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Youtube Speed


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Why is it that I can download newsgroup files at high speed - I can download a film 800mb in about 10 - 20 minutes (think is is 1.3Mbps max) or so but when I try to view a YouTube video, I often have problems loading even the smallest movie of like 2 minutes? the movie will not download anything unless I am playing it - if I pause it, I would expect it to download but it does not.

I have TOT 10MB and using Chrome

any tips on making it faster? I tried something called feather www.youtube.com/feather_beta but that didnt really help much

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I think Youtube are being really clever and are deliberately not transmitting the movie if they detect that it has been paused on your PC. So your PC must be sending something to Youtube when you hit "pause". The overall result is a less congested Internet.

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Try the ol refresh trick. Works sometimes. When the video stops playing and the playback bar stops going forward, hit F5 or "refresh" the youtube page and the video amazingly loads faster. I CANT EXPLAIN IT

Edited by kblaze
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Hitting refresh sometimes works, there's also a program you can trial for free; 'Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 6' from IOBit that has a 'Turbo Boost' function that configures your computer to make the most out of the available connection.

Edited by aussiebebe
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What video settings do you have set on your Tube? HD 720p ? If so select the lowest video option and work up until it no longer works without buffering.

On my AIS 3g I get this from time to time so I just pause the video playback until it buffers right up and then select play and bingo works every time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Try the ol refresh trick. Works sometimes. When the video stops playing and the playback bar stops going forward, hit F5 or "refresh" the youtube page and the video amazingly loads faster. I CANT EXPLAIN IT

I have found this too. My thoughts are that, with the distributed nature of YouTube, you are likely being served from one location in the first instance and the 2nd (sometimes 3rd or 4th) you get bandwidth on a closer server. Sometimes pausing works, sometimes it doesn't. So many factors involved in media streaming it is hard to tell where the bottle-neck is sometimes.

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same on mine. I have a work-around - check a minute if the video is interesting, then use youtube downloader and save the file on local drive, then play.

depending on downloader capability, some quite fast. if video not need, delete it.

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I tried something called feather www.youtube.com/feather_beta

Thanks for the tip. All ways how to make webpages lighter are great.

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