle is a bunch of BS.....cold and calculating even the educated ones like my wife....its all about baht or $$$ if your from the USA

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I can't figure out whether he's still in jail or not, nor can figure out if he's still in Thailand or not. If he's not in Thailand now, who gives a <deleted>? Stay out. Go to Bali or KL or somewhere else for your holiday's. 2 days in jail for a DUI ain't much. Try blowing that much in the US and see what happens. It's a major felony to blow that high here and be driving. Also try handing the arresting officer here some cash to turn the other way, oh yeah, that'll work. All in all, I would say he got off light and if he's not in Thailand now, stay out. This is not the only country in Southeast Asia with wild women and booze. Time to broaden your horizens.. coffee1.gif

I think he's under a bridge.

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