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45 Year Old Vs 25 Year Old

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Sorry about all the negative posts, mainly coming from the usual crowd of guys living down south, completely unable

to maintain a real relationship with a bit younger thailady!!!

I dont have the strength to read more than the first page in this thread. I for once, can tell you that of course you have a good chance to

develop good relationship with this girl.. But it is impossioble to say anything more than that without knowing either one of you guys!!!

The first thing you could do is NOT to listen to all these negative and bitter people that are posting all the time... many of them sitting in bars in Pattaya and Bangkok and crying about how bad life is..... I can tell you that you have a huge crowd of people living up in Isaan (if you up to that) and they are really happy and living their life together with their lovely wifes. Which is something that many of the bitter guys down south never ever will experience, mostly because they will not allowe themselfs to be happy..... Grumpy guys down there.... uasch....


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These threads always make me laugh obviously all the guys with young wife will tell you it can work,and the guys with wives of there own age will say it cannot or it can but its a money thing,for me with all theguys saying they have done it and it can work i would like to see theur faces when their18,19,20,21 year old daughter comes home with a 50 year old ferang, call me old fashioned but where i come any decent father would be knocking the 50 year olds lights out,im sure no parent woukd be impressed with a 50 yearold foreign guy getting up to all sorts with their beautifull young innocent daughter to me just the thoubht is sickening let alone the reality

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by taninthai
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These threads always make me laugh obviously all the guys with young wife will tell you it can work,and the guys with wives of there own age will say it cannot or it can but its a money thing,for me with all theguys saying they have done it and it can work i would like to see theur faces when their18,19,20,21 year old daughter comes home with a 50 year old ferang, call me old fashioned but where i come any decent father would be knocking the 50 year olds lights out,im sure no parent woukd be impressed with a 50 yearold foreign guy getting up to all sorts with their beautifull young innocent daughter to me just the thoubht is sickening let alone the reality Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Absolutely not, just as I wouldn't try to influence my daughter's choice of partner based on sex, religion, race or nationality.

If there was some objective evidence that he didn't really care about her, wasn't going to be a loving long-term partner, then I might consider discussing the issues with her (very diplomatically) but realize 99% of the time it's really none of my business and she shouldn't listen to me anyway.

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These threads always make me laugh obviously all the guys with young wife will tell you it can work,and the guys with wives of there own age will say it cannot or it can but its a money thing,for me with all theguys saying they have done it and it can work i would like to see theur faces when their18,19,20,21 year old daughter comes home with a 50 year old ferang, call me old fashioned but where i come any decent father would be knocking the 50 year olds lights out,im sure no parent woukd be impressed with a 50 yearold foreign guy getting up to all sorts with their beautifull young innocent daughter to me just the thoubht is sickening let alone the reality Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Absolutely not, just as I wouldn't try to influence my daughter's choice of partner based on sex, religion, race or nationality.

If there was some objective evidence that he didn't really care about her, wasn't going to be a loving long-term partner, then I might consider discussing the issues with her (very diplomatically) but realize 99% of the time it's really none of my business and she shouldn't listen to me anyway.

come on thats rubbish here is the scenario a 50 year old foreign guy dates and moves in with your 20 year old daughter he doesnt want herevto work because he really wants her to stay homevandvtake carecof him cooking cleaning and whatever turns him on in the bedroom there for your daughters career is finished before it even started.wastedvall your money paying for a good education for her tongonand throw it all away.

Your telling me youd be fine with that, i dont think any decent caring parent from a civilised country would be fine with that and would actually be very disappointed with how their child or childs live had turned out

P.s i know this scenario is all to familiar to thai families but they are extremely poor and the young girls are looking for some one to take them away from the poverty and take care of them. I woukdnt expect from someone with a western education or upbringing to see their child end up in one of these relationships

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I take it,that you have studied the subject,so tell us about the statistics:What age should a son in law have to be the best option for a20 year old daughter? Could it be (I am just guessing here) that your opinion of 50 year olds being dominant,are a tiny bit influenced by yur own caracter? I mean,dominate a wife/dominate a daughter.... I am 70 and my wife is much younger,but I can assure you,that I do not in any way try to stop her career,on the contrary! And I fix my own food,thankyou,and she can do whatever she wants, That goes for my daughters as well.I would be happy,if they found a mature guy instead of all those youngsters,who do not look for comittment but rather for a quick ,hmmm,fix.(As I did at that age...)

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These threads always make me laugh obviously all the guys with young wife will tell you it can work,and the guys with wives of there own age will say it cannot or it can but its a money thing,for me with all theguys saying they have done it and it can work i would like to see theur faces when their18,19,20,21 year old daughter comes home with a 50 year old ferang, call me old fashioned but where i come any decent father would be knocking the 50 year olds lights out,im sure no parent woukd be impressed with a 50 yearold foreign guy getting up to all sorts with their beautifull young innocent daughter to me just the thoubht is sickening let alone the reality Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Firstly I am a 'young' 45 year old in body and mind and most people think I look younger....no BS. Secondly, she has spoken to her mother and father and considering she is an only child, I would think they would be even more protective. She said that they said they want her to be happy with whoever makes her happy and that age to them is immaterial! Yeah, I know, in the West it might be frowned upon but we are not in the West. Also, remember she is an independent and mature 24 year old. Personally, I don't really care what people think.....been out many times in public without any 'strange' looks from either Thai or Falang. As for getting up to all sorts.....maybe you are putting me in the same category as a 'whoremonger', which I definitely am not!

Also, regarding dominating some young girl? Not for me! I would hate to have a relationship where one party dominates the other! Relationships should be 50/50 give and take....I have no qualms doing cooking, cleaning etc and most definitely would not want some girl running around after me while I sit in front of the TV swigging beer! Mutual respect is required from both sides. Yeah, I do see the 'poor' little girls AND wives tagging along with their other halves, in some cases looking resentful about it....not my bag! Lol

Edited by falang1969
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No not studied any statistics its just called family values in the real world, as for basing 50 year olds being dominant on my own character wouldnt know about that im no where near the age of 50, im just a normal guy who likes to mix with people with who i have something in common i have no interest in mixing with people men or women 70 years old or 20 years old they are a different generation from me and are interested in completely different things

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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These threads always make me laugh obviously all the guys with young wife will tell you it can work,and the guys with wives of there own age will say it cannot or it can but its a money thing,for me with all theguys saying they have done it and it can work i would like to see theur faces when their18,19,20,21 year old daughter comes home with a 50 year old ferang, call me old fashioned but where i come any decent father would be knocking the 50 year olds lights out,im sure no parent woukd be impressed with a 50 yearold foreign guy getting up to all sorts with their beautifull young innocent daughter to me just the thoubht is sickening let alone the reality Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


not studied any statistics its just called family values in the real world, as for basing 50 year olds being dominant on my own character

wouldnt know about that im no where near the age of 50, im just a normal guy who likes to mix with people with who i have something in common i

have no interest in mixing with people men or women 70 years old or 20 years old they are a different generation from me and are interested in

completely different things

This is a very slippery slope to walk down. When does 'decent family values' turn into bigotry and racism?

Better to love your daughter without reserve, and try to support her in her life choices, no matter what they are.

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come on thats rubbish here is the scenario a 50 year old foreign guy dates and moves in with your 20 year old daughter he doesnt want herevto work because he really wants her to stay homevandvtake carecof him cooking cleaning and whatever turns him on in the bedroom there for your daughters career is finished before it even started.wastedvall your money paying for a good education for her tongonand throw it all away.

Your telling me youd be fine with that, i dont think any decent caring parent from a civilised country would be fine with that and would actually be very disappointed with how their child or childs live had turned out

P.s i know this scenario is all to familiar to thai families but they are extremely poor and the young girls are looking for some one to take them away from the poverty and take care of them. I woukdnt expect from someone with a western education or upbringing to see their child end up in one of these relationships

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Yes I realise you may personally find this hard to believe but it's true - for me.

If any woman chooses to be a homemaker rather than pursuing a career at whatever stage of her life that's a completely valid choice

I've raised all three of my daughters so well before they hit puberty they learned to independently think for themselves and make mature decisions, and certainly by the time they were old enough to date (usually 14-15.

And even if she's say 16 and he's 85, of course I would express my views and opinions, but I certainly don't feel entitled to "allow" or "forbid" her from doing what she feels is right for her life.

IMO a parent trying to forcefully impose their will on their children's decision-making will only alienate them and cause them to no longer discuss important life decisions with me anymore.

But that's me.

So far all my kids have made much more sensible choices in life than I ever did, but then I put a lot more time and energy into raising them than my folks did. . .

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im just a normal guy who likes to mix with people with who i have something in common i have no interest in mixing with people men or women 70 years old or 20 years old they are a different generation from me and are interested in completely different things


Your loss. I find people with a similar race/age/nationality etc to be of very limited interest, while mixing with people as different from me as possible, especially those with experience and interests in, even obsessions with topic domains I may never have even heard of, is pretty close to the top of the list of my life priorities.

The whole point of life IMO is to keep pushing out the boundaries of your comfort zone, and this is particularly important as you get older.

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No not studied any statistics its just called family values in the real world, as for basing 50 year olds being dominant on my own character wouldnt know about that im no where near the age of 50, im just a normal guy who likes to mix with people with who i have something in common i have no interest in mixing with people men or women 70 years old or 20 years old they are a different generation from me and are interested in completely different things Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Considering your age rules,of who you wish to speak to,it's surprising you have anybody left to to talk to!

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No not studied any statistics its just called family values in the real world, as for basing 50 year olds being dominant on my own character wouldnt know about that im no where near the age of 50, im just a normal guy who likes to mix with people with who i have something in common i have no interest in mixing with people men or women 70 years old or 20 years old they are a different generation from me and are interested in completely different things Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Considering your age rules,of who you wish to speak to,it's surprising you have anybody left to to talk to!

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Come on nowdont be silly of coarse i talk to everyone of all ages

Obviously from forfun replies i would say the answer to my question would generaly be most parents wouldnt be over the moon if there daughtr endd up in one of these relationships but they wouldbrespect their daughters decision and go with the flow,dont know why posters couldnt just sy that in the first place instead off going through all the bullshit with one poster even trying to bring bigotry and racism into the equation and im not a parent and dont ever want to be so its all irrellevant to me and my life thanks for the discussion see ya:p

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These threads always make me laugh obviously all the guys with young wife will tell you it can work,and the guys with wives of there own age will say it cannot or it can but its a money thing,for me with all theguys saying they have done it and it can work i would like to see theur faces when their18,19,20,21 year old daughter comes home with a 50 year old ferang, call me old fashioned but where i come any decent father would be knocking the 50 year olds lights out,im sure no parent woukd be impressed with a 50 yearold foreign guy getting up to all sorts with their beautifull young innocent daughter to me just the thoubht is sickening let alone the realitySent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Can I ask,what is the age of your wife/gf?Also notice you have a post in two Other treads Today,in both these, you also mention the age difference,it seems to be bugging you!,that some couples can have a happy and loving relationship when there is a large(larger than yours)age difference,could this be because you have lost a previous g/f to an older gent,or is it that you suspect your present wife,previously had a older b/f or customer. Edited by nontabury
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Gee i have a stalker now if you read my original comment i didnt even comment on relatinships with a big age difference i simply asked the question to the people in these relationships how tney would feel if there daughter ended up in one, so i deliberatly did not get invovled in the debate about age difference cause i know the forum is full of people in these relationships and you will never get anywhere in that debate on here, please read my posts properly before making all these assumptions about me and my wife.......... wife is 1 month older than me and we are below 45 but above 35.......

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Hang on - didn't you say you weren't gonna bite and throw insults?

That's not throwing insults that's my honest opinion......lOl

Oh and just for the record my wife is not turned on by old men she is quite disgusted by them she says it would be an embarrassment to her family if she had an old man as a boyfriend....

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It's possible unless she's wearing Hello Kitty toddler hairclips.

(I'm 48, my fiancée is 26, we are the perfect couple, both tingtong outside and serious inside)

'A young wife - a long life'

Fair play to you. I'm 46 but, although I'm genuinely young at heart, I just don't think I could have a serious relationship with a woman as young as that.

Well, not in Thailand, anyway

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Ahahahahaha I see the thread he is talking about now yes that thread was about a guy who had been with his wife for 7 years and. Just found out she was cheating on him and was a bar girl........I suppose that's always gonna be at the back of your mind when your in these relationships the Thai girls don't mind playing the long game I guess some many people learn the hard way in thailand

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Just because someone's wife or gf doesn't like 'older' men doesn't mean there are many that don't like them.

Just a blinkered view by some that because they don't like it that the rest must also not like it.

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Ahahahahaha I see the thread he is talking about now yes that thread was about a guy who had been with his wife for 7 years and. Just found out she was cheating on him and was a bar girl........I suppose that's always gonna be at the back of your mind when your in these relationships the Thai girls don't mind playing the long game I guess some many people learn the hard way in thailand

Be careful what you write,it can sometimes come back and bite you,as in this case.

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Ahahahahaha I see the thread he is talking about now yes that thread was about a guy who had been with his wife for 7 years and. Just found out she was cheating on him and was a bar girl........I suppose that's always gonna be at the back of your mind when your in these relationships the Thai girls don't mind playing the long game I guess some many people learn the hard way in thailand

Be careful what you write,it can sometimes come back and bite you,as in this case.

And by the way the heading of the thread was. BAR GIRL

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Another thread lead me to this link this is why I don't like what goes on over here I know the video is Cambodia but this happens in Thailand even Europe this is the sort of live these people have when it starts that young the girls believe it's actually normal now make sure you watch it all http://m.youtube.com/index?&desktop_uri=%2F#/watch?v=h4LdswC0wMU

Maybe a little reality check for some think about next time when you think your so great cause you have a wife half your age from a poor country in se asia

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Fair play to you. I'm 46 but, although I'm genuinely young at heart, I just don't think I could have a serious relationship with a woman as young as that.

Well, not in Thailand, anyway

My treasure is a hilltribe from northern Laos, near China. I'm not impressed by most Thai girls, too much hidden issues etc. the known stuff. The best Thai ladies though are nurses, they are often very OK.

My wish always was to have a girlfriend who is an orphan, she is. It's just me an her and her sweet little daughter, the world is ours.

She doesn't need my money, she doesn't want gifts (but I love to overload her with) but all she wants is me. Next month we gonna get married.

If one is seriously looking for a girlfriend in Thailand, I would suggest think of a hilltribe, especially the Lisu girls are often charming and very beautiful, they have very colorful traditions and they are proud of it.

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Another thread lead me to this link this is why I don't like what goes on over here I know the video is Cambodia but this happens in Thailand even Europe this is the sort of live these people have when it starts that young the girls believe it's actually normal now make sure you watch it all http://m.youtube.com/index?&desktop_uri=/#/watch?v=h4LdswC0wMU

Maybe a little reality check for some think about next time when you think your so great cause you have a wife half your age from a poor country in se asia

Well this is a shocking video,but what's that got to do with say for example a 50yr old man marrying a 25 yr old women,nothing what's so ever.Now if the case was of a 40 yr old man taking a 15 yr old girl that would be a different matter,especially if she is immature.

Now you could argue that a 25 yr old girl is not mature,especially here in Thailand,but of course many are,whereas you could equally think that some 40yr old Thai women are immature.Because you've decided to marry an older women,who hopefully has a mature outlook on life,does not mean there is anything wrong with a relationship,were the man is older than the female,even in the UK 95% of marriages involve a union between a man that is older than the female,why,maybe it's because of looks or maybe because many females mature earlier than the men both physically and mentally. At the end of the day the most important thing is that they love and respect each other,and there are many examples here in Thailand were this is the case.

If you re-read my post 47,I gave the example of two marriages in this area,were the age difference if over 30yrs,both very normal relationships,I also know of one marriage,again in this area,were the Thai wife is approx 25yrs OLDER than her Farang husband,this presumably in your eye's is also indecent.

Edited by nontabury
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Do you need me to spell it out to you, where do you think the girls in the video end up, maybe in a bar in cambodia,thailand,vietnam....who is fueling the demand for that,people like yourself maybe,you hear the guy in the video the way he talks saying it was nice not forced it was like boyfriend girlfriend thats how disillusioned these people are they actually believe what tney are saying and that the girls like it too how sad sad sad,maybe some of you guys been in thailand to long if you think its normal you might think your big and clevrer when your with your friends who are in the same boat, but for people looking in from the outside it is not a good look for you.

Just the fact its always girls from poor deprived backrounds that end up with the old guys its all they know and have in life, strange how you never see a well educated thai girl from a decent family with a decent background hanging out with a ferang guy 20-30 years older than themselves, why do you think you never see that?

Would you care to try and answer that last question for me without going of topic,changing the subject or resulting to personal insults,im interesred in your answer to this question.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Do you need me to spell it out to you, where do you think the girls in the video end up, maybe in a bar in cambodia,thailand,vietnam....who is fueling the demand for that,people like yourself maybe,you hear the guy in the video the way he talks saying it was nice not forced it was like boyfriend girlfriend thats how disillusioned these people are they actually believe what tney are saying and that the girls like it too how sad sad sad,maybe some of you guys been in thailand to long if you think its normal you might think your big and clevrer when your with your friends who are in the same boat, but for people looking in from the outside it is not a good look for you.

Just the fact its always girls from poor deprived backrounds that end up with the old guys its all they know and have in life, strange how you never see a well educated thai girl from a decent family with a decent background hanging out with a ferang guy 20-30 years older than themselves, why do you think you never see that?

Would you care to try and answer that last question for me without going of topic,changing the subject or resulting to personal insults,im interesred in your answer to this question.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

A number of years ago I did in fact have a hi so g/f ,with a very good university education,and at that time a very well paid job,I believe her family was held in high esteem by other Thais. After awhile I became rather bored with her and so slowly and gentle I finished the relationship,we are still friends and have met as friends since.She then found a new boyfriend,who she has since married.her new husband is approx 5 yrs her junior,in contrast to me who was 27yrs older than her.

Now that I've answered your question perhaps you will answer my point in my previously post

Regarding the marriage between the older Thai lady and her Much younger Farang husband.

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Read somewhere that the ideal wife is reckoned to be half your age plus seven years so if you marry her when you're fifty one all will be perfect.

Biggest point, are you both happy ? If the answer is yes, then ignore everyone else and get on with your life. It's that easy.

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