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Anyone Here Not In Thailand?, But Still Posts Regularly? Who?

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This question has been plaguing me. How many, or what percent of posters, submit comments on this worthy forum, while not living in Thailand?

I am sure I would never admit to not being in Thailand if I had first said I was.

The TV website admins knows if I am in Thailand, and probably where in Thailand I am, or am not.

So is anyone here, who regularly posts, willing to say they are not in Thailand?

(Please, though, it would be rotten for anyone to guess about another poster's Thailand whereabouts.)

But are there any pretenders out there?

There always are.

This is not a comment on morality.

Even though, this is the Pub.

Where much goes on,

under the table.

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I am curruntly on a train approaching Dundee...enjoying a cup of Yorkshire Tea and a chocolate chunk cookie.

After the train deposits me at Arbroath station I intend to enjoy a few ales and some footy with my old pals.

Next month I will be posting from Thailand....Vietnam and possibly Cambodia.

All of this month from the UK.

Great thread idea....we can see how posters mood or attitude is affected by their location.

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I'm posting from Ashworth high security psychiatric unit on Merseyside ...That's in England btw.

Did you red my post?

I told you I'd escape one day!

They won't let me have paper ,to many sharp edges .

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much of the board seems to be elsewhere, pining away for the LOS and offering expert opinions.

then there are the folks supporting their women from abroad, though they visit only 1 or two months a year, they definitely have the inside track on local knowledge.

they have taught me most of what i know about thailand

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I was also thinking that it sometimes seems as if one is able to guess where some people are just by the time they post.

And I have found that everything dies down to a trickle in the CM Forum after about 10:30 PM, Chiang Mai time.

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Escaped CM because too many ferangs for too few full time jobs. Escaped to the Middle Kingdom where there are 5,000 PAYING students for every qualified NES teacher, so I have a great choice of jobs, support, benefits etc.

Have family and a home in CM so will retire there in the future and hence, keep in touch with TV daily.

Edited by Elfin
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I do not live in Thailand but hope to one day. Up until last week I was dating a Thai woman with the intent that we would retire to LOS in 5 - 10 years. I assumed by joining forums such as TV, as well as visiting when I can, that I might increase my understanding. I also try to improve my Thai language skills online but it is admittedly slow going. I try not to offer opinions on the Thai people or those who are resident in the Kingdom but feel free to speak about things of general knowledge, like economics, agriculture, aviation, etc. However, my apologies if having an opinion offends anyone.

The OP brings questions to mind that I was going to stay quiet about, but your post makes me want to ask...

Why does the OP seem so elitist? Should someone who doesn't live in Thailand be ashamed of it or ashamed to post here?

Edited by SteeleJoe
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The Middle Kingdom is an interesting case, Elfin, because it is all running on one Time Zone, Beijing Time. So it does not matter where you are in China, you are always one hour ahead of Chiang Mai.

And very soon, as I say, I will sleep for the night, it being CM, full of retirees who retire early every evening.

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Hmmmmm.an interesting topic.

I am also a non resident of the Kingdom at the moment sadly enough,but I do have a good lady,a wonderful little stepson and a little baby boy that was born yesterday that do live in LOS

Also being married before to a Thai lady and if everything had gone well between us.then I would already have been living in LOS

Have I build up enough rights to post on TVF ?

Through TVF I have made some good friends and also learned some valuable information about the do's and don'ts in Thailand.

This forum also keeps me in touch with the Land that I love, whilst being in another land.

Are you against non residents posting in TVF OldChinaHam ? ..... I do hope not

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I am at present,not that it's any concern of the OP in all fairness.

To prove I'm legit,I provide photographic evidence by way of a picture of last months True Visions mag.

I would have posted a picture of the May magazine but I don't get that until June,


Cheers Stoneyboy.

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"Are you against non residents posting in TVF OldChinaHam ? ..... I do hope not"

Absolutely not, of course. But one of the things I find intriguing is the lengths some posters will go to put on a convincing charade, pretending to be living in Thailand when they actually are not. I find such attempts fair game and make no moral judgement. I only wonder at the attempts.

Once you have been posting for a while, I imagine that it requires quite some effort to keep up this farce.

Who does not like to read good posts about Thailand written by anyone, where ever they happen to be?

It is interesting to hear from the writers who are not in Thailand, or have left Thailand. I think it is very interesting, as Smokie36 said in his comment. I like his comment about the cookie and tea, especially.

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"while the supposedly genuine old-hand tries to figure out how to say sawasdee"

Or the genuine Old-Ham, for that matter.

You're excepted OCH. Aren't you from Mong Kok or somewhere?
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Define 'living' ....

I will not rise to your bait. But, thank you for trying.

No baiting ... but trying to identify a baseline for your OP, otherwise it's just supposition and speculation.

None of these are my situations but, would you consider someone to be classed as 'living in Thailand' who ...

Spends 2 months a year here (long term tourist)?

Spends 6 months a year here (half and half to comply with tax issues in his country of birth, and interestingly, a government definition of 'Living here')?

Spends 9 months a year here (living the majority of time here but can't handle the extreme heat from March - June)?

Spends 11 months a year here?

Was born in Thailand but spends 6 months a year out of country?

Spends 11 months a year here, works off-shore and holidays 1 month a year in the country of his birth?

Otherwise, without an OP definition ... it's a mindset to be 'living' in Thailand.


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...I assumed by joining forums such as TV, ... I might increase my understanding. ...

I do hope that has not gone too badly wrong. It would be as well to remember that good news does not sell, and very few people take to heart the saying "if you have nothing good to say, say nothing."


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