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Weird Insect Bite - Should I Be Worried?

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Hi all,

Have a look at this it just bit me ... well it landed on my pillow and I sat back squashed it a bit so it bit me. It looks a bit spider-like to me although no legs or just leg buds -any idea what it is and whether or not I should be worried?


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It looks like an immature form of some insect...but too large. I have not seen anything quite like it. If you are not having any reaction to the bite - then I wouldn't worry. At the bite site if you are showing swelling, red streaks, pain, oozing, then you should get some attention. Or, it you are experience a systemic reaction - dizziness, nausea, fainting, - then I wouldn't worry too much about it. You should try peroxide to clean the bite area, use a triple anti-biotic ointment, and a bandaid. A camphor based ointment or oil would be good too.

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Termite and not generally not dangerous. However as posted with any bug bite (especially in the tropics) keep it clean and any changes in color, soreness, oozing, smell, go to a clinic or doctor.

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A month ago, I was bitten by (I think) a small spider with a clear-colored sac -- not the common, larger, brown long-legged type which peiodically appears in my house in Taling Chan, Bangkok. I suspected that spider since I spotted it a few days after I had symptoms, and I had never seen a spider like that in the home before.

The morning after the (presumed) bite, I had a swelling in my knee and a red rash that ran up my thigh. I waited a few days to see if it would resolve on its own, but it did not. So I went to Mission Hospital and they put me on IV antibiotics for a presumed reaction to an infected insect bite. Then I went on oral antibiotics for 5 days. But the symptoms came back. Another IV session and 5 more days of oral antibiotics. It then cleared up.

Now I feel like I can climb walls....

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Just to sweep aside the Saturday Night Dead comedian crew as the Op is clearly concerned you bellends;

There are no life threatening insects/arachnids in Thailand unless you are at risk from possible anaphylaxis or the bite turns septic. Then you must seek medical help, if not, then the worst you'll get is a bit sore for a few hours.

Tiger Balm usually helps soothe many bites/stings.

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Just to sweep aside the Saturday Night Dead comedian crew as the Op is clearly concerned you bellends;

There are no life threatening insects/arachnids in Thailand unless you are at risk from possible anaphylaxis or the bite turns septic. Then you must seek medical help, if not, then the worst you'll get is a bit sore for a few hours.

Tiger Balm usually helps soothe many bites/stings.


To the OP, I am sorry you have been ridiculed as your concern is legit. If you are in doubt or wish to have reassurance, take the picture and present yourself at the hospital. Only you are aware of your current general health. There is no point stressing and worrying. Go and seek an qualified opinion. I have been stung/bit by some insects in Thailand and thought I would tough it out. I was an idiot.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Just to sweep aside the Saturday Night Dead comedian crew as the Op is clearly concerned you bellends;

There are no life threatening insects/arachnids in Thailand unless you are at risk from possible anaphylaxis or the bite turns septic. Then you must seek medical help, if not, then the worst you'll get is a bit sore for a few hours.

Tiger Balm usually helps soothe many bites/stings.


To the OP, I am sorry you have been ridiculed as your concern is legit. If you are in doubt or wish to have reassurance, take the picture and present yourself at the hospital. Only you are aware of your current general health. There is no point stressing and worrying. Go and seek an qualified opinion. I have been stung/bit by some insects in Thailand and thought I would tough it out. I was an idiot.

A centipede bite hurts, but its not deadly and that isn't a centipede...

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unhelpful troll post and responses removed. People do come on here looking for advice and help. Suggest you bear that in mind when posting.

true but when I get bit i usually head to the dr, not TV.

not everyone has easy access to a doctor much less a good one. ;)

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Just to sweep aside the Saturday Night Dead comedian crew as the Op is clearly concerned you bellends;

There are no life threatening insects/arachnids in Thailand unless you are at risk from possible anaphylaxis or the bite turns septic. Then you must seek medical help, if not, then the worst you'll get is a bit sore for a few hours.

Tiger Balm usually helps soothe many bites/stings.


To the OP, I am sorry you have been ridiculed as your concern is legit. If you are in doubt or wish to have reassurance, take the picture and present yourself at the hospital. Only you are aware of your current general health. There is no point stressing and worrying. Go and seek an qualified opinion. I have been stung/bit by some insects in Thailand and thought I would tough it out. I was an idiot.

A centipede bite hurts, but its not deadly and that isn't a centipede...

They can kill but it is extremely rare.

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Google termites and you won't see any with that body shape. They do not have a bulbous abdomen, it is generally elongated and ridged.

Mutant termite?

Or maybe just the head?

Edited by MESmith
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