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Briton Stabbed To Death By His Thai Father-in-law


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F-me, what a bitter thread. Man from outside small rural community joins it. Everybody knows his business, his debts, his marital problems. Likes a beer, good guy when sober, whole village believe abusive when pi-ssed. Gets involved in punch -ups with locals/family, bit tasty in his own community, perhaps does not understand clan/local ties, loyalties, code in his new one. Proud male soceity, where daddies love daughters ( blindly or not ). Domestic goes wrong, someone dies.

Thailand, UK, USA,.............you name it, script for a tragedy the whole world over.

This is not a Thai problem people, trust me, could just as easy have been Hull, Birmingham, Rome, Hicksville USA......................... etc etc.

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My house is only just up the road from Mark's.

I knew the man. Not well but we had a drink together a couple of times.

Mark chose to live in the village. He had spent time doing up the house

and was in the common predicament...Where does the money come from?

I know this from Mark himself. His wife used to find her meals from picking

plants in the fields out the back of the house. (Not Mark's idea of fun)

He got by from money sent by his mother. (Waiting for inheretance)

They had hit the point where they had borrowed money from far and wide.

Mark liked to drink, every day and was a fixture at any "knees up" going.

I was with him last Songkran and we were washing the elders feet outside our

respective houses. We sat dinking my Leo beer whilst the teenagers busked

along with their "rock band" to cds.

We pissed ourselves laughing when I gave them a Pogues cd to busk to!

But...Mark was bored sh..less by rice with everything...and...The lack of money!

He was a self confessed football thug and proud of it. Which is alright if you're

pitched against geezers of the same persuasion.

Mark had already beaten up his brother in law to the point he dare not sleep

in the house. The neighbours were getting increasingly concerned at his behaviour.

But being a Farang, they simply didn't have the understanding to take it on board.

But they WERE civil towards him. He did set about his wife (half his size) often.

Her brother (often)...If I was not in the UK I might have sussed it was coming off the rails

BUT We all follow Our Own dream of living in the sun. If we are not awash with cash

it can be hard work. That's why I'm back in the UK (money)

It's a pain when it all ends like this.

I know more but am loathe to go on as I can't prove facts and to be perfectly honest

don't care.

We create Our OWN Dreams/Shitcreeks

We've got nice new Remington pump actions. But we know whose toes not to step on.

They are sanctioned by the police to kill aggressors on Our Land.

Self Control. Respect.

WE are the visitors. In one of the best countries on Earth.




Sounds like a real family man.

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Thais kill each other as likely as a farang over a (family) dispute, simple as that.

let's see and wait what the story behind it really is, before judging anyone...

Edited by jbhh
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  • 2 months later...

I was Mark's girlfriend for 4 years, his true first love and he mine. We had our problems as all couples do, we split up but stayed friends up until 2 years before his death when he went back to thailand making our friendship 14 years in total. Mark was never violent towards me, or aggressive, and I am very trying and could raise the temper of a saint!!!!

I believe his wife did this and the father is protecting her ? I believe she got the house , and the money (as he is from a wealthy family) I saw the picture of him and his son and it makes me sad............for the son, the innocent in this. This is a usual story,,,,,I worked in thailand as a DJ for 4 months at the Hilton hotel, and I got so fed up of Thai men falling in love with me "love you long time" the usual crap!!! I compared my salary with a local waiter, who lived with around 5 generations of his family who he supported and he earned from 7am to 12am 7 days a week £250 pounds a month, he had to feed all his family and usual expenses on this. To them we are rich phalang!!!!!!!!!! a ticket, a meal, an easy sympathy.

My other friend has just anounced he has married a thai woman, he knew her 2 months, but it was his first girlfriend in 8 years!! she is in london now he is 53 she 32, I dread to think how am i going to pick up the pieces when she becomes legal with the required 3 years marriage, then do what you like, im sure they wont be together then and she will want half of everything as he is self employed.

RIP Mark

P x

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My house is only just up the road from Mark's.

I knew the man. Not well but we had a drink together a couple of times.

Mark chose to live in the village. He had spent time doing up the house

and was in the common predicament...Where does the money come from?

I know this from Mark himself. His wife used to find her meals from picking

plants in the fields out the back of the house. (Not Mark's idea of fun)

He got by from money sent by his mother. (Waiting for inheretance)

They had hit the point where they had borrowed money from far and wide.

Mark liked to drink, every day and was a fixture at any "knees up" going.

I was with him last Songkran and we were washing the elders feet outside our

respective houses. We sat dinking my Leo beer whilst the teenagers busked

along with their "rock band" to cds.

We pissed ourselves laughing when I gave them a Pogues cd to busk to!

But...Mark was bored sh..less by rice with everything...and...The lack of money!

He was a self confessed football thug and proud of it. Which is alright if you're

pitched against geezers of the same persuasion.

Mark had already beaten up his brother in law to the point he dare not sleep

in the house. The neighbours were getting increasingly concerned at his behaviour.

But being a Farang, they simply didn't have the understanding to take it on board.

But they WERE civil towards him. He did set about his wife (half his size) often.

Her brother (often)...If I was not in the UK I might have sussed it was coming off the rails

BUT We all follow Our Own dream of living in the sun. If we are not awash with cash

it can be hard work. That's why I'm back in the UK (money)

It's a pain when it all ends like this.

I know more but am loathe to go on as I can't prove facts and to be perfectly honest

don't care.

We create Our OWN Dreams/Shitcreeks

We've got nice new Remington pump actions. But we know whose toes not to step on.

They are sanctioned by the police to kill aggressors on Our Land.

Self Control. Respect.

WE are the visitors. In one of the best countries on Earth.




Sounds like a real family man.

What say you?

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Dear Jai Yen Yen,

Afraid youve got it wrong. His gaff was a concrete downstairs, wooden upstairs. In the style of a Bavarian or Alpine house. Right on the road and midway between the only two shops on the road.

The school down the road has it's exterior wall painted a turquoisey colour with paintings of different animals. Their name is in English. Note the spelling of PEGIUN (sic) Penguin is wrong. Wat opposite school is a church hall type, not elaborate. With raised wooden monks quarters to it's left. Pond.

The numbers of Thai village houses do not run 1 3 5 7 etc...So I can't guess the number.

If you want to have the number...I could find out.

But as I said MAI PEN RAI.

I know what he said when he had been stabbed.

He didnt die for quite a while. He went off and carried on drinking.

Whilst sitting down went ERG and slumped over.

I liked the bloke. We had alot in common. But I can't bring him back.

You see, I don't believe in a God. So you'll have to pray. (I signed off amen in respect)

Mark went over there/here and worked as a teacher for a while. No one wanted to learn a thing.

So he had a thankless task.

I know a great deal about where he settled.

It's not looney land. I was married where my house is 9 years ago.

I can tell you where every hole is in the roads for five miles around.

I understand your doubts bud...But I only hit the story by typing Pakchong in the site search engine!

Chok dee

Thank you, your words mean a great deal, for his memory, and also because I smell a rat!

Best regards,

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i keep reading more and more of this thread, a very sad situation....not a strange one in thailand, who knows right or wrong

but murder is murder, nobody has the right to take a life allbeit in self defence, i'm sure he had no warning of this....being stabbed in the back

some very brave natives

it's always good to talk, but maybe he didn't understand this either rip

Edited by gharknes
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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE... article on the coroner's inquest

Englishman stabbed to death in Thailand

An Englishman was stabbed to death by his girlfriend's father during a violent row at the home the three shared in Thailand, an inquest heard today.

Mark Jones was knifed twice in the back with a 30cm blade following months of tension which started when monk Son Chantee arrived on his daughter's doorstep.

He moved in with Mr Jones and his girlfriend Saichai Chantee but the three did not get on together.

Southwark Coroner's Court heard the 42 year-old Brit was killed instantly when Son attempted to stop a row between Mr Jones and his girlfriend.

Witness statements read to the court in south London said that Mr Jones was threatening to kill his girlfriend Saichai.

Her father told police he came to her aid, but it was dark, and he had not intended to fatally wound the Brit.

Son Chantee is currently awaiting trial in Thailand for deliberate murder. He has entered a not guilty plea.

Mr Jones's sister Amanda told the hearing her brother had left England three years before his death to teach English in Thailand.

She visited him six months before he was killed and said he was "extremely happy" with his partner and their one year-old son Eddie.

Ms Jones told a hearing her brother had been addicted to heroin, but had stopped using before he left and during her trip in September 2005 he was "a lot happier and healthier than I had seen him in a long time".

However, she said he was unhappy with his domestic arrangement when Saichai's father arrived at their home - although it was owned by him - after living as a monk.

She said her brother was "at the end of his tether with the situation", and was "in turmoil" because he could see no alternative.

She told the hearing that the Thai culture meant the father could not be turned away, although his arrival caused "an atmosphere and a lot of tension".

She continued: "He didn't like Mark. When the baby was born he didn't want the baby to have Mark's name. His girlfriend felt she was torn between the two of them. She was trying to be loyal to her boyfriend and father.

"It was a difficult atmosphere and Mark became depressed. He didn't want to move out, he didn't want to leave his son, but his girlfriend didn't want to leave her father."

Matters escalated, culminating in the fatal attack on March 22 around 8pm at their home in the Pak Chong district, Nakorn Ratchasima province, 75 miles north east on Bangkok.

The court was told the Mr Jones, originally from Colchester, Essex, had come home after a drinking session and made a loud noise "to show his dissatisfaction".

Witness statements by Mr Chantee and a neighbour said the Brit followed his girlfriend outside and they got into a physical argument.

A statement said Mr Jones pushed Saichai to the ground, stood over her body, put two hands to her throat and said "I'll kill you".

She screamed "Dad, I can't breathe anymore", before Mr Jones was fatally stabbed twice in the back.

In his police statement, alleged murderer Mr Chantee said: "I saw him over her body, he was strangling her with two hands. He pushed me away with one of his hands and I fell to the ground.

"Fearing she would be killed, I ran into the house and I grabbed a knife from the kitchen... I stabbed him twice in the back, but I only wanted him to free Saichai."

He initially fled the scene, but later gave himself up to police.

A post mortem gave the cause of death as a stab wound to the chest.

Coroner John Sampson recorded a verdict of unlawful killing.

Outside the coroner's court, Ms Jones and her father Norman said the Brit was "honest, very loyal, humourous and extremely intelligent" and "absolutely adored his son".

Mr Jones said the family were hoping for a guilty verdict when the case is heard in August, although they would not support a death penalty if he was found guilty.

The family still keep in touch with Saichai and her son, and have visited Thailand since Mr Jones's death to see the child

- National News (UK), Wednesday, 14th February 2007

Edited by sriracha john
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Wee bit confused here : The dad what done the deed was recently a Monk?.

Learning about life's path, action, reaction, and taking life is wrong?.

Some re-education required perchance?.

Or was he one of the ones that leg it to a Wat to escape the 'long arm' in the first place?.

Goodness, I could gleefully throttle Ms C about once a week, but don't.

I also don't stab people.

And I ain't even a guy who spent time in a temple........................

Tarumm...tarumm........tarumm........waiting for General Cum Shot's reply. :o

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No matter which side you feel is right, it's a very sad situation. I can understand a father protecting his daughter if he thought her life was in danger. I can understand a husband being angry enough to threaten his wife. It's really quite sad that between them, they couldn't trust each other enough to know the other wouldn't really hurt them.

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Thai monk killed daughter's Brit boyfriend, court told

LONDON - A Thai monk stabbed his daughter's British boyfriend to death after he saw him trying to strangle her outside the home they all shared, a London coroner's court heard Wednesday.

Son Chantee twice plunged a 30-centimetre (12-inch) kitchen knife into Mark Jones, 42, after his daughter Saichai pleaded for his help at the house in Pakchong, 75 miles (120 kilometres) north-east of Bangkok.

Southwark Coroner's Court was told that Jones and his partner, who had a one-year-old son together, were "extremely happy" until her father moved into the house and tensions developed between the two men.

Late last March, Jones returned home from a heavy drinking session and made a loud noise expressing dissatisfaction, according to a statement from Son Chantee read out in court.

When Saichai Chantee walked out of the house, Jones followed her, put his hands around her throat and said: "I'm going to kill you," the court was told.

Son Chantee said he rushed to help his daughter after she cried: "Dad, I cannot breathe any more" but could not see where he was thrusting the knife, which pierced Jones's back, because it was dark.

Agence France-Presse

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Thai monk killed daughter's Brit boyfriend, court told

LONDON - A Thai monk stabbed his daughter's British boyfriend to death after he saw him trying to strangle her outside the home they all shared, a London coroner's court heard Wednesday.

Son Chantee twice plunged a 30-centimetre (12-inch) kitchen knife into Mark Jones, 42, after his daughter Saichai pleaded for his help at the house in Pakchong, 75 miles (120 kilometres) north-east of Bangkok.

Southwark Coroner's Court was told that Jones and his partner, who had a one-year-old son together, were "extremely happy" until her father moved into the house and tensions developed between the two men.

Late last March, Jones returned home from a heavy drinking session and made a loud noise expressing dissatisfaction, according to a statement from Son Chantee read out in court.

When Saichai Chantee walked out of the house, Jones followed her, put his hands around her throat and said: "I'm going to kill you," the court was told.

Son Chantee said he rushed to help his daughter after she cried: "Dad, I cannot breathe any more" but could not see where he was thrusting the knife, which pierced Jones's back, because it was dark.

Agence France-Presse

I'm just trying to work out how someone who is being strangled/choked, who cannot breath, is able to shout out "Dad I cannot breathe anymore" :o:D

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Additional information from excerpts of:

Monk stabs daughter's lover to death

Charged with murder, but he claims...

A Thai monk charged with stabbing his daughter's British lover dead claims he had not intended to kill him.

'I stabbed him twice in the back, but I only wanted him to free Saichai.' He told the court that he had not been able to see where he had thrust the knife because it had been dark.

Mr Jones's sister, Amanda, said that her brother had left England three years before his death to teach English in Thailand.

She said that when she visited him in late 2005, he had seemed 'extremely happy' with Saichai and their year-old son, Eddie.

They had lived in Son Chantee's house in Pakchong, 120km from Bangkok. However, tensions arose when Son moved back into the home. Ms Jones said: '(Son) didn't like Mark (and Saichai) felt she was torn between them.'

Son Chantee's trial for murder in Thailand will begin in August.

- The Electric Newspaper (Singapore)

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A sad story indeed.

Did he, by any chance, buy a house and put it in the wife's name?

Sounds reminiscent of a similar story about 15 years where mother-in-law had a farang husband murdered..............

Ofcourse an the money for the bail came from......................yes you are right. the Brit ofcourse , Im sure the wife had acces to his accounts, GREAT

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So he was released on bail. So what does that mean, He more than likely admitted his guilt and is awaiting his turn in hel_l. They probally feel he will not run, regrets his actions and accepts that he will be imprisoned and condemed to a life in hel_l.

Sure it could be as many of you guys believe that the Thai system is predudist towards forieners but I believe you base you assumption on a limited amount of cases and dont take into account how the justice system really opperates there. Lets face it our world and outlooks are different so it would be hard to get the real perspective on how thing real are. The average Thai regime ( not taking into account corruption are associations) follow their policies and proceedures like machines. The rules get followed or you go thru the system or the sytem will......

Ive hear 1st hand how hard life is in the prison system for falang and we have got it easy. An average thai without connections and short of cash is in for an experience most of us would relate to hel_l. His life even if he go out would never be the same.

As they can let him out on bail they do probally out of compasion knowing whats ahead for him.

One thing that differs from us is the issue of the level of "compasion" they have for us. In most cases probally not a lot. We are and will never be of there Blood. Like it or not.

I do feel for the victim but believe most of you people have it in for the Thai way of doing thing. I'm sure it is because there society is different is why most of you are there in the first place.

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