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Thai Children Must Have Very Hard Heads.


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There have been public uprisings in the US against these safety laws, demanding the right to drive a car without seat belts, ride a moto without a helmet.

And I completely agree, nanny state nonsense, we completely overvalue human life in the west.

Some have lost their lives in such protests, due to accidents where they would have survived if they'd been obeying the laws they were protesting. Darwin's law at work, the way it should be. . .

No there hasn't...not even a little bit.
Oh, let him dream. Probably happened up in an isolated cabin in Idaho where they were also protesting the UN Black helicopters.

Maybe google before scoffing?








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Helmets for bicycles, wow. What next, wear a helmet whilst walking in case you trip and bang your head on the kerb?

Next time you are going down a hill at 75kph on 18mm wide tires you'll be praying for that helmet...

Even with a helmet on I was unable to work for two months after coming off my bike, to this day I still haven't made a full recovery, I sometimes have trouble remembering things.

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I don't buy the line that they don't have enough to buy helmets, but somehow always manage to have the money to make sure the old man has his whiskey or beer every night.

I remember an article in the paper a couple of years ago and some Thai Minister of Something or other, was talking to a western journalist, and the subject of helmets came up. This man actually stated that it really wasn't important if Thai wore helmets, as they were naturally born with harder heads that other people, and that protected them. This same guy also stated that Thai were perfectly capable of talking and texting on the phone while driving cars and motorbikes, because their brains were developed in such a way that it allowed them to do this, while other people could not.

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I wonder what the parents are thinking when they take a baby on a scooter with no protection.

I would love a mercedes and car seat but I can't afford one on 9000B per month.

Is it enough to pay for the funeral???

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But the people that matter in this country don't put their kids at risk like this, only poor people do, and nobody important cares about them. There's no incentive to try to pass such an unpopular law.

What you think, it's the government's role to look out for the public interest? This is Thailand or did you forget? People only work for the government in order to enrich themselves.

And human life just isn't that important! Let's leave a few places on the planet where stupid people are free to crack their heads OK?

Please don't forget --

From the early 1900s until the 1970s, tens of thousands of people were mutilated in horrific auto accidents -- thousands with their throats slashed by the plate glass windshields (windscreens) because there were no seat belts, no safety glass, and neither the auto makers nor the government really cared a rat's axx about safety.

After 70 years of senseless, bloody slaughter on U.S. highways (was it any different in other affluent countries?), who now has the right to call third world folk stupid?

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If one goes back to the three governing principles in Thailand:

Take care

Generate money

Save face

The only principle that would apply here might be saving face.

Nothing to do with hard headed, lack of money or otherwise.

Wearing a helmet, people would think that the rider has fear of an accident, has fear that the Buddha would not protect him (or her), ot fear that people could not see how nice they look driving so fast....

Fear, losing face.

Some wear the helmet when going through a regular police check point, and then remove it.

Those who wear it all the time are part of the mafia on actve duty... or have a brain to protect.

Edited by Andre0720
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Somewhere in the west, there is a billionaire being driven by a hired ex-SAS member in his armoured limousine, wondering how anyone can think of carting their kids around town in a mini-van.

Thai parents love their kids, just like western parents. As arthurwait implies, if they could afford a vehicle with seating and seat belts for each passenger, that's what they would buy.

Do a little math and figure out how you'd clothe, feed and get your family around town on 300 baht per day.

To suggest that they just don't care is a little arrogant.

Well, if they can afford a 50.000 Baht motorbike, iguess they can also afford a 150 Baht helmet. Not ?

Yes I agree with the above plus that when you buy a motorbike most if not all come with 2 free helmuts. So no excuse.

I recently bought two new helmuts as I wanted to have better quality ones.

Rather than throw out the old ones which were only about 7 months old, my wife went round the village to give them to families who she thought could use them. 2 hours later came back with one of them.

She stated that all families have them already but not use them!!!

I would hazzard a guess that at least one member of each house in the village has at some time been fined for not wearing a hat when they are stopped at check points in the nearest towns. But does this make a difference? NO

So those who go on about the cost, that is rubbish. It is a lack of common sense and 'finger up' against the law.

Here we go... the superiority syndrome showing it's ugly head once again.

Must be some kind of farang obsession to try to demonstrate that Western

culture, intelligence, morals are so vastly superior to those of the East.

Excuse me while I go barf...

Edited by BradinAsia
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Helmets for bicycles, wow. What next, wear a helmet whilst walking in case you trip and bang your head on the kerb?


Next time you are going down a hill at 75kph on 18mm wide tires you'll be praying for that helmet...


Even with a helmet on I was unable to work for two months after coming off my bike, to this day I still haven't made a full recovery, I sometimes have trouble remembering things. 

Sorry to hear that, I suspect the speed was a contributing factor in the accident?
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Flash forwards 350 years.

George, how often do I have to tell you to wear your emergency parachute when you're riding your sky-scooter and remember no higher than 200 metres until you're 15.

But mum, they don;t wear them on Mars ! coffee1.gif

Flash backwards 2,000


Look......... helmet.

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Helmets for bicycles, wow. What next, wear a helmet whilst walking in case you trip and bang your head on the kerb?

Next time you are going down a hill at 75kph on 18mm wide tires you'll be praying for that helmet...

Even with a helmet on I was unable to work for two months after coming off my bike, to this day I still haven't made a full recovery, I sometimes have trouble remembering things.

Sorry to hear that, I suspect the speed was a contributing factor in the accident?

Yes, in this case, but you hit a solid object with an unprotected head at just 20 klms per hour and you can do serious damage

Edited by 473geo
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I've seen both parents + a total of four children at once, driving in the middle of Bangkok traffic, shopping bags as well and mum on the mobile.

Same with the backs of pickups.

When you get down to it, lack of child safety seats, seatbelt laws in general, mandatory airbags.

So where do you draw the line?

Life is cheaper here. . .

"I wonder what the parents are thinking" What about the many parents who allow their ten year olds to ride motorbikes on their own?

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Somewhere in the west, there is a billionaire being driven by a hired ex-SAS member in his armoured limousine, wondering how anyone can think of carting their kids around town in a mini-van.

Thai parents love their kids, just like western parents. As arthurwait implies, if they could afford a vehicle with seating and seat belts for each passenger, that's what they would buy.

Do a little math and figure out how you'd clothe, feed and get your family around town on 300 baht per day.

To suggest that they just don't care is a little arrogant.

Do you honestly think that parents who let their ten year olds ride their motorbikes care???? They are just too lazy to go messages themselves, so they send their children.

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There have been public uprisings in the US against these safety laws, demanding the right to drive a car without seat belts, ride a moto without a helmet.

And I completely agree, nanny state nonsense, we completely overvalue human life in the west.

Some have lost their lives in such protests, due to accidents where they would have survived if they'd been obeying the laws they were protesting. Darwin's law at work, the way it should be. . .

No there hasn't...not even a little bit.
Oh, let him dream. Probably happened up in an isolated cabin in Idaho where they were also protesting the UN Black helicopters.

Maybe google before scoffing?








I continue to scoff at anything that comes out of the same mob which subcribes to 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' view of the world.

I await your response on how the holocaust could have been prevented if only Hitler didn't make everyone where seatbelts.

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I don't buy the line that they don't have enough to buy helmets, but somehow always manage to have the money to make sure the old man has his whiskey or beer every night.

I remember an article in the paper a couple of years ago and some Thai Minister of Something or other, was talking to a western journalist, and the subject of helmets came up. This man actually stated that it really wasn't important if Thai wore helmets, as they were naturally born with harder heads that other people, and that protected them. This same guy also stated that Thai were perfectly capable of talking and texting on the phone while driving cars and motorbikes, because their brains were developed in such a way that it allowed them to do this, while other people could not.

Brains???? What brains?

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Five years ago here in CNX, if there were 20 people on bikes at a stoplight during rush hour traffic, maybe 2-3 were wearing helmets. Not sure of the reasons why, but there has been, and continues to be, a rise in the number of people wearing helmets. Friday night at a busy intersections not far from my house, I counted 26 people on bikes, and only 5 of them without helmets.

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Ah, the cultural superiority comes out. Much of our awareness for road safety has come from 40+ years of public education. Thailand has barely started down that road.

I'm frankly amazed when I go to Europe or the US and see people riding bicycles without helmets. Why? They've been compulsory in Australia for 25 years.

Here in the US and I'm sure in Europe, helmets are not mandatory everywhere. Like in Florida where I used to live I still have a motorcycle endorsement on my driver's license allowing me to operate in the state, but helmet laws don't exist there. So wear one if you'd like, but I don't. Again, I ride on great weather days and in my neighborhood and down A1A where the traffic is minimal. That's just me. I've had one spill in 15 years that skinned my right knee up badly, due to gravel on the road from nearby construction. My discretion. For those who ride more often and in worse conditions, like Thai traffic, I wouldn't dream of not wearing one or long pants/armored jacket. Suicidal; especially with children aboard without protection. Asinine. I think the BIB, if there is a law, actually do some work and pull over more than just us farangs and start ticketing the locals and increase revenue for their government while at it. Because in the long haul, you're making them aware before it's too late.

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Somewhere in the west, there is a billionaire being driven by a hired ex-SAS member in his armoured limousine, wondering how anyone can think of carting their kids around town in a mini-van.

Thai parents love their kids, just like western parents. As arthurwait implies, if they could afford a vehicle with seating and seat belts for each passenger, that's what they would buy.

Do a little math and figure out how you'd clothe, feed and get your family around town on 300 baht per day.

To suggest that they just don't care is a little arrogant.

Well, if they can afford a 50.000 Baht motorbike, iguess they can also afford a 150 Baht helmet. Not ?

Yes I agree with the above plus that when you buy a motorbike most if not all come with 2 free helmuts. So no excuse.

I recently bought two new helmuts as I wanted to have better quality ones.

Rather than throw out the old ones which were only about 7 months old, my wife went round the village to give them to families who she thought could use them. 2 hours later came back with one of them.

She stated that all families have them already but not use them!!!

I would hazzard a guess that at least one member of each house in the village has at some time been fined for not wearing a hat when they are stopped at check points in the nearest towns. But does this make a difference? NO

So those who go on about the cost, that is rubbish. It is a lack of common sense and 'finger up' against the law.

Here we go... the superiority syndrome showing it's ugly head once again.

Must be some kind of farang obsession to try to demonstrate that Western

culture, intelligence, morals are so vastly superior to those of the East.

Excuse me while I go barf...

Are you really serious? Superiority syndrome? I think you've got it backwards. Please explain how saying that children should wear helmets when riding on a motorbike is superior?

Mind boggling....I suppose you also support people who mutilate the genitalia of little girls, as no one from the west should tell them not to do that,,???

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Its fine to criticize if you can afford a car .... The reality is a lot different... is it right? No, I dont think so, but for some its a unavoidable necessity (nobody to take care of the child... cannot afford to get someone to take care of the child.. etc)

Dont forget there are many westerners proud of the fact that they only have to pay 6000 THB a month for their staff.... And the same goes for Thai employers....

Just try buying nothing but food for yourself and 3 others for a month on 6000 THB (work out how much each person gets for food a day)... do you have enough to buy a helmet afterwards? Now add rent, gas, elec and so on... your SCREWED!

While I agree with what you say,...the real point is that a child's, 'small' helmet is available for 200 Baht, okay, this does not include a baby but I don't think the expense is prohibitive as it is a 'rare' purchase.....on another point, watch the kids coming out of school each day and jumping on their scooters....they are hardly ever wearing helmets so that should be the starting place for compulsory helmet wearing and education of the future generation...wai.gif

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I can understand a poor family not being able to afford helmets but I don't understand why they often drive with total disregard for safety.

How does that explain not doing the strap up so the helmet falls off before impact of the head and the ground or the helmet in the basket on the front. Maybe it is just evolution.

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Ah, the cultural superiority comes out. Much of our awareness for road safety has come from 40+ years of public education. Thailand has barely started down that road.

I'm frankly amazed when I go to Europe or the US and see people riding bicycles without helmets. Why? They've been compulsory in Australia for 25 years.

Yet despite the "superiority" and their years of education, the supposedly civilised westerner regress to the level of the lowly natives at first available opportunity. Witness the number of foreigners larking away without helmets in Pattaya, some with their infants/children...simply because they perceive an atmosphere of lawlessness, so they can get away with it, safety issues are ignored. They are the really stupid ones because they ought to know better. Superiority? only in their dreams.

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Helmets will be worn for the police's sake, not for safety.

Wearing a helmet may save money, but will not save lives.

Carrying a baby on a motorbike without proper protection is just a matter of babies being exempted from the helmet-rule and has nothing to do with "not caring for them"

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Just1Voice, on 21 May 2013 - 11:39, said:

I don't buy the line that they don't have enough to buy helmets, but somehow always manage to have the money to make sure the old man has his whiskey or beer every night.

I remember an article in the paper a couple of years ago and some Thai Minister of Something or other, was talking to a western journalist, and the subject of helmets came up. This man actually stated that it really wasn't important if Thai wore helmets, as they were naturally born with harder heads that other people, and that protected them. This same guy also stated that Thai were perfectly capable of talking and texting on the phone while driving cars and motorbikes, because their brains were developed in such a way that it allowed them to do this, while other people could not.

samran, on 21 May 2013 - 12:13, said:

PalMan, on 21 May 2013 - 11:20, said:
samran, on 21 May 2013 - 07:58, said:
Stradavarius37, on 21 May 2013 - 07:55, said:

No there hasn't...not even a little bit.

Oh, let him dream. Probably happened up in an isolated cabin in Idaho where they were also protesting the UN Black helicopters.


Maybe google before scoffing?






http://www.seizeliberty.com/Seat Belt.htm


I continue to scoff at anything that comes out of the same mob which subcribes to 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' view of the world.

I await your response on how the holocaust could have been prevented if only Hitler didn't make everyone where seatbelts.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, or if I misunderstood.

I thought the fact that these protests occurred or the fact that people were killed while protesting was the issue.

As far as the laws themselves go I don't think they're worth arguing about myself.

And I completely agree that America is the source of much more idiocy than Thailand, but then I don't judge a logical proposition based on my opinions about its source myself.

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Helmets will be worn for the police's sake, not for safety.

Wearing a helmet may save money, but will not save lives.

Carrying a baby on a motorbike without proper protection is just a matter of babies being exempted from the helmet-rule and has nothing to do with "not caring for them"


You sir are nuts.

And in civilized countries of course anyone carrying kids around like this will have their children immediately taken away from them by the government and put into foster care. Many child-custody suits have been won on this basis.

Of course helmets save lives. That doesn't (to me) justify laws requiring their use, but there is no doubt they do save lives.

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Five years ago here in CNX, if there were 20 people on bikes at a stoplight during rush hour traffic, maybe 2-3 were wearing helmets. Not sure of the reasons why, but there has been, and continues to be, a rise in the number of people wearing helmets. Friday night at a busy intersections not far from my house, I counted 26 people on bikes, and only 5 of them without helmets.

Would the doubling of the fine have anything to do with it ? and are two random samples enough to draw a conclusion from ?

Suggest you record info over 30 days 5 times a day & then report back, I will be waiting biggrin.png

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Somewhere in the west, there is a billionaire being driven by a hired ex-SAS member in his armoured limousine, wondering how anyone can think of carting their kids around town in a mini-van.

Thai parents love their kids, just like western parents. As arthurwait implies, if they could afford a vehicle with seating and seat belts for each passenger, that's what they would buy.

Do a little math and figure out how you'd clothe, feed and get your family around town on 300 baht per day.

To suggest that they just don't care is a little arrogant.

You'll probably find if they could afford the car with seatbelts they still wouldn't wear them as the shiny big face car will take priority over death.

Yeah he was killed outright yesterday in his car, but he had a great car..............just "bad luck"

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Ah, the cultural superiority comes out. Much of our awareness for road safety has come from 40+ years of public education. Thailand has barely started down that road.

I'm frankly amazed when I go to Europe or the US and see people riding bicycles without helmets. Why? They've been compulsory in Australia for 25 years.

Yet despite the "superiority" and their years of education, the supposedly civilised westerner regress to the level of the lowly natives at first available opportunity. Witness the number of foreigners larking away without helmets in Pattaya, some with their infants/children...simply because they perceive an atmosphere of lawlessness, so they can get away with it, safety issues are ignored. They are the really stupid ones because they ought to know better. Superiority? only in their dreams.

Indeed you have a point. One of my favourite sayings in life is "always bet on the horse named 'Self Interest' ". People will do whatever is easist for themselves.

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seen many with helmets not on the head but on the back or front of the motor bikes ,what i find bad is no lights at night ,if people wish to kill them self thats one think ,but i do not wish to run into a bike at night ,so please check your back lights before going out

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What a bunch of plonkers there are on here.

Buckle up, put on your helmet, save everyone else from taking care of you when you have to rely on the system to take care of you when you become a vegetable from your "no fault" crash.

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