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Thursday afternoon and I'm doing errand before the holiday weekend hits. Head down a soi toward Kotchasan and drunk farang are chucking buckets of water onto unwary motorcyclists. Turned around and head down an alley toward Loi Kroh -- same-same. This isn't Songkran yet. People are still going about business. The next thing they know is that some drunk ass hits them with a bucket of water and ruins God knows what: Laptop, cellphone, Android, paperwork, packages. And it's dangerous. Idiots.

It's not like the cops are too busy from their road block shake-downs, but they should put a stop to it until Saturday. Oh well - TIT.

Motorcycles are now garaged until next week -- the car needs a nice wash. At least I know where to drive it to get it clean.

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It's not like the cops are too busy

but they were .. at the north east corner of the moat at

about 2 45 : (


My bad. They really are busy shaking down drivers. I stand corrected <grin>


Yesterday I parked the motorcycles. Today, I walked to the parking lot where I garage the car and moved it next to our apartment.

Tomorrow morning (Saturday), we load up before 9am and head to our house in central Lamphun province, hopefully avoiding traffic, parades, and partiers who have yet to get their blood alcohol into the danger zone prior to getting behind the wheel and killing themselves and others. Hope to get home well before the crazy 'maow' folk hit the roads, park the car, and enjoy a low-key village Songkran. The local kids can come by and pour water on Uncle Connda's hands. If they want to 'len naam' and throw water, they can throw water on the dogs. They both need a bath, and will probably enjoy the cooling effect. And me? I really don't mind getting wet as long as I'm dressed for it, not on a vehicle, and mentally up for it. So at noon tomorrow, let the games begin. smile.png

And ya'll thought I'm mean-spirited, spitefully, grumpy, old fart. Sometimes. I'm just slow to warm up. Like my 22 year old Toyota, it takes a while to get 'up to speed', but once there I do quite enjoy the ride!

Well said K. Connda Cheers on the morrow.


This happens every year what is the problem.

You have been here long enough to know be prepared several days early.

Or is this your first Songkran in Chiang Mai?

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When do people here think it will end? the 15th the last day?

*Songkran Festival (Thai New Year) is on Saturday, 13 April 2013 and lasts till Wednesday, 17 April 2013


I wonder what percentage of Songkran complainers spent their FIRST year in Chiang Mai standing next to the moat with a SuperSoaker water cannon in their hands, loving every minute of it?

I'm not sure that an out-and-out avoider of Songkran like me can be counted among your complainers, but if so I am not in your queried percentage. I am enough of a healthy-minded misanthrope to know without experiencing the event for myself that I want nothing to do with it.

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I was amazed by my very first Songkran experience.

However, that was so long ago and I was pretty much amazed by everything in Thailand.

It was Amazing Thailand. thumbsup.gif

Rings a bell, Uptheos. The Thai lady and her husband that first brought me to Chiang Mai kept telling me, "It's an adventure." I experience that more and more. I experience more and more without going inside Chiang Mai during Songkran. I enjoy the village Songkran.


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Let's stick to the official festival days and it will be fun again. Now you never know what will happen and some moron will decide that the date is any day he likes to be drunk and have a bucket of water on hand..............


The dates of the holiday are 13-15. However, gov't sez that weekend holidays are extended for workers for two days, which is why some places have posted 'closed 15-17' signs and thus open on Thursday.

But as Winnie promises, no water is ever tossed beyond the 15th - though come to think of it, last year was so confused with rain and cool weather, that I seem to remember.... And then, the year before, motoring on two wheels on Nimmen, I seem to remember...

But that's the problem. I seem to remember....No matter, it's all innocent fun, if we're up for it.

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SongKran is the Chiangmai New year with the special offering called Dom Hua (wrong spelling I'm sure)

Was out yesterday on Loi Kro Rd. What a blast! I especially like drowning dumb ass uptight farangs not wanting to get wet

walking on the street or even riding their dumb ass motorcycles. I'm heading out in about 20 min. to wrestle with the traffic

and then settle in for what promises to a be a great day in Chiangmai. HOOOOOOYAAAAAAA

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When do people here think it will end? the 15th the last day?

*Songkran Festival (Thai New Year) is on Saturday, 13 April 2013 and lasts till Wednesday, 17 April 2013

SongKran Festival (Chiangmai New year) is on Saturday, 13 April 2013 and lasts till people are told to stop.

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