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Does Reading Thaivisa Colour Your View Of Thailand ?


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They should introduce IQ tests at Swampy. coffee1.gif

No! This would be devestating for Thailands annual tourist income..

Indeed, better to screen out the HIGH IQ entries as we wouldn't want people who tink 2 mutt here. Drink too much ... sure.

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They should introduce IQ tests at Swampy. coffee1.gif

No! This would be devestating for Thailands annual tourist income..

Indeed, better to screen out the HIGH IQ entries as we wouldn't want people who tink 2 mutt here. Drink too much ... sure.

I cannot believe!!


This farang more stupid than Somchai!!

You joking me??

No, and he have money mak mak!!

Okay quick, give him visa

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I agree with the OP. I think it comes down to the attitudes of people and how they react to what could be negative or bizarre situations. I got pulled up on my scooter for taking what I thought was a free left turn at the lights. Cop flags me down, we do the Sawatdee kaps and he asks for my licence (which I have) and asked for the bike licence which was under the seat. As I rummage around in the crap under the seat the cop says something to my wife in Thai, "hope he hasn't got a bomb in there". She translates to me, and I say "no, didn't know I was supposed to have one?". Cop laughs, hands back the licence and lets us go - no ticket, no tea money.

I've got mates who would rant and rave in similar situations. Others complain about being stopped for no helmet, or they rant and rave at immigration because they didn't do their homework and don't have the right documents, or moan because the "idiot Thai" shopkeeper didn't understand that I wanted a 20 watt light bulb and not the 100 watt light bulb he tried to sell me, etc, etc,. I tell them to get with the programme - you don't have any special rights here, be civil, be courteous, be informed - it goes a long way towards making the most of every day.

As to the negative opinions I read on TV by many members - best ignored and not take the bait.

clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Wonderful!

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I don't really pay too much attention to other peoples views of Thailand.You make of it what you can,which is what I'm trying to do.

There's a lot of very negative things said on TV,but if we were to agree with all the moaners,then there'd be no expats here anymore.They'd all ship out for pastures green.

Let people say what they want.Everybody's entitled to an opinion,but sometimes it's better keeping your opinion to yourself.

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From what i see on here there is a 4 way split of types of forum members:

  • The retired devision with money
  • The working devision with an income through work
  • The holiday tourist
  • The ones settled here maybe not rich but getting by.

Now the way i percieve these are,

The retired with money think everyone to be a little beneath them probably spills from a high ranking position within their workplace.

The working devision are happy to be here and make the most of every minute of it, as do the ones settled here but not wealthy.

The holiday tourist or the 2 week millionaire as they are called here they just think everone is a cheap charlie and screw the world their enjoying themselves.

None of the above mentioned is right or wrong but is how i percieve some on here but not all.......

Edited by Keith67
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Color my view?

I guess it would have some occasional and limited influence on my thinking - if only to some extent confirm previously held convictions or suppositions; but given that I'd been working at learning about Thailand (through study and experience) over 30 years - most of it here - before I ever even read ThaiVisa...

Not too much.

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There seems to be a correlation between financial comfort and the level of dissatisfaction with Thailand among some - NOT all - of the grumpy old men on Thaivisa.

Those who experience financial constraints seem to have a tendency to rail against Thailand and its relatively trivial annoyances to a far greater degree . . . possibly because their situations mean they have to interact with the working class locals a lot more.

Still, there are exceptions. The poster formerly known as TommoPhysicist, for example. I mean, here was a man with an all-singing, all-dancing index-linked pension, an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm and yet he bitched non-stop about Thais and how none of them could be trusted. It made me wonder why on earth he chose to remain here.

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Does Reading Thaivisa Colour my View Of Thailand ? Not really because some of the stories are so bizarre and different from my own experience that it can only be rare isolated incidents blown out of proportion.

On the other hand, it does colour my view of the type of foreigners who end up in Thailand. i have seen expats forums in China, hk, Malaysia, Singapore...really, there is an overwhelming skew towards a particular type in Thaivisa. ;)

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