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Phuket Tour Guides Protest ‘Great Chinese Takeaway’

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Phuket tour guides protest ‘Great Chinese Takeaway’
Phuket Gazette -

PHUKET: More than 200 Thai tour guides massed at Provincial Hall today to file a complaint to the Phuket Governor against Chinese nationals working illegally as local tour guides.

By law, only Thai nationals certified by the Professional Guide Association (PGA) may be employed as tour guides in Thailand.

“More than 300 Chinese guides are stealing our jobs. Those guides pretend to be tourists and take Chinese tourists on tours to attractions around the island,” protest leader Jaifu Sae-lee said.

“Some of them give tourists incorrect information about Phuket and Thailand because their knowledge of the history, the province, the country and the culture is not accurate,” he added.

Mr Jaifu extended his accusation to include illegal Chinese guides making slanderous remarks.

“They create a negative image of Phuket and Thailand by saying things that are bad and untrue about the province and the country. For example, they tell tourists that poor Thai parents are forcing their daughters and sons to become prostitutes or join ladyboy shows,” he alleged.

Mr Jaifu also expressed his fear that the impending introduction of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) could spell disaster for Thai tour guides, as Chinese nationals may try to find work in Phuket as illegal guides.

To help resolve the crisis, Mr Jaifu called for the Phuket PGA to raise the current restriction of the number of Thai Chinese-speaking tour guides approved to work in Phuket above the current number of 80.

With Phuket Governor Maitri Inthusut unavailable to receive the complaint, Vice Governor Somkiet Sangkaosuttirak stepped in, and immediately supported the call to raise the number of approved Chinese-speaking guides.

“Illegal guides are a problem that needs serious action. I would like the Chinese-speaking local guides’ help by sending me any information they have about the illegal Chinese guides and tour operators who use these guides instead of hiring Thais,” V/Gov Somkiet said.

“I will ask the relevant organizations to press charges against them,” he warned.

“I have also ordered for the limit to be raised in order to allow more people to apply for a tour guide license,” V/Gov Somkiet added.

Jakrit Janjit, of the Phuket Guide Registration office, said his fellow officers were working hard to address the problem, but admitted that the illegal guides were proving to be elusive.

“We have worked together with police officers to arrest illegal guides. However, it is difficult to do so because many illegal guides are tricky and usually pretend to be tourists,” he said.

“Anyone who has information about illegal foreign guides in Phuket can call us at 076-522299 or 076-522300, or report it to any Phuket police station,” he said.

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2013/Phuket-tour-guides-protest-Great-Chinese-Takeaway-20922.html

-- Phuket Gazette 2013-04-29

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I suspect that most, if not all of the Thai tourist guides can't speak fluent or maybe any Chinese. How can they possibly be of any use to Chinese tourists that can't understand them?

True, Thais need to learn a 2nd language if they want to work with a specific group of people and not just sit back and complain.

I wonder how many of the people stating this are themselves fluid in a second language. Most native English speakers don't speak 2 languages.

My wife is a tour-guide (not in phuket) and speaks reasonable English. Often they just have a tour leader there as a liaison that speaks English too. But for the money tour guides get you guys expect an awful lot. Maybe if they got twice as much then it would be good. Most people who speak Chinese or Japanese fluid could find much better paying jobs somewhere else.

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wow after the russian now the chinese

do the thai give an explanation where all the prostitutes and ladyboys come from ?

That is a good point.. among the other tour-guides my wife works with they will attribute all the shoplifting and pick pocketing to Cambodians Never ever saying a bad thing about Thais. The wife thinks they are crazy and does not play that game. Many Thaise are just too protective of their country to see the truth.

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I can see the headlines next week.

"Phuket Bar Owners Protest Against Successful Foriegn Owned Bars."

The best solution is to stop whinning, educate yourselves and adapt to the business at hand.

cause there they sell beer with alcohol in it

and they know about another english singing band besides Krezip , Ac/Dc or Queen

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I suspect that most, if not all of the Thai tourist guides can't speak fluent or maybe any Chinese. How can they possibly be of any use to Chinese tourists that can't understand them?

True, Thais need to learn a 2nd language if they want to work with a specific group of people and not just sit back and complain.
I wonder how many of the people stating this are themselves fluid in a second language. Most native English speakers don't speak 2 languages.

My wife is a tour-guide (not in phuket) and speaks reasonable English. Often they just have a tour leader there as a liaison that speaks English too. But for the money tour guides get you guys expect an awful lot. Maybe if they got twice as much then it would be good. Most people who speak Chinese or Japanese fluid could find much better paying jobs somewhere else.

Why should an english speaking person learn another language if they don't work in an industry that needs it? Why should any person learn a second language that is not needed. Simply, they don't.

But the Thais are complaining about foreign tour guides taking their jobs. Well if they can speak Russian or Chinese and can take those jobs then yes it is a valid complaint.

But until Thais who can speak Russian and/or Chineses complain about it then I'm afraid it's all just more of the same bullsh*t.

Edited by FDog
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I suspect that most, if not all of the Thai tourist guides can't speak fluent or maybe any Chinese. How can they possibly be of any use to Chinese tourists that can't understand them?

I have Chinese friends/colleagues that took one such trip - The Mandarin spoken to them from the, so called fluent speakers, was so bad that another attendee took over by translating from the Thai - ENglish into Mandarin.

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I suspect that most, if not all of the Thai tourist guides can't speak fluent or maybe any Chinese. How can they possibly be of any use to Chinese tourists that can't understand them?

True, Thais need to learn a 2nd language if they want to work with a specific group of people and not just sit back and complain.
I wonder how many of the people stating this are themselves fluid in a second language. Most native English speakers don't speak 2 languages.

My wife is a tour-guide (not in phuket) and speaks reasonable English. Often they just have a tour leader there as a liaison that speaks English too. But for the money tour guides get you guys expect an awful lot. Maybe if they got twice as much then it would be good. Most people who speak Chinese or Japanese fluid could find much better paying jobs somewhere else.

Why should an english speaking person learn another language if they don't work in an industry that needs it? Why should any person learn a second language that is not needed. Simply, they don't.

But the Thais are complaining about foreign tour guides taking their jobs. Well if they can speak Russian or Chinese and can take those jobs then yes it is a valid complaint.

But until Thais who can speak Russian and/or Chineses complain about it then I'm afraid it's all just more of the same bullsh*t.

Fdog how good is your Thai ?

But I agree that to service a group you need to learn their language. However guiding is a protected occupation and these other guides have no work permit so they are breaking the law. Its only normal if they get fined / jailed.

However if the guides use this as an excuse not to learn the language and have an easy job then its totally wrong. But it still does not make it right what the other party does.. no work-permit and working in a protected job.

Bet you would get arrested quite fast if you did so.

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Last year it was Korean guides, this year Chinese. Any bets as to which nationality will be next?

It would have to be Aussie tour guides. 25,000 aussies on phuket at any given time during the year and one of if not the largest nationality represented, then it would have to be a monty.

Easily recognised in singlet, shorts, tatts and thongs (flipflops for you yanks) Every tour will come with an esky full of beer (none of that fancy pancy wine stuff) burbon and coke mixes allowed and a piss bucket in bus aisle so you don't have to stop for a leak.

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a few years ago i had a group dutch/belgian come to our resort and they made a big fuzz about us not guiding them around the island , i tried to explain those " joker"s that i cannot do that for that is not allowed , so a bad story came to life from those people all over the various travel forums . I learned a lesson , never to get travelagencies stay at my place ever again even if they do rent all the bungalows at once for 2 weeks

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'“They create a negative image of Phuket and
Thailand by saying things that are bad and untrue about the province and
the country. For example, they tell tourists that poor Thai parents are
forcing their daughters and sons to become prostitutes or join ladyboy
shows,” he alleged

Totally incorrect. It should read encourage not forcing!thumbsup.gif

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Last year it was Korean guides, this year Chinese. Any bets as to which nationality will be next?

Chinese are going to only increase in numbers in future...i'd rather they than most other nationalities ..wai.gif

A lot less obnoxious than others IMO

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robblok, on 30 Apr 2013 - 11:05, said:

Fdog how good is your Thai ?

But I agree that to service a group you need to learn their language. However guiding is a protected occupation and these other guides have no work permit so they are breaking the law. Its only normal if they get fined / jailed.

However if the guides use this as an excuse not to learn the language and have an easy job then its totally wrong. But it still does not make it right what the other party does.. no work-permit and working in a protected job.

Bet you would get arrested quite fast if you did so.

My Thai is pretty much non existent. smile.png

But then again, I'm not working in a Thai industry so what is the need for me to learn Thai?

If I was in a Thai speaking industry then it would be expected that I speak Thai wouldn't it? I can't then complain that others that speak Thai get the work.

The stupidity is that foreign speaking people are needed as tourist guides. How is it good for Thais to get rid of all of them and not be able to replace them with Thais. This will just mean the tourist operators have to close their doors which will then mean that Thais that do work for the company will lose thier jobs, businesses will lose business, the bus driver will lose out etc etc.

There are lots of things against the law in Thailand but sometimes a blind eye is used because it creates jobs and encourages tourism, ie: sex trade is quite popular smile.png

But complaining because someone is doing a job that a Thai just can't do is crazy and will have a negative flow on effect to Thais that rely on that trade.

Very short sighted and quite Phuket tuk tukesque thinking.

Edit: They could always employ a Thai guide as well, on the undertaking the Thai guide be studying that language. I doubt it really would be a burden on the overall cost to employ a Thai to just sit there and pretend to be a guide and he/she could be studying the language, win win situation.

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I suspect that most, if not all of the Thai tourist guides can't speak fluent or maybe any Chinese. How can they possibly be of any use to Chinese tourists that can't understand them?

True, Thais need to learn a 2nd language if they want to work with a specific group of people and not just sit back and complain.

It seems that many beach vendors can speak some Mandarin and Korean. They should be tour guides. :)

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robblok, on 30 Apr 2013 - 11:05, said:

Fdog how good is your Thai ?

But I agree that to service a group you need to learn their language. However guiding is a protected occupation and these other guides have no work permit so they are breaking the law. Its only normal if they get fined / jailed.

However if the guides use this as an excuse not to learn the language and have an easy job then its totally wrong. But it still does not make it right what the other party does.. no work-permit and working in a protected job.

Bet you would get arrested quite fast if you did so.

My Thai is pretty much non existent. smile.png

But then again, I'm not working in a Thai industry so what is the need for me to learn Thai?

If I was in a Thai speaking industry then it would be expected that I speak Thai wouldn't it? I can't then complain that others that speak Thai get the work.

The stupidity is that foreign speaking people are needed as tourist guides. How is it good for Thais to get rid of all of them and not be able to replace them with Thais. This will just mean the tourist operators have to close their doors which will then mean that Thais that do work for the company will lose thier jobs, businesses will lose business, the bus driver will lose out etc etc.

There are lots of things against the law in Thailand but sometimes a blind eye is used because it creates jobs and encourages tourism, ie: sex trade is quite popular smile.png

But complaining because someone is doing a job that a Thai just can't do is crazy and will have a negative flow on effect to Thais that rely on that trade.

Very short sighted and quite Phuket tuk tukesque thinking.

Edit: They could always employ a Thai guide as well, on the undertaking the Thai guide be studying that language. I doubt it really would be a burden on the overall cost to employ a Thai to just sit there and pretend to be a guide and he/she could be studying the language, win win situation.

What you are describing is how it was done where my wife worked. They had a korean liason because my wife did not speak Korean. That was the accepted practice on Pattaya trips.

As for you not speaking Thai.. then don't comment on Thais not speaking a second language your living (its an expat forum) in Thailand and don't even speak a bit of Thai. I am guilty of that too as i can't read and write but at least i can hold conversation in the language. I feel any foreigner living here should at least speak a bit of the language.

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I suspect that most, if not all of the Thai tourist guides can't speak fluent or maybe any Chinese. How can they possibly be of any use to Chinese tourists that can't understand them?

But it says that 80 CAN speak Chinese...
Which begs the question. Why on earth is the number restricted in the first place? Surely if you are a Thai who speaks Chinese you should be able to register to do the work. Why have a restriction on how many Thais can register for the work? Just crazy.

If in fact there are Thais that can speak Chinese and want to work as guides then of course it is wrong for Chinese guides to do it.

But somehow I just don't see that this is what is happening. I just think the Thais want the operators to shut down and think all that business will go to a Thai run operation.

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I suspect that most, if not all of the Thai tourist guides can't speak fluent or maybe any Chinese. How can they possibly be of any use to Chinese tourists that can't understand them?

But it says that 80 CAN speak Chinese...

Are they as good as the Thai english teachers that speak no english

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My wife is a tour-guide (not in phuket) and speaks reasonable English. Often they just have a tour leader there as a liaison that speaks English too. But for the money tour guides get you guys expect an awful lot. Maybe if they got twice as much then it would be good. Most people who speak Chinese or Japanese fluid could find much better paying jobs somewhere else.
Why should an english speaking person learn another language if they don't work in an industry that needs it? Why should any person learn a second language that is not needed. Simply, they don't.

But the Thais are complaining about foreign tour guides taking their jobs. Well if they can speak Russian or Chinese and can take those jobs then yes it is a valid complaint.

But until Thais who can speak Russian and/or Chineses complain about it then I'm afraid it's all just more of the same bullsh*t.

An English speaking person should learn another language, when he/she lives in another non English speaking country, like Thailand, for instance.

Has nothing to do with only the industry you work in only.

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