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Pattaya Brit Gets 30 Years For Drug Smuggling


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This is not a pissing contest, burns.

I tried to make some valid points for serious consideration...

I question your knowledge of the Thai drug scene.

240 tabs trafficking: it is very minute, do your research.

Credit extended: Do you have any first hand knowledge of the scene in Los?

-I didn't think so...

Mental disorders: the drugs are here, the people need to be dealt with - prison for 30 years, or a rehab program, which would be more effective in reintegrating them into society? - if you want to reintegrate people,.

Burning them at the stake might be an alternative which would provide entertainment and pleasure for a portion of TV-members and the general public, no doubt. :o

And what is your experience with the Thai drug scene...

for those that feel that feel 30 years is a harsh sentence..

the Oz model in Bali got 3 months for 2 pills .....so for 8 pills...that equals 1 year....240 divided by 8 equals 30 years....yep sounds about right... :D

Yeah I know guys....but it is an interesting equation... :D

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The fact that the drug laws may be well known does not make them fair or reasonable. Do you think that it is fair or reasonable that a woman caght having extramarital sex under shariah law should be stoned to death? Is this fair or reasonable? Would you say "serves you right" you knew the law.

Do you think that it is fair that Churches can't be constructed in Saudi Arabia? Do you think that it is fair that i can't own land in Thailand (even though i am married to a Thai)? etc. etc.

Comparison's about what one can and can't do, or how they do this or that in other countries, could go on forever. The fact of the matter is, whilst being in any country, you have to abide by their law or suffer THEIR consequences. Not Rocket science really :o

240 pills or 240,000 who cares? this <deleted> is gone from the gene pool and that's a plus.

Absolutely johnnyk :D:D

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I reckon anyone who brings drugs into this country must be crazy. This guy knew the risks and was caught. Whether his sentence is too harsh or too lenient is irrelevant. He knew the risks and got what he must have reasonably known was a likely outcome if he was caught. It was a calculated risk, a gamble, and he lost.

If he was Thai he would probably have been murdered (like the other 2,300 small time dealers shot by the police in the last war on drugs, and guess what? NOT ONE ARREST). So I reckon, in the great, bizarre scheme of things, he may actually feel lucky.

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  • 4 years later...

i came to this site to update members on something that was discussed some time back and this discussion on drugs seems the best place to post it, but first i will give my tuppence worth to this thread. this guy is a special kind of stupid to try take drugs IN to thailand. having said that i believe the sentance is way over the top and for the guys who say the drugs cause an increase in crime, i would suspect most of you like a drink. well if alcohol was made illegal all crime associated with other drugs would pale compared to the mayhem caused by prohibition.

there was a plea on this site to help a brian scott meisenberg after he was caught selling ice and ended up in nong pla lai prison in pattaya.

he was portrayed as a poor guy who was down on his luck and needing help to get money for the drugs he needed for his MS.

i was locked up with him and tried warning people on this site they were being taken for a ride.

i have met up with a friend who has been recently released and he told me brian was getting the drugs he wanted, that would be ICE. he has gotton his disability payments sent to him in bangkok and is out of his face every day. not a jot about MS drugs. i just thought you should be updated on this guy.

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30 years in prison for what would have been less than 2 weeks wages for me while I was in Afghanistan.

Waow.... considering the risks you need to take in Afghanistan, they dont pay much.

sorry off topic but

Wow I agree lousy wages for that part of the world who were you working for???? Even far safer places in the Middle East pay far more than that. I hope you meant 1/2 a weeks wages!!! lol

Well, the wages I got in Afghanistan were better than I was making as a Sergeant back in Canada.

There were the extra benefits (free meals and lodgings such as they were, 4 paid days of vacation every month, free flight to your "Point of Hire" every 6 months, medical, dental). The one really good benefit I had, had nothing to do with my contract.

Living in the camp, there was very little to spend (waste) money on. Because of that I was able to do quite a bit of travelling, and still put enough away for an extended stay in Thailand !

(I was also referring to my "net" salary, after the government took their share :) )

Safety-wise, it wasn't that bad where we were. In a little over 2 years (Sept 03 - Nov 05), our camp never got attacked at all. There was some danger while driving to/from various location in Kabul, but nothing like there is in some other areas.

I'm still waiting for word to go back, hopefully to Kandahar this time. :D

So the only benefit was that you were locked down in a camp and couldnt spend money, you put your neck on the line in a hostile country (and it could happen) for a pittance of a salary...you either have to be nuts, an adrenaline junky, hiding or plain stupid for that amount of money?

Even in the large Middle Eastern Country thats awash with oil and stuck in the 7th century because of the nutter of the desert pay low level skilled workers more than that, what makes you think this is a good contract?

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