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Grumpy Expat Car Drivers From Hell


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Motorbikes need to stay in the far left and never deviate out of that little lane for them.

Speaking of crazy drivers though, I had to hit the brakes 3 times with one idiot this afternoon to get him off my tail, the first time I heard the screech of his tyres, that always makes me smile. Third time he pulled out and around as he got an eye full of my middle finger.

Earlier today another regular idiot that does the same xxxx every day behind me, he was in front this time and I saw him do it to 3 other cars, then over take 2 on a sharp bend with oncoming traffic, then a couple hundred metres later on a straight stretch pass another 2 cars with oncoming traffic. This is not a wide road.

I'm a tad confused, first you mention motorbikes and then of a crazy driver.

Was the vehicle on your tail a car or a bike?


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Motorbikes need to stay in the far left and never deviate out of that little lane for them.

Speaking of crazy drivers though, I had to hit the brakes 3 times with one idiot this afternoon to get him off my tail, the first time I heard the screech of his tyres, that always makes me smile. Third time he pulled out and around as he got an eye full of my middle finger.

Earlier today another regular idiot that does the same shit every day behind me, he was in front this time and I saw him do it to 3 other cars, then over take 2 on a sharp bend with oncoming traffic, then a couple hundred metres later on a straight stretch pass another 2 cars with oncoming traffic. This is not a wide road.

Motorcyclists should not travel to close to the left side, maybe leave about 3 ft, you could be forced to swerve at any time either way, ie dogs, just pure common sense.

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Sounds like a typical Driver from the UK,getting on in years,

Can't hear, can't see,properly, gout,inhibits good foot control,arthritic, so body movement,is restricted.

They wish is to impede all other road user at all cost.

Normal driving position is leaning forward,peering over the steering wheel.

Avoid at all costs.

Far more deadly than the worst Thai driver.

Or an Aussie, American, Canadian, Frenchman .......... blah blah.

Dont forget the Dutch.. come on i feel left out biggrin.png

Don't forget Italians too !

That's a funny thread, but i reckon that some bad drivers coming from the West, are the fastest in picking up the worst attitudes of Thai bad drivers .

Personally, i drive defensively, the road is a jungle, and the bigger animals are right even when they are wrong.

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You need to realize that you are on a motor vehicle and as such you don't have any more rights than any other vehicles. You want to pass on the left, just be aware that is a blind side and most motorists are not going to see you there, so pass at your own risk, and don't get bent out of shape when you are blocked

Does your motorcycle license have a special permit that allows you to be first in line at a light ? Are the lines that are painted on the road just a guide for you since you are small so don't have to use them ? Since you are always in such a rush does that mean when traffic is stopped you have the right to drive the wrong way ?

Why can't I take my car and drive up on the foot path because I don't want to wait

Now my rant is over

Serves you right for having a car. biggrin.png How anyone can drive or own a car, especially in Pattaya is beyond me. Based on what the OP wrote, this driver was clearly blocking him on purpose, which is extremely stupid and dangerous. Oh and about the squeezing in and over taking cars, that's the way people ride mopeds here, or haven't you noticed?

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Sounds like a typical Driver from the UK,getting on in years,

Can't hear, can't see,properly, gout,inhibits good foot control,arthritic, so body movement,is restricted.

They wish is to impede all other road user at all cost.

Normal driving position is leaning forward,peering over the steering wheel.

Avoid at all costs.

Far more deadly than the worst Thai driver.

Or an Aussie, American, Canadian, Frenchman .......... blah blah.

Dont forget the Dutch.. come on i feel left out biggrin.png

And all those european drivers too!! Including the Dutch.

edit.... and the Italians !!

Edited by pattayadingo
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I felt my abilties were declining, so I sold the old Volvo and now ride only a bicycle, or ride proudly on the pillion of my wife's Click 125. She's a great driver, got all the wiriness needed to survive on the roads around here.

When you haven't got it any more, it's time to turn in the keys, and resort to public transport. A grim picture. Too Bad, Old Guy...you really want to play Beat the Clock? Sad.

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The O/P was / is in Pattaya and should live with it. Driver was probably pissed on way back from Soi6 so what do you expect?

So true, and if that bad driver was a thai, then the O/P, would wai or bow to him, and not even think about ranting on this forum.

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carib102@ -- I've become quite adept at stopping in such a way as to avoid gaps biggrin.png

I rode a motorcycle in Japan for about 15 years in traffic very similar to downtown Bangkok.

Japanese car drivers usually are quick to make a space for bikes approaching from the rear

through traffic. At first, I thought this was very odd -- I rarely saw such a thing in the U.S.

For a long time I thought, hmm, are they doing this for courtesy? But then I realized it was

not about courtesy. They simply didn't want the motorcycles scratching their beautiful car.

But, for me, it was much appreciated. Made my commutes a lot easier.

Driving habits differ from country to country. I didn't like the aggressiveness and road rage

I saw in the U.S. But that was 20+ years ago.

The Philippines required a lot of concentration to avoid collisions.

I haven't had much problem with drivers in Chiang Mai, except an occasional young kamikaze

motorcyclist bent on self-mutilation. I just try to stay out of their way.

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Ugh. Sounds like the OP has had an encounter with one of the uglier exports of my country, the US car driver. One of the reasons I haven't owned a car in the US since 1990, nor driven one since about 2006. My sympathies. Just be lucky he didn't have his gun with him!

But seriously, as I don't drive in Thailand, I've never encountered this new(ish?) type of farang poison, the Grumpy Expat Driver From Hell, but I often encounter The Angry Farang Pedestrian on Lower Sukhumvit.

These douchebags square out their shoulders as wide as they'll go, plant a vicious snarl on their face, stare straight ahead, and barrel down the sidewalk in an extremely aggressive fashion, barely missing anyone who doesn't swerve or jump out of their way. Usually it's a man "small in stature," if you get my drift--I'm nearly 2 meters tall--but once in awhile it's one of those huge, gorilla-like muscled buffoons, even taller than me.

By their body language, 100 yard stare and contorted mouth, it's very clear that this type of creature is the long-term expat farang who spends most of his time in bars, loves to complain about Thailand and Thais, and (specifically as regards walking) is disgusted with the way Thais are totally incapable of walking on a sidewalk with any sense of rationality or predictability (which is very true, btw) and "just not gonna take it anymore".

Anyway, I'll never understand why this type of scum, if they're so fed up and angry with Thais (AND their fellow expats), doesn't just pack up and go be miserable somewhere else...?

I've had exactly the same kind of experience on Sukhumvit. I quite agree with you.

Fortunately, I haven't seen such surly characters in Chiang Mai.

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You need to realize that you are on a motor vehicle and as such you don't have any more rights than any other vehicles. You want to pass on the left, just be aware that is a blind side and most motorists are not going to see you there, so pass at your own risk, and don't get bent out of shape when you are blocked

Does your motorcycle license have a special permit that allows you to be first in line at a light ? Are the lines that are painted on the road just a guide for you since you are small so don't have to use them ? Since you are always in such a rush does that mean when traffic is stopped you have the right to drive the wrong way ?

Why can't I take my car and drive up on the foot path because I don't want to wait

Now my rant is over

Serves you right for having a car. biggrin.png How anyone can drive or own a car, especially in Pattaya is beyond me. Based on what the OP wrote, this driver was clearly blocking him on purpose, which is extremely stupid and dangerous. Oh and about the squeezing in and over taking cars, that's the way people ride mopeds here, or haven't you noticed?

Yep, you've got old bikers and bold bikers but very few old and bold bikers.

Doesn't matter if it's a big bike or a bike that sounds like a singer sewwing machine, if you can't control yourself the end result will be that you get second prize in an accident.

As far as I'm concerned a bike is for enjoyment and fun, in todays traffic, anywhere, any country, it's safer to go by car. When I get on the bike I give everyone else all the space they need and enjoy being on the bike. Who cares if someone in front of you tries to get in your way, slow down and enjoy the ride, you'll get past him at the next set of lights.

Everyone else on the road is an idiot is the best rule.

By the way I'm over 60 and been riding bikes since I was 16. Does that make me a GOM?

PS. The next time I get grumpy will only be the 7th today and I've already forgotten what caused the first six.w00t.gif

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just keep your calm . .all he is winning are a few seconds and he had to sweat a lot to get you cornered.

Or act. Go to a weapons store and get yourself a bazooka, a small powder fire extinguisher, three handgrenades, a sawed-off pump gun, a baseball bat and a matching base cap ( optionally one of your favourite team) and all necessary ammunition. Go to the motosai shop and customize your motobike so you can stow away all those arms in a neat place ready to draw & fire. Don't forget to "buy" all the licenses needed for these self defence toys at Pattaya City Hall. It costs some tea money, but there you are.

Wait for a good occasion and a grumpy old (or young, they make a good excuse, too!) driver.

Enjoy. Don't forget to torch up the remains. Leave no trace of what actually happened.

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I really loved the "cirrhosis-bordeaux and excrement-brown tone", made my day lol

I have to rant about what I call "grumpy expat car drivers from hell"

Today I was driving the motorcycle on Pattaya third road towards the bali hai end and there was a slow moving honda city in front of me, not much going on otherwise.

Since the car was relatively far from the left side, I began passing it there.

The driver swerved to the left.

Then I tried passing it on the right - he swerved to the right so much that I was blocked by oncoming traffic.

I retried on the left, and you guessed it - he swerved to the left.

Luckily he got cornered by stopped traffic on the road.

Now I do not understand what was happenening between the ears of that driver, if anything ?

You may recognize youself: older age, almost bald, the color of your car is a tone between cirrhosis-bordeaux and excrement-brown.

This is not the first time I notice such things.

There are the guys putting their car exactly in the middle of narrower passages to forbid passage on both sides and there are also the guys who when waiting at a red light will close the gap between them and the front vehicle to bar passage of any 2 wheelers when they see some approach.

rant over, comments welcome.

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You just need to apply defensive driving and learn to read the traffic better.

As far as I am concerned, everybody else on the road are potential accidents, I just read the traffic, adjust and always ready for a surprise.

I drive defensively, no worries smile.png

I am just puzzled by what appears to be intentional misbehavior by some drivers.

When they get blocked and you can go, a swift kick to the side panel might work. Or follow them til they park and 'key' them.
My, aren't we neanderthal? If I saw you keying or kicking

someone's car I'd hold you for the owner.

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As I see it nobody follows any kind of sensible driving habit here.


Undertaking in fast traffic

Waiting at red lights past the stop line and in the pedestrian crossing making it almost impossible for a walker to cross.

Turning left without looking right first.

Cars and bigger things

Continual lane changing. Driving in a straight line is impossible for most.

Pulling out right before making a left turn.

Overtake a MC and then immediately want to turn left in front of it.

Standing still in a no stopping yellow box interrupting traffic coming and going left and right. All to get 10 meters further forward. Big deal, small d**ks.


Jumping red light either at the beginning of its cycle or the end.

Having absolutely no regard for other traffic users. ME FIRST..YOU GET OUT THE WAY.

There are many more things that I see on a daily basis but you get the drift. Is there anybody who follows the rules 100% in any one day. I very much doubt it. I'll not single out Thai vs. farang. IMO they're all as bad as each other.

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manarak, on 02 May 2013 - 16:56, said:

arthurwait, on 02 May 2013 - 16:47, said:

manarak, on 02 May 2013 - 13:31, said:

ExpatOilWorker, on 02 May 2013 - 13:22, said:

You just need to apply defensive driving and learn to read the traffic better.

As far as I am concerned, everybody else on the road are potential accidents, I just read the traffic, adjust and always ready for a surprise.

I drive defensively, no worries smile.png

I am just puzzled by what appears to be intentional misbehavior by some drivers.

Your OP states you tried to go down the inside. coffee1.gif

Would you please elaborate on why this justifies swerving?

(as I point out in a further post, the left lane was free and the car was not observing traffic laws by not using it)

Outed grumpy expat car driver count so far: 3

Maybe he was just venting his disdain of motorbike riders
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and there are also the guys who when waiting at a red light will close

the gap between them and the front vehicle to bar passage of any 2


because they are pissed off when a dozen 2-wheelers assemble in front of

him and take off slowly one by one as they please when the traffic light is


what the 2-wheelers are doing is nothing else than "jumping the queue".

Like i explained before if the MB take up proper placing things would take even longer and I have almost never seen anyone having to wait for a MC to take off. They generally are faster as cars (accelerating) and take off as a large group. I am willing to bet loads of money this is the case in 90% of the motorcycles. Just look at it next time your driving.

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and there are also the guys who when waiting at a red light will close

the gap between them and the front vehicle to bar passage of any 2


because they are pissed off when a dozen 2-wheelers assemble in front of

him and take off slowly one by one as they please when the traffic light is


what the 2-wheelers are doing is nothing else than "jumping the queue".

grumpy expat car driver count ++


Edited by manarak
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In reply to the OP, here's my 2 bahts worth:

1. They are grumpy old men and ignorant drivers regardless of their country of origin.

2. They own a car and assume that any farang riding a scooter is a tourist. They therefore have the "bloody tourist" attitude on top of the grumpy old man attitude.

3. They get frustrated because all day they feel harassed by Thai motorcyclists (and Thai motorists) dominating the road and causing them grief (as pereceived by them).

4. They know that despite their feelings of being harassed by Thais on the road, there is sweet FA they can do about it because it will end in tears for them and probably cost money.

5. They see a farang motorcyclist coming up in their mirror with no Thais around and think "arrogant bloody farang tourist, thinks he owns the <deleted> road does he, well I'll show him that I have more right to be here than him because I own a car and am a long termer here, he's just here to shag a few bargirls, so I'm gonna indicate as late as I can at the next left turn and if he hits me, tough cookies.....what?? Little sod is trying to undertake me and he's not even Thai!! I'll show him the little upstart!!!" etc etc.

And that's how it happens because I've been in similar situations - Thai drivers are actually quite courteous and drive according to the local customs. Invariably it is the GOM contingent that cause problems for me. After having a completely uncalled for "near miss" caused by a GOM that I recognised but didn't know, I sought him out a few days later at a bar and struck up a conversation with him - the 5 points above are the result of the conversation. He thought I was a nice bloke, even bought me a drink. I then enjoyed telling him I was the "bloody tourist" that he nearly killed a few days previous and that next time he might be driving home minus a couple of wing mirrors and his gonads.

I guess that is pretty close to the truth!

Sounds like you guys just don't like old people. Maybe it depends on what city you are driving in.

IMO the menace on the road for motorbikes and cars are the taxis drivers. Most don't drive their own car and don't seem to care what problems they create or the damage to their car.

And the general statement that Thai drivers are courteous is true to a point but there are many that fit the profile of your GOM. Old or not. I drive a motorbike and a car where I have had many instances of someone trying to run me off the road.

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...not much sympathy here for farang motocy drivers, who in my experience pose a far greater threat to pedestrians just trying to get across the road, than do most Thai pilots. Very aggressive; see an "open patch" of road ahead and accelerate to deny anyone else the use of it, including people waiting for a gap so they can get across; WAY too fast on the small, narrow sois; absurd speeds just inches from pedestrians going the same way doing their level best to negotiate whatever's left over after the food carts, parked service trucks, and traffic going the other way... If motos want more consideration from 4-wheel drivers, maybe they should show some to those on foot...

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...not much sympathy here for farang motocy drivers, who in my experience pose a far greater threat to pedestrians just trying to get across the road, than do most Thai pilots. Very aggressive; see an "open patch" of road ahead and accelerate to deny anyone else the use of it, including people waiting for a gap so they can get across; WAY too fast on the small, narrow sois; absurd speeds just inches from pedestrians going the same way doing their level best to negotiate whatever's left over after the food carts, parked service trucks, and traffic going the other way... If motos want more consideration from 4-wheel drivers, maybe they should show some to those on foot...

Come on people on foot are the lowest of the low bottom of the barrel why would we have consideration for those biggrin.png

I think you are talking Pattaya here ? if so I agree many foreigners there leave their brain at home and think they can do anything they want. But no respect for pedestrians is not a foreign thing, i almost got killed a few time before I understood my place on the food chain. Thais have absolutely no respect for pedestrians here in BKK. Of course there are exceptions but in general not much.

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...not much sympathy here for farang motocy drivers, who in my experience pose a far greater threat to pedestrians just trying to get across the road, than do most Thai pilots. Very aggressive; see an "open patch" of road ahead and accelerate to deny anyone else the use of it, including people waiting for a gap so they can get across; WAY too fast on the small, narrow sois; absurd speeds just inches from pedestrians going the same way doing their level best to negotiate whatever's left over after the food carts, parked service trucks, and traffic going the other way... If motos want more consideration from 4-wheel drivers, maybe they should show some to those on foot...

outed GECD count ++ (6 I think)

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...not much sympathy here for farang motocy drivers, who in my experience pose a far greater threat to pedestrians just trying to get across the road, than do most Thai pilots. Very aggressive; see an "open patch" of road ahead and accelerate to deny anyone else the use of it, including people waiting for a gap so they can get across; WAY too fast on the small, narrow sois; absurd speeds just inches from pedestrians going the same way doing their level best to negotiate whatever's left over after the food carts, parked service trucks, and traffic going the other way... If motos want more consideration from 4-wheel drivers, maybe they should show some to those on foot...

Don't you get more points for mowing down pedestrians? Double points if you mow down an old, doddery pedestrian?


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...not much sympathy here for farang motocy drivers, who in my experience pose a far greater threat to pedestrians just trying to get across the road, than do most Thai pilots. Very aggressive; see an "open patch" of road ahead and accelerate to deny anyone else the use of it, including people waiting for a gap so they can get across; WAY too fast on the small, narrow sois; absurd speeds just inches from pedestrians going the same way doing their level best to negotiate whatever's left over after the food carts, parked service trucks, and traffic going the other way... If motos want more consideration from 4-wheel drivers, maybe they should show some to those on foot...

outed GECD count ++ (6 I think)

come on do you really think many of those foreigners drive sensible in Pattaya ? Talking those drunk tourists ect.

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...not much sympathy here for farang motocy drivers, who in my experience pose a far greater threat to pedestrians just trying to get across the road, than do most Thai pilots. Very aggressive; see an "open patch" of road ahead and accelerate to deny anyone else the use of it, including people waiting for a gap so they can get across; WAY too fast on the small, narrow sois; absurd speeds just inches from pedestrians going the same way doing their level best to negotiate whatever's left over after the food carts, parked service trucks, and traffic going the other way... If motos want more consideration from 4-wheel drivers, maybe they should show some to those on foot...

Don't you get more points for mowing down pedestrians? Double points if you mow down an old, doddery pedestrian?


That is called euthanasia biggrin.png and this is meant as a joke.

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