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I get a tablet from the vet, yellow, no name, she says it stops ticks and fleas. 30B, works for over a month.

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I've only ever bought Frontline from and had it administered at a very large Veterinary clinic which is part of a chain in Thailand. Didn't work. Was it fake; don't know. But it left enough ticks on the dog, buried deep in the Golden's fur, that it eventually died but not after 16,000 in bills trying to save it. New dog, Labrador, lots of ticks. Frontline plus injections, didn't work. See my post #54 on stuff I bought. That works and costs 10% of the Frontline and int/ext parasite injections.

Draw your own conclusions.


Just checked the dog over after his morning run and although there were a few crawling ticks, nothing dug in. Looks like the Ivomek is already effective.

Interesting note: The day after the injection we found several ticks crawling on the floor where the dog had been sleeping. Did not realize it acted as a repellent, or perhaps it was just a coincidence.


Still finding about four ticks a day but none bedded in. Tick season must come with the first rains which we have finally had in the last week.


I've just had my worst tick infestation ever on my five dogs. I was killing 200 ticks a day, and nothing seemed to help. They're all on Ivermec, they're checked daily; the places where they sleep are sprayed with Bayer insecticide, as my vet recommended. Nothing seemed to work.

And then, suddenly, the day after I bought (but hadn't used) a batch of Detick for the dogs, the ticks went. Not all, but 95%. The dogs still go out for a two-hour walk every morning through the fields (where most of the ticks come from).

I can't explain it. I'm very happy, though, and I'll settle for a tick-free ignorance.

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I've just had my worst tick infestation ever on my five dogs. I was killing 200 ticks a day, and nothing seemed to help. They're all on Ivermec, they're checked daily; the places where they sleep are sprayed with Bayer insecticide, as my vet recommended. Nothing seemed to work.

And then, suddenly, the day after I bought (but hadn't used) a batch of Detick for the dogs, the ticks went. Not all, but 95%. The dogs still go out for a two-hour walk every morning through the fields (where most of the ticks come from).

I can't explain it. I'm very happy, though, and I'll settle for a tick-free ignorance.

Going to have to look into that. We still see a few ticks, but nothing like 200!


I've just had my worst tick infestation ever on my five dogs. I was killing 200 ticks a day, and nothing seemed to help. They're all on Ivermec, they're checked daily; the places where they sleep are sprayed with Bayer insecticide, as my vet recommended. Nothing seemed to work.

And then, suddenly, the day after I bought (but hadn't used) a batch of Detick for the dogs, the ticks went. Not all, but 95%. The dogs still go out for a two-hour walk every morning through the fields (where most of the ticks come from).

I can't explain it. I'm very happy, though, and I'll settle for a tick-free ignorance.

Going to have to look into that. We still see a few ticks, but nothing like 200!

It's great not to have to pick up a tick every few minutes (but I'm alert for a resurgence.... it's too good to be true!).


For those who read my story about the Farm dog Moo, happy to say that he is recovering and you can read about it here ... i-never-really-appreciated-dogs-until

When the members above are talking about huge infestations ... this is what they pulled off Moo the other day ...

attachicon.gifDSCF9966 (800x600).jpg


Familiar, David! Mine weren't quite as bad as that, but my Alsatian in Chiangmai was probably worse.... in the days before Frontline.


I've just had my worst tick infestation ever on my five dogs. I was killing 200 ticks a day, and nothing seemed to help. They're all on Ivermec, they're checked daily; the places where they sleep are sprayed with Bayer insecticide, as my vet recommended. Nothing seemed to work.

And then, suddenly, the day after I bought (but hadn't used) a batch of Detick for the dogs, the ticks went. Not all, but 95%. The dogs still go out for a two-hour walk every morning through the fields (where most of the ticks come from).

I can't explain it. I'm very happy, though, and I'll settle for a tick-free ignorance.

Yes Detick works for me too. See my post 54 for all the details.

For those who read my story about the Farm dog Moo, happy to say that he is recovering and you can read about it here ... i-never-really-appreciated-dogs-until

When the members above are talking about huge infestations ... this is what they pulled off Moo the other day ...

attachicon.gifDSCF9966 (800x600).jpg


And what do you use to kill the ticks? I've heard that squeezing them is not a good idea as it sprays infected blood all over the place. Drowning them in water doesn't seem to work either. I've used that blue colored alcohol with instant success. Hydrogen Peroxide didn't seem to have any effect on them.

since i started spraying ours with 50/50 apple cider vinegar/water only seen 2small ones crawling away from him.[2weeks now]


since i started spraying ours with 50/50 apple cider vinegar/water only seen 2small ones crawling away from him.[2weeks now]

You spray the dog or the removed ticks?

For those who read my story about the Farm dog Moo, happy to say that he is recovering and you can read about it here ... i-never-really-appreciated-dogs-until

When the members above are talking about huge infestations ... this is what they pulled off Moo the other day ...

attachicon.gifDSCF9966 (800x600).jpg


And what do you use to kill the ticks? I've heard that squeezing them is not a good idea as it sprays infected blood all over the place. Drowning them in water doesn't seem to work either. I've used that blue colored alcohol with instant success. Hydrogen Peroxide didn't seem to have any effect on them.

I can't help you there as I'm not in Thailand at the moment and not an expert on tick removal and disposal.

Hopefully someone else can advise?



For those who read my story about the Farm dog Moo, happy to say that he is recovering and you can read about it here ... i-never-really-appreciated-dogs-until

When the members above are talking about huge infestations ... this is what they pulled off Moo the other day ...

attachicon.gifDSCF9966 (800x600).jpg


And what do you use to kill the ticks? I've heard that squeezing them is not a good idea as it sprays infected blood all over the place. Drowning them in water doesn't seem to work either. I've used that blue colored alcohol with instant success. Hydrogen Peroxide didn't seem to have any effect on them.

I can't help you there as I'm not in Thailand at the moment and not an expert on tick removal and disposal.

Hopefully someone else can advise?


I feed them to our carp.

  • Like 2

Quite right, Mosha! Pop 'em into the fish tank, and they won't reach bottom.

Flushing them down the toilet may not kill them, but it will dispose of them. I always hope that there is some nasty creature living in the septic tank which will do the necessary.


For Detick and En-dex I found this page


It's all in Thai but you can use Google to translate (badly). Gave a very bad opinion. This is the only stuff I've found to work.

What to do????

Just use what works. It may not do the dog much good, but if it gets rid of the ticks, it's doing the dog good in another way. Nobody has found the perfect answer.


For Detick and En-dex I found this page


It's all in Thai but you can use Google to translate (badly). Gave a very bad opinion. This is the only stuff I've found to work.

What to do????

Just use what works. It may not do the dog much good, but if it gets rid of the ticks, it's doing the dog good in another way. Nobody has found the perfect answer.

Yes, I'll stick with what works. As you say it may not be perfect but it's better than nothing. Relying on Frontline cost me 16,000 medical bills and a dead dog.
  • 2 weeks later...

No ticks since I started spraying her with Apple Cider Vinegar/water. 50/50 mix

As far as I can find out on the internet this works by changing the PH of the skin. How does this work with thick coated dogs like Goldens? I wouldn't have thought anything sprayed on a Golden would have any effect on its skin. What kind of dog do you have? Seen some suggestions on the internet that digesting it would have the same effect.

Tick disease killed my Golden. It was treated monthly with Frontline. I'm thinking now that improper application, always by a Thai vet, may have made the Frontline ineffective. Not sure now that the frontline ever got to the skin where it is needed to be. My Labrador suffered with ticks all the time while being given Frontline. When I changed to an Ivermectin pill the ticks disappeared. From my own experience internal rather than external remedies work better.

I'm interested in your thoughts on the matter.


No ticks since I started spraying her with Apple Cider Vinegar/water. 50/50 mix

As far as I can find out on the internet this works by changing the PH of the skin. How does this work with thick coated dogs like Goldens? I wouldn't have thought anything sprayed on a Golden would have any effect on its skin. What kind of dog do you have? Seen some suggestions on the internet that digesting it would have the same effect.

Tick disease killed my Golden. It was treated monthly with Frontline. I'm thinking now that improper application, always by a Thai vet, may have made the Frontline ineffective. Not sure now that the frontline ever got to the skin where it is needed to be. My Labrador suffered with ticks all the time while being given Frontline. When I changed to an Ivermectin pill the ticks disappeared. From my own experience internal rather than external remedies work better.

I'm interested in your thoughts on the matter.

From what I've googled, you need to soak the dog to the skin. Our dog's only small, so it doesn't take a lot. It apparently has other benefits too. tacking muscular pains etc. She's not a pedigree, only thing that makes her stand out is she's a liver dog and her nose is pink/light brown, and amber eyes.


No ticks since I started spraying her with Apple Cider Vinegar/water. 50/50 mix

As far as I can find out on the internet this works by changing the PH of the skin. How does this work with thick coated dogs like Goldens? I wouldn't have thought anything sprayed on a Golden would have any effect on its skin. What kind of dog do you have? Seen some suggestions on the internet that digesting it would have the same effect.

Tick disease killed my Golden. It was treated monthly with Frontline. I'm thinking now that improper application, always by a Thai vet, may have made the Frontline ineffective. Not sure now that the frontline ever got to the skin where it is needed to be. My Labrador suffered with ticks all the time while being given Frontline. When I changed to an Ivermectin pill the ticks disappeared. From my own experience internal rather than external remedies work better.

I'm interested in your thoughts on the matter.

Frontline seems to lose its effectiveness after a while. There are also many stories of fake Frontline. I use Ivermec, and all was going well until suddenly we had ticks in plague proportions. I was at my wits end what to do. Eventually I decided to give them a strong dose of Detick ( a local rival to Frontline), but before I bought it, the ticks disappeared as mysteriously as they had come. I still used the Detick though.

Since then (a couple of weeks) there have been only a few ticks. This is to be expected, as the dogs are out in the fields for 1 1/2 to 2 hours every morning.

My conclusion? Try everything; if it works, stick with it, but be prepared to improvise.

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No ticks since I started spraying her with Apple Cider Vinegar/water. 50/50 mix

As far as I can find out on the internet this works by changing the PH of the skin. How does this work with thick coated dogs like Goldens? I wouldn't have thought anything sprayed on a Golden would have any effect on its skin. What kind of dog do you have? Seen some suggestions on the internet that digesting it would have the same effect.

Tick disease killed my Golden. It was treated monthly with Frontline. I'm thinking now that improper application, always by a Thai vet, may have made the Frontline ineffective. Not sure now that the frontline ever got to the skin where it is needed to be. My Labrador suffered with ticks all the time while being given Frontline. When I changed to an Ivermectin pill the ticks disappeared. From my own experience internal rather than external remedies work better.

I'm interested in your thoughts on the matter.

From what I've googled, you need to soak the dog to the skin. Our dog's only small, so it doesn't take a lot. It apparently has other benefits too. tacking muscular pains etc. She's not a pedigree, only thing that makes her stand out is she's a liver dog and her nose is pink/light brown, and amber eyes.

Here is Sally posing for dogs only 555



No ticks since I started spraying her with Apple Cider Vinegar/water. 50/50 mix

our neighbours little dog spends every evening with us so i always check him for ticks,spraying him every other day he only had 2-3 on him over 2 weeks,i then left him for a week and yes they came back this time a dozen,so i started spraying him again sat. sunday and monday not one,so it does work.

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Shock horror, we occasionally treated cat and dog for ticks and fleas, no problem. We then got a short haired dog and about a month later I found two bloated horrible creatures above the bed. The dogs and house subsequently proved to be infested. The problem with our house is that the ceiling has these removable tiles, which even ching chuks can get through, they don't eat ticks however. So I guess we will have to get a pest control company in.

  • 11 months later...

Another year, another tick season starting in May. Have been seeing a lot so beware out there. If our dog lays in the grass just for a minute, she brings a few back in the house with her. They seem especially thick this year.


I use Frontline of course, then regular showers, keep the yard weeded, etc.

Last year it was hell for my dogs, and I tried nearly everything. The one thing I found that actually dramatically helped was Bayticol. You can generally get it at any decent sized pet store:


I simply put 2 - 3mL into the water bucket when I mop the floor, and it works wonders. It'll stink up your house for a couple hours each time, so make sure to leave the windows / doors open while mopping. Fleas, ticks and mites seem to absolutely hate it, so your house is always flea & tick free, plus assuming your dogs spend a good amount of time laying on the floor, any fleas / ticks from outside that latched on don't seem to stick around.

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