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Pattaya's bad press


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Not commenting on the rest of the article but really question:

Pattaya. A sleazy tourist town on the Gulf of Thailand, it has become infamous as a sordid magnet for trafficked children and paedophiles.
"In the old days in Pattaya sex workers would be women but now they are girls and boys”
Sudjai Nakpain
Social worker
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The newspaper article severely criticises the authorities, the police in particular. But how much blame to the parents accept? Not too much, if any at all.

It's bad enough that under age Thai kids are exploited by Thais, but it's worse that adults from western countries travel to Thailand specifically to target these children for their own weird, sexual gratification.

What are the business owners doing, the hotel workers, adult sex workers, Thai and farang tourists who visit Pattaya, when they see these under age kids being exploited?

Society as a whole should take more of an active duty in bringing the perpetrators to justice, rather than closing a blind eye whenever it crosses their path.

You can't put all the blame on Pattaya. It has always been a red light district, but despite that, law and order should prevail wherever children are exposed to moral danger.

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The phrase "It has become infamous as a sordid magnet for trafficked children and paedophiles" could just as well be applied to the BBC. The BBC seems to have developed something of an interest in Pattaya in recent years. Probably some of their employees want an excuse to spend time here.

I think they're trying to find a distraction from their own problems involving children. It will interesting to see how many new versions of BBC will appear instead of British Broadcasting Corporation. I'll throw "B*ggering Britain's Children" out as a starter.

Anyway, everybody loves to bash Pattaya, and of course BBC is going to sensationalize the "news". I'm not going to defend Pattaya, as it has lots of problems and a city hall administration with its collective head up its arse.But I just don't see what they're talking about. As a matter of fact, I would bet Pattaya has the oldest and nastiest looking bar girls in Thailand. Ages ago, I remember hearing that girls start into the business in Bangkok then move on to Phuket once they get a few too many miles on them. But once they're pretty much washed up and looking nasty, they go to Pattaya. From what I've seen, I believe it's true.

Edited by Wavefloater
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There are very serious issues in Western countries regards the sexual explotation of children The BBC has reported that in the UK 14,600 children are reported missing every year. 1% (146) disappear forever; what's happened to them?

The USA is the largest producer in the world of child pornography, with Russia second. Be good for the media to step up to the mark and concentrate on the places where these events are happening.

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We expats all know what Pattaya has on offering; good, the bad, and the ugly.

But, warts and all, we still choose to live here. And why ? Because it has so much more to offer than our native countries.

You may like it there. I like it there just fine, warts and all.

But to claim it has more to offer than (just about any country in) Europe or the USA completely ruined the credibility of your comment.

I can find a tiny patch of Galveston, Texas that has just about everything I can find in Pattaya, much less the whole USA. And Galveston is no great shakes in the hierarchy of US beach towns.

And what Pattaya does have that my country doesn't have- is exactly what the article is about...

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As much as I love living in Pattaya I have to agree with the article 100%. It is all that.

Like jingthing says, I also don't see all of the sub-surface crap that goes on here because I simply am not into the seedy parts of Pattaya. The only time I go into the city is if I have something to do there like buy something, go to certain businesses etc. I am happy to enjoy my wobbly pops at home away from all the reprobates.

Yes it's there. All you need to do is read the news etc. however Pattaya also has a LOT of great things to offer.

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A brothel serving drinks isn't a bar, it's a brothel.

A sleazy sex tourist resort with a few straight tourists, some golf courses and a water-park isn't a family resort, it's still a sleazy sex tourist resort.

Granted the amenities there are many and varied now and do afford quite a comfortable life of easy access to western products etc for resident farang ex-pats, but Pattaya's apologists and those who try to pass it off as an improving area with diversity and lots to offer all types are on the weakest ground in Thailand, the sex industry is still the engine that drives Pattaya, without it the place would wither and die.

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Granted the amenities there are many and varied now and do afford quite a comfortable life of easy access to western products etc for resident farang ex-pats, but Pattaya's apologists and those who try to pass it off as an improving area with diversity and lots to offer all types are on the weakest ground in Thailand, the sex industry is still the engine that drives Pattaya, without it the place would wither and die.

I might have agreed with you five years ago. Not now.

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. This kind of unfair trashing of an emerging great city is totally despicable!

An emerging 'Great City' is there another Pattaya then? the only one I have been to is a badly developed, dirty open air brothel full of sex tourists and mostly ugly prostitutes, to be fair.

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. This kind of unfair trashing of an emerging great city is totally despicable!

An emerging 'Great City' is there another Pattaya then? the only one I have been to is a badly developed, dirty open air brothel full of sex tourists and mostly ugly prostitutes, to be fair.

Many great cities started as brothels. I think most of the trashers haven't been here for a long stay in a long time (or ever), haven't been here at all, and certainly don't live here. I didn't say it's a great city NOW. I can see it's heading that way. Yes it may take 50 years. Sure.

Edited by Jingthing
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Granted the amenities there are many and varied now and do afford quite a comfortable life of easy access to western products etc for resident farang ex-pats, but Pattaya's apologists and those who try to pass it off as an improving area with diversity and lots to offer all types are on the weakest ground in Thailand, the sex industry is still the engine that drives Pattaya, without it the place would wither and die.

I might have agreed with you five years ago. Not now.

I agree. A "critical mass" has been reached and the city will continue developing and growing even without a large P4P scene. Just look at the scores of Russians and the million (it seem like) Thais coming here every weekend.

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On a recent day trip to pattaya with the missus, I was disappointed with the filthy beach more than the amount of sexpats.

your observations are sadly true. Pattaya is often described as a seedy beach resort. Take away the beach, and all that's left is seedy.

Give the beach some tlc, and it really can be a wonderful resort for all, not just the seedy types.

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I have been around Pattaya for about 23/24 years ,firstly as a player and then as a married man with a family ,in all that time i have never ever seen or been offered a child sex worker , when i first came here the bar girls were younger ,16 up ,now they seem more in the region of 20 plus up, in the past 10 years everything has changed ,no matter what the "Pattaya would die without the bars" crowd say ,those days are over ,yes there are hundreds of bars ,most half empty and i doubt if many actually make a profit,its now a tourist town ,something you never saw 20 years ago , if all the bars closed ,things would carry on ,just the single male tourists would dry up .

as for the article ,its just crap ,written by a lazy writer who just rehashes rubbish .This doesnt mean that child sex does not go on here ,i am sure it does ,as it does in london ,Birmingham ,New York and especially at the BBC.

One other thing ,i have met this woman at a friends bar ,i am sure she believes what she says ,but she is full of sh-t.

Not singling out the US, but quite a few appear to be in denial of what is occuring with child sexual explotation in Western countries. As mentioned above US is the worlds's largest provider of child pornography, as well as a considerable level of child prostitution. This needs to be taken account when referencing Western countires in the context of Pattaya/Thailand. Also from the URL below.

"We've had a hard time solidifying statistics at first, because research in the United States is not as collected as international statistics so we have found that 100,000 to 300,000 American children are sex slaves in the United States"


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There are very serious issues in Western countries regards the sexual explotation of children The BBC has reported that in the UK 14,600 children are reported missing every year. 1% (146) disappear forever; what's happened to them?

The USA is the largest producer in the world of child pornography, with Russia second. Be good for the media to step up to the mark and concentrate on the places where these events are happening.

The USA is not the largest producer. The laws are very strict. Read this:


The problem is that the production centers have moved from North America to Asia, Eastern Europe, and India. There have also been small production centers in Central and South America.


The new epicenter in the world for the production of child pornography is Eastern Europe. Two of the major reasons behind this are the collapse of these countries' economics and law enforcement agencies. There are many parts in Eastern Europe, there is a feeling that "anything is allowed" as long as you split some of your profits with the local mafia. This "anything is allowed" feeling also goes for the massive production of erotica and pornography involving children.

And this should help show what countries are doing about this. Many aren't doing enough:



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There are very serious issues in Western countries regards the sexual explotation of children The BBC has reported that in the UK 14,600 children are reported missing every year. 1% (146) disappear forever; what's happened to them?

The USA is the largest producer in the world of child pornography, with Russia second. Be good for the media to step up to the mark and concentrate on the places where these events are happening.

The USA is not the largest producer. The laws are very strict. Read this:


The problem is that the production centers have moved from North America to Asia, Eastern Europe, and India. There have also been small production centers in Central and South America.


The new epicenter in the world for the production of child pornography is Eastern Europe. Two of the major reasons behind this are the collapse of these countries' economics and law enforcement agencies. There are many parts in Eastern Europe, there is a feeling that "anything is allowed" as long as you split some of your profits with the local mafia. This "anything is allowed" feeling also goes for the massive production of erotica and pornography involving children.

And this should help show what countries are doing about this. Many aren't doing enough:



laws are strict but look at what the US Dept of Justice has to say.

"The United States Department of Justice estimates that pornographers have recorded the abuse of more than one million children in the United States alone"

Maybe the volume of child pornograpy has dropped in the US since 2010 when there were media reports talking to the US as the number one source country, with Russia second e.g. a UPI report:


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I have lived in Pattaya for 8 years (work near by) and I do not run into this kind of "low life". Why? Because I am not looking for it..it is not in my face so those reporters must really be sniffing around for underage sex workers in the city. I agree with one of the comments, --the trashy beaches and polluted bay is more upsetting. True, this kind of reporting about Pattaya is becoming old news. Why not report about the positive changes. I've seen some since I have been here. Russian, Chinese, and Indian families coming to Pattaya for vacations verses only the sexpat and "sex-newsreporters."

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