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Why Would Anyone Want To Live In Chiang Mai


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I think most people fell in love with CM when they first arrived & later decided to make here their home. But people change, CM changes & what appeared to be a great place no longer appears so. Especially when you start a family. Might not happen when the kids are born, most likely later when they're at primary school, & your lifestyle no longer includes bar hopping or eating out. And suddenly "the penny drops" & you start to question living here. You may not "have burned the bridges" back home, but you may be in for a shock at the requirements for getting your spouse a visa to settle in your home country..... After the last 2 trips back to UK, the penny dropped for me, & I suddenly realized how great the UK is, and what a cr@phole Thailand is. But that's just my opinion. I can afford to move back to the UK with my 2 kids, buy a nice house in a nice area, but unfortunately the UK govt don't think I can afford to keep my Thai wife.

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what is with the air pollution, it is because of cars, and in what month seems to be the problem?

I am afraid of hot days in CM, i have read that the temperature reaches around 40 degrees, but in Pattaya only 30 max, so that is a plus.

But I hate crime in Pattaya, killings, murders, is CM any better? I guess so...

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Also I have read a story years ago that some local tribe man chopped a falang up in his home because of sacrifice?????

Is this shit still happening there?

I am still looking for a place with cooler climate like max 30 degrees at day and at night around 22-23 or something.

But CM reaches 40 degrees, that is just awful

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I am afraid of hot days in CM, i have read that the temperature reaches around 40 degrees, but in Pattaya only 30 max, so that is a plus.

Pattaya right now: 32 degrees. Humidity: Crazy. Feels like: 41.

Chiang Mai right now: 33 degrees. Humidity: 27%.. Feels like: 33.

In the afternoon in the hot season the highest temperature is higher in Chiang Mai, but the temperature what it feels like is the same or better, due to lower humidity this season.

The difference is especially big at night. Last night 24, feels like 24. Pattaya 28, feels like 'hell, but with a higher humidity'. Same for Bangkok and the South.

(Source: weather.com)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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what is with the air pollution, it is because of cars, and in what month seems to be the problem?

I am afraid of hot days in CM, i have read that the temperature reaches around 40 degrees, but in Pattaya only 30 max, so that is a plus.

But I hate crime in Pattaya, killings, murders, is CM any better? I guess so...

I don't know where you got the idea that the maximum temperature in Pattaya is only 30 degrees. This is what last April was like in Pattaya (source: Accuweather.com):



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Also I have read a story years ago that some local tribe man chopped a falang up in his home because of sacrifice?????

Is this shit still happening there?

I am still looking for a place with cooler climate like max 30 degrees at day and at night around 22-23 or something.

But CM reaches 40 degrees, that is just awful

I saw Silence of the Lambs once - don't go to America, their doctors will eat you!

Shhesh, its not Victorian Congo where the natives are going to chop you up for their soup (Dr Livingstone, I presume).

This is the tropics, temperatures are mitigated (or mostly not) by humidity - in Spain it gets at least as hot as here, but usually the humidity is lower, so it "feels" cooler. Up here in CM the humidity is lower than the South, and due to mountains, rice farms and jungles all around, we get breezes (Bangkok is like a soup of still, over heated, car fumes - otherwise known as hell!).

Worse thing, the thing we all like to moan about (when we don't have the weather to moan about like at home) is the Mach smog - caused not by cars, but by burning rice stalks, fallow fields, border growth, etc between planting seasons (there are often 2 or more these days due to better water management). This is unpleasant for about 1 weeks most Marches (worse this year because lack of rain we have had last two or three years - see the long thread in the CM Forum).

It doesn't cool much at night in the tropics unless the weather changes or there is significant wind/rain - the air is heated all day, as is the walls of the house, surrounding water, rock, buildings and roads which convexes back out to keep the temperature warm through the night too. If you really want a western climate, try southern Europe - South France/North Span etc.

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I guess I missed it.. Goforit where is this place your moving to?

He's going to the PI and he's yet to discover that there is no infrastucture in the PI, nor decent health care for expats (outaside Manilla and Baracay) but they do have gun toting crime in spades, good luck and enjoy.

Ask the manager of the Blue Rock in Subic Bay about the PI. Wait you cant as a local walked into the buisness, pulled out a gun and shot him dead about 2 days ago, in front of plenty of witnesses.

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  • 11 months later...

I've been asking myself that for the last 12+ years starting in March, then about 7 months later when it cools down and the pollution settles, I see the green mountains, can breath again and forget how miserable I was. It's getting worse, or my tolerance is getting lower because I'm seriously looking for an alternative to hiding out indoors for 7 months of the year.

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In my opinion.....Can be a lot of reasons for people to live or retire in Thailand.....but I believe that the main reason for most is that do not have the money to live in many wonderful, amazing, gorgeous, safe, clean, and very expensive places around the world. Period.

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I know many foreigners who could afford to live in other places that choose to live in Thailand as well as some who have homes in places like Hawaii, France, London and San Francisco, but they spend half of the year here. Chiang Mai has its own charms.

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eleven years here now and still love it,has changed a lot in ten years,more people, more traffic, more constructions,

starting to get filled up.someone i was talking to commented, could burn(chiang mai)it self out in the next ten years

think some planning has to take place,but what the heck,TIT.

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I came here for two months because I have a few friends who have lived here for a while and they loved it and also because I have read a lot of good about the place on internet blogs.

I am leaving tonight and will depart with a mixed opinion about the place.

The good:

The local food is good and quite cheap.

There are many cinemas, shopping malls and even a few acceptable international restaurants.

The locals are friendly.

The bad:

Air quality and the environment in general.

Third world traffic and infrastructure (some of the worst I have seen and I have been to some pretty funky places in Africa and Asia).

Lack of fluent English speakers.

Not much is happening, pretty boring.

Overall I will say that while Chiang Mai is not all bad, I am really struggling to understand why so many Westerners would want to live here.

A lot of you are saying the climate, why not go to South Beach, San Diego or Surfers Paradise then?

The cheap food? Why not Hong Kong, Singapore or Penang?

The pretty girls? Nice, Budapest or Tokyo?

The nature and mountains? Vancouver, Zurich or Seattle?

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I know many foreigners who could afford to live in other places that choose to live in Thailand as well as some who have homes in places like Hawaii, France, London and San Francisco, but they spend half of the year here. Chiang Mai has its own charms.

I have been in CM for over 7 years and I too have felt that CM had something very special that really attracted me to it, but again for me, over the last 3 years, it has been losing that charm quickly due to the increased building construction, increased number of cars crowding the limited roads adding more pollution through out the year. Let's not forget the major influx of Chinese tourists and investors. Now this may benefit the rich Thais and those of you that have built long term businesses but for it has decreased the quality of life here.

As for the well off foreigners you mentioned, if they are retired couples enjoying warm weather during the winter months then I am happy for them but I "suspect" the majority come here not only for the weather but for the cheap much younger part time GFs that they probably could not get or afford back in the West.

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A lot of you are saying the climate, why not go to South Beach, San Diego or Surfers Paradise then?

The cheap food? Why not Hong Kong, Singapore or Penang?

The pretty girls? Nice, Budapest or Tokyo?

The nature and mountains? Vancouver, Zurich or Seattle?

Not everyone is American.

HK and Singapore are really expensive places to live.

Not everyone cares about girls.

Zurich is even more expensive than HK, and the weather is pretty bad most of the year.

How did I do?

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A lot of you are saying the climate, why not go to South Beach, San Diego or Surfers Paradise then?

The cheap food? Why not Hong Kong, Singapore or Penang?

The pretty girls? Nice, Budapest or Tokyo?

The nature and mountains? Vancouver, Zurich or Seattle?

Because they are all in one place here, rents are inexpensive and many of us have gotten travel out of our systems - other than from time to time.

You are so right.

But if I were American with unlimited money, I would probably be living in San Francisco.

Although something not many people mention about CM, very easy to make friends, something that I found hard in SF.

Edited by BritManToo
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If I had unlimited money, I might live elsewhere, but I don't know where. I lived in San Francisco and did pretty well money-wise, but moved to Chiang Mai when I was in my early 30s and have always preferred it here. I do miss the great restaurants, theater and live music by big acts in SF though.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If I had unlimited money, I might live elsewhere, but I don't know where. I lived in San Francisco and did pretty well money-wise, but moved to Chiang Mai and have always preferred it here. I do miss the great restaurants, theater and live music by big acts in SF though.

San Francisco?

Too late.

We were among the lucky who experienced it when it was a REAL place.thumbsup.gif

The existential crisis around San Francisco's ascension to the heights of assholery stands in stark contrast to the fact that it is damn near unlivable for most normal people.


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Thanks for that. Great article. To be fair, BritManToo did say with unlimited money. If I was living in one of the Clift Hotel suites, hobnobbing with Clint Eastwood every night and eating at places like Saison, it might not be a bad place to live.

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Dear Goforit

I agree with you so PLEASE go around Chiang Mai and tell every westerner you meet that they should get of town as there is nothing here for them THEN that will those of us you DID NOT find to enjoy this lovely peacefull city we live in you see cock head we live here because we want to and we DO NOT have to explain or give reasons to that effect to people like you.

So with respect take your opinion and get out if you feel that upset over it all and organise a farewell party for yourself invite all your friends I have an old english phone box you can use I am sure that all your friends would fit in there.

Have a pleasant day

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