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Claiming Not Autoreized Credit Card Payment On Kasikorn Debit Visa?

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Just bought only a pair of socks in a store in bali!

I see that the cashier typing in the credit card nummer looking long Time on the front side and a short look on the backside

To get verification number!

I ask him why he loock long time on the front and typing number into computer other shops not do this

He getting angry and say when showing me the bill the last 3 digits only stars

He says nothing has been copied but I not believe only 3500 bath left on card

So in 4 days I come back to Thailand then I think better I change the card..

The shop did not verify my signature!

I signature in big letter not in hand writing!

How thai banks handle unauthorized payment when signature is not same?

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I think they'd assume you were a whingbag and, noting that you'd been in Bali, would assume you are just causing trouble for the sake of it - and send you on your way.

Get over it man. Does your bill show any unusual transactions?

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Sandman - I really don't visit here much - but even I am familiar with your threads. I really hope you are just trolling; otherwise, you are deeply paranoid and could use some counseling.

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It's quite common in many Thai stores for them to manually type-in the credit card number into their system while also swiping the card; however, they shouldn't be typing in the security code from the back. I always watch them close to ensure they don't. Buy hey, if they are crooks they could easily remember the 3 or 4 digit security code and pull up the full credit card number later. Since they do type-in the credit card number at many stores that is another reason I rarely used my Thai bank debit card for point of sale transactions; instead I use my no foreign transaction fee U.S. credit cards which comes with plenty of consumer protection and cash-back reward.

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The clerk should not have allowed the sale if made your signature wrong (on purpose / fraud).

Kasikorn probably notified Thai Customs. You will searched on return to LOS, socks confiscated, fined 10,000 Baths (that's a lot of baths!).

If you slip the noose this time, please do not wear your ill-gotten socks with Speedos on the beach at Koh Chang. crazy.gif

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Is this an attempt at fraud by deliberately signing incorrectly?

The shop did not verify my signature!
I signature in big letter not in hand writing!
How thai banks handle unauthorized payment when signature is not same?

Sandman, please PM me with your actual purpose behind signing 'in big letters' and I'll re-open the thread.

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