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Got Teaching Job But Don't Have The Money To Move, Ideas?


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Last week I got a job offer to teaching Math at a school in Pattaya. My friend is a teacher with the school and works through an agency. He's good friends with a guy there and talked to him and they said they needed a math teacher for the semester starting in May. So after talking with the agency for awhile they want me to work and come out there the last week of April. The semester starts May 2nd or around that he said.

Now here's the problem, I was never going to stay here in Thailand. I'm living in Chiang Mai now and my visa ends in two weeks, almost right when the school starts. I don't have the money to move down there. I thought I was going to be leaving after songkran so I don't have that kind of money. Why would I, I thought I was leaving in 2 weeks lol. I don't want to tell the agency I don't have the money to move and I don't want to ask for a loan. That would look bad asking that before I even started and I'm scared if I asked that they would say forget it and hire someone else. So I guess I'm at some crazy cross roads where I either go back to America or some how try to find the money to go down there. I want to stay cause the job seems pretty good.

The job is only 20 hours a week and pays 35,000 baht a month. Pretty good to me and I get a work permit on top of it. So what should I do? Should I maybe try to start a indiegogo campaign to raise some funds or some other crazy idea? I was thinking I would need around 20,000 baht to move, that includes the condo rental,flight,food for the first month, and some work clothes.

Why couldn't I have gotten the job when I first got here haha.

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If you don't even have 20K bath for the move then I think it's risky.

In a country like Thailand you should always have some kind of back-up money (overseas)

in case of an emergency.

The job don't sound too firm to me, you didn't get the offer from the school direct? but from your friend.

Depending of your qualifications, I would consider going home to the US and save some money first and

then try later to a get a job here.

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If you don't even have 20K bath for the move then I think it's risky.

In a country like Thailand you should always have some kind of back-up money (overseas)

in case of an emergency.

The job don't sound too firm to me, you didn't get the offer from the school direct? but from your friend.

Depending of your qualifications, I would consider going home to the US and save some money first and

then try later to a get a job here.

I only have around 5,000 right now. But I also am leaving in 2 weeks. So that was plenty for the time. The job is good. My friend has worked with them for 2 years and has helped them find new teachers many times, it's all good.

Going home and coming back anytime soon, is mostly not an option. I sold off pretty much everything I own to come on this trip. So it would be years before I could come back, sadly.

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20,000, ? do you have a credit card to advance from? Seems you should be able to get that much sent to you from friends or family?

Don't listen to the "go home' crowd, chance em, live for now..... good luck !

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20,000, ? do you have a credit card to advance from? Seems you should be able to get that much sent to you from friends or family?

Don't listen to the "go home' crowd, chance em, live for now..... good luck !

Sadly no, no one to barrow money from. No cc either. That's why I was thinking a kickstarter or something like that. 20,000 is what maby $650 or so. That's not a whole lot really.

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If you can make 5000 baht last 2 weeks, you must be good at budgeting :)

Can't your mate help you out?

I teach in Isaan. most schools here start on the 15th May and they pay you 2 weeks later, but that is usually only 2 weeks pay.

If you are good with writing and grammar, there are some ways to money online pretty quickly - google 'article writing' and you will see what I mean.

You need paypal though - good luck.

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If you can make 5000 baht last 2 weeks, you must be good at budgeting smile.png

Can't your mate help you out?

I teach in Isaan. most schools here start on the 15th May and they pay you 2 weeks later, but that is usually only 2 weeks pay.

If you are good with writing and grammar, there are some ways to money online pretty quickly - google 'article writing' and you will see what I mean.

You need paypal though - good luck.

Not counting rent, I only spend around 4,000 a month. I don't party much. The agency said they pay only once a month, which sucks.

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Sounds like your in a real bind, I would happy to front you the coin but I don't get paid until the end of April, can you borrow it from someone until then ?

Don't really know anyone to barrow it from. I have some good Thai friends here, but they don't make very much. Back not many people either. Just my mom and young brother.

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I am not sure ur job back in the States nor your age but to be here for 2 more weeks with just 5000bht and I guess you need a way to the airport you really cut it short. If they pay you 30000-35000bht per month and you want to live here that to me is cutting it short also unless you live like a Thai.just my 2 cents

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I am not sure ur job back in the States nor your age but to be here for 2 more weeks with just 5000bht and I guess you need a way to the airport you really cut it short. If they pay you 30000-35000bht per month and you want to live here that to me is cutting it short also unless you live like a Thai.just my 2 cents

I don't party or drink. My rent here in CM is 5,000, electric 1,000 and food around 4,000. I normally spend less than 10,000 a month. So it's pretty easy for me.

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If you want to go so badly you can hop on a bus for really cheap. I wouldnt fancy a bus ride from CM to pattaya, but if its really what u want and u have no money dont know why u are thinking of flying.

Ultimately isnt your choice made for you, you have no money to move, and no way of acquiring the money. Therefore as much as you may wish it wasnt so, your only answer is to go back to the US.

Im sure you could find a way, but from what uve said so far seems doubtful

Edited by Takeo
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I admire your spirit I really do, you are living like a Thai.

Will you get any deposit back from your "apartment" when you move out?

I personally couldn't live like that, when I carry less than 3000 bath in my pocket I starts looking for an ATM machine.biggrin.png

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I admire your spirit I really do, you are living like a Thai.

Will you get any deposit back from your "apartment" when you move out?

I personally couldn't live like that, when I carry less than 3000 bath in my pocket I starts looking for an ATM machine.biggrin.png

I get 5,000 back.

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On top of the move.

You have the expense of a visa run,then another for work permit,apartment deposit plus one months rent,

Buy some suitable attire for the job,then living expenses until your first paycheck.

All on A Bht 20.000 loan.

You must be living in a different Thailand than me.

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If you really want to do something, then you can do it. I worked a few years ago in Pattaya. I had to wait 4 weeks before my first pay-cheque and I only had a few thousand baht for the first month. I rented a very decent little furnished studio room for 2,000 baht/month with no upfront deposit required. I had to survive on packet food for the first month. But I did it...

I think your main problem will be the work permit costs. But WPs don't usually appear at the start of your employment and you may be able to ask the school to advance those costs. It's possible that you could do some private tuition in your first few weeks before your pay cheque arrives, but the legality of that is in question..

But make absolutely sure that you do have a job with a contract. You do not want to spend your last few baht and then find that there is no job.


PS - So how are your Maths skills??

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On top of the move.

You have the expense of a visa run,then another for work permit,apartment deposit plus one months rent,

Buy some suitable attire for the job,then living expenses until your first paycheck.

All on A Bht 20.000 loan.

You must be living in a different Thailand than me.

thats what i thought and he wants to move to pattaya.

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Go home dude, there are so many traps waiting to snare you on this kind of deal. Agencies are well know not to deliver on their promises and pay here in thailand. What if you get sick or have an accident ??? Being broke-homeless in your home country is much preferable to being broke-homeless in thailand. I get the feeling partying and pussy is really all you are interested in rather than actually being a teacher, you might want to think about the school and kids involved here before yourself.

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20,000, ? do you have a credit card to advance from? Seems you should be able to get that much sent to you from friends or family?

Don't listen to the "go home' crowd, chance em, live for now..... good luck !

Sadly no, no one to barrow money from. No cc either. That's why I was thinking a kickstarter or something like that. 20,000 is what maby $650 or so. That's not a whole lot really.

For you it is. Move in with your friend and try to get some money from mum or brother.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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living in thailand without money are you from cuckoo land?go home before you end up on the streets.

I guess you missed the part where I said I was leaving in 2 weeks lol

In reality you said that was your previous plan, but now you were considering the (yes crazy) idea of staying here without any emergency/backup/savings whatever and being dependent on a total pittance salary in the riskiest location in a very risky country.

Stick to your plan, go home, save up until you have saved enough money to set up with a new apartment, car appliances whatever you need to get re-started PLUS enough to support yourself for six months back in your home country PLUS airfares, put that in an untouchable bank account back home.

Then work some more until you've got enough to support yourself in Thailand for six months PLUS visa runs, airfares etc. PLUS health and accident insurance.

Then land a job - easy to find much better-paying than this believe me, and come over, making sure not to touch any of your savings unless a true emergency arises, and if you're not replenishing it within 2-3 months, head on back home.

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If not even your family (mum and brother) can borrow you 20000 baht , and your only "fortune" is 5000 baht, its better to use that return ticket back to the US.

Lets face it , you are broke.

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Go home dude, there are so many traps waiting to snare you on this kind of deal. Agencies are well know not to deliver on their promises and pay here in thailand. What if you get sick or have an accident ??? Being broke-homeless in your home country is much preferable to being broke-homeless in thailand. I get the feeling partying and pussy is really all you are interested in rather than actually being a teacher, you might want to think about the school and kids involved here before yourself.

Go Home Quickly they might be thinking of selling in White Slavery I known you are a male. But this happens to your Farang Males they are sold to old old Chinese women and kept as sex slaves.
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