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Something intelligent to talk to.

Oh and take on walks.

That would translate into: My wife.

Lovely avatarthumbsup.gif , can you send me the original pic?


I have a 12 -year old, all white Akita, and she's been a pretty good dog. Kills a couple snakes a year, barks when it should and doesn't when it shouldn’t. She does molt twice a year and all the fur is a nightmare for a couple weeks, but she is beautiful. I love walking her around Siam Square....babe-magnet!

I find it pretty easy to get people to take care of her, but I usually leave her at work when I am out of town for more than a few days.

If you accidentally lock both your wife dog and your dog out of the house, at least the dog will shut up when you let her in.

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Cheapest and most reliable security system in Thailand and perhaps the world. I would rather have a well trained junkyard soi dog guarding my premises than any paid Thai security guard. Thai security have a bad habit of making a run for it when they see trouble or inviting their friends to break in and make off with your valuables.


The dog situation in Thailand is appalling in the extreme. Wild dogs roam the streets of every town, a menace to life and health. People who "own" dogs here seem to have no idea of what is needed to raise one properly.

I love dogs, and always had two at a time back in the US. But here? Never.

And the feral cat situation is even worse.

and here we go again, more whining farang, GO to where everything is just the way you like itrolleyes.gif

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BTW, so called 'toy dogs' are NOT dogs to me. They are bred to behave like a toy, just like their owner have only 3 braincells. Die usually within 1 year and can be compared with a goldfish or guinea-pig or whatsoever but are defenitely not dogs.


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BTW, so called 'toy dogs' are NOT dogs to me. They are bred to behave like a toy, just like their owner have only 3 braincells. Die usually within 1 year and can be compared with a goldfish or guinea-pig or whatsoever but are defenitely not dogs.

I actually agree with that. It's too difficult for my braincell to be able to consider them as real dogs.


2 house next to each other. 1 with dogs 1 without. which one would you try to rob?

The one were the owner doesnt have a gun....wink.png

How could you be sure if the owner has a gun or not?


A dog never talks nonsense, never cheats you that bad, never asks for money or hangs on the phone talking complete nonsense with friends for hours and is not addicted to it's family and also not turns it's back at you after slightest disagreement.

A dog is loyal, enthusiastic, it's love is true and she is happy when you arrive back home.

Let's break it down this way:

1) Doesn't matter if you're gone 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 weeks, 10 months, etc., a dog is always happy to see come home, and never asks where you've been.

2) A dog doesn't care if you come home with the smell of some other "bitch" on you.

3) A dog is ready to play any time you want.

4) A dog never talks back.

5) You can spank your dog for doing something wrong, and a minute later it's ready to snuggle up with you again.

6) A dog doesn't care about money. Only love and food.

7) A dog doesn't care about clothes or the latest "fashion".

8) A dog will listen to whatever you want to say, for as long as you want to say it, without interrupting you.

9) A dog give you love and loyality for life.

Why God, or Nature, didn't put all those qualities into women, I'll never understand. cheesy.gif

Women can say the same about us.


I got mine for security. My house is the only one down a long lane, none others in seeing or hearing distance, and I was having problems with a mentally disturbed man from a nearby village.

Since getting a dog, never a problem again. If anyone so much as pauses at the top of the lane, I already know about it. He's just a Chihuahua but they make great watchdogs.

He also doubles as a doorbell, with the added advantage of providing early warning .

That was why I got him, but now that I have him -- my first dog ever -- there are lots of other benefits. Increases the amount and friendliness of interactions with locals -- everyone wants to stop and discuss the dog, you get friendly with other dog owners, and so forth.

Running what used to be mundane errands becomes an adventure. Taking out the garbage, for example, is now the "Exciting walk to the top of the road!"

And he's great company on long car rides.

And yet your avatar is a picture of a cat. Does the dog know about this?

Oh yes. He knows the Cat is the Big Boss of the house. (She's certainly the boss of me...). That's the pecking order: first the cat, then me, then the dog. As God intended.

What about the wife?


Most of my life I've had big dogs. Sheps, Huskies, Goldens, etc. About two years ago my wife was talking about wanting to get something smaller, so we bought a Shih Poo. Mother is Shih Tzu, father is Poodle. This one has the Poodle face. You need some patience to train one of these properly. Not becuase they are stupid, but because they are just plan stubborn! Actually, he's one of the smartest dogs I've ever seen in many respects.

At first I wasn't wild about getting something small like this, but now I wouldn't trade him for anything. Anyone, or anything, comes even close to our front fence, we know about it. Sometimes he will bark at something I'm not aware of. I look outside, not see anything, then tell him: "Hey, Stupid! Get in here!" and he happily trots back into the house and lays on the floor.

Before you buy, do some research on the various breeds to see what their "requirements" are, and talk to owners of different types to get their opinion.

I was the same re the big dogs. then my , now ex, decided to get a dog. Jack Russell. best dog ever.

Horrible little things.


A dog never talks nonsense, never cheats you that bad, never asks for money or hangs on the phone talking complete nonsense with friends for hours and is not addicted to it's family and also not turns it's back at you after slightest disagreement.

A dog is loyal, enthusiastic, it's love is true and she is happy when you arrive back home.

I love dogs, but I hate those little ankle snappers.


I agree somewhat with one of the posts above.

Dogs alone as guard dogs might not be so brave.

I have first hand experience with this breaking into a shop one time and encountering 2 german shepards. I yelled at them and they ran away.

Plus with a cat, you can kick the cat and it usually comes back and cuddles up and purrs some more. Dogs not so.

However, some dogs live a long life, I had one for near 20 years.


To those who say dogs aren't brave once someone has actually broken into your empty home, I say "that's good".

I want my dogs to bark like the dickens to warn us if anyone is breaking in, and to let anyone on the other side of the door or window know they have been noticed and are not sneaking in quietly.

But once (if) they get into the house when we're not there, I hope my dogs run and hide for 2 reasons:

1) I have nothing in my home (besides the GF) that is worth more to me than my dogs.

2) In many places in the world, if your dog tears up a burglar, you and the dog are going to be prosecuted. That may be okay for you, but often ends very badly for the dog.

And I have watched our tiny little dogs go after other huge dogs that they perceive to be a threat to the GF, and they do a pretty good job of keeping people they don't know at bay when the GF is walking them. They're a lot more laid back when I walk them and I think it's because they don't sense I need the protection.


Let's break it down this way:

1) Doesn't matter if you're gone 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 weeks, 10 months, etc., a dog is always happy to see come home, and never asks where you've been.

2) A dog doesn't care if you come home with the smell of some other "bitch" on you.

3) A dog is ready to play any time you want.

4) A dog never talks back.

5) You can spank your dog for doing something wrong, and a minute later it's ready to snuggle up with you again.

6) A dog doesn't care about money. Only love and food.

7) A dog doesn't care about clothes or the latest "fashion".

8) A dog will listen to whatever you want to say, for as long as you want to say it, without interrupting you.

9) A dog give you love and loyality for life.

Why God, or Nature, didn't put all those qualities into women, I'll never understand. cheesy.gif

For God's sake.

it is an animal you talk about.

The creature has been created to be like this.

A bit more advanced than today's robots.

Still pretty unintelligent really.

You love your car the same because it is so shiny, and never bites you, and can drive sooo fast, and keep you dry when it is raining, and transport you wherever you want, etc, etc, etcf?

Let me guess, you keep your dog in your bed at night.

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I'm in the opposite school. I love dogs and have 3 back home with the GF, but would hesitate to buy one in Thailand because of all the soi dogs. Living in an apartment, we are schnauzer people and I don't think a schnauzer would last very long walking with me in my neighborhood. Those soi dogs seem to attack everything, including one that would have castrated me had I not been wearing my fanny pack backwards. Not sure I could defend my small dogs if a bunch of them came at us at once.

But they are excellent alarm systems, barking at everyone that they don't think belongs in our home. True, if a burglar is intent on robbing us, they can. But they'd be more likely to go to the neighbor's door if there are barking dogs on the other side of ours.

Have no problems with the Soi dogs - tongue.png


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I got mine for security. My house is the only one down a long lane, none others in seeing or hearing distance, and I was having problems with a mentally disturbed man from a nearby village.

Since getting a dog, never a problem again. If anyone so much as pauses at the top of the lane, I already know about it. He's just a Chihuahua but they make great watchdogs.

He also doubles as a doorbell, with the added advantage of providing early warning .

That was why I got him, but now that I have him -- my first dog ever -- there are lots of other benefits. Increases the amount and friendliness of interactions with locals -- everyone wants to stop and discuss the dog, you get friendly with other dog owners, and so forth.

Running what used to be mundane errands becomes an adventure. Taking out the garbage, for example, is now the "Exciting walk to the top of the road!"

And he's great company on long car rides.

And yet your avatar is a picture of a cat. Does the dog know about this?

That is a photo in Carnival and the Chihuahua, disguised as a cat! tongue.png


You MIGHT want to do a little research before making yourself sound "as dumb as a dog" again whistling.gif


Thank you, just learned something with your LINK. Had two of that Mixed breed, taking care them a year apart and did not know until now what I had in front of me.

Very nice lovely dogs. Only sorry that they died in very young age.

From rat poison as it seems. sad.png

Some Thai Visa Members like to promote the use of that Rat Poison against unwanted dogs, collateral damage is easy happening! blink.png

I can prove you that! sick.gif


One advantage for me is softening up my character and developing more compassion for other living things as each of our dogs passes away. We used to having 17. Now is down to 4, one went a couple of weeks ago. The remaining ones range in age between 13 and 18.


I always wanted a dog but I live in a condo. Anyone know about nice condos in Jomtien area where they allow dogs ?


A dog never talks nonsense, never cheats you that bad, never asks for money or hangs on the phone talking complete nonsense with friends for hours and is not addicted to it's family and also not turns it's back at you after slightest disagreement.

A dog is loyal, enthusiastic, it's love is true and she is happy when you arrive back home.

Let's break it down this way:

1) Doesn't matter if you're gone 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 weeks, 10 months, etc., a dog is always happy to see come home, and never asks where you've been.

2) A dog doesn't care if you come home with the smell of some other "bitch" on you.

3) A dog is ready to play any time you want.

4) A dog never talks back.

5) You can spank your dog for doing something wrong, and a minute later it's ready to snuggle up with you again.

6) A dog doesn't care about money. Only love and food.

7) A dog doesn't care about clothes or the latest "fashion".

8) A dog will listen to whatever you want to say, for as long as you want to say it, without interrupting you.

9) A dog give you love and loyality for life.

Why God, or Nature, didn't put all those qualities into women, I'll never understand. cheesy.gif

Women can say the same about us.

1. NO

4. NO

5, NO

8. NO

9. NOT SURE ! tongue.png


I always wanted a dog but I live in a condo. Anyone know about nice condos in Jomtien area where they allow dogs ?

Look for a affordable house with a bit space-land-patio-car parking space. Better!thumbsup.gif


Nice post!

Im getting worry because I will move to Bkk soon. The problem is my dog is a boxer and in my country i manage her very well because i can keep her free for a run. People in this post only talk about the advantages having a dog in an outown or a big house. Could i manage my dog there.

She looks scary but this dog doesnt agressive at all. She overall like kids and play football with them.

Please i ask about an advice about move her to bkk.




To edvcv2007, I suggest you use the search function and look for information about getting your pet into Thailand, whether to use an agency or DIY, the expected costs, pitfalls, etc.

You'll probably have some specific questions once you've read a couple of those threads.

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