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[quote name="HardenedSoul" post

He sits there weeping because he has to rely on his charm, wit, personality to attract and retain high quality women with their own means instead of bringing his bank statement to a date.

Well obviously your not talking about yourself.

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[quote name="HardenedSoul" post

He sits there weeping because he has to rely on his charm, wit, personality to attract and retain high quality women with their own means instead of bringing his bank statement to a date.

Well obviously your not talking about yourself.

Well I'm definitely not talking about any of the payboys here - like yourself - so who could I be referring to if not myself?


Exactly,Hardened Soul?Ladbroke Grove?

The thing I can't work out is why this muppet feels himself to be superior to everyone on here when all he spews is bile,his insecurities and unhappiness are written all over this forum like a huge banner on a plane flying over Bangkok!

I enjoy poking a stick through his cage now and again but he really is quite boringly repetitive,I imagine there's a large,clear area in a circle around him at any bar he might frequent!

He suffers from a condition that causes him to put down others in order to enhance his own self-image. That explains also why he can't take the responses.

Really??!! Aren't you the one throwing his toys outta the pram, here?

I'll report you to the mods for trying to burst my bubble . . .waaah, waaahhh !! passifier.gif Get over yerself, you big baby

Even your supporters on this thread would laugh at the irony of that last statement.

I derive no pleasure or boost from opening your eyes to your own stupidity. I've got no issue with you having a younger wife - I said that waaaaayyy back. I just said you were a complete moron for putting all that shit in her name and you bloody well know it. Maybe you'd do better to runoff and see if you can do something about that mistake instead of returning to the thread to try convincing all and sundry that I'm sad.

I imagine you're not much different from the guy in the story on that link. Hapless loser in love spends life grafting, saves nice sum for retirement. Rocks up in LOS, with the intention of purchasing a ready-made, idyllic retirement and bint to go with it; knows he might not have long left so skips some of the due diligence, marries what seems like a good bird - never a bargirl - ends up riddled with bullets, smoked by her hitmen friends for his insurance policy.

Don't be a moron all your life. Take a day off. Try growing up and living your own life instead of trolling all day long.

No look,he must be very happy,he's spent the last week on this thread trollying to convince us all!cheesy.gif

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[quote name="HardenedSoul" post

He sits there weeping because he has to rely on his charm, wit, personality to attract and retain high quality women with their own means instead of bringing his bank statement to a date.

Well obviously your not talking about yourself.

Well I'm definitely not talking about any of the payboys here - like yourself - so who could I be referring to if not myself?

Wrong again, You don't know me, if you did you would know I'm not a payboy,neither am I a person who has married a b/g or someone who has bought his wife a house or a car.

What does comes thru in this thread is that you seem to have a superiority complex, it's just a pity it's not deserved, in fact I believe you are trying,and failing,to hide your inferiority.

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[quote name="HardenedSoul" post

He sits there weeping because he has to rely on his charm, wit, personality to attract and retain high quality women with their own means instead of bringing his bank statement to a date.

Well obviously your not talking about yourself.

Well I'm definitely not talking about any of the payboys here - like yourself - so who could I be referring to if not myself?

Wrong again, You don't know me, if you did you would know I'm not a payboy,neither am I a person who has married a b/g or someone who has bought his wife a house or a car.

What does comes thru in this thread is that you seem to have a superiority complex, it's just a pity it's not deserved, in fact I believe you are trying,and failing,to hide your inferiority.

Well make up your mind Sigmund . . . inferiority or superiority ??

God the drivel you spout is stuff of legend. But what to expect from a pensioner with a mind so addled, he's actually come to buy into what the English Defence League has to say.

Seriously?? Pffftt

At least I wrote factual observations about another poster's own admissions to buying houses, cars etc and registering them in his wife's name and I get flack for it despite wide acknowledgement of the veracity of my assertions. The guy was a clown for doing what he did and remains a clown for not remedying the situation.

I'm neither inferior nor superior to any one here. (Well, actually, I am superior to knuckle dragger, Eesat. Hello, mate . . Still knocking the occasional one out over that print out of my main squeeze when yer soi 4 hippo-in-a-hammock isn't around ?)

I just hold myself to a different set of standards and a different set of values. If people can't get their heads around that, tough - I don't give a rat's arse but it'll be a cold day in hell when I back down or soften my tone to spare the frayed sensibilities of those who shouldn't air their shit in public if they don't want others to say it stinks.


I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. biggrin.png

Now THAT is wisdom at work.....


Post #683, couldnt reply direct, the TV quote error strikes yet again.

That's all good but what if you in fact did not meet them in a bar.

Whats a bar got to do with it, do you really think there are guys out there not paying money to girls they didnt meet in a bar.

Its got nothing to do with where you met her, its about having to pay her to be with you.

As for money when gold was exchanged at the wedding I come out well in front and got the sin sod back.

I wouldnt expect anything less, it seems to be the norm.

Unlike others who are told any old tosh thats dressed up as "Thai tradition" when its nothing of the sort.

And I will expect and answer from you any moment saying, yeah right.

I assume you mean expect an answer, not to worry I aint some spelling facist, we all make mistakes.

Why should I say "yeah right"

I have mentioned on here more than once, I didnt pay any sin sot, neither do I pay my wife to stay with me.

I know plenty of others in the same position as me, that includes Thais as well as farang.

Do you really think everyone meets a woman in a Bar.

No I dont, I know plenty who didnt.

Theres one thing I have observed over the years, no matter what BS
story the farang may decide to tell, the Thais can smell these girls or
spot them a mile off.

Whats even more amusing, these girls have no qualms about saying they
are from a bar, its amuses me to have conversations in Thai with these
girls as the husband squirms wondering what the girl is going to say.

Wether you met her in a bar or not, is no concern of mine, its doesnt
impact on my life on iota, but please dont assume we are all fools, or
the latest buffalo to just arrive on the banana boat on the mae nam.

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I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. biggrin.png

Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?


I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. biggrin.png

Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

I have never had one fulfilling all that criteria - either when a youngster, or later.

Come to think of it it, I wouldn't one with that criteria - way over-qualified !!

  • Like 2

I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. biggrin.png

Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

Easier now. Women less afraid of a Farang; more independent, more Western, more sophisticated. Women today have a better idea of what travel can do and the benefits of a Western education and morality system. More women speak English and are used to Western food. Less worried about health care. Advances in medicine. Much easier today.


I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. biggrin.png

Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education,

Advances in medicine. Much easier today



I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. biggrin.png

Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

I have never had one fulfilling all that criteria - either when a youngster, or later.

Come to think of it it, I wouldn't one with that criteria - way over-qualified !!

Just......." can you work this love " ? biggrin.png


I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. biggrin.png

Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

Seriously, the type of Thai women I see with young farang guys are really not that much different from the type of Thai women with older farang guys. Are you suggesting that young farang guys have access to a higher class of Thai women? I'm sorry, but the evidence is to the contrary.

Yes some do, some don't.


I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. Posted Image

Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

Seriously, the type of Thai women I see with young farang guys are really not that much different from the type of Thai women with older farang guys. Are you suggesting that young farang guys have access to a higher class of Thai women? I'm sorry, but the evidence is to the contrary.

Must agree,Before I settled down 7yrs ago I had a number of relationships with Thai girls, 3 of whom immediately come to mind, 2 of whom were of average education,whilst 1 had received a very good education, I will add that all 3 of these girls were MUCH younger than myself. Now it just happened that I din't feel as if I wanted to settle down with any of them, so I packed them in.

Since then all 3 of these girls have married much younger farangs,in one instance the husband is younger than her, the other two have husbands about 8 yrs older. So yes the same class of Thai girl

Is available to us older blokes, Finally i would like to point out that these relationships were not based on money what so ever,in fact one was wealthier than me.


I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. biggrin.png

Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

I say arthur, steady on there. This is the cream of Thai womenhood we are talking about.... or is it the finest chavs and nouveau IT millionaires that seem to percolate to LOS?

Here comes a younger wife of a very much older husband. 29 years between us....Yes that's right TWENTY NINE! He is 68 I am 39...been married almost a dozen years..enjoying and sharing our life together. There is LOVE and TRUST between us. We are financially comfortable. If my husband has to file bankruptcy would I leave him...HELL NO. I would ask him to stay home while I work three jobs to support my family. I don't know about other age gap marriage but there is deep committments and loyality in my marriage.

He was exotic to me and that was the thing that made me go WILD!

I was young when I met him but I had a college degree, real job and real salarie that supported my comfortable life!

If you think all age gap marriages are based on money and greed then do yourself a favor by judging less accept more and be happy!

Interesting. May I inquire as to your nationality? Your husband's?

Oh, you want me to guess? Ok, I'd say Ms. Momo is Filipino, and her husband, a retired American serviceman.

I'm guessing she is a white American and the husband is ??

Curiosity killed the cat....keep on guessing:-)


I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. biggrin.png

Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

I say arthur, steady on there. This is the cream of Thai womenhood we are talking about.... or is it the finest chavs and nouveau IT millionaires that seem to percolate to LOS?

Well there does seem to be a rather large number of nouveau millionaires on Thai visas recently choosing Thailand for retirement so maybe they have got the cream of the Thai ladies straight out of university.

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I was here in my 20's and I am here now in my 60's. I was upset in my 20's that the old guys got the same calibre woman I could pull and I was young and handsome then. But I put it away in my memory and when I turned 60 I came back. biggrin.png

Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

I say arthur, steady on there. This is the cream of Thai womenhood we are talking about.... or is it the finest chavs and nouveau IT millionaires that seem to percolate to LOS?

Well there does seem to be a rather large number of nouveau millionaires on Thai visas recently choosing Thailand for retirement so maybe they have got the cream of the Thai ladies straight out of university.

I can't speak for the Brits but there were millions of Americans stationed here from 1965 to 1975 while they were young. Now those folks are of retirement age and have come flooding back to Thailand with a basis of understanding about the culture and in some cases with friends made 40 years ago.

Poor boys and pilgrims we came to Thailand in our youth. 40 years later with children gone and the ones remaining suspecting our motives; wives left with the cash and the cat we came back to Thailand.

And I may be advised to defend

Every love, every ending

Or maybe there's no obligations now

Maybe I've a reason to believe

We all will be received

In Thailand.

Special thanks to Paul Simon.biggrin.png


No doubt any 20 year old girl, thai or not, has been day dreaming at least a couple of years,

of passionate sex with a 60 year old man.

same as i was daydreaming of sex with a pensioner when i was in my teens


Were you looking for a male or female pensioner? 555

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No doubt any 20 year old girl, thai or not, has been day dreaming at least a couple of years,

of passionate sex with a 60 year old man.

same as i was daydreaming of sex with a pensioner when i was in my teens


Were you looking for a male or female pensioner? 555


Does it matter ?


Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

I haven't seen any young farangs who can pull a woman like that. I do know just such a gal in her 20's whose dream is to travel the world. Who's going to do that for her; the young guy who's working, or the retired guy with the money and time to do it.? Who's she going to chose?

So as the retired guy and the gal with all of the class who just needs a partner to show her how to travel and get around in foreign lands head for the next flight, the young guy gets off work and heads for a red light spot for his one big splurge of the month.

Yep, it's all about money but who cares? The young guy goes and finds a 20 something bar girl, and complains that the older guy's relationship is all about money. cheesy.gif

I hope only that when the young guys are my age they can have some fun too. tongue.png

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I can't speak for the Brits but there were millions of Americans stationed here from 1965 to 1975 while they were young. Now those folks are of retirement age and have come flooding back to Thailand with a basis of understanding about the culture and in some cases with friends made 40 years ago.

Poor boys and pilgrims we came to Thailand in our youth. 40 years later with children gone and the ones remaining suspecting our motives; wives left with the cash and the cat we came back to Thailand.

And I may be advised to defend

Every love, every ending

Or maybe there's no obligations now

Maybe I've a reason to believe

We all will be received

In Thailand.

Special thanks to Paul Simon.biggrin.png

I am one of those, although not American, an Ally. First came, to Sattahip when it belonged to the USN, in 1970. 16 YO. By the time I made my 2nd Trip at 18, I knew, even then, that one day I would return to live somewhere in SE Asia. One is very impressionable at this age. I spent much of my life in Far and Sth East Asia, that is until I married a Thai, in Bangkok, who was almost the same age as me, in 1985. At the time I would have loved to have been able to retire and live on Koh Samui - Oh what a beautiful place that was 30 years ago. Didn't even have electricity.

My wife, an Oz citizen since 1988, now chooses to remain living in Australia in the Thai Restaurant Business, whilst I signed over everything and baled out. Without any acrimony whatsoever. In fact she, and my grown up family will be here next week to celebrate my auspicious 60th Birthday. We are separated now of course, but are still pretty good friends. I live in the same Soi as my Mother In Law and we see and speak to each other almost on a daily basis.

My Thai mates, who are all married, are envious, they want to know why I don't get myself a young 18 or 20 something fan, or at the very least a gik. Why do I choose to live single in the burbs when I can have it 'all'.

But I have been there and done that, been around, you know. The 'beans in the jar theory' is not just a theory, it's a fact.

And I have to be honest, I just cannot handle, Thai, or otherwise, Rap, Hip Hop or Techno music. smile.png

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