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Surrounded By "enemy" Nationals On A Baht Bus; Confused As To Proper Etiquette

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Normally when I encounter crowds of drunk blokes, I try and engage them in political discussion of a sensitive nature. Or I would if I was trying to cut down on my number of teeth.


What I meant is that I wouldn't deny my nationality. If they asked more I wouldn't avoid the subject if it was what I believed. They would then have the opportunity to refute my beliefs.

Least said, soonest mended, though, eh?

Out of courtesy, particularly to Iranians, I avoid discussion of religion or politics with them, as while the worst I'll receive for my opinions is a bit of a kicking, that may not be true for them.


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I would like to ask all "Americans" (those from the US) to please never say your Canadian. We would want the rest of the world to think we are douche bags like you!! But if you are like most "Americans" (US) and you're only tough when in a crowd and you need to feel like you want to say your Canadian, it's ok because most Canadians hate "Americans" (US) too!! (Yes it's because of you idiot government and its "world policing")

Sorry, it's too late. Your green card is in the mail. Welcome to the crowd, tough guy! crazy.gif


I just dont think that you discuss your political or religious beliefs with a baht bus full of drunks! I dont even discuss these things with my friends, when they are drunk, whats the point?

It's a great way to reinforce one's feelings of victimisation. Even better if you've had a few yourself as well.




I had an opinion about the Palestinian situation and had no problem discussing it with any of the hoards of Israelis roaming around Thailand.


I think you a just a coward. Not meant to be an insult, just my opinion of how you behaved.

Can't wait to hear from you when you meant to insult. rolleyes.gif

But I reckon you're too busy chasing down and confronting Israelis who I'm sure mostly didn't come to Thailand to discuss the Palestinian situation.

I'm actually not really bothered by your insult. Don't be a wimp now -- it WAS an insult. My conscious strategy in Pattaya which I do regard as somewhat of a dangerous city in so many ways is AVOIDANCE of potential conflicts that might result in physical harm. My motivation is really selfish. I want to take care of my body and keep it intact. But I could understand if some people think that is a cowardly approach. I'm not saying I will never fight if there is reason enough or no choice, but I am definitely looking to NOT fight. I am no macho and I am not ashamed of it.


SC: or to reinforce feelings of self righteous superiority- which many of my compatriots seem to enjoy when they get a chance to take a dig at our neighbors south of the 49th.


I can't even believe some suggest OP should have bonded with a huge group of drunk iranians :rolleyes:

I would have left the baht bus asap, actually I wouldn't have entered a bus packed with foreign men at all, you never know what might happen in this situation being the outsider in a large group of drunks :whistling:


I can't even believe some suggest OP should have bonded with a huge group of drunk iranians rolleyes.gif

I would have left the baht bus asap, actually I wouldn't have entered a bus packed with foreign men at all, you never know what might happen in this situation being the outsider in a large group of drunks whistling.gif

It could be some might be hoping for some Grade A Schadenfreude, you know, long hospital stays, that kind of thing ...

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I've lost track of this topic.

I actually can't believe it's continuing

It seems you are easily amazed ...

It is amazing Thailand....

Have you been on a baht bus since?

Have you been checking who's on it before you sit down?

No one says you have to interact with them and bla bla

I still don't get what the problem is


It is amazing Thailand....

Have you been on a baht bus since?

Have you been checking who's on it before you sit down?

No one says you have to interact with them and bla bla

I still don't get what the problem is


No. (Getting from point A to point B is the goal. There isn't generally time to perform a demographic survey and sobriety tests of the passengers. The bus stops. You board. End of story. I only won't board if there is no SPACE to sit.)

I know. (In the situation I described, however, I WAS pressured to interact but I chose not to. That was awkward and not a comfortable feeling.)

I didn't use the term: problem. That's YOUR bag, dude.

You also seem obsessed about the BAHT BUS aspect of this story. I have made it quite clear, and others seem to have no trouble comprehending, it is about a BIGGER subject.


It is amazing Thailand....

Have you been on a baht bus since?

Have you been checking who's on it before you sit down?

No one says you have to interact with them and bla bla

I still don't get what the problem is


No. (Getting from point A to point B is the goal. There isn't generally time to perform a demographic survey and sobriety tests of the passengers. The bus stops. You board. End of story. I only won't board if there is no SPACE to sit.)

I know. (In the situation I described, however, I WAS pressured to interact but I chose not to. That was awkward and not a comfortable feeling.)

I didn't use the term: problem. That's YOUR bag, dude.

You also seem obsessed about the BAHT BUS aspect of this story. I have made it quite clear, and others seem to have no trouble comprehending, it is about a BIGGER subject.

That you were scared to admit you were American. That's it.

In future wear a t shirt with an arrow pointing to the left saying I'm with an American.

Or alternatively put on your USA bikini!


That you were scared to admit you were American. That's it.

In future wear a t shirt with an arrow pointing to the left saying I'm with an American.

Or alternatively put on your USA bikini!

You're assuming that would have made the ride more comfortable. I reckoned ... NOT.




Came back to this thread and I still feel the same sick feeling. The Israelis to whom I spoke had no problem with speaking. They just didn't have any kind of knowledge or intelligence to impart on the subject. I spoke to a lot of them over time. Even in the country in which they reside.

Drunken Iranians? Ridiculous. If you suggested that they were menacing and aggressive, it would be a different story. Sorry but just sickened to my stomach with your cowardice and bigotry.

They were there to have a good time, just like you. If you don't like Iranians, then perhaps you should try a place that they don't currently visit.

You probably riled everyone with your actions, much more than if you smiled and god forbid joined in with the fun.


Surrounded by enemy nationals on a baht bus and confused as to proper etiquette?

Why didn't the OP simple step back, step off, spend an extra 10 Baht and take the next Baht Bus.

Hopefully that might have been full of drunk amorous woman ... licklips.gif



Came back to this thread and I still feel the same sick feeling. The Israelis to whom I spoke had no problem with speaking. They just didn't have any kind of knowledge or intelligence to impart on the subject. I spoke to a lot of them over time. Even in the country in which they reside.

Drunken Iranians? Ridiculous. If you suggested that they were menacing and aggressive, it would be a different story. Sorry but just sickened to my stomach with your cowardice and bigotry.

They were there to have a good time, just like you. If you don't like Iranians, then perhaps you should try a place that they don't currently visit.

You probably riled everyone with your actions, much more than if you smiled and god forbid joined in with the fun.

Feeling sick? Take a pill or something.

Glad to hear you are a friend of Israel. Same here! Zionism rocks and so does Palestinian nationalism. Here's hoping for a two state solution by the end of the year.

You question that the gang of Iranians was drunk? I can't help you there. I know what drunk people are like. I live in Pattaya.

I did already say they were aggressive. Menacing, not really, but as anyone knows, drunk people are unpredictable and as a large drunken group, I could not have possibly known this SPECIFIC group's politics or feelings about Americans, especially Americans not willing to voice anti-American propaganda at them. So I perceived them as POTENTIALLY menacing again because of the size of the group. the drunkenness, and their behavior.

Why do you assume I was out to have a good time? Do you know me? Do you think everyone living in Pattaya is partying all the time? (Bizarre!)

I just was going to my destination in a normal way. If I was going to a dentist's appointment or grocery shopping, would you say I was out to have a good time? Not seeking a drunken party bus. I realize sometimes in Pattaya that is what you get, a drunken party bus but I wasn't in the mood. Perhaps I was feeling SICK, like you. Do you like to party when you are feeling sick? Me either.

I don't think they were exactly riled. I reached my destination without incident, albeit with discomfort. I can't know what would have happened if I had engaged this large drunken group. Sir, stop spreading unfounded dirt that I don't like Iranians. I never said that. That's your trip. I LOVE the diversity of Pattaya. My only complaint is the balance is out of whack with too many Russians, not because they are Russians but because they DOMINATE the tourist market here, as they dilute the greater diversity that would be possible if not only one group dominated. You've stereotyped me wrong as some kind of racist. Wrong, wrong, wrong. That negativity, that sick feeling you have, is all about you; nothing about me.


Why didn't the OP simple step back, step off, spend an extra 10 Baht and take the next Baht Bus.


We've been over this already.

Mate, what post was that?

What was the reason?



That you were scared to admit you were American. That's it.

In future wear a t shirt with an arrow pointing to the left saying I'm with an American.

Or alternatively put on your USA bikini!

You're assuming that would have made the ride more comfortable. I reckoned ... NOT.



But bus rides are far from comfortable regardless who's on the with you.


Why didn't the OP simple step back, step off, spend an extra 10 Baht and take the next Baht Bus.


We've been over this already.

Because he's a cheap Charlie....


I think we know that it's all about you.You began this ridiculous thread asking for opinions. So now you are getting them. I think that you are a coward.

As to whether I know you. I have certainly seen you. None of that is relevant. You should be brave even to stand up for who you are....otherwise you are a coward. If you are from the USA and proud of it, then say so. You are in Pattaya, not Iran. Disgusting.


I think we know that it's all about you.You began this ridiculous thread asking for opinions. So now you are getting them. I think that you are a coward.

As to whether I know you. I have certainly seen you. None of that is relevant. You should be brave even to stand up for who you are....otherwise you are a coward. If you are from the USA and proud of it, then say so. You are in Pattaya, not Iran. Disgusting.

You've already called me a coward before. Do you feel it's necessary to repeat that, again and again? Just in case anyone missed it. Weird. Maybe you think I should have a big red COWARD tattoo stamped on my forehead, would that do it for ya?

In my opinion, there is brave and there is foolhardy. Why look for potential trouble when surrounded by a large crowd of aggressive drunks?

You seem to think that nationalities which are in conflict in the greater world are all magically not in conflict in Pattaya. All the time. In all instances. I don't believe that. I think yes for the most part people don't want to bring those conflicts here, but doesn't mean it can't happen and doesn't happen sometimes.

Also note, you're projecting again. I didn't say I was PROUD of being from the USA. Where you are from is an accident of birth. Being proud about that is kind of stupid, I think. I do feel LUCKY to be born American but I would feel luckier if I had been born Canadian, a country which I feel is a better fit for my temperament and values. I did say I approve of my government's policies that try to put pressure on the Iranian regime. Not the same thing as being "proud" of being from the USA.

Yes, I was seeking opinions on etiquette. I was not seeking relentless personal insults such as you obviously feel compelled to launch.

The thread is so ridiculous for you, and it makes you physically sick, yet for some strange reason you can't keep away from it. Strangeness.

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Because he's a cheap Charlie....

The actual reason was already covered. How repetitive must this thread be?

Indeed, how repetitive can the Baht Bus topic be?

Good question ... clap2.gif



I think we know that it's all about you.You began this ridiculous thread asking for opinions. So now you are getting them. I think that you are a coward.

As to whether I know you. I have certainly seen you. None of that is relevant. You should be brave even to stand up for who you are....otherwise you are a coward. If you are from the USA and proud of it, then say so. You are in Pattaya, not Iran. Disgusting.

You've already called me a coward. Do you feel it's necessary to repeat that, again and again? Weird.

In my opinion, there is brave and there is foolhardy. Why look for potential trouble when surrounded by a large crowd of aggressive drunks?

You seem to think that nationalities which are in conflict in the greater world are all magically not in conflict in Pattaya. All the time. In all instances. I don't believe that. I think yes for the most part people don't want to bring those conflicts here, but doesn't mean it can't happen and doesn't happen sometimes.

Also note, you're projecting again. I didn't say I was PROUD of being from the USA. Where you are from is an accident of birth. Being proud about that is kind of stupid, I think. I did say I approve of my government's policies that try to put pressure on the Iranian regime. Not the same thing.

I was seeking opinions on etiquette. Not relentless personal attacks such as you obviously feel compelled to launch.

The thread is so ridiculous for you, and it makes you physically sick, yet for some strange reason you can't keep away from it. Strangeness.

Your continued defence of your behaviour makes me feel ill.

All of a sudden they are "aggressive drunks". That is certainly out of step with your original statement.

Here to refresh your memory:

So last night I boarded a baht bus and it was chock full with drunken, singing happy IRANIAN young men (30ish) having a grand tourism time.

You asked for advice and mine is to not be a bigoted coward. Soft war, crap. Curdles my stomach to watch your wriggling.


Read the thread, dude. I later went on to describe how the population of the truck was pressuring me to engage with them. I call that aggressive behavior.

My behavior. Refusing to engage with drunks when I didn't wish to. Inexcusable. Call the authorities!

As far as the soft war between the USA and Iran, that is my opinion of the situation, yes. That doesn't mean an actual war is inevitable. Hopefully, not.

There are unavoidable signs that the U.S. and Iran are engaged in
significant covert actions against each other, including cyber war.
Among the alleged covert activities that have been reported are:


BTW, since you think you know me, you're welcome to introduce yourself sometime so that we can discuss Middle East politics.


Because he's a cheap Charlie....

The actual reason was already covered. How repetitive must this thread be?

Indeed, how repetitive can the Baht Bus topic be?

Good question ... Posted Image


It's jingthing favourite subject

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