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Meeting Parents Of Thai Gf


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Don't over-analyze it. Unless you're planning on moving to Thailand, she's just friend and if you want to meet her family, why not? But it is unusual for "nice" Thai girls to sleep with a farang that they've only known for a short time, so I would imagine this is not entirely new for her.


the year is 2013, not 1950.

people have sex even in thailand.

granted it is not like the UK where he would have nailed her in the ally out back of the pub immediately after meeting, but all this nice girl do this or that nonsense, is just that. nonsense.

be honest with her, have your fun, don't look back

Yes they have sex. But not with foreigners who they have only known for a few days. Unless of course, they're hanging out in bars or clubs with the express intention of meeting foreigners!

<deleted> they don't have sex with falang after a few days.

Visit www.dateinasia ,, chat them up. go visit them. They are not bar girls or go to clubs but very "nice" women whom still have sex with falang the day they meet on arrival.

Well I not know about 20 something women but a lot of mature age women sure do!

Thai women are no different to falang women, it is their right and desire to enjoy the sensations of life.

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Thai women are no different to falang women, it is their right and desire to enjoy the sensations of life.


And some are looking for the jackpot, kissing their quota of frogs looking for that one true prince.

They've learned that telling a farang they have to wait until after the wedding ceremony will be greeted by nothing but laughter, and they're willing to do what it takes.

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Thai women are no different to falang women, it is their right and desire to enjoy the sensations of life.


And some are looking for the jackpot, kissing their quota of frogs looking for that one true prince.

They've learned that telling a farang they have to wait until after the wedding ceremony will be greeted by nothing but laughter, and they're willing to do what it takes.

I have been called a 'butterfly' maybe she meant 'frog' :-)

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I'm a 21 year old American. I live in Bangkok, I go to one of the better Thai universities, I speak Thai, I have many Thai friends around my age and come into contact with Thais in their late teens/early 20s every day.

While there are a select few of what some here would call "good" Thai girls, and while on average, the girls sleep around far less than their Western counterparts would.. The vast majority of them are not the pure, virginal, innocent types some would claim.

I'm sure the OP's girl is not a virgin and may she not be "good", by some people's criteria.. but from someone with many female friends her age, there is also nothing ununsual about her, or any sign that she is a scammer.

wow 21 years old and have mastered the Thai language congratulations takes people years to master the language you must be quick learner
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wow 21 years old and have mastered the Thai language congratulations takes people years to master the language you must be quick learner


Studying a language formally and intensively does accelerate the process.

Some people have much greater aptitude than others (separate from what they call general intelligence).

I know a guy fluent in six languages, pretty good in twenty, takes him about four months to get up to speed on a new one when he's motivated.

And usually the younger you are the easier it is.

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I'm a 21 year old American. I live in Bangkok, I go to one of the better Thai universities, I speak Thai, I have many Thai friends around my age and come into contact with Thais in their late teens/early 20s every day.

While there are a select few of what some here would call "good" Thai girls, and while on average, the girls sleep around far less than their Western counterparts would.. The vast majority of them are not the pure, virginal, innocent types some would claim.

I'm sure the OP's girl is not a virgin and may she not be "good", by some people's criteria.. but from someone with many female friends her age, there is also nothing ununsual about her, or any sign that she is a scammer.

wow 21 years old and have mastered the Thai language congratulations takes people years to master the language you must be quick learner

Would be a waste of time to attend a Thai university if he didn't speak Thai, don't you hink ?

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Would be a waste of time to attend a Thai university if he didn't speak Thai, don't you hink ?


Dozens of tertiary institutions, including some of the better ones, have been offering International degree programs conducted in English, many of which are targeted at foreign students.

It's getting to be a huge industry and one the Department of Export Promotion puts decent resources into promoting, including trade fairs, overseas events etc.

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Would be a waste of time to attend a Thai university if he didn't speak Thai, don't you hink ?


Dozens of tertiary institutions, including some of the better ones, have been offering International degree programs conducted in English, many of which are targeted at foreign students.

It's getting to be a huge industry and one the Department of Export Promotion puts decent resources into promoting, including trade fairs, overseas events etc.

I wasn't aware of that. You're sure it's Thailand you're talking about?

Might be a good idea to extend the English classes to the regular students as well, since many of the Thais I know that attended university can't speak English.

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Hundreds of foreign exchange students attend university in bangkOk and most of them do not speak Thai, I think you would have to go some to claim to speak Thai at conversation level by the age of 21 not saying it's not possible but a lot of time and effort needed

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I wasn't aware of that. You're sure it's Thailand you're talking about?

Might be a good idea to extend the English classes to the regular students as well, since many of the Thais I know that attended university can't speak English.


Sure, it's a well-known fact that even Thais majoring in English as a language can graduate, even with advanced degrees without actually being able to functionally communicate in English, I don't know anyone who's even surprised by that, common knowledge.

Often also true for those teaching English in Thai schools and universities.

None of which has anything to do with the existence of these international programs. Note there are also foreign students attending international primary and secondary schools whose parents don't actually live here. Thailand would very much like to be a hub in this industry.

I'm not claiming that degrees from such programs are actually of much value at world-standard institutions outside of Thailand. Most of the foreign students attending them are from countries with even worse educational systems.

There are some exceptions, for example Sasin is pretty well respected, and some offer the ability to get concurrent qualifications from partner institutions overseas.

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my wifes father has been working abroad for years so my wife was well aware the westerners are mostly far from rich like many believe.

he was also very much against western men when we met, telling me we are all sex tourists and never shower, first meeting did not go well.

we are now very close, he is a very proud man and would never take money even if offered, in fact it would deeply offend him if i gave either him or his wife money, he is just happy to see his daughter happy and see her living ok.

we do ok but we dont have a lot of money by any means, we are happy, our children have everything and thats all my wife cares about, rents paid, food in the cupboard and she is set.

somehow i dont think all parents are reluctant to take our money like him.

just be yourself and if they dont like it continue to be yourself anyway.

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Don't over-analyze it. Unless you're planning on moving to Thailand, she's just friend and if you want to meet her family, why not? But it is unusual for "nice" Thai girls to sleep with a farang that they've only known for a short time, so I would imagine this is not entirely new for her.


the year is 2013, not 1950.

people have sex even in thailand.

granted it is not like the UK where he would have nailed her in the ally out back of the pub immediately after meeting, but all this nice girl do this or that nonsense, is just that. nonsense.

be honest with her, have your fun, don't look back

Yes they have sex. But not with foreigners who they have only known for a few days. Unless of course, they're hanging out in bars or clubs with the express intention of meeting foreigners!

<deleted> they don't have sex with falang after a few days.

Visit www.dateinasia ,, chat them up. go visit them. They are not bar girls or go to clubs but very "nice" women whom still have sex with falang the day they meet on arrival.

Well I not know about 20 something women but a lot of mature age women sure do!

Thai women are no different to falang women, it is their right and desire to enjoy the sensations of life.

I don't think the OP's nice girl is one of these DIA girls, who are really no different than the girls who hang out at Q Bar or Spasso to meet foreigners.

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Be wary of the replies that 'this is happening all over the world'.

They are rather Western thinking in content and written more in the hope their replies will be taken autobiographically than from any actual real experience.

I've been hearing this sort of cobblers for 20+ years now and when put to the test, seldom proves the actually be the case.

I've been on too many nights out with blokes like Candypants only to see them wind up with egg on their faces at 1am and seen too many blokes thinking this way only to come badly unstuck after a few months - myself included back in the day....

Playing the cross-cultural 'dating game', especially in Asia, is fraught with rules and barriers each of which need to be crossed; be they religious, linguistic, financial, moral and so on. Thinking you can bypass them because you are young is simply not the case.

Social mores in many Asian nations make (unpaid) casual sexual encounters extremely rare for the outsider (or the local). In this day and age of online social networks, they have become even more rare due to the fact that a woman could find herself and her reputation splashed online before she'd even got in the taxi home with you.

If you think 'this is happening all over the world' then just sit at a late night restaurant in a BKK suburb at 1-2am on a Friday or Saturday night and see for yourself the groups of lads and lasses as they stop for a bite on their way home, for whom this isn't 'happening' .

If anyone is serious about a relationship, then expect to 'play the game'. If anyone just wants a legover, then there's plenty of places for that too so don't despair.

When people get lulled into a false sense of security because their woman doesn't fit the stereotype of a 'bargirl' and think they're getting 'a freebie' is when they tend to come unstuck...sometimes spectacularly so.

While this may indeed be 2013, the Thai social conscience is still very much that of the UK in the 1950s....

Tread slowly and carefully, one step at a time, keep control of the situation, and you'll be fine...

Words of wisdom in general, but I still can't help but think "mmm yes and no".

It really helps if you are fluent in Thai (to the point of being able to use wit); apart from the obvious corollary that your chances will balloon according to the laws of probability, you'll be able to spot far more openings from afar (figuratively speaking) and you'll be able to open / present yourself in such a way as to make the right girls like you enough to make up their minds up a bit faster than usual.

I don't mean to cast aspersions on your Thai language ability, but I suppose what I'm saying in a roundabout way is that as a Thai chap in my 20's I can vouch for the fact that "fast-tracking" is alive and well among the independently and / or one-track minded from all walks of life.

To the OP : my advice is to just go with the flow and have fun. Always be honest and polite, trust your gut and you can't go far wrong. Just be fair and remember that she also bears responsibility for actions and outcomes.

Indeed Mr T! However I'm guessing the OP isn't a young Thai lad in his 20s....

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Two ways of approaching this:

Meet the family and buy 2 buffalos, 1 Honda wave, 1 chicken essence basket for granny and a lifetimes supply of Lao Khao for father and shag to your hearts content!

Make it more formal and we are talking 4 buffalos, 2 Honda clicks, endless supply of chicken essence for granny with a season ticket for somtam, an upgrade from lao khao to 100 pipers for dad.

Alternatively you could do some research before you come here again, get a life (or change your mullet haircut and hide those 'love, hate tattoos on your knuckles), find a girl that doesn't work in a bar named the wet pussy bar and stop wasting our time!

REMEMBER: you can still claim the dole in UK.........................Not here

Which is better "basket of chicken essence " or "birds nest beverage "?

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Don't over-analyze it. Unless you're planning on moving to Thailand, she's just friend and if you want to meet her family, why not? But it is unusual for "nice" Thai girls to sleep with a farang that they've only known for a short time, so I would imagine this is not entirely new for her.


the year is 2013, not 1950.

people have sex even in thailand.

granted it is not like the UK where he would have nailed her in the ally out back of the pub immediately after meeting, but all this nice girl do this or that nonsense, is just that. nonsense.

be honest with her, have your fun, don't look back

Yes they have sex. But not with foreigners who they have only known for a few days. Unless of course, they're hanging out in bars or clubs with the express intention of meeting foreigners!

You are not meeting the girls in BKK then; they seem to do this an awful lot from what I see and hear. And yes I mean 'nice girls' who work normal jobs and don't ask for money/gifts/other things straight away. As stated by a previous poster it is 2013, this stuff is happening everywhere now. He is in his early 20's, that is what happens all over the world

I'm 41 now. I have been coming to Thailand for 7 years and have been living in Pattaya for 3 years. I have definitely had sex more times than not with a woman who I have known a day or 2. Normal, everyday women who are teachers, airport employees, Civil Aviation, tour guides, hotel clerks, retail workers, nurses, waitresses, taxi drivers, real estate, bar owners. I don't know why guys think this is impossible or improbable. They are regular women, not up on some pedestal. What really ticks me off is that when a normal woman sleeps with a guy and the guy insists on giving her money. This is just ridiculous to me. Not everyone is a hooker nor after money/gifts.

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Don't over-analyze it. Unless you're planning on moving to Thailand, she's just friend and if you want to meet her family, why not? But it is unusual for "nice" Thai girls to sleep with a farang that they've only known for a short time, so I would imagine this is not entirely new for her.


the year is 2013, not 1950.

people have sex even in thailand.

granted it is not like the UK where he would have nailed her in the ally out back of the pub immediately after meeting, but all this nice girl do this or that nonsense, is just that. nonsense.

be honest with her, have your fun, don't look back

Yes they have sex. But not with foreigners who they have only known for a few days. Unless of course, they're hanging out in bars or clubs with the express intention of meeting foreigners!

You are not meeting the girls in BKK then; they seem to do this an awful lot from what I see and hear. And yes I mean 'nice girls' who work normal jobs and don't ask for money/gifts/other things straight away. As stated by a previous poster it is 2013, this stuff is happening everywhere now. He is in his early 20's, that is what happens all over the world

I'm 41 now. I have been coming to Thailand for 7 years and have been living in Pattaya for 3 years. I have definitely had sex more times than not with a woman who I have known a day or 2. Normal, everyday women who are teachers, airport employees, Civil Aviation, tour guides, hotel clerks, retail workers, nurses, waitresses, taxi drivers, real estate, bar owners. I don't know why guys think this is impossible or improbable. They are regular women, not up on some pedestal. What really ticks me off is that when a normal woman sleeps with a guy and the guy insists on giving her money. This is just ridiculous to me. Not everyone is a hooker nor after money/gifts.

How do you known one shall give you a knife in the Stomach. You read about the killing kept up being a Taker and a Cheap Charlie Kept it up you will be a dead fool. It ticks me off their are so many fools in Pattaya looking for free

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Hate to be blunt.. your living in a dream world and you have no roots in Thailand (ie no job, no contacts).

Thailand's fun at the first years, then it just becomes another place. Don't give what you have back home for some girl.

Besides you aint looking for anything serious, so either go with the flow and just don't care.. or stop pretending and act it out.

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In Thai culture "meeting her parents" doesn't lead to marriage. May be she just wants to be honest with her parents? May be she is so proud of you?


For most families and neighborhoods, a girl won't put a farang on display until she's pretty darn sure she wants to marry him, because if she brings a different one every few months they will assume she's a sex worker or at least a slut.

Certainly not fair even if it is sometimes true, but that's certainly true from my experience.

I have known some families that actually new their daughter was a sex worker and although some seemed to at least accept it (IMO to be commended) I've never come across one that was happy for that to be acknowledged publicly.

I suspect the same sort of pattern would apply in wealthier circles also, perhaps even more so.

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