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53 Year Old Walking From Bangkok To Phuket?


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I just read about a farrang looking for support on my face book where he says he will walk from

Bangkok to Phuket for some kids sports program called " Sports 4 Kidz Thailand "

This is crazy it's almost 688klm or 500 miles to Phuket from Bangkok. I'm guessing

he will make it an Hour out of town then pass out or get hit by a car. post-71369-0-77816500-1364130180_thumb.j

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I looked at a cycle touring company that does this route - they list it at 855km - presume some roads either cyclists are not permitted, and/or simply not safe.

To accomplish that in 2 weeks would be some achievement - averaging 60km a day.

Maybe try roller-skates for added novelty value?

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Guess this is going to be a big deal. I will join in.

Not because it will be a big deal but because it is for the children.

Does anyone really know what it is like to walk to Phuket from Bangkok?

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My neighbour 65 walked bkk-chiengmai in 3 weeks. If he took transport to the next village as dusk fell he would return to that point the next morning. A long time long distance traveller by his own power, he says that Gas Staions (previously they were abominations) and 7/11's are what make it easy nowadays.

A year or two ago a guy pushbiked it in 24 hours (Phuket-Bangkok), with support team et al.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guy's telling the world "I'm going to do this", holding out the kids as the reason we should give a rat and support him, perhaps just by holding hold his feet to the fire.

Looking back at all the best intentions I've had that never led me anywhere...

(Don't get me wrong, some of those intentions led to great adventures, but there are also some regrets and those seem to stick in my mind longer than the triumphs)

It makes perfect sense to me...

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Maybe the guy just gives a <deleted> and is actually trying to do something to make a difference instead of sitting on his arse.

My hat is off to the fella and I wish him all the best!

YOu Can See his FB page to see what he is doing.

The guy actually sold all his things to pay for this journey.

So he isn't asking for anything that he is doing himself. He is real.

I will walk with him for awhile and i liked his page. His whole family does things like this

The thing I like about him, he doesn't bend it around religion.

He says its just what we all should do nurture our children, there the ones that will

take over some day.

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Maybe the guy just gives a <deleted> and is actually trying to do something to make a difference instead of sitting on his arse.

My hat is off to the fella and I wish him all the best!

YOu Can See his FB page to see what he is doing.

The guy actually sold all his things to pay for this journey.

So he isn't asking for anything that he is doing himself. He is real.

I will walk with him for awhile and i liked his page. His whole family does things like this

The thing I like about him, he doesn't bend it around religion.

He says its just what we all should do nurture our children, there the ones that will

take over some day.

I would like to join him. Can you post or PM me his contact details? Thanks!

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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I Imagine the guy has done his homework on this, talking to my marathon walker friend he says predictably that feet are the problem. The road camber contributed to forcing his foot sideways in his shoe and caused great problems.Cutting the shoe was possible.

He did a 24 hour walk here (laps) and said the sole of one foot was flapping like a detached shoe sole.

BTW could someone pm me the link to any info..I might pushbike along.Thank You

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While relaxing in the back of a taxi i have have seen 53 year olds exiting their taxi and walking the last 200m to the highway exit point to lower sukhumvit only because there was a traffic jam.

And let me tell you, they where marching like young cadets!biggrin.png

They did this also because they just got off the airplane...coffee1.gifthumbsup.gif

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I Imagine the guy has done his homework on this, talking to my marathon walker friend he says predictably that feet are the problem. The road camber contributed to forcing his foot sideways in his shoe and caused great problems.Cutting the shoe was possible.

He did a 24 hour walk here (laps) and said the sole of one foot was flapping like a detached shoe sole.

BTW could someone pm me the link to any info..I might pushbike along.Thank You

I just sent it to you. However, you can show up at 10: am at Carl's Jr Mega Bangna, everyone will be there

for the news interview. Everyone will leave from there. It is said that many will join him along the way. On

a few other sites. Don't think he will break bread or anything but he does seem to be a genuine person in

his endeavors.

These are the things he requested on to be loaned to him or contributed.

I Pad so he can speak with the news channels and video his journey.

A Back Pack, semi water proof ( LOL ) big enough to cloths.

A pace care to follow him.... he said, there is no harm in asking, all they can do is laugh at him....LOL

And of course he is still looking for sponsors.

A good microscope could cost up to 5,000 baht. The good thing is most students work in teams so he figures about 10 per school depending on the

size of the school.

He would like donation for the soccer, uniforms and shoes, balls and anyone that would like to volunteer as coaching or support teams to help build the


Anyone with web experience to help with promotional videos .

Many things to do I guess.

I am not allowed to post his site on here from what I have been told.

It's funny because I see websites posted on TV all the time. Why can't I post his site? Can someone tell me please

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That should be a nice walk. I have a friend in Costa Rica that is a beach walker. His longest trek was on the Pacific coast of CR, where he walked the beaches from the Panama border all the way to Nicaragua. shock1.gif

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IN channel news was there along with a few Thai channels to film AC COOLEY off on his walk

I will catch up with him later, as I to stick around for the Songkran festival

I will post a picture later

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Just an update on this walk. I actually couldn't go..my wife decided this for me, " No Options".

I spoke with Mr.AC COOLEY over the phone, he seems to be doing alright and is in Samut Song khran.

If you would like to support his walk please PM me as I have been told and warned not to post his url on Thai VIsa.

IN News Channel is also keeping tabs with Mr. Cooley. He has a pretty good prospective of what he is doing. I also found

out that he has another program that he started several years ago to support this sports for kidz thailand. He started the byownerThailand program

which is a way for people to sell their homes without commissions. I guess he sets you up with advertisement,signs and posting on his webiste. The money goes

to this program. I am starting to understand why I am not allowed to post. It seems this guy is a focal point for people that have large companies and they don't want

him to succeed. Mostly in fear that his projects are taking money from thier pockets. I have seen this ByOwnerThailand program in my country running right along w

with the real estate agents without any problems, but this is Thailand. A little bit of money creates a lot of muscle. He told me that a real estate agent and Pattya

wrote an article saying his program would only invite criminals into the home. What kind of newspaper would allow this kind of rehtoric. I asked hime why he didn't

he said that the business runs on small margins. The Thai court system runs on and on and on and on. He said he asked Pattaya One to rebuke the article but they

said they didn't have to becasue they were the new owners and that it ws written before the bought the newspaper. When asked who wrote it, they would even tell

Unlike most editorials this one went nameless. He said he knows who wrote it because of it's location and because the same person wrote another one make fun of the byownerthailand program. I am sure you guessed it is a local real estate agent that seems to allways shoot his mouth off about others. It's my understanding that this guy is has sued others for defermation of charactor yet he didn't seem to mind trying to write articles in an effort to put another company out of business.

Like the walk we will just have to wait and see what happens.

Till next time

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well here are some photo's. It looks like he is having a good time.

He was in Kiri Kan or something like that, last I spoke with him.

But he say's time is playing against him because he has to go back to work

I also seen him on IN CHANNEL " On The Grid"

This guy is pretty cool.




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