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Pattaya Brit Gets 30 Years For Drug Smuggling


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It's encouraging you can count to seven.

Apart from that I can think of nothing else to add.

You and your acolytes depress me more than you can imagine.

I give up.

The stupid, the incoherent, the addled, the confused, the deluded, the uncivilized, the lumpen, the mean minded, the uneducated, the unwitting, the naive, the sanctimonious, the vainglorious, the sheer bloody bunch that constitutes the lower end of TV.......... foxtrot oscar.

God, what a useless waste of space you pillocks truly are. Argument is redundant.

Toodle pip

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The stupid, the incoherent, the addled, the confused, the deluded, the uncivilized, the lumpen, the mean minded, the uneducated, the unwitting, the naive, the sanctimonious, the vainglorious, the sheer bloody bunch that constitutes the lower end of TV.......... foxtrot oscar.

Don't hold back tell us how you really feel... :o

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"Well ? I'm sure there are a few people left in this thread that would like to hear your intelligent answers, or have you actually "bowed out" for real this time ?"

Well done, KerryD!

The Gentry constantly displays his ability to use a thesaurus but always neglects to make any meaningful argument for his case, other than insult the intelligence of those who disagree with him.

Whether tough sentencing does or does not act as a deterrent to others committing similar crimes is open to debate. There is no doubt that it takes the criminal off the streets so he does not commit the same act anytime soon.

I'll settle for one out of two.


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It's encouraging you can count to seven.

Apart from that I can think of nothing else to add.

You and your acolytes depress me more than you can imagine.

I give up.

The stupid, the incoherent, the addled, the confused, the deluded, the uncivilized, the lumpen, the mean minded, the uneducated, the unwitting, the naive, the sanctimonious, the vainglorious, the sheer bloody bunch that constitutes the lower end of TV.......... foxtrot oscar.

God, what a useless waste of space you pillocks truly are. Argument is redundant.

Toodle pip

Just as I suspected. Unable to make an intelligent contribution, you resort to pathetic insults.

All the fancy words you keep trotting out, in a vain effort to appear intelligent, are a very transparent effort to hide the fact that you actually know very little.

Thus far, all attempts to engage you in a civilised debate about the original topic have failed, as you apparently have nothing to contribute except insults.

I think we all know who is truly the "useless waste of space" here. :o

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It's encouraging you can count to seven.

Apart from that I can think of nothing else to add.

You and your acolytes depress me more than you can imagine.

I give up.

The stupid, the incoherent, the addled, the confused, the deluded, the uncivilized, the lumpen, the mean minded, the uneducated, the unwitting, the naive, the sanctimonious, the vainglorious, the sheer bloody bunch that constitutes the lower end of TV.......... foxtrot oscar.

God, what a useless waste of space you pillocks truly are. Argument is redundant.

Toodle pip

Is that the best you can do after Kerryd wiped his arse with you, ’the gent’, spit the dummy? :D

It is clear you lack the ability to put forward any form of reasoned argument to support your point of view, although that in itself is hardly surprising.

Attempting to defend the indefensible is at best an exercise in futility.

Regardless, your tantrums, prompted by being pulled up for being the prat you present yourself as, have been quite amusing. :D

Thanks for sharing your humiliation! :o

Now do make sure you rinse that dummy under the tap before you put it back in your mouth.

Tits & Poodles

Edited by Noel
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You and your acolytes depress me more than you can imagine.

I give up.

I actually feel sorry for the poor, demented wretch. :D

Obviously suffering from mental delusions. :D

Maybe he's been in the sun too long :o

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You and your acolytes depress me more than you can imagine.

I give up.

I actually feel sorry for the poor, demented wretch. :D

Obviously suffering from mental delusions. :D

Maybe he's been in the sun too long :o

Yes, Mobi, a sad case indeed. :D

The merits of birth control and euthanasia spring to mind...

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Oh Noel,

The witterings of KerryD, Moby Duck and the other buffoons are entirely predictable and just as vacuous but how a talented chap like yourself could possibly construe their babblings as reasoned argument is really quite mystifying as indeed is your evident sychophancy.

Perhaps we are still smarting after our earlier joust?

Never mind I'm sure you will continue to make your mark but please make sure you take your knitting needles with you when you next visit the guillotine.

Toodle pip :o

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Oh Noel,

The witterings of KerryD, Moby Duck and the other buffoons are entirely predictable and just as vacuous but how a talented chap like yourself could possibly construe their babblings as reasoned argument is really quite mystifying as indeed is your evident sychophancy.

Perhaps we are still smarting after our earlier joust?

Never mind I'm sure you will continue to make your mark but please make sure you take your knitting needles with you when you next visit the guillotine.

Toodle pip :D

Oh come on tg (are you a Flight Attendant for the national carrier perchance? :o ), you appear to be in danger of taking your own game seriously!

Winding people up has to be your favourite pastime, when you are taking a break from surfing Mr Roget’s tome of course.

I actually really am looking forward to my next visit to the guillotine. :D

Now please do ensure you wear something smart and don’t forget to wash your neck.

I would not want you to let the side down when I slip into Madame Lafarge mode to watch you kneel before me for the last time... :D

Tits & Poodles

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I am well aware of the reality of the situation. The point I was seeking to make is that there is a significant coterie of idiots in this forum that actually think the punishment is merited. Not too difficult to fathom, I wouldn't have thought.

What would a suitable punishment be for someone if they ass raped you daughter gent? :o

I think you have made a mistake. The " cut them off with a rusty razor blade " thread is taking place elsewhere.

On the other hand you could be just another knuckle dragging moron. Difficult to tell really.


I also agree with the gent that 240 pills are nothing worthy of 30 years imprisonment, it is very, very 'small time'. But this is the law... and not hard to find out before engaging in such activity. :D

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Cant believe this thread...

He broke the law and got caught in Thailand, a country that has some of the heaviest sentences for drug offences....Lucky he wasnt in Singapore or Malaysia eh??

He knew the risks and took them....He is lucky that they didnt give him life.

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Well, what a coincidence ! A Thai man was just arrested in Pattaya for selling methamphetamine tablets in Pattaya !

I wonder what kind of sentence he will get ?

Lets see. Caught with 143 pills (fewer than the Brit)

Had 87,000+ baht in his pocket (more than the Brit ?)

Bought his pills at the Cambodian border (same as the Brit)

Supposedly paid 200 baht per pill (wow, 160 baht per pill more than the Brit ?)

Was selling them for 250-500 baht per pill (not sure what the Brit was selling them for, I estimated 300 each)

Is being charged with Class 1 drug offenses (same as the Brit).

Unfortunately, as this is a Thai man, we will probably not hear what he gets for a sentence, even if it is a death sentence (how many times have you heard of a death sentence being carried out against a Thai in Thailand ?).

If he gets less than 30 years, then the Brit could have an arguement that his sentence is unfair (not that it would do any good). If the Thai guy gets death, the Brit should consider himself lucky.

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Drugs smuggler gets 30 years in Thai jail

A SPALDING man has been sentenced to 30 years in a Thai jail after he was caught apparently trying to smuggle drugs into the country.

The Lincolnshire Free Press has learnt that Thai police claim to have discovered 240 pills hidden in Scott William Hurford's clothes in March last year.

Mr Hurford is then said to have confessed to police to buying the drugs in Cambodia to sell on to tourists.

On March 1 this year Mr Hurford (30) was given a 30-year prison sentence for drugs offences in Kaew Court, Thailand.

A completely inappropriate sentence.

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Drugs smuggler gets 30 years in Thai jail

A SPALDING man has been sentenced to 30 years in a Thai jail after he was caught apparently trying to smuggle drugs into the country.

The Lincolnshire Free Press has learnt that Thai police claim to have discovered 240 pills hidden in Scott William Hurford's clothes in March last year.

Mr Hurford is then said to have confessed to police to buying the drugs in Cambodia to sell on to tourists.

On March 1 this year Mr Hurford (30) was given a 30-year prison sentence for drugs offences in Kaew Court, Thailand.

A completely inappropriate sentence.

Your comment could be viewed two ways.

a ) it's an innappropriate sentence because it's too long, or

b ) it's an innappropriate sentence because it should have been death (like most Thais would have received).

Care to comment on why you think this is an inappropriate sentence ?

Edited by Kerryd
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There is a difference between being caught within the country with this quantity, for which 2 years for a first offense may well be on the menu, and trafficking across an international border, which is a more severe offense.

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I think Thailand still feels it need's to be seen to be tough on drugs in the eyes of the international comunity (esp USA). This is one of the reasons for the excessivly long sentances given to forigeners in Thailand. It would be unlikly that a Thai person would get anything like that amount of time for the amount of drugs in question, let alone the death sentance.

According to the "prisons" web site http://www.correct.go.th/statis.htm

66% of the prison population ar in for drug offences and about 81% of the total prison population has been sentanced to less than 10 years with only 0.2% sentanced to death.

Forigeners caught with drugs tent to be high profile cases and I feel tend to attract higher sentances, saying that everyone should know the possible consequences. The guy was a fool and I going to have a very long time to contemplate his mistake.


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Thais would not get 30 years.

30 years is too long

Give him a couple of years and kick him out of the country for good... REASONABLE

It may be too long in most Western countries, but it less than average in Thailand. I've just spent the last couple of hours researching this. Haven't been able to find much stuff regarding what happens to Thais, as pretty much everything on the net deals only with foreign prisoners.

"In Thailand, possessing 20 grams or more of a Class A drug (which includes ecstasy, amphetamines) at an exit point is regarded as trafficking, and if found guilty, an offender could be punished with death."

On December 12, 2003, Thailand carried out its first executions by lethal injection, putting to death three people (Thais) convicted of drug trafficking.

(Prior to 1935, executions were done by beheadings. From 1935 to 2003, they were done by firing squad)

No "foreigner" has been put to death in Thailand. Those given death sentences have had them commuted to life sentences.

Marinus Parlevliet, on 19 September 2002 was placed in chains and brought to the court where he was condemned to the sentence of 2x life sentence. In 2001 Marinus, his partner and an English friend (colleague teacher) went to the airport in Bangkok and sat drink coffee jointly in the restaurant. Supposedly "tipped off" by the DEA the travel trunk of their friends contained almost 3.5 kilogrammes of heroin...

(the writer is from the Netherlands, which is why the English grammar isn't correct)

BANGKOK, Thailand, September 19, 2002

A Thai court, on thursday, gave life sentences to two Nepalis, a Briton and a Dutchman (Marinus Parlevliet) convicted of trafficking heroin. The Bangkok Criminal Court ruled that the four men were guilty of conspiring to smuggle 4.3 kilograms (9.46 pounds) of heroin through Bangkok's international airport in October 2001. The judges handed down death sentences for the four but immediately commuted them to life in prison.

January 16, 2006: Lin Hau Yang and Edy Tang, on death row in Bangkok, had their death sentences for drug convictions confirmed by the Thai high court, the Dutch Foreign Ministry said.

(These guys are "foreigners", Chinese origin, Dutch citizens at the time of arrest).

"Roger" (no last name given), 55 (from Canada), was arrested on drug-trafficking charges while trying to leave Thailand. He was transferred to a hospital to undergo a drug elimination process since he had admitted to swallowing 100 capsules of heroin. Roger currently awaits his trial, hoping for a better sentence than the death penalty, the maximum sentence in Thailand for drug smuggling."

(no record of him in a Thai prison. May have died of herion overdose, as it sounds like some of the capsules he had swallowed were leaking in his stomache)

Bang Kwang Prison (as of July 2005 ?):

Gary Graeme Jones, British, 50 Years - drugs related offence.

Alan Kiernan, British, 50 Years - drugs related offence.

Steve Willcox, British, 33 1/3 Years - drugs related offence.

Phyllis Tarawhiti, N.Z., 29 Years - drugs related offence.

Gladys Naidoo, S Africa, 60 Years - drugs related offence.

Robert Foley Australia, 50 Years - drugs related offence.

Michael Connell British, 99 Years - drugs related offence.

As you can see from the above list, 30 years is on the low side of what usually given for drug offenses.

Many of those with life sentences were originally condemned to death, and had their sentences commuted to life either by the courts or through a Royal Pardon.

People may not agree with these long sentences, but you have to remember, This is Thailand, not England, Holland, Canada or some other country that takes a laxer view of drug smuggling and trafficking.

You can not apply what would happen in your home country, to what happens in Thailand or other countries.

You have your laws, they have theirs. You break their laws, you face their punishment. You may not like it, but if you choose to break the law, where ever you are, you have to be prepared to face the consequences, what ever they are.

The sentences may suck, but ask yourself, if the sentences were more lenient, would you consider smuggling/trafficking some drugs in Thailand ?

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Thais would not get 30 years.

30 years is too long

Give him a couple of years and kick him out of the country for good... REASONABLE

It may be too long in most Western countries, but it less than average in Thailand. I've just spent the last couple of hours researching this. Haven't been able to find much stuff regarding what happens to Thais, as pretty much everything on the net deals only with foreign prisoners.

"In Thailand, possessing 20 grams or more of a Class A drug (which includes ecstasy, amphetamines) at an exit point is regarded as trafficking, and if found guilty, an offender could be punished with death."

On December 12, 2003, Thailand carried out its first executions by lethal injection, putting to death three people (Thais) convicted of drug trafficking.

(Prior to 1935, executions were done by beheadings. From 1935 to 2003, they were done by firing squad)

No "foreigner" has been put to death in Thailand. Those given death sentences have had them commuted to life sentences.

Marinus Parlevliet, on 19 September 2002 was placed in chains and brought to the court where he was condemned to the sentence of 2x life sentence. In 2001 Marinus, his partner and an English friend (colleague teacher) went to the airport in Bangkok and sat drink coffee jointly in the restaurant. Supposedly "tipped off" by the DEA the travel trunk of their friends contained almost 3.5 kilogrammes of heroin...

(the writer is from the Netherlands, which is why the English grammar isn't correct)

BANGKOK, Thailand, September 19, 2002

A Thai court, on thursday, gave life sentences to two Nepalis, a Briton and a Dutchman (Marinus Parlevliet) convicted of trafficking heroin. The Bangkok Criminal Court ruled that the four men were guilty of conspiring to smuggle 4.3 kilograms (9.46 pounds) of heroin through Bangkok's international airport in October 2001. The judges handed down death sentences for the four but immediately commuted them to life in prison.

January 16, 2006: Lin Hau Yang and Edy Tang, on death row in Bangkok, had their death sentences for drug convictions confirmed by the Thai high court, the Dutch Foreign Ministry said.

(These guys are "foreigners", Chinese origin, Dutch citizens at the time of arrest).

"Roger" (no last name given), 55 (from Canada), was arrested on drug-trafficking charges while trying to leave Thailand. He was transferred to a hospital to undergo a drug elimination process since he had admitted to swallowing 100 capsules of heroin. Roger currently awaits his trial, hoping for a better sentence than the death penalty, the maximum sentence in Thailand for drug smuggling."

(no record of him in a Thai prison. May have died of herion overdose, as it sounds like some of the capsules he had swallowed were leaking in his stomache)

Bang Kwang Prison (as of July 2005 ?):

Gary Graeme Jones, British, 50 Years - drugs related offence.

Alan Kiernan, British, 50 Years - drugs related offence.

Steve Willcox, British, 33 1/3 Years - drugs related offence.

Phyllis Tarawhiti, N.Z., 29 Years - drugs related offence.

Gladys Naidoo, S Africa, 60 Years - drugs related offence.

Robert Foley Australia, 50 Years - drugs related offence.

Michael Connell British, 99 Years - drugs related offence.

As you can see from the above list, 30 years is on the low side of what usually given for drug offenses.

Many of those with life sentences were originally condemned to death, and had their sentences commuted to life either by the courts or through a Royal Pardon.

People may not agree with these long sentences, but you have to remember, This is Thailand, not England, Holland, Canada or some other country that takes a laxer view of drug smuggling and trafficking.

You can not apply what would happen in your home country, to what happens in Thailand or other countries.

You have your laws, they have theirs. You break their laws, you face their punishment. You may not like it, but if you choose to break the law, where ever you are, you have to be prepared to face the consequences, what ever they are.

The sentences may suck, but ask yourself, if the sentences were more lenient, would you consider smuggling/trafficking some drugs in Thailand ?

Not one word you have written anywhere in the entire posting alters the proposition that the sentence is inappropriately severe.

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Oh-contrair ( well so much for my poor French )........ Recon Kerryd has done a great job summerizing things.

If you cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Why have we got these whining falangs complaining about the sentances for drug runners..........

Question: How many foreigners get done for drug running in Singapore, and how many in Thailand. I think there is a difference ( and as such, does it mean the death penalty really does help ? ). Any retiree or person with time to research this, would be interested to know the results. to be fair, should be apple to apple comparison ( i.e. % falang convicted per tourist arrival or soemthing like that )

Edited by skippybangkok
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This thread has been cleaned up (sanitized) somewhat and the gent is taking a short holiday for flaming.

Continued flaming by other members will result in similar rewards being issued, and this thread will be closed.

Play nicely please people.


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According to the "prisons" web site http://www.correct.go.th/statis.htm

66% of the prison population ar in for drug offences and about 81% of the total prison population has been sentanced to less than 10 years with only 0.2% sentanced to death.

Forigeners caught with drugs tent to be high profile cases and I feel tend to attract higher sentances, saying that everyone should know the possible consequences. The guy was a fool and I going to have a very long time to contemplate his mistake.


I would have responded sooner, but I spent almost 3 straight hours working on my previous post :o

I know know more about criminals, prisons and prisoners than I really wanted to know.

The link you supplied above was a little out of date (May 2002) so I found the more current link. Unfortunately, the most telling chart (Breakdown by Offense) shows the graph and the years, but not the numbers. All you can see is that Drug Offenses are by far the largest percentage.

Department of Corrections, Thailand

It does appear that they supposedly have around 97,000 fewer prisoners now than in 2002 (when you compare the info in the 2 links). Can't tell if that's the result of not including certain categories now that were included in '02 (such as prisoners awaiting investigation).

Other numbers in those 2 links don't match up either, not too important though.

As for the high-profile cases (foreigners). I personally don't read the Thai language papers or watch the Thai news. I don't know if anyone else here does either (or do they ?).

As a result, most of the local news I get is in English and tends to concentrate on events that involve foreigners. I suspect that there is a lot going on (regarding the drug trade, smuggling, trafficking, ect) that we don't hear about.

Once in awhile you see a story about some minor bust of a Thai in Pattaya (carrying a couple of pills), but even then, you rarely hear about the final outcome of their trials. I doubt the ones charged with trafficking in Class 1 drugs get off easier than foreigners.

I'll ask some of my Thai friends what they see/hear from their media.

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This thread has been cleaned up (sanitized) somewhat and the gent is taking a short holiday for flaming.

Continued flaming by other members will result in similar rewards being issued, and this thread will be closed.

Play nicely please people.



I wasn't going to say anything. I did wonder if you were going to step in though.

(were any of my posts sanitized ?)

(if I'm already on holiday, does getting a holiday from TV make it doubly good ?)

(where does the "white" go when snow melts ?)

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