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Just be honest do you really think you are as sexually attractive to her a a guy in her own age group.. honest awnser please.

Just be honest don't you think that because of a large age gap your both in a different stage of your life and in a while she will have to nurse you and then you better hope its real love.

There is no reason why you would be better as a guy her own age and speaking her own language, besides the obvious money.

As user Thakkar pointed out.. reacting so harsh on this might be because you feel there is some truth in it. Else you would say I don't care.

Anyway I know there are relations that work but they are outnumbered by those wo don't.

Just ask user transam about how the wife of one of his palls was doing a younger Thai guy. Examples enough.

Anyway I am just a young lad 39 with his own company making nice momey (not as much as some but enough for me).

My dad is here right now.. older 65 helping me tile my kitchen, we were out to diner and the young waitresses came on to him telling him how strong he was and such. Do you really think he believed it, then again my dad is a smart guy whom I love dearly. He knew what it was all about and would not mind having fun with the girl. But he would not consider it his gf plus he would have to pay me off not telling mom biggrin.png

Anyway if you have covered all bases then no problem, i have stated here before that if im older I would want younger girls to have fun with but I would know that once the money is gone she is gone.

Jeezus, you are full of assumptions that support your view of life here. You will work it out for yourself none day, if you live long enough.

Seems your only accomplisment is staying alive long biggrin.png.

Guys thinking that wisdom comes with age cheesy.gif

Sure if you compare an 18 yo with 30 or 40 but after that not much more is accumulated more is lost actually.

But I asked questions I made no assumptions.. I thought someone your age would have learned the difference between the two.

But I made my points and you made yours.. at least I'm smart enough to stop as this is going no where. You won't convince me and i wont convince you. For your sake I hope you were right and you don't end up ripped off or worse.

The guy thinks he's got it so right but only time will tell.

Sure things are peachy now but what if things turn sour?

The guy's bought a house and put it in her name

He's bought a car and put it in her name.

If it goes pear-shaped, he's out the cost of both and having spent most of his working life saving for retirement, he'd rightly feel like a grade A tool if a chunk of it was to be lost so easily when he could have and should have protected himself.

Guess that's "wisdom" for you

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a good friend is not bought. and she should be a good friend. if language problems, hard to talk on a deep level of communication. to me, that is sad.

if you compare a girl to inanimate objects that require payment.........well....sadness and depression might, just might, be the end result.

love is not a 30k a month payment.

anyhow.....I can see if someone is very depressed and this is a good short-term fix; however, odds are long-term results will be the opposite.

of course....there are many exceptions. I wish you could do a test.....'honey, I lost all my money. do you still love me?" try that for a few days....see what happens.


The best thing about being a young man is that you already know it all. That is, until you get older and find out you never will.

I don't care if young men are jealous that I have a prettier and classier young gal than they do. When they get older and have some money, they can buy one too. Yes, buy one.

I can spend my money on whatever I'd like. It's cheaper to buy a young girlfriend than it is to buy a bar girl every night. Besides, I'm not a drinker so I don't like bars.

Or, I could fly to Paris and buy a beautiful young French woman for the night.

Go ahead. Be jealous. I know what I'm doing and so do you. The important thing is that I know. It's the guys who don't know, and think they've found true love who get into trouble. That happens to a lot of young farangs too. If you think that being a young farang immunizes you for being taken for a ride as some Thai gal tries to improve her lot in life you really do have a lot to learn.

Just stand back and let me enjoy myself while I willingly improve the financial well being of some really cute young thing. When that is no longer working I'm fine with it and she can find someone else.

Just understand something. Even though she's a teacher with a bachelor's degree, we both know she's not really being any different from a bar girl except she's not doing it in a bar, or with dozens of guys a week.

When you get to be my age, I hope you are able to enjoy yourself too.

What a good post!


This post is still on the "New Content" list?


21 pages of BS

Not BS, just entirely different viewpoints from both ends of the spectrum. It was slowly dying at page 20 and I shouldn't have replied to stir the pot further.


Im sure she just cant wait for their next "sexy time"


Who's the guy ? Have you permission to show his mug on the Net with a bird ?

She looks knackered or bored while he's examining his toe nails.

Maybe we should have a competition....insert the catch phrase!!!!

I'll go first

her-"That som tam was really full filling tierak"

him- "My toe nails need cutting"


her done ask me to go to the bar im going to having a snooooooze,

him have you seen the state of my feet, you cant expect me to get my own,,

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The guy thinks he's got it so right but only time will tell.

Isn't that always the case?

BTW I don't wake up and check my pension pot but I do often look at my PIMCO statement.


The guy thinks he's got it so right but only time will tell.

Isn't that always the case?

BTW I don't wake up and check my pension pot but I do often look at my PIMCO statement.

I'll interpret your entry into the competition as...

Him - this is the life

Her - this is the life(note to self:remind myself to check his pension pot)

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There was something else I was going to mention about April-November relationships. A few years ago when he was in his late 60s, Sean Connery was voted the sexiest man in the world. The voters were all female and the bulk of them were in their 20s. Connery was born in 1930; he is bald with a white beard and yet young women still find him sexy. How could that be?

Yes, I know that Connery is a famous actor and wealthy, but he has charisma that many men a quarter his age do not have. It just emphasizes what some older men here have been saying... there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to relationships. There is no one size fits all answer.

I trhink the women who voted for him back then were probably asked if they absolutely had to take a portion off a man old enough to be their grandfather, who would get the nod.

Seriously though, no one ever said that older men shouldn't or can't get younger tail - that's ridiculous. But, as you said, wealth (and, of course, fame) don't half help. Given the state of 80-90% of the older guys I see around BKK, none of them come close to Mr Connery.

The guy thinks he's got it so right but only time will tell.

Isn't that always the case?

BTW I don't wake up and check my pension pot but I do often look at my PIMCO statement.

Of course it's always the case. Nothing is guaranteed but, at his age and with his apparent wisdom borne of years of experience, wouldn't it have been sensible to ensure those big ticket purchases weren't registered in his wife's name? At least if the house was registered in his own name, if things went wrong, he'd be perfectly within his rights to sell it or hire a bulldozer and raze the thing to the ground.

As far as PIMCO's concerned, Bill Gross has made a hell of a lot of bad calls recently so you might wanna rotate out of bonds lest your crowing turns into crying.


There was something else I was going to mention about April-November relationships. A few years ago when he was in his late 60s, Sean Connery was voted the sexiest man in the world. The voters were all female and the bulk of them were in their 20s. Connery was born in 1930; he is bald with a white beard and yet young women still find him sexy. How could that be?

Yes, I know that Connery is a famous actor and wealthy, but he has charisma that many men a quarter his age do not have. It just emphasizes what some older men here have been saying... there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to relationships. There is no one size fits all answer.

I trhink the women who voted for him back then were probably asked if they absolutely had to take a portion off a man old enough to be their grandfather, who would get the nod.

Seriously though, no one ever said that older men shouldn't or can't get younger tail - that's ridiculous. But, as you said, wealth (and, of course, fame) don't half help. Given the state of 80-90% of the older guys I see around BKK, none of them come close to Mr Connery.


The guy thinks he's got it so right but only time will tell.

Isn't that always the case?

BTW I don't wake up and check my pension pot but I do often look at my PIMCO statement.

Of course it's always the case. Nothing is guaranteed but, at his age and with his apparent wisdom borne of years of experience, wouldn't it have been sensible to ensure those big ticket purchases weren't registered in his wife's name? At least if the house was registered in his own name, if things went wrong, he'd be perfectly within his rights to sell it or hire a bulldozer and raze the thing to the ground.

As far as PIMCO's concerned, Bill Gross has made a hell of a lot of bad calls recently so you might wanna rotate out of bonds lest your crowing turns into crying.

Him - "Not a bad pair of legs for an older gentleman."

Her - "What a sexy silver fox i've landed."


Thank you for your concern over my finances. First I should worry that my meager pension will not cover my monthly expenses; now you're giving advice as to which money market / bond fund I should deploy a fraction of my total account. You always say what will happen with the young Thai girl when my or someone else's money runs out -- now I'm crowing about my largess. Maybe you could use some counseling sooner than later.


When you have had your fill of all the young beautiful girls with wonderful bodies and your money has nearly gone , then its time for that age gap to decrease . The older men , lets say 40 up dream of being here for all the fun they can have with the 18+ girls , all at a price . I dont think I have ever met a man over 40 who isnt paying for the company . When you are tired of the bar scene or the demands of a young girl its then time to find that really down to earth woman closer to your own age who wont , possibly , nag you to death for a new phone or motorbike but will actually care about you . She doesnt want to be alone all her life either , so thats the time to really settle down . If on the other hand you feel like a five finger shuffle from a bit of totty , dont do it on your doorstep, make sure you go out of the province , word of mouth is faster than an email here .


Thank you for your concern over my finances. First I should worry that my meager pension will not cover my monthly expenses; now you're giving advice as to which money market / bond fund I should deploy a fraction of my total account. You always say what will happen with the young Thai girl when my or someone else's money runs out -- now I'm crowing about my largess. Maybe you could use some counseling sooner than later.

I am offering a counselling session for you , 5 days per week , 4 hours per day at the knock down price of 3,000 bht per 4 hours . I am feeling very generous with this offer and if you would all like a group session , I will throw in a few ladies to assist biggrin.png


When you have had your fill of all the young beautiful girls with wonderful bodies and your money has nearly gone , then its time for that age gap to decrease . The older men , lets say 40 up dream of being here for all the fun they can have with the 18+ girls , all at a price . I dont think I have ever met a man over 40 who isnt paying for the company . When you are tired of the bar scene or the demands of a young girl its then time to find that really down to earth woman closer to your own age who wont , possibly , nag you to death for a new phone or motorbike but will actually care about you . She doesnt want to be alone all her life either , so thats the time to really settle down . If on the other hand you feel like a five finger shuffle from a bit of totty , dont do it on your doorstep, make sure you go out of the province , word of mouth is faster than an email here .

Don't say that, HS (age 45) will have his little fantasy spoiled.

Oh, Oh, woman closer our age, do you mean one over 30 years old (or what)?


There was something else I was going to mention about April-November relationships. A few years ago when he was in his late 60s, Sean Connery was voted the sexiest man in the world. The voters were all female and the bulk of them were in their 20s. Connery was born in 1930; he is bald with a white beard and yet young women still find him sexy. How could that be?

Yes, I know that Connery is a famous actor and wealthy, but he has charisma that many men a quarter his age do not have. It just emphasizes what some older men here have been saying... there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to relationships. There is no one size fits all answer.

Well rene, there was a joke, maybe by Billy Connolly, about how as guys get older, they maybe get to look like Sean Connery whereas women, as they get older, they get to look like... Sean Connery.


It has to be posted many times as there are still old guys getting ripped off believing that they are loved. I don't like reading in the paper about old guys getting bumped off by their trophy wives because they thought that they were loved and the wive thought.. that she could not put up with him any longer.


It HAS to be posted many times? Really? What is the motivation to be some sort of knight in shining armour for the MINORITY of grown men making the wrong choices in LOS? Maybe this proselytizing needs to be taken to the streets, to the entrance to Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy to be more effective? It's falling on a lot of (senior) deaf ears around here.

If you don't like reading about it, don't go looking for it to read. If you are totally secure in your own relationship and your future, don't go browsing the news for other people's stories of woe and misfortune. Unless you are still unsure and harbor thoughts of "It could happen to me... again. And it could be much worse next time."

Age has a lot to do with it, just read up and see how many times its young guys getting ripped off or even killed (Dale Henry and others). The girls just don't like the guys but love their money so its only normal a higher percentage gets ripped off.

Young guys get ripped off too.. i was ripped off long ago but I bet that its a much rarer occurance.


I do not argue that over the years, a few farangs have been murdered by their partners and probably others have committed suicide after being left loveless and penniless. But statistically, what are the odds? There's probably more chance of a coffin dodger croaking from a heart attack doing the horizontal mambo than getting chopped up and fed to the pigs for the insurance money. Regardless of age, I would reckon when a farang gets shafted in LOS, he quietly goes home.

Strange that the youngER guys still lay claim that somehow, they are less likely to get ripped off.

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Most guys get seriously shafted in their 40s or 50s, usually by a women they met when they were in their 30s.

When you are young, you have much less to lose, no point in shafting you then.

No need to bash Thais, they all do it.

HS has the right idea, live alone, no-one can get you then.


Im sure she just cant wait for their next "sexy time"


In all fairness she doesn't look young, I think the regular bashers of old and young relationships are talking about far bigger age differences. They are on the beach relaxing, I have done it with Western women and it's hardly exciting, we have all been known to look bored on the beach.


Simple explanation for much of the above: There are Thai women who have attracted the constant attention of men their own age both Thai and farang since the age of 14 and they are bored silly with it ... especially the men in that category who consider themselves to be secure and confident.



Back in BKK we just put the car on our own name.. that is possible easy too. Guess you did not know that.

Houses is a different story can be done (the house not the land) but is more complicated.

Anyway as long as you have taken precautions then all is good.


It's a tough call.

Which slot would you prefer:

To live here as a rich old guy or as a handsome, broke-@$$ thirty-year-old ?

We hear a lot from the young men on these boards boasting that getting it for free is where it's at.

The bill for this kind of thing is usually a betrayal in the form of an "accidental" pregnancy, a "trade-up", a blackmail into marriage, a caution from the girl's family or a jealous Thai boyfriend and seven of his closest friends keen to restore their pal's honor.

Or the discovery that their precious upper crust sweetie has, for years been heavily-traded among the Thais as "damaged goods" and viable as little else.

Long on experience and low on currency, a lot of these gals are up for a flirt with anybody.

If a Thai girl pairs up with an old guy she has a lot of explaining to do. From "He pay me five thouSSANN. To he's handsome like Ananda Everingham, to he takes me shopping, Amerika, Ahoostaleeya, Flaen, Beogeeum, HollANN etc. the others are damaged goods or they have been on the shelf for a while and are getting antsier and antsier as their best before date ticks away.

There's usually an "off track" motive of some kind in these relationships.

Except for TV members.

They all seem to score well in the pairing-up sweeps notwithstanding exhaustive series of failures and misery in their home countries. Just a hair's breadth away from blue blood liaisons and white-skin Nirvana, our TV swains and Lotharios seem to have found the secret to happiness.

What a parade of dorks.

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My mother, 21 years my senior, started dating after my father died in a car accident At the age of 48 she remarried. The man she married was 3 months older than me (27 at the time). I of course being young thought it would never last but figured my mother deserved a last "Hooray". I couldn't figure it out. My Mother didn't have much money. Not bad looking for her age. Jim, he seemed a bit conservative for my taste, but sane. At the age of 60, she had a triple bypass and lost her leg. At 72 she died. Jim, her husband of 24 years was by her side.

I don't think Thai women are any different than women in the west when it comes to picking a pardner. When in high school who got the pick of the crop? The football hero and the guys with the nice car. Later the nerds got their chance because there was where the money would be. My favorite Doonesbury cartoon-----

One of the main characters, in his 50's sees this young girl at a bus top and starts to chat her up. She turns to him ans says " You must be over 50! why don't you chat up someone your own age?" He thinks it over and then sees a woman about his age and walks over to her. She turns to him and says " My God! You must make less than 50!"

My wife is 20 years my junior, I have no money, we live on 15000 baht a month. She is far more affectionate than the many gfs I had in the west--and far less nagging.

A man of the East was asked why did arranged marriages work. He said it is like the difference in the way the East and the West make tea. In the West you bring the water to a boil and then add the tea. In the East, you add the tea and then bring it to a boil.

One last Quote

" If your eyes offend the, pluck them out."

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Except for TV members.

They all seem to score well in the pairing-up sweeps notwithstanding exhaustive series of failures and misery in their home countries. Just a hair's breadth away from blue blood liaisons and white-skin Nirvana, our TV swains and Lotharios seem to have found the secret to happiness.

What a parade of dorks.

I'm different.

When I was bothered, I only ever dated sluts, and I always had to pay.

(Only pretty ones though)

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