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Broad spectrum treatment for food ingested parasites


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I don't know if there is a single drug that covers them all. Truth is I don't know what's wrong with me but considering I've never taken any worm medication and my problem seems to be centered on my GI tract, I thought maybe I should take some meds and rule out a parasite as being the source of the problem.

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By no means am i an expert, but I just went through this not too long ago. I had a similar inkling and had been going to different "doctors" for quite a while, and hearing the same bs from them. I had done numerous tests, stool, blood, etc- everything came back negative. I was told that Thai food is too spicy for farang, handed some antibiotics on occasion, and sent home.

Couple weeks back I took matters into my own hands and bought some albendazole, followed a protocol that I found on the net, and then crapped out a bunch of (what damn sure looked like) worms a few days later. No tests done on the stool but I have never seen anything that looked remotely similar in my stool ever before. Feeling better now!

I went even further and got some praziquantel for tapeworm. My wife and I both took it, and just this week she passed about two feet of decomposing something.

AFAIK, the threshold for these drugs are fairly wide- Ive been told that you can take albendazole for up to 21 days for some conditions. I think, barring any preexisting liver problems (which you should get tested for), taking these drugs is pretty harmless. (Although Prazi made me loopy- dizzy and tired)

Ive been looking for natural remedies for parasites, but I havent found any of the ingredients I have heard you need (wormwood, black walnut hulls, and cloves) in Thailand.

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Couple weeks back I took matters into my own hands and bought some albendazole, followed a protocol that I found on the net, and then crapped out a bunch of (what dam_n sure looked like) worms a few days later. No tests done on the stool but I have never seen anything that looked remotely similar in my stool ever before. Feeling better now!

What course did you follow? I've done a couple of pharmacist recommend one day deals, but then read on the interweb that some of the nasties can take up to 30 days to kill.

I'm especially worried about the food that's made up of ground up crabs and other goodies that they don't seem to cook before tossing them into a salad. Several co-workers of mine got liver flukes while working overseas (not Thailand, BTW) and traced it back to poorly cooked "fish products".

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Good questions good answers.

I always wondered about fluke, from fish? from sushi?

(Please note i discovered that many GI problems can be caused from regularly drinking alcohol, simply from giving it up for a spell.)

I did a bunch of research on this years ago and i started making anti parasite salad: raw garlic onions carrots tomatos and pumpkin seeds.

I now eat raw garlic regularly which is good for so many things.

Oddly the thais rarely complain about the smell even if i ask.

So good things come from bad dealing with bad things.

Edited by infinity11
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I bought both the Praziquantel and the Albendazole OTC here in BKK. Albendazole is everywhere, I'd be willing to bet that every pharmacy has it. Cheap too- something like 40thb per 400mg dose.

The Prazi is harder to find- I ended up getting my pharmacy to order it for me.

As for the dose, I did Albendazole (400mg) 2x day for one week.

You can find some of this info in the other thread here...

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I bought both the Praziquantel and the Albendazole OTC here in BKK. Albendazole is everywhere, I'd be willing to bet that every pharmacy has it. Cheap too- something like 40thb per 400mg dose.

The Prazi is harder to find- I ended up getting my pharmacy to order it for me.

As for the dose, I did Albendazole (400mg) 2x day for one week.

What was the prazi dose and duration?


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