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Residency Certificate ~ Did I Make A Mistake?


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Went this morning for my residency certificate (for a Driver's License) at CM Immigration; handed in the application, pictures, copy of passport details and copy of lease. Was told to come back at 2pm.

Duly came back at 2pm, reported in at the middle counter, sat and waited until my name was called, and then went and picked up an official looking document with my picture and a big red stamp on it. Waited a moment for the person at the counter to ask for the 500 Baht fee, hearing nothing, I picked up the paper and walked out.

Did I just experience dumb luck or will I be told I need a "cashier stamp" when I get to the Driver's License bureau??

Edited by sunnitimes
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Yes and no, I noticed today there was a paper outside the office about residency certificate which ended with: no fee have to be paid. It also said it can be done at police stations and the tourist police office. There is no such thing as cashier stamp for this certificate anyway because it is a free document.
I have to come back to pick mine up on 11 april, one of the most crowdy days, for my residency certificate needed for a yellow book.
I wonder why?

Edited by Joop50
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I've always been told to pay 500B. Done it 4 times. Wonder if changes are a brewin'? Thais change official rules like my wife changes her mind. Well, scratch that, not even the Thai government can compete with my wife.

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In the crush of people today I failed to notice the paper outside so thank you for spotting that and passing on that information.

Since this was the first time I have gotten this certificate I was not totally sure what it should look like. I know the bank always seems to have multiple rubber stamps that go all over a document and thought the same might be true of Immigration.

Now onward to the Driver's License queue :)

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Don`t worry. These people are right on the ball and if any money to pay is required, they would never had parted with the goods first prior to their palms being greased with silver or as in this case, hard cash.

Perhaps they have changed their policies or have a new boss who has made them stop this practice of expected money for what is officially meant to be a free service.

It`s like a lottery in there, where we never know what to expect from one day to another.

If the BiB do come to arrest you, I`ll send you a cake with a file in it.

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Great, a cake with a file...that may come in handy.

Agree it is always an adventure trying to figure out just exactly what the rules/procedures really are; keeps one on their toes.

Guess if it was straight-forward and laid out in detail we would all complain of the system being too bureaucratic.

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Yes and no, I noticed today there was a paper outside the office about residency certificate which ended with: no fee have to be paid. It also said it can be done at police stations and the tourist police office. There is no such thing as cashier stamp for this certificate anyway because it is a free document.

I have to come back to pick mine up on 11 april, one of the most crowdy days, for my residency certificate needed for a yellow book.

I wonder why?

Good news to hear this and that the Tourist/ Police can also issue these. Do you have to fill in a form, if so where can this be obtained beforehand?

Thank you .

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In the crush of people today I failed to notice the paper outside so thank you for spotting that and passing on that information.

Since this was the first time I have gotten this certificate I was not totally sure what it should look like. I know the bank always seems to have multiple rubber stamps that go all over a document and thought the same might be true of Immigration.

Now onward to the Driver's License queue smile.png

Don't forget you need a medical certificate. Available at Hospital almost next door to Tesco (can't remember the name) on 108 for 100 Baht. Takes about 10 minutes.

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In the crush of people today I failed to notice the paper outside so thank you for spotting that and passing on that information.

Since this was the first time I have gotten this certificate I was not totally sure what it should look like. I know the bank always seems to have multiple rubber stamps that go all over a document and thought the same might be true of Immigration.

Now onward to the Driver's License queue smile.png

Don't forget you need a medical certificate. Available at Hospital almost next door to Tesco (can't remember the name) on 108 for 100 Baht. Takes about 10 minutes.
Klaimor hospital
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Yes and no, I noticed today there was a paper outside the office about residency certificate which ended with: no fee have to be paid. It also said it can be done at police stations and the tourist police office. There is no such thing as cashier stamp for this certificate anyway because it is a free document.

I have to come back to pick mine up on 11 april, one of the most crowdy days, for my residency certificate needed for a yellow book.

I wonder why?

Good news to hear this and that the Tourist/ Police can also issue these. Do you have to fill in a form, if so where can this be obtained beforehand?

Thank you .

I've found it on TV, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=206914

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Three or four years ago it used to be free

Then they stopped issuing them and sent us to Embassies or Consulates

Then they started again for a couple of weeks (presumably because so many people complained)

Then they stopped with no explanation

Then they re-started but charged 500 baht

I am guessing that the fee has been dropped due to the impossibility of collecting the money charged by the other agencies they have empowered to do it now. It wouldn't do to have them pocket the money, would it?

Still, welcome news for those without a Tabien Baan. smile.png

Edited by Greenside
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Yes and no, I noticed today there was a paper outside the office about residency certificate which ended with: no fee have to be paid. It also said it can be done at police stations and the tourist police office. There is no such thing as cashier stamp for this certificate anyway because it is a free document.

I have to come back to pick mine up on 11 april, one of the most crowdy days, for my residency certificate needed for a yellow book.

I wonder why?

It's nice to have a yellow residence book though. It makes dealing with Thai government offices much easier.

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Just as an update:

Got the driver's license with no problems as to the paperwork. As a result of all the advice here, and on previous posts that I researched, I had the application, medical cert, residency cert, copies of passport details and international driver's license in hand.

The only hiccup was the staff inadvertently slipped my passport into someone else application and handed it to that person. When I came out from the reflex test there was no passport with my application; few moment of heart stopping anxiety ensued (which of course, being a polite guest, I was not suppose to show). Finally the person who had gotten my passport came up and returned it to the desk. Just as an aside, I am a very blond woman so it would be stretching it to say all of us farangs look alike.

The main reason I was getting a driver's license was so I could quit using my passport as ID; afraid it would get lost. Point proven!!

Once again, thanks for all your help guys.

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Three or four years ago it used to be free

Then they stopped issuing them and sent us to Embassies or Consulates

Then they started again for a couple of weeks (presumably because so many people complained)

Then they stopped with no explanation

Then they re-started but charged 500 baht

I am guessing that the fee has been dropped due to the impossibility of collecting the money charged by the other agencies they have empowered to do it now. It wouldn't do to have them pocket the money, would it?

Still, welcome news for those without a Tabien Baan. smile.png

1. They stopped issuing the certificate as of Friday, April 5. I know because I was in there on April 4th, standing next to the gentleman who was told to return on the 11th for his yellow book. I picked up the application, realized I had forgotten the copy of my contract, went home, got the contract and filled out the application and then returned to the office in the afternoon, only to be told the short-haired lady who accepts the application is gone and I should return in the morning to give it to her. I returned on the morning of the 5th and was told by the short-haired lady that "no, we don't do that anymore" and she pointed the paper taped to the table that said the tourist police or any police station can issue the certificate for no charge. She even denied a rather rude lady who jammed her arm in front of me with a thousand baht note on top of her application.

2. But actually, neither the police nor the tourist police will issue this certificate for you. This was today's adventure in trying to register my motorbike. I went to the police station and was told you need to go to immigration for this. I explained that immigration sent me to the police station, but the not-very-friendly lady at the police station just told me that the police cannot issue this certificate (she also told me I didn't have the right documents, but didn't explain what I was missing) and then she handed me the tourist police number. I called the tourist police, explained the information given at the immigration office and was told "that's bad information, we don't do that, you have to go to your consulate."

3. So, it looks like we are back to "they stopped issuing them and sent us to Embassies or Consulates." I feel like I just got my first official "Welcome to Thailand"..... Either that, or I am just really unlucky.

If I get the notarized document from the US Consulate, does anyone know if I'll be able to use it more than once? Say for registering the motorbike and getting the license? Because 50 USD is substantially more than 'free'. But, really, at this point I'm about to give up and just accept the fee as the cost of doing business in Thailand.

EDIT: Looking at the affidavit (link) I am fairly confident the answer to my question is "no, you need a separate one for buying the bike, registering the bike, and getting your license."

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I got mine towards the end of March for B500 but it took 3 days of to and fro waiting in line at CM immigration .I know they charge B200 down in Pattaya ,or at least that was the charge down there 3 years ago .Pattaya /Jomtien took 30 minutes not 3 days also .

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Just to add to the above ,they got B1,000 off me as i need two .One for a car and one for a bike .When i finally got the certs they had the wrong address on them so it took a couple more hours of waiting .Looks like if it was now ,it would be even harder or impossible as i dont know if the Irish Consulate in Bangkok ( none in CM ) do them ?

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Well if you're forced back to the consulate be prepared (if you're from the UK) yo pay something truly outrageous like 2000 baht. I'm just guessing but it wouldn't surprised me at all.

If you're unlucky enough to hail from somewhere with no diplomatic presence in CM, factor in the fare and a day or two.

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It's 50 USD to have any document notarized at the US Consulate, which is about 1500 Baht, so it's not quite as bad as it is for the UK folks. But still ... had I been but a couple of days earlier I would have gotten the same thing for free, or at worst, 500 Baht. At this point, though, I'm just about willing to pay three times the price for the surety of having an appointment and walking out of my consulate with the document I need in hand.

I wonder if this is just do to the crush of people at immigration before the holiday and maybe they'll return to business as usual after it is over? A boy can hope....

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In the crush of people today I failed to notice the paper outside so thank you for spotting that and passing on that information.

Since this was the first time I have gotten this certificate I was not totally sure what it should look like. I know the bank always seems to have multiple rubber stamps that go all over a document and thought the same might be true of Immigration.

Now onward to the Driver's License queue smile.png

Don't forget you need a medical certificate. Available at Hospital almost next door to Tesco (can't remember the name) on 108 for 100 Baht. Takes about 10 minutes.
Klaimor hospital

I was at that hospital yesterday for an unrelated visit. They have no parking but south of the building is a open field parking for a few baht. The hospital staff tries at English but is not that good, like me at Thai. Old and behind the times,

again like me, I still felt ok going there. Minimal waiting time to see a Dr. and they won't break your bank. Sorry for breaking the post intention.

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Well if you're forced back to the consulate be prepared (if you're from the UK) yo pay something truly outrageous like 2000 baht. I'm just guessing but it wouldn't surprised me at all.

If you're unlucky enough to hail from somewhere with no diplomatic presence in CM, factor in the fare and a day or two.

2530 baht to be precise. I called the consulate today. It's ridiculous. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but at this point that's the only way to get it.

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It was somewhere closer to 2700B at the uk consulate in bangkok.

But if you're lucky you can use it more than once. When I registered my bike they were happy with a good quality color photocopy.

But when I registered my car a few days later I was told they had to have the original no matter how much I begged and tried to explain how expensive it would be to replace. Luck of the draw I guess.

But even if you do manage to retain the original it's only valid for (I think) one month.

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2500B? At the British Consulate? That's cheap! I paid nearly 4000B for them to sign a piece of paper I wrote myself.

I complained that that the fees I was being asked to pay to register my baby and get her a passport were higher than the cost of her birth and was told that the Foreign Office follows a policy of charging the same around the world for fairness. I replied asking whether this meant I was subsidising the cost of living of bankers in Hong Kong, to which I got no reply. rolleyes.gif

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Save the aggravation and get yourself a "Yellow book"

That's what I'm aiming to do but to get the yellow book I need to get a residency certificate :(

Still I guess that's only one trip to the consulate to help fund their Christmas party

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So now any Thai Government Agency in Chiang Mai that requires a Residence Certificate (RC) will get one from one of the 84 Embassy's in Thailand, each with a different layout of course, instead of one standard format, am I correct?

Then they have to check that your RC issuer matches the country of your passport and many of the RCs will not be in English I imagine?

Looks like an opening here for an enterprising company??

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I took a photo today from the paper outside the immigration entrance but putting it here on tv is a problem.
Still don't have my rc, the head was not at the office but they promised me I get it after sonkran.
Just before me was an English speaking couple at the desk who were send to the consulate.
But the paper says one can also obtain it at the police station.

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