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Men In Which Class Considered "gentlemen"


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Edited by Morakot
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Essentially yes, the comment you have quoted means that it would be better if a "Gentleman" captains the cricket team rather than a "Gamekeeper". It infers that a gentlemen is technically high-born from the ruling classes, of good education, good manners, and of the Landed Gentry etc etc. A Gamekeeper is arguably an uneducated peasant of low standing that would work for the Gentleman on his Estate. In the period that your program is probably set, the gamekeeper would probably not have been in the Class that generally played cricket as it was only those of refined upbringing that played.

I'm not supporting any sort of class distinction, just trying to clarify.

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This is the second time the subject of 'Social Class' has come up on TVF in a day....... Dangerous stuff with so many Brits around..... no more predicatable way of getting them to start ranting than pointing to 'Social Class'.

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