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Lack Of Chicken Sauce Led To Shootout In Pattaya


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The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish, and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he truly is his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengance and furious anger those that attempt to POISON AND SKIMP ON THE CHICKEN SAUCE, and you will know my name is the lord when I lay my vengence upon thee

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2 Stories:

Story 1.

The Shop owner was the GF's ex-boy friend...

he dumped her earlier for no fancy reason.

so she makes a new BF who has a gun,

takes him to the shop, eats up all the free sauce kept on the table, empties bottle.....

tells new BF to go get sauce immediately....

shop owner sees ex-GF with new man...feels Jealous......and says sauce later....

GF says SAUCE NOW !!.......

shop owner says...sauce later...no sauce now...

GF frowns...get sauce or no beaver tonite.....

new BF pulls gun and shoots old BF.....bullet scrapes thru with a flesh wound....

police comes controls situation....

GF has toilet problems next day coz of eating all that sauce......

but feels good ex-BF taught lesson...new BF away on charges.....

the soi dog nearby lives happily ever after.

Story 2.

the shop owner is a hard worker

works hard.... to somehow make ends meet and tries hard to educate his kids

so they become literate and have prosperous lives......has kids going to college too.

one such educated kids comes home on a holiday.....

says to pops why do you give tea money to cops...its extortion and against the law

shop owner says no to cops.......cops warn him of consequences......

get shot by a stray bullet...just a flesh wound as a warning....

press is reported to as "shop owner was shot Coz of Sauce"

Press reports headlines as "SAUCE COZ"

educated kid sent back to college and said to: Please keep your Good advice to yourself...

finish your studies and stay lame as lamb.....

and the soi dog nearby lives happily ever after.

Moral of stories....

soi dog always wins...and chases farangs at free will.....

Do some creative writing folks....exercise the minds....

i just thought up 5 angles to this episode......

Moderator will allow only 2 per member...LOL

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They claim the US has the highest number of guns in the world... I'm willing to bet that Thailand or Bangkok alone is more saturated than any US State. That, and Thai men have the mentality of a 4-year old. I certainly feel much safer here in the US.

The headline is misleading though -- isn't a "shootout" something where both parties are shooting at each other?

Edited by theajarn
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why did they want more chicken sauce if they could not clear the bowl they had 

elementary, my dear watson

you dont know the size of BOWL for this perticular sauce do you? its about 1.5 inches wide and 3 cm. deep.

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The Thai male ego, loss of face in front of the GF, and a 9mm handgun - definitely a recipe for chicken sauce.

Those are universal young male traits (with or without the handgun) as so many of the Thai Visa reports of farangs-gone-berserk in Pattaya and Phuket demonstrate and as far as saving face is concerned, all you have to do is read all the rants of "righteous indignation" posted by farang on TV every day to realize that feeling slighted or unloved or looked down upon is endemic amongst the thin skinned tourists and foreign residents who get in a major snit over the most trivial of things.

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So this mad Thai dude fires 10 shots and missed? That would cause a bigger loss of face in many countries.

Better not go and eat there the next couple of days, the food can be full of lead.

I hope they catch him soon.

This country is turning into a old style Western Cowboy movie, everybody is carrying a gun or have one handysad.png .

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For all you people who use this as another reason to hammer 'all Thai males', this sort of thing also happens in the US (e.g., http://www.nbcnews.com/id/18948833/ns/us_news-weird_news/t/wendys-manager-shot-over-limit-chili-sauce/#.UaXoPZxaefM). Would probably happen in other countries too, but most of them are smart enough to keep guns out of the hands of idiots.

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For all you people who use this as another reason to hammer 'all Thai males', this sort of thing also happens in the US (e.g., http://www.nbcnews.com/id/18948833/ns/us_news-weird_news/t/wendys-manager-shot-over-limit-chili-sauce/#.UaXoPZxaefM). Would probably happen in other countries too, but most of them are smart enough to keep guns out of the hands of idiots.

Yeah, but civilized customers know not to shoot but rather to call in the authorities when the food isn't done right:

Dispatcher: 911, what is your emergency?

McLennon: Um, hi. My name is Rother McLennon and I’m

at Grateful Deli. I specifically asked for um little um, turkey, and

little um ham and a lot of cheese and a lot of mayonnaise…and they are

giving me a hard time so I was wondering if you could stop by and just…

Edited by Jingthing
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Fistfights reportedly ensued, but the patron retreated because he was smaller. The man and his girlfriend sped away on motorcycle, but 5 minutes later he was back in a black car (Mr. Sakpadung said he could not remember the type and license plate number) and started shooting into the shop, causing other patrons to flee in terror. Mr. Sakpadung said the man fired 10 rounds in total before driving away.

So there was a fist fight that ensued resulting in the customer running away the loser only to come back with a gun... now that makes much more sense.

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I bet the guy will think twice when someone asks for a bit of extra sauce. Hasnt he heard the customer is always right?

In Pattaya, the customer is often wrong, in the way or just plain inconsiderate for expecting service. Haven't you felt like you were intruding when a shop assistant is busy preening and you approach for help, only to be given attitude?

I tried that once. A buddy and I sat down at an outdoor, slowly rotating bar on some side soi to Walking Street. We ordered drinks and got them served swiftly by one of the girls. The only transgender/ladyboy staff of the bunch suddenly turned to us and said "give me tip". I asked why. She asked where we were from. I answered, Sweden. Then she started badmouthing cheap Swedes, working herself up, eventually becoming loud and threatening. We did not talk back. Said absolutely nothing, as a matter of fact. We just sat there with that idiotic, surprised look on our faces. At this point, some of the other staff looked uncomfortable. We quickly paid what we owed and left.

I have no idea why this happened.

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I bet the guy will think twice when someone asks for a bit of extra sauce. Hasnt he heard the customer is always right?

In Pattaya, the customer is often wrong, in the way or just plain inconsiderate for expecting service. Haven't you felt like you were intruding when a shop assistant is busy preening and you approach for help, only to be given attitude?

Not looking forward to my holiday in the uk,same same mate

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traffic checkpoints should search for weapons, wondering how many register will be found

I live in east Pattaya, away from the City,and they have regular road blocks every night that change location,They are not worried about helmets etc that,s done in the day time by the city police who come over and get a lot of tea money, the local police + volunteers are mainly after guns and drugs,and they are doing a good job.clap2.gif

Police stoped me this morning ,road check.

He asked for :"dive lises" wich i showed him,he wanted money ,i said "no money -no fraud" he said "this is Thailand" i said "no money" then he asked for

"isuans" i showed him the papers,then he wanted to see the boo book ,I have it in my home because when they steal my car they have all the papers,so i never keep them in the car,this was stupid of me ? Anny way ,he asked for my licence again (wich he copied allready) and i knew he wanted to keep it ,so i said it's mine ,dont give it,he then tried to take my car keys ,but i was quicker and closed my window .By that time my wife was loosing it ,instead of support me she was yelling "pay pay" ,finaly she jumped out and went to pay the thieves ! 400 bht, i smiled at the f*cking fraud ( no number ,no name tag) and said "you steal from thai lady,bah!" and i drove off.

Next time i'll try some pepper-sp32?beatdeadhorse.gif

lesson learned then,do not drive in the day when the city tea brigade are out,safer in the night with a couple of beers(a couple only)when the local cops are mainly stopping Thai,s, looking for guns ,drugs etc,,, get your wife to drive you around anywaythumbsup.gif

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The Thai male ego, loss of face in front of the GF, and a 9mm handgun - definitely a recipe for chicken sauce.

While I am in no way defending the brutish conduct of the Thai thug, we also have this type of "He disrespected me" mentality back in the USA. Blowing some one away over chicken sauce...

Hope the miscreant does some hard time.

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The Thai male ego, loss of face in front of the GF, and a 9mm handgun - definitely a recipe for chicken sauce.

Those are universal young male traits (with or without the handgun) as so many of the Thai Visa reports of farangs-gone-berserk in Pattaya and Phuket demonstrate and as far as saving face is concerned, all you have to do is read all the rants of "righteous indignation" posted by farang on TV every day to realize that feeling slighted or unloved or looked down upon is endemic amongst the thin skinned tourists and foreign residents who get in a major snit over the most trivial of things.

Please don't try to defend the all too common Thai male traits of over-reaction accompanied by extreme violence by saying us 'farangs' are also prone to it. It happens in the west, but not nearly to the same extent as you see here.

When you and your countrymen finally confront this country's problems instead of blaming others and looking for excuses, we'll all feel that bit safer, and Thailand will be a better place for all.

Edited by LucidLucifer
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I bet the guy will think twice when someone asks for a bit of extra sauce. Hasnt he heard the customer is always right?

In Pattaya, the customer is often wrong, in the way or just plain inconsiderate for expecting service. Haven't you felt like you were intruding when a shop assistant is busy preening and you approach for help, only to be given attitude?
I tried that once. A buddy and I sat down at an outdoor, slowly rotating bar on some side soi to Walking Street. We ordered drinks and got them served swiftly by one of the girls. The only transgender/ladyboy staff of the bunch suddenly turned to us and said "give me tip". I asked why. She asked where we were from. I answered, Sweden. Then she started badmouthing cheap Swedes, working herself up, eventually becoming loud and threatening. We did not talk back. Said absolutely nothing, as a matter of fact. We just sat there with that idiotic, surprised look on our faces. At this point, some of the other staff looked uncomfortable. We quickly paid what we owed and left.

I have no idea why this happened.

I understand your thinking "Why this over reaction?" But don't look for any logical reason, logic has nothing to do with this behaviour. The ladyboy simply tried to bully you into leaving a tip- because it has worked before. You did the right thing by leaving. And it would not have mattered if you were German, Chinese, Peruvian, the biatch would have still labeled you as a "cheap charlie."

Amazing Thailand...

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In Pattaya, the customer is often wrong, in the way or just plain inconsiderate for expecting service. Haven't you felt like you were intruding when a shop assistant is busy preening and you approach for help, only to be given attitude?

Ahh the Land of smiles!

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